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Shadows of My Heart (knight)

Local Time:
9:17 PM
Nov 10, 2022
The axe could be heard finding something softer than the trees to lay into, and a squelching could be heard. Angelique raised her bow and hit a second attacker straight in the eyes, even as he began to come for her. She cursed silently and stood, hating that she would have to leave her kill behind. But she couldn’t afford to be hurt with this, not now.
Local Time:
12:17 AM
Nov 9, 2022
The guardian held out his hand, sniffing the air a bit, his features becoming more beast like as he tapped into the beast underneath a bit. His palm flickered with dark energy, his axe wrenching from the dirt and whatever was left of the man he killed with it. It spun backwards on its path, into its masters hands. He moved backwards a step, pulling back towards the young princess. "Go, back to our territory."
Local Time:
9:17 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She blinked at the noise the axe gave and she shivered lightly. He truly was very, very strong. She briefly thought about how he could use his strength in other scenarios but those got pushed away as his words brought her back to the current moment. “Right, so…where do I start?” She asked, they centered on the clearing, the others in her pack began to watch.
Local Time:
9:17 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(Hey XD I had to give her that thought eventually)

“A little, but as you saw with my weapon,” she mentioned about her bow, “I’m more at a distance..”

(Also I want this fight to be like…really physical if you catch my drift. She’s a young lioness who’s never been bred before soooo she’s gonna have some lewd thoughts that are new to her and I’m assuming he’ll be like just super casual about pinning her into a…certain position but probably even he can’t deny the hard on he feels?)
Local Time:
12:17 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Skath stepped forward once, his feet grinding in the dirt breifly, before he was suddenly in front of her, just like Omi and Emi. He thrusts forward, his hands wide open as he struck her in the stomach with his palm. It snapped her upwards, no more like he had lifted her with his single hand. But she could tell Skath was trying hard to hold back...if it was working anyway...well, he wasn't sure.
Local Time:
9:17 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Angelique became winded all too easily, but to Skath’s surprise, she shifted quickly in the air, and she landed on top of his shoulders, going to flip him over with her thighs. And to be completely fair, she nearly got him down to the ground, with the mere chance of surprise, but what would he do next?
Local Time:
12:17 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As she grot her thighs around Skath's head, something most males probably would kill each other with spoons for in a heart beat, Skath grabbed her thoughts. Aa she swiveled, using her weigh to try to pitch him with all her momentum, getting his body to start to roll.. she felt a odd difference un the move. It was too easy, like she wasn't so much dragging him into the roll but he was taking the ride willingly. His breath tickled up her inner thighs as his body curdled and flipped, his arms like steel clamps as she was unable to do anything but go down with him. He whirled with her, and her back hit the ground first as he came down next. But he didn't event seem winded, he started to pull up, his face pushing deeper between her. Thighs a moment as she was raised up and he slammed her back into the ground with a harsh body slam that shook her bones.
Local Time:
9:17 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Gasping for air as her body slammed into the ground, she looked up at the sky, her vision blurred.

Skath would seem to forget though, Angelique was the daughter of the demon who had trained him. Now, the king had died under mysterious circumstances but, his power lived on in his only heir. It just had to be awakened.

As she was laying there and Skath was hovering over her, she was able to maneuver her legs out and she kicked him back with a force stronger than he would anticipate. As he would be recovering from that blow, she managed to sit up, and her form flickered and soon she appeared in front of Skath again, roundhousing a kick straight into that handsome face of his, knocking him backwards yet again.

Panting, she shifted and appeared where he had landed, her arm raised up and dark energy wrapped around it, her hand turning near animalistic with claws extended.
Local Time:
12:17 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Skath caught himself as he hit the ground, as she raised her arm up, Skath lulled his tongue along his lip with almost a unphazed sense about him. "Your mother hits harder." He said as he shifted his arm upwards, grabbing her wrists as she clawed, knocking her arms aside and then snapping his hands over her ears with ruthless ease, making her ears shriek with pressure and and his blow to her head. He drew back and drove a kick to her ribs next, then seized her from the air by her ankle to throw her along the grass. He touched his head, twisting his neck with a soft pop.

"'Your blood makes you strong, but don't let it make you arrogant."
Local Time:
9:17 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Angelique honestly laid there after each blow, staring up at the sky. Her vision blurred and she coughed weakly, spitting out blood. She trembled as she sat up and looked over at where Skath had been. “Right, I understand,” she spoke and slowly stood. Her beautiful face was now permanently scarred with one long gash. It reached from one brow bone all the way to the opposite cheek, across the bridge of her nose. She clutched at her ribs, pretty sure he had broken a few, and said, “I’m going to my den-“ she didn’t even wait for an answer before she headed there, limping while she did.

Angelique hissed in pain as she settled in her nest, taking some moss and dabbing at the wound on her face, letting it soak up the blood that was welling from it.
Local Time:
12:17 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Skath drew his axe up from the dirt as she left h I m, the crowd in a muttering silence. Some aghast that Skath would bloody the princess ..other less surprised given his reputation as a opponent. He looked at her blood on his hand, , but walked after Angelique, it still was his duty to guard her after all.
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