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Shadows of My Heart (knight)

Local Time:
9:17 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(XD Well im assuming bloodsharing between demons is like a..personal thing, strictly between lovers and family)

She noticed the blade and sat up slightly, wincing as she did. “And what do you plan on using that for? Surely you’re not going to put me down like some dog-“ she half joked but knew most of the time Skath was serious in these matters.
Local Time:
12:17 AM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD do keep in mind you can mention if something is considered special or cultural lol otherwise I'm like "hm
Guess this is normal?")

"No, you're a princess and it's only an injury that is minor. I cannot put you down unless you are begging for death." He said seeming to not even notice the joke. "I'll give you some of my body so that you may heal...I will not tell anyone." He said as he started to place his finger on the edge of the blade. "If you desire it, of course...if not....I can find a medic."
Local Time:
9:17 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She moved her head forward, her lips parted to taste the blood he offered her. Sucking gently, she closed her eyes- letting the small amount trickle down her tongue and throat- feeling her body heal itself. But even Skath couldn’t deny how hot this would make him feel underneath the stern expression he held. Perhaps just a bit more wouldn’t be terrible, and he already promised he’d tell no one..
Local Time:
12:17 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Skath didn't change his expression...well not in a. Meaningful way, his face was too well maintained facade to waver under most things. He had only done this a handful of times, the Queen once needed it herself, comrades in battle, and a loss of a friend long ago. Normally he would draw away...but it was only a fingers worth of blood, and he wouldn't just leave Angelique compromised if he could help it. At least..that was most of the reason. He took a slight breath feeling her suckling out drop by drop of healing blood.
Local Time:
9:17 PM
Nov 10, 2022
After what seemed like an eternity, she pulled back, her eyes opening now and looking at his face. She did notice a slight change from his expression but if she blinked she might have missed it. “Thank you,” she mentioned, biting her own lip in thought and drawing a bit of blood. It was just a bit but the scent would get his attention either way. Demons certainly weren’t vampires, those fantasy creatures didn’t even compare to how bloodthirsty some demons were exactly. Demon blood was definitely like a treat, human blood was basically food for those who didn’t really eat any physical meat..and animal blood was in that category as well.
Local Time:
12:17 AM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD vampires could be just the weakest of Demon Kind, that are so weak that they literally are just like "get out of here, go sleep with the animals, you aren't worthy to be called true demons")

Skath watched jer bite her lip, watched the droop starting to streak gently along her chin, it's scent rolling up gently yo his nose. He shivered very slightly, looking g to the side. "Princess, what-" he muttered to himself
Local Time:
9:17 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(Damn not enough to be recognized by the Demon community XD)

She touched her lip, wiping her chin and felt warm as she overheard what he spoke to himself. She then uttered words she’d never thought she would. “I-I won’t tell anyone you tasted mine..” but she wasn’t talking about her bitten lip at this point. Her vein underneath her neck pulsated steadily, and although a bit…uncouth- still, temptation laid there.
Local Time:
12:17 AM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD would make sense why vampires have to go after humans and animals, because it's like "we aren't even more than livestock to other demons, blood sharing is basically a insult to them, sooooo")

"I couldn't...your mother would never forgive me if she even suspected I would take from you. It's dishonorable." He said starting to lean back, trying to I resist her permission and the temptation.
Local Time:
9:17 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She paused at his words, settling and thinking about how it would feel. But then the temptation still laid there. “Well considering how she put you in place to train me, I’m certain she assumed some lines would be crossed.” She spoke, that pretty head of hers and soft lips were speaking some sense. Her mother had in fact asked Skath once or twice about how he felt towards Angelique but his answer and expression always remained the same.
Local Time:
12:17 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Skath shuffled further, touching his mouth with his palm. "I don't think what your thinking of is training." He said. Mention of her mother only seemed to exacerbate what he felt in some way. After all he defended them both for a long as he had, it felt almost taboo.
Local Time:
9:17 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She listened to the words, her eyes lost in her thoughts. She then spoke it aloud. “I notice,” she began, not making eye contact with him yet, “I notice the way you look at my mother,” she continued, but didn’t sound jealous or sad, like it was an observance on her half. “Demons only mate those who will keep their bloodline strong.” She said next, but this was common knowledge to him. “I may have power running through my veins because of my father, but I have yet to master it…so in that sense I’m still on the weaker end.” Angelique took a moment, her eyes finally coming up to rest on his face, her expression actually hard to read this time. “If that’s the case…I can only wonder what you might see in me, desire or not- I’m especially curious of the other males but..none of them interest me the way you do,” she lightly hummed, leaning back a little. “I’m not saying that I want something between us, I just..want to know how a male such as yourself sees me.”
Local Time:
12:17 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Skath sighed at her admission. "Your mother..." Skath licked his lips, and hissing between his teeth. She could see something there, a thin crack underneath his armor, for once. She could see a tiny drop of sadness...but it was hard to tell if it was from missing out on something...or a memory. But as she brought up what she wanted to know from him, he drew his attention to her again. "You're...a fine woman...your beautiful and brimming with potential. Most males...would more than likely kill each other for the opportunity to be in this room with you." He said shifting his head. "Your mother...and I...knew each other for a long time. I made an attempt to be with her. But she decided that I..." Skath uncharacteristically trailed to a stop...was he...blushing?. " that I was...too young for her tastes. That I should have my attentions on other women, but as her court guard that wasn't particularly a good place to leave such feelings aside. But then she had you...and...if I'm correct...expects me to lay my passion into you."
Local Time:
9:17 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Angelique listened and gave a soft breath. Skath would have been her…stepfather if her mother hadn’t turned him down. “Well, I’m doubtful that anything will come from our interaction,” she stated simply, it didn’t sound like she was upset or anything. She was flipping a switch, but it was most surprising. “Especially since your feelings for my mother are still obvious,” she nearly teased, realizing how he blushed. But she didn’t press any further. She then shifted to her lioness form and settled in her nest. Flicking an ear she looked at his face, “Well, I appreciate you healing me- but you can return to your post,” she said next, giving a yawn. She settled her head on her paws and closed her eyes, her breathing steadying out.
Local Time:
12:17 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Skath shifted to his feet. "I care about her some great deal, but it's...not like I'll be lighting the ceremony torches" he said simply. "We are only going to ever be friends...such is her wish and my own." He said as if he felt obligated to tell Angelique everything.
Local Time:
9:17 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Angelique let him finish on that, and she heard him leave her den.
(I’m gonna do a littttle time skip to push the plot forward)

A dagger was pointed at his throat, and Angelique had actually pinned Skath down. She was breathing heavily. She had a cut on her cheek, and her eyes were wild with fire beneath them.

“H-Ha! Finally-“ she nearly laughed, leaning back and letting him up. She stood and swayed slightly, she had taken another beating from sparring from him, but with each moon that passed she had only become stronger.

The whole camp was silent, each member had bated breath, some even gasped to themselves as Angelique had actually beaten Skath once.

Before Skath could even mention to her about her fighting skills, what she could work on still, her friend Vince came over, giving a small chuckle. “You’re getting faster,” he said to Angelique and Angelique lit up at his praise, “Mm, I totally could outrun you now!” She teased back at him and without dismissing Skath, she just turned and walked away with Vince by her side.

It was clear Vince and Angelique had a thing for one another, but..something in Skath pulled a bit. Was it jealousy? To wish that he had been the one to make her laugh…odd, jealousy was.
Local Time:
12:17 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Skath closed his mouth as they simply started off on their own, his hand opening to draw in his axe from its perch. He settled it on his shoulders, starting to walk after the pair quietly He felt the dark core of jealousy settling in his belly, much like with the Queen selecting her husband, Vince forced himself to remain impartial as possible. He kept close of course, his duty and all.

'She's getting better...maybe I'll have to use weapons sooner than I thought' he thought to himself, glancing to his Axe. 'I could use little Vince as my demonstration.'
Local Time:
9:17 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Angelique paid no mind to Skath following her, knowing it was his duty. Vince on the other hand- felt slightly uncomfortable, but figured such the nature was of her bodyguard.

Vince watched Angelique shift to her lioness form and he did the same, his large frame rivaling that of Skath’s. They hadn’t had a male leader in a while, so it was natural for there to be a lot of males who would fit that description- but who would fight for it would be a whole other thing.

Seeing as no other male had stepped up to accompany the princess, many assumed Vince would be the one to be her mate in time.
The queen however, had noticed this, and with clear distaste of her daughter’s choice…she although figured Skath would eventually step in but she wouldn’t press. Lest she’d upset her daughter.

Angelique brushed up against Vince, her tail pretty much entangling his as they got to a clearing away from camp. She felt a bit warm underneath her pelt knowing Skath was there now, and she glanced to him. “I relieve you of your duties for now, you can go back to camp.” She said clearly, obviously wanting a bit of alone time with the other male.
Local Time:
12:17 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Who will protect you?" Skath said simply, his form had shifted but it was a strange, leathery thing, no fur on his feline body, and in the place of a mane were a host of spines and quilt. His eyes were blood like pools. "Him? I just may actually laugh "

(XD Skath: Ha! I'm not letting you get mangled over dick.)
Local Time:
9:17 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(Lol XD)

Angelique rolled her eyes, “Very well stay and watch,” she spoke and flicked her tail. Vince didn’t mind Skath would stay, it actually made him a little happy, showing the other male what he could achieve.

Angelique rubbed up against Vince again, a deep purr beginning to be heard. Vince returned her affections and had her settle down in a mating position, taking his time to mount her. Angelique was facing away from Skath, a little part of her had wished it was him but, he had made it clear from the beginning, he was only meant to be her bodyguard.

It wasn’t until she felt a body above her, and Vince pushed into her. She gave a small growl at the feeling, but was clearly wanting this, so she let Vince continue.
Local Time:
12:17 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Skath loomed silently by ot seemed, but he padded remarkably lightly at his size. He shifted about, but unfortunately for Vince there was something mildly unnerving about Skath's presence. More than likely the only thing keeping him from getting his throat slashed was Angelique selecting him herself. After all if her mother wasn't pleased, Skaths standards were like only comfortably positioned at 'Must kill me in open combat'

Her growl nearly made Skath turn to strike Vince, the earth ripping a moment as he held his protective instinct....
Local Time:
9:17 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Angelique growled again as Vince scruffed her, hissing lightly. “Not-so rough,” she managed to get out, feeling Vince move more into her. Her claws extended into the earth, closing her eyes and bearing it. She knew mating between lions was a rough…endeavor but she at least hoped for some pleasure.

If Skath had eyes, he could clearly see the discomfort of the princess- Vince was being more rough than needed- but clearly the male was focused on his own pleasure first more than Angelique’s.
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