Stained Purity (Crow)

Nov 10, 2022
Cassandra gasped as the air from her lungs was taken from her- the arrow lodged itself deep into her chest, hitting a vital artery. She collapsed and was bleeding out rapidly.

Her witch coven had gone to infiltrate their rivals- but was unprepared of what would happen. Their rivals had made a pact with local vampires- and Cassandra’s coven had become merely fodder.

Cassandra didn’t want to attack in the first place- her lifelong friend and most trusted confidant was the leader of the rival warlock coven and had been anticipating the attack for weeks. She had no choice but to follow through with orders- knowing they were outmatched.

Her mind began to buzz as she started to fade in and out, crying out in pain as a vampire swooped her up in his arms, beginning to feed on her and inject her bloodstream with his venom.

She only hoped and prayed her friend would see, and help her- he had to…she didn’t care about her coven anymore, she just wanted the pain to subside. She weakly called out his name and the vampire feeding paled further, knowing the man behind the name…this woman knew him?! He was the strongest warlock in the region and anyone dare fight him or harm what was his would pay how did this woman know him?


The head warlock in this region was not a man to be trifled with. He was seen as a cruel and cunning individual who fought dirty and would betray those who were close to him. He was seen as a ruthless man to everyone except one, an old friend of his.

Recently he had went as far to ally with vampires knowing that the witches were planning something, the same coven that she was a part of. He wanted to prevent her from taking place in the upcoming attack but it was already too late, the dice has been rolled.

Now in the night of the battle he was busy looking for her to prevent his side from bringing harm to her but was occupied by the witches so by the time he found her it was too late. A darkness would fill his eyes turning them pitch black as he glares at the vampire who had attacked her "I will spare you this once since you did not know who she was but you shall still pay a price" with this the vampire would feel a burning sensation has his arms were turned to dust.

Lucian would sweep in catching Cassandra in his arms "I am so sorry I was late" he says as he quickly tries to nullify the venom hoping it was not too late. As powerful as he was he could not revert vampirism.
(his arms got thanosed lol)

The vampire cried out as his arms were turned into dust and he stumbled back, his eyes wide and frightened of the man in front of him.

Cassandra fell and she felt someone catch her. Her vision was blurred but Lucian’s face came into view and she reached out a hand and touched his face gently. “Don’t-“ she coughed up blood, her chest was wheezing as the arrow was still lodged in her.

Perhaps if he let the venom takes its course…his friend would be saved. Cassandra’s coven was to blame, if they hadn’t tried to challenge Lucian’s power…surely they would pay a price.

Her warmth began to fade and she closed her eyes, her hand dropping as she passed out cold from the blood loss. She couldn’t die..not now.
"hush Cassandra do not speak or it could make things worse" he says focusing his magic on the venom but looking at the arrow. He was a warlock not a healer, he could purge the body if impurities but could not mend a body. He knew that there was only one solution.

"Listen Cassandra you may not like this and you may even grow to hate me but this is the only way" he would lean down kissing her head as he yanks out the arrow in a quick and decisive movement before stepping away in order to let the venom of the vampire take affect
Lucian would frown as he hears the sounds of the fighting and knew that he could not leave his group without their leader for long. He would look at Cassandra whispering to the unconscious witch "I will be back" with this he would cast an invisible barrier over her to protect her as he goes to join the fight casting spells left and right.
The battle dragged on, but it was left for the witches retreating and regaining their numbers. Lucian knew that although the battle was over, their feud would continue.

By then, Cassandra was beginning to wake, murmuring something- her mouth ached and Lucian would also know she would need blood to complete her transition into a vampire.
She could smell the blood underneath his skin, his heart was pumping it through his veins.

Her eyes deepened a dark red and her new fangs were shown- as she leaned forward and bit into his wrist- drinking from his blood. Thankfully her venom wouldn’t have an effect on him, as he had made it so with a magical spell. He didn’t want any accidents to happen and cause him to lose his powers.

Cassandra moaned from the taste but drew back slowly, licking her lips and looking up at Lucian, her eyes widened. “Lucian!” She noticed him fully, “What..what happened?” She looked around, all she remembered was him catching her as she fell and the next thing she was feeding on him!
At his words she couldn’t help but give a small laugh, “You don’t look like you’ve aged,” she admitted and rubbed her tears away. “Are you sure you’re not a vampire yourself?” She teased, but knew anyone made into a vampire, especially a witch or a warlock would lose their powers. Now. If a warlock and a vampire procreated on a blood moon (the moon allows vampires to become ‘alive’ and be able to procreate) then it was highly possible to have a halfling with powers, and when that halfling procreated with another vampire you could potentially get a full fledged vampire with magical powers. This was a very rare occurrence but it was possible through many bloodlines.
Lucian would laugh with her, the idea of him being a vampire with magic was definitely a funny thought. "yeah you got me, i am secretly the child of two vampires during a blood moon, definitely" he says jokingly befor letting go of her and taking a few steps back. "Well i guess we need to find you a room to stay in since you can clearly not head back:
He could see the wheels in her head turning, and she grabbed his hand. She looked at his eyes. “My people..?” She echoed but understood what he meant.

She then bit her lip, “I do have to ask…why did you form an alliance with vampires ? Did they owe you something?” Yeah, like their sworn alliegance to the heir of a large vampire kingdom.
"It is more like they owed my family something and i inherited that" the thing they owed him was their allegiance but there was no easy way to say that. "They are required by that to do as i say not that i enjoy working with them much" HE would say as he takes her to the kitchen on the way to her new room "As you know the rooms change position constantly but you should find you away around easy enough. The kitchen is already stocked with pleanty of fresh blood so help yourself when you are hungry
Stocked with fresh blood…she followed him and had listened to his words. She noted the vampires just causally mingling with the warlocks and she was puzzled to say the least. But she let her questions slide.

At her room, she looked around it and gave a small smile, “The same room Lucian..really?” He was predictable. Well, she figured he was. This room wouldn’t change around much, it was located far too close to his. She remembered it.

She shivered lightly, not because she was cold but because she was worried. “I..know I’m safe here mostly, but…can you stay with me for tonight?” Contrary to popular belief, vampires could go into a rest like state.
He would look at her and notice her shivering for a moment "Of course i do not mind that one bit." he knew that this transformation must be rough on her, having everything she new ripped away from her so suddenly. It was not like she was born into this already with immense power. she had to work for it and had lost all of it now
She thanked him and slipped into the room, sitting down on the bed. She touched the sheets gently and loved how they were made of the finest silk. She then looked at him. “Can..can I clean myself up?” Her garments were still stained with her blood, she would enjoy a bath and some fresh clothes too.
“Something soft..” she spoke, noting the bow from the vampire but again chose to not ask about it.

The vampire left and returned with just what she wanted, a soft night garment, sheer enough to leave the mind open for interpretation but she didn’t mind.

She came back out of the bath and she looked to Lucian who was waiting for her. She felt her stomach with her hand and groaned softly.

“Lucian- I’ hungry again,” she tells him, but he had already gotten fresh blood for her.
He would frown hearing this wondering if she was just the type with a large appetite. "Here i will feed you myself then" he says offering his arm to her. It was already too late but when he first offered his blood up to her that bonded her to him. It would supply her wiht a portion of his power but also mean that she was connected to him now. sharing blood like this was something the true bloods did not do sparingly but he had done it for her
She carefully approached and looked at his arm, her fangs lengthening ever so slightly. “Are..are you certian?” She asked, not aware of the blood bond they had began between one another.

It was much stronger than the sire bond, and typically only done with mates. But Lucian wasn’t a vampire. She knew that.
He would see her nod and she moved forward, taking his arm gingerly before biting into his wrist slowly.

She began to feed, her eyes turning a dark crimson as she did so and her moans were muffled as the blood trickled down her throat.

Something about his blood was driving her insane and filled I with pleasure but then again she had no idea what effect she had on Lucian.

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