Steel Amongst Stars


Master of Dungeons, Femboy Tamer
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Top Monthly Poster
Nov 9, 2022
"This Galaxy we live in ,Arno, is bigger than Corporate! Bigger than Sylar and Sinclair!"

"No dear sister. The Jinzo Corporation spans over 200 worlds. Factory worlds. We are woven in the fabric of this very planet too. At the end of the day...The Galaxy is nothing but one big mining operation and everyone is looking for investors."

"But to buy off the Counicil- who will run the government!"

"Simple Sister. The Board of Investors"

Records of the Selmi-Tarlis Merger- Audio Recording 350
COO Wey Ill-Selmi of the Jinzo Etherealium Refining Conglomerate - Speaking to Leona Ill, Solar Cycle 2586
The year is 5046 AMR, The galaxy is alight with conspiracy, betrayal, piracy, and ripples of ever shifting Allainces. It is The Age of Synthesis, creating technology that will mimic true life, the invention of Synners, Artificial Intelligence and Androids in a uncertain galaxy. The Dark Zones far beyond the Apollo Hyperlane Networks reach swirl with unknown mystery and unclaimed planets. The fractured Human interstellar empire has become little more than a scattered set of systems and a massive power vaccum looms over head with a corrupt bloated senate rapidly sacrificing its power to hundreds of hyper rich Mega corporations.

Alien Empire's work to reach out and pick at their rivals and pluck the strings of the Star Senate. The long lived and graceful Akcari, the honor bound and war loving Orus, and countless minor Empire's of the galactic stage.

Humanity had risen up and spread out across the stars long ago, creating the United Human Colonies. There was prosperity, progress, and beauty for quite some time. But with Progress, ever climbing came a ever dragging wake of failures, entire planets began to fall out of unity, becoming entire junk yards for failed experiments, ships, and waste materials. The prosperous systems had simply chose to ignore them, clustering theirr wealth and power, any that remained on in what as known as the Scrappers Wake had only to suffer, and scrape by one whatever they could get. The years piled up until the Scrap Worlds declared Soveriegnity from the United Human Colonies, begging the first interhuman civil war, known as the War for Heaven.

The revolt lasted only 40 years, but the first crack in the UHC had been made when the Scrap Worlds broke away becoming the Steel Systems. Over the next 400 years, the UHC fell apart through decade after decade of infighting and relentless erosion, until the UHC became little more than thousands upon thousands of mini kingdoms, known as the Fuedal Systems. However even those dreams of unrivaled power were challenged, not by the blaster, the sword, or the Clipper. Corporate Greed.

The First Corporate Worlds

The first corporation to buy a planet was Quinn Pharmaceuticals, in the hopes of being the healer of the stars in the days of the UHC. It was headed by a gentle andkind man known as Herald Quinn, and his 3 young sons. The Eldest Brother was smart and brutally calculating, the Middle Brother was a charismatic and yet painfully foolish, the Youngest was Kind and idealistic
like his father before him. until the day of his passing, the corporation worked to give the people of the UHC, even the Scrap Worlds medicines at cost, vaccines for all their ills. His Eldest Son , Deacon was handed majority control, and with the Board of Investors, ousted his two brothers from the company. Under Deacon's reign Quinn Pharmaceuticals grew beyond his father's three worlds into a system wide behemoth, breaking just from medication and into other fields of science, resulting in the early Terrafirma prototypes for shaping worlds for the masses.

The precedent being set threw corporate interests wild, Saturn, Pluto, even the hell hole that is Venus, began to be morphed by Terrafirma, and just as swiftly fought over. Riches were buried in uninhabitable worlds, too deep to be touched safely, now they were for the taking. Igniting the Corporation Crusades, battling among the stars, with cutting edge technology, hostile take overs, and even the occasional act of planetside destruction. With ever failure a corporation was absorbed into another, shell companies mostly were used after a while to protect the master companies after Mercury Technologies was eaten by the Neo Alphabet Global Corporation. It went on so long that the stellar councils had to attempted to crack down on them, taking control over the Terrafirma device and its prototypes.

The Ascension of Stars and Princes

While the eldest brother expanded his grasp in the system, one star and one planet at a time, the middle brother made a almost equally meteoric fall from his time in the sun. He lacked the talent of his older brother, and the lofty cause of a gentler galaxy that his younger brother held up, he struggled for years to find a way back to the top, low level corporations, rivals, even attempting a few runs at planetary governance of his father's worlds, but all fell flat. His limitless Charisma however paid out eventually in the Sol system, allowing him to get pulled in for a career In a Media Corp known as Dionysis as the spokesman for system wide journalism, and bringing his role up even further, becoming Speaker of the Sol System on the diplomatic state.

The Youngest however broke away from society entirely, never seen from again as he ran into wild space to see what was beyond in the Dark Zones. What returned was a few probes, and a derelict ship, naught but metal and glass. No trace of life was onboard, not even a speck of dust or blood. Not even damage to the vessel.
The Great Hammer

In The Age of Corporate Worlds in ascension, the human systems started to change in nature. Colonies becoming little more than spsponsored prisons at worst, where desperate humans signed up for work contracts that would take them Generations to even dream of living free, or wholesale resorts, shiny toys for the obscenely wealthy, by now more merchant nobility than a mere wealthy billionaire in these days. They raised themselves higher and higher, a ruling class upon every world. Those that ruled with a iron fist, and if you turned your nose up, you would find your contract pulled, locking you from any service granted by the corporation on the planet.

The Corporate Rule squeezed tighter, strangling it's subjects, out in the vast Steel Systems they threatened to mutfle and subvert the very government with a play on a coup on the system government. Using private military forces and heavily armored, Goliath class ships, The Way-Ill Conglomerate waged an open war on the Governor and his defensive military. But eventually, with one world after another of his system falling to the innovative might of the Corporations war engines, he sent out a final attempt at a victory. He hailed for his remaining Worlds to become free states, and sent his remaining forces to them as 'refugees of war'. The Conglomerate began dividing up the spoils of war, splitting the cluster of 11 Worlds into 4 free Worlds at the edge of corporate interests.
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