Survival or Passion

Returning her gaze toward him then back to the forest by his suggestion of doing an activity to aid in harvesting needed items, she did not trust the forest or her fathers ability to protect her. Standing up she shook her head, moving toward the back of the house where the stream was based, sitting on the bank to dip her feet in. No way would she risk that scene to happen again, waking up with barely any memory of what could have happened to her was frightening. leaning over a little she would look at her reflection in the water, barely able to recognize herself.
Moving up to be beside his daughter, Victor would move to gently place a hand on her shoulder. as he knelt down to kiss his daughters on the cheek.
"If anything happens, give a shout, and I will rush back to you. besides I keep a machete under our little step stool. "
telling her this, but not revealing the blade was more blunt, as to make it useful, but not as dangerous as it could be. once this was shared with Liz,
her old man would begin to head off tours the woods, waving to his daughter to stay close to home, and stay safe, he would be back soon.
A glance his direction but the hand on her shoulder and peck on her cheek she knew he may be a tad upset being alone but she was safer here, she had no training or abilities to protect herself out there. Even with a so called weapon near by she doubted she could swing it well enough to injure one attacking her "thanks, papa" she murmurs watching him go. Looking back into the forest she narrows her eyes swearing she could see a form watching her causing a spark of curiosity but not enough to draw her from her home. Her aim was to spook it into running or voicing itself.
A short while passed, as Liz was finally alone, however the sensation of being watched grew. as well as the sound of movement from all directions. soon making one think themselves surrounded by predators.

Liz was indeed being studied and watched, however now with her near the stream and alone. something would make a sound from the other side of her home. which would be an attempt of distraction as a faint
splash would echo down the stream. as something began to move tours her under the water. a large serpentine shadow moving swiftly along the bottom of the watery bed.

All the while the tree tops around them began to rustle, as faint movements echoed, as if stirred by the wind. Liz might not know it, but her body was now giving off the wonderful scent of a
fertile female ripe for impregnation for the wild life. a combination of the drugged diet, and the so called birth control pills in her system, as well as how she had been used by her old man.
Her hope quickly plummeted to fear as she scrambles to her feet when hearing all around her, this place was cursed! She runs back into her house, grabbing the weapon on her way before slamming and locking the door behind her. She would hesitantly lean toward the window to check if the creature followed her, unaware of the scent was giving off to the wild life around them.
Looking out the window, the coast would appear clear. However the sound was still going on for quiet a bit. As things were, Liz would discover the way to apparently be safe in this wild area was to be near a male.
More so her old man, as it seemed once he left the wild life began to draw tours her, more so the scent her body was giving off. For what would feel like a fear inducing eternity, Liz would be alone in the home.
when in fact it would not be that long of a wait, before the humanoid figure was partially visible in the distance, as it watching her from the bushes, before vanishing once more. to thin, and tall to be her father, but
still something which would seem oddly familiar yet dangerous at a glimpse, even if it was not a clear view of the entity.
Barely able to swallow she stares out the window, not even visible to anyone lurking outside though clearly the scent of smell of these creatures was off the charts, how did they knew she was alone or even in season so to speak. Then she spotted her stalker, perking up in the window as the creature disappeared as quickly as she saw it which was a disappointment for it was too different in sizing to be her father. Did the creature come often? Were they being watched? Why? Cause they were unknown human life forms? Either way she took a seat on the couch deciding best to remain inside until father returned, all of this truly sucked.
As things continued like this, The sensation of safety, and protective desires would only end up growing all the stronger when ever Liz was near her father. Unaware that, despite being safe in her home. Liz was actually in far more danger with her wicked old man's twisted personality, now free to bloom, and evolve to the way it was meant to be. and her being his object of desires. However as it was, The bottle which was marked birth control, were pills left out by the dinner table, as well as a few plates. this showed that her old man had began to prep sense their first session together. However the fact remained, after the first assault when he attacked her. the two times sense had been Liz herself which started it. showing her that her old man was already making sure to be able to take care of his little angel's needs, and keep her safe from any unwanted risks. However the fact remained, he was now out gathering and prepping to bring material, and supplies back.

Hours could pass, as Liz could think to herself, of how wrong things were, or how right they felt to her body, and more so the odd sensation he gave her every time, before or after. was it actually natural, or was it more so this planet
causing a reaction in her, as all those creatures seemed drawn to Liz, as if she was the only female in the area. Yet as the time passed it would not be long before her old man would be on his way back. with a large sack over his shoulder with many herbs, plants, and supplies, as well as a second one in his other arm, with sharp sticks sticking out of them. which had been used to gather some impressive, albeit colorful and dangerous looking fish for them to eat.
At point she believed remaining behind was a cruel plan for she had been spooked back inside her home, was alone, and bored out of her mind. Stuffed from earlier of the food she ate just seeing a meal somewhat prepped almost made her feel sick. Just the sight of it, she laid a blanket over the coffee table that housed the plates, sitting on the couch as she attempted to free her mind of food before nausea over came her to the point of dashing back into the bathroom, puking into the toilet. Uncertain of how long she was throwing up, felt like a marathon from how her body trembled as she rose to her feet, brushing her teeth and washing her face. Immediately she snatched a glass to fill with water, popping two of the birth control pills.

A deep breath and she made her way to the window, pouting as she awaits for fathers return, certainly going to take him up on his fishing offer just be careful of not getting in to too close to the river. Everything was out to get her here and it was exhausting, annoying as well.
As she waited, it was soon getting late, as Victor was finally in view of his daughter. carrying his rewards, as he had a big beaming smile on his face. unaware of what she had endured while he was away.
the larger man began to wave tours their home. calling out to Liz, asking why she was cooped up, and then asking if she was alright, as the day was beautiful out, yet she was inside.

However the man had no idea how things seemed drawn to her location, however more then that, the fact remained. Liz had willingly taken the pills, thinking they were birth control, unaware of the
real purpose of said drugs. Yet the fact remained, he would smile with a gentle look of both care and concern, head tours the home, unaware why he saw her through the window, instead of out and enjoying
the warm suns.
At last he returns! She hurries to the door, swinging it open to run out to him as he would wave with big smiles but fell to concern as to why she was cooped up inside "Something tried to chase me, so I went in the house and napped I guess" shrugging off that she felt deathly nauseous then down some pills in hopes to aid her worries. She would glance over what he had brought home guessing all was to be put to use "Are we fishing tonight or do you have something else planned for dinner?" liking she could mostly sit back and relax as he did it all.
"Oh, we can fish tonight, or we can do some trapping, which would you prefer?" asking this, as he now had everything needed to do ether task.
yet ether way, if she remained with her old man surely Liz would be safe from any threat, unaware the worse threat was her old man himself.

As the entity would be momentarily visible from the corner of Liz's eye, as if appearing to spy on her, and vanishing the moment she noticed it.
things would only become more troublesome if she made any fuss about this. surely her old man would go into guard dog mode so to speak wanting to hunt down what
ever was spying on her. but for now being near him seemed like the safest option.
Standing just a few feet from the door step of the house she noticed the creature just out of the corner of her eye before it vanished again, goosebumps running up her legs but kept her cool. "Lets stay close to home so I choose fishin' " smiling up to him. Unaware that her father was the worst the near in her current time, he lied about the pills, has been dosing her with heat inducing hers in her food.
"How about you take a moment, and collect the seasons you like? we can have us a nice little camp fire, and cook some fresh fish over the fire. and we will keep some for future consumption. what you say a nice little camp out, just us and were gonna be close to home still. " saying this with a loving and gentle smile. while in his mind, the wicked man was thinking how all the seasons, and food in the house was already dosed, thus no matter what she chose he would get what he planned to. however if she did not choose anything he could find another way to get what he wanted. unaware that his own wicked desires, was also creating more, and more entertainment for their secret stalker, the entity which was enthralled with his little girl.
Nodding with excitement she hurried off for his suggestion before preparing the fire as requested while he set up the fishing tools and she warmed up as the sun set. She hoped to try some of those fish swimming in the river, only getting a glimpse for a few but she was so hungry for something other than the salads she has been getting and some boar based meals.
A short while passed, as the fire was now roaring, the warmth, and glow cascading over the scene. As Liz was able to feel oddly relaxed, and safe despite all she, and her father had done.

he had set up two fishing rods which which were made from sticks, and thinly carved vines. as he set one up for Liz to fish beside him. patting the ground next to him.
"Well come on over, and join your old man, we can see who catches the biggest fish to much on tonight. oh did you decide what kind of seasoning we will use tonight?"

asking this with a gentle, and caring looking. the wicked old man, was painting a lovely and enjoyable scene for his little girl, one which would not remain very real, the longer the two of
them lived on this planet, which would be her hell, and his paradise all to soon.
Was a comfort the fire softly roaring for warmth and to cook what they would soon catch. Satisfied with the fire she would return to her father looking toward the river "The same stuff you have been using, it is quite good" admitting to him with a smile. "So, how does fishing work?" looking up his direction then toward the river with her curiosity getting the best of her.
As she asked this, Liz would suddenly feel her old man pulling her into his lap. as his arms came around her. his hands moving to grasp the rod, as he had her do like him. Showing her how to fish with these home made rods,
it would seem like an innocent, and loving moment between the two, as father was teaching his little one how to fish like this. It would not take long for once the lesson began, for Liz to end up being the one to hook the largest fish
they would catch this night. as it would be quiet entertaining to watch her pull it in, or help her if she wanted the help.
Squeaking in surprise as she was yanked into her father lap, a fishing rod he made being put right into her hands as he began to show her how things were done. She would look up to him with a big smile, looking back to the river to watch the fish swim about until one showed interested in their bait. At last it hooked on and she tried reeling it in as quick as she could, with some help from papa the fish came splashing out of the water and onto the bank "Whoa! I did it!!" squealing with joy.
Chuckling with amusement with how Liz reacted to successfully catching an impressively large fish. the old man would speak softly and oddly dark and alluring to his daughter in tone of voice.

"Well then, would my little fisher woman in training want to continue fishing for more? or would she like to learn how to prep and cook fresh fish over an open fire?"
offering this, the old man had his own wicked desires to be sated, which knowing if his little one seasoned the fish, as it would be, then things would go smoothly for them, However if plan, the meat would be far
from enjoyable regardless of being cooked over a fire. thus it would be ether flavor with a risk of becoming heated for pleasure, and need, or disgusting yet healthy with no risk, despite this liz would not know everything in their
home used for drink, and food was laced and prepped. as this very drug method was once used on her mother, which was now being used on her, but with much more freedom for her father's dark desires to be played out.
Hopping from his lap to pin down her fish, prying the hook for it's mouth as he questioned her next task "I am sure I can figure out how to cook it, you stock up on some more fish" not gazed by his tone of voice, finding it a little strange int he moment. She would hurry along to the fire, using a sharp stick to completely poke through eh fish's mouth and out the back end before stuffing herbs within his mouth and rubbing into the skin before setting it over the fire. Her plan was the cook through the skin and peel it off to enjoy the delicious meat underneath.
as she began to enjoy her catch, laughing at the sight. Victor continued to fish, catching one after another. However unlike before. the older man got impatient and went to the reliable, and classic method of spear fishing.
as he looked to Liz, watching her prep, season and slowly cook her fish over the fire. he would call out to her with a gentle and oddly dark tone.

"Sweety, remember to blow on it, and be careful not to burn your tongue, with fresh fire roasted meat. "
saying this to her. the wicked father knew that using the herbs like she did, would turn the very Meal Liz made for herself into yet another ideal way to drug her body
and turn his daughter into a lovely slut, but would it be a dose strong enough to take effect right away, or be a slow rise in need over time, once she consumed enough of the seasoning.
Hearing her father call out she would look in his direction seeing he had resided to spear fishing instead of the patience of the rod method which she could understand, he was a man. "Yeah yeah" mumbling as she would turn her fish over the fire until the skin was loose and crispy, barely peeling off did she remove it from the fire and prep herself dinner. So good it indeed smelt "Aren't you gonna cook yours?" calling out to him
"Why, when I can steal some of yours, or is my little girl to old to share with her papa?"
saying this in a playful manor, as he wanted to tease Liz a bit. However the fact remained, she could easily
see him wanting her to cook his as well, or simply wanted to get some kind of reaction from her. However each bite Liz would take of her meal
was one bite closer to her old man's wicked desire for this night, and one step closer to making the rest of this jungle alert to her, in more ways then even Liz would ever truly realize.
She would take a bite of her fish, humming with delight by her master piece "Hell ya I am" scoffing with a grin as she was joking. After puking up earlier she was starving so she may cook a second fish for herself, not even thinking he wished for her cook his. So far Liz was attempting to care for herself but clearly she needed to remain close to papa, being at the house alone was a horrid idea, lesson learned.
Loving the sight of this, and more so how She was enjoying herself out in the open with him.
the old man would pull a large fish which was on one of his spear tips. as he looked to Liz, seeing how she was loving the rich aroma, and mouth flooding flavor
of her master piece. Victor could not help himself. as he looked to her.

"sweety, if your still hungry, help yourself to what ever size fish you want from our catch. papa will ensure we have plenty of food. "
saying this with a smile. seemingly glad that she was caring for her needs, but also a darker hidden side, excited to get her to use as much of the seasoning as she could
each time. for if Liz fell into the heat from her own cooking, it would only enforce all the more, that her papa was needed in so many ways, that even her mind would fall prey that much easier
to the wicked things he would do to her.
Finishing her food she would lick her lips upon hearing her father words of another fish though a large one would be pushing it, possibly a small was best "I believe you have caught enough for tonight" pointing out as she took a small fish from the basket. Doing the same prep as before, setting it over the fire, turning it slowly, watching it begin to cook while the seasoning and herbs began to work their magic on her body but she was not as reactive this time as the few times before.
As she was now working on her second meal for the night. Vic would seem more pleased then usual. as he moved to join his daughter. with two smaller skewered fish, which he would season as well. before
placing over the open fire. after which as they would sit their, and wait for the food to cook slowly over the flames. his hand would move gently to touch his daughter on the shoulder. as he looked up tours the sky.

"so tell me, Do we want to sleep inside, or would my little girl like to spend the night in her old man's arms, under the beautiful moon lit night tonight? we can keep a small fire going to keep the wild life away as well. "
as he spoke saying this, it would paint an oddly enjoyable, almost romantic kind of scene, which could be taken as innocent fun or a lewd trap. ether way, Liz was given a choice, however the drugged herbs, and seasoning working her system slowly.
it would still work however the effectiveness of it would be far less then it was prior. however with the combination of the new drug added into the mix, which was being masked as birth control. even if his little girl did not become the slut he
wanted, Liz was taking yet another step to becoming her old man's personal fuck doll, pet, and baby factory on this wicked planet, even if she did not know it as of yet.
Getting mix signals she would look toward her father before shaking his hand off her shoulder, focusing back on her fish 'What you speak of is what lovers do, we are not that" pointing out in slight disgust of such an offer. She shifts to scoot away from him as she turns her fish over the fire not seeming pleased of his suggestion in the slightest. In the end he was still her father and this relationship he was attempting to seamlessly create was not going to easily happen. Annoyed with these random heats like an animals, this planet literally out tot get her and her father wants to care and please her in ways he never shown back home.

Finally her fish was done, nibbling on it as to make it take longer to finish eating this time round.
Laughing at her words, and actions, VIctor would look to his daughter, sitting like that, as she nibbled her fish.

"AH, I see, so instead of enjoying a fun night with her old man camping. one rather stay cooped up, and not feel the protective passion of her old man huh. such hurtful words, and I thought we were starting to get closer. "
saying this in a playfully pouting tone. the older man seemed almost like a playful and spoiled child at the moment. However the fact remained, things would seem to be going a bit slower then he hoped, but still smoothly for now.
as the older man would move to start eating his own fish, in several bites. large meaty chunks torn from his first of the two. as he seemed to look over his little girl's position, and now distance, as she nibbled her meal slowly.

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