Survival or Passion

Asking this, the beast would move to gently Lay Liz onto the glowing bed of flowers, however if she refused to go into the bed, then it would pull her back and set her onto the ground next to it.
however for a short few moments, her head would begin to hurt once more. as short lived as it would be, before the voice began to hiss gently into her mind.

" Flowers, . . . make. . . heat . . . worse, Heals . . . . body. Can make faster . . . together, slower . . . alone. Temporary . . . Immunity . . . "

as the entity tried to spell it out, the pollen would make her worlds hornier, and far more acceptable to any size or species, as it would grant her internal, and external Healing.
what it did not tell her, was the fact it could also speed up her pregnancy as well. but the offer to endure alone or together. meaning it was offering to lay her their alone, and allow Liz to endure
her need, and take care of herself, or allow her to choose, and have it sate her needs. Little did Liz know, regardless of her choice this would grant her the clear mind she needed to confront her old man, who was
still coming for her.
The soft flowers surrounding her body as he set her down into the bed, the glow invading her body to begin it's work that made her wiggle and gasp out in greater need before the pain in her head focused her back on him. She would blink hearing mention ending this quicker together or slower alone along with a mention of immunity that would die to have against this horrible sensation. Licking her lips as her cheeks flushed a deeper red as the heat grew even worst that she could not handle it "" knowing she can not go alone for she had tried and her fingers to not satisfy her in the slightest.
Hearing her oddly gentle, and perhaps alluring tone. the entity would move to join Rose, as it's body size, and shape shifted once more. as it began to move around her. the arms moving to touch all the right spots.
as it seemed the creature had been watching, studying, and even figured out the right spots to really cause jolts of pleasures for Liz. each time, seemed to give moments of clarity, yet still feeling need, as brief as they were.

However as this went on, the four warms moved to assault her clit, slit, and both her nipples. all the while, the now heated young lady would slowly see, the twin cocks forming from this entity. however she mentioned or requested.
Liz would discover these two muscles were more prehensile, much like that of a dolphin's cock. meaning they could move and be use in unique ways. even coiling around one another, to make a single one out of them at least in shape.
however the creature was being gentle, and precise with it's assault upon her frame.
Nothing else was spoken as the male would join her, his mouth and hands occupying himself with her body as though he knew her well, that they had made love before but she has only ever bene touched by her father who in the end seeks only his pleasure. Her body would wriggle and spasm from his actions, her pussy orgasming to offer him her sweet juices as reward for his gentle pleasing of her body, her breasts bouncing with ease as her nipples were perky for attention. Her hands would grasp into the flowers as her head would toss and turn about from the amazing sensation he was giving her, moans and gasps of delight rose from her mouth. Then she looked down to spot his cock...two cocks which of course made her tense up by the thought of those being inside her, stretching her greatly or using her in ways she had not yet experienced. "Still...need...more" she would pant out.
As she began to really pant out her desires, Liz would feel how the grasp and teasing of her body began to grow a bit more forceful.
enough to cause even more pleasure through her. as the entity moved to pull the young lady up into it's lap.
where her back would be against it's chest. the wicked double cocks up against her slit, as they rubbed against her. each time, two of the clawed hands gently lifted and dropped her to
cause this playful teasing, and shocks of both pleasure, and need. from how the odd texture of it's tender spear rubbed against her moist hungering folds. more then that the other two claws
moving as one fondled, and groped her, the other pinching and playing with liz's erect nipple.

at this position, she would not be able to see, but could hear how the facial flesh began to tear, and spread. as it's maw finally opened. an oddly soft, and slick tongue escaping it's almost nightmarish
maw. as it licked along her throat, and to the center valley of flesh between her breast. it would be easy for the tongue to snake up, and lick along her lips gently. as if requesting entrance for an other worldly
kind of kiss.
How different this all felt with a complete stranger that was feeding her every need in a fashion of teasing and fondling, next was him lifting her up into his lap so her legs spread so allow his cocks to rub and tease along her slit making her whine and gasp each time his tips almost dipped inside her. Next thing she heard was the tearing of something along his face that resulted in his tongue caressing along her skin that made her wiggle within his hold. Her eyes watch as his tongue would tease between her breasts after tasting her neck, coming up to her lips as though asking for entry that she allowed as her lips would open.
It was not long now before the beast began to invade her welcoming mouth. the tongue seemed to dance around her own.
more then that, the way it moved in her mouth, and the tongue began to change the shape, and thickness in her mouth, as if shrinking itself, and altering it's size, thickness,
and texture to best pleasure her orally with this act. all the while, the way the cocks slid against her, it would not be long before Liz felt them finally slipping into her slowly.
stretching her tender moist slit wide open, as the narrow tips began to fill her, the increasing girth stretching her depths as it inched into the young lady slowly. more then that
she would be able to feel an odd sensation, as if her body was beyond ready, but anticipating, and made for this moment, as if it teased her just to get it's wicked love spear coated,
and lubed up with Liz's own love juices. Things would begin to heat up for the young lady, as this alien life form was gently ruining her.
Rolling back her eyes to his tongue entering her mouth, wrapping and dancing with her own muffled her moans and whimpers as she was at last filled with his cocks. Her hands would grip onto his arms as she took him fully, loving his length and size that could change while stretching her mouth. Her hips would move on their own to please herself by riding him, bouncing in his lap not caring if he wanted to go slow and sensual for she was in desperate need. Opening her eyes that were dilated with desire and pleasure while her breasts would jiggle and bounce with each movement until she would begin to even grope herself, twisting her nipples from the pleasure.
Once the two began to really get into the act all the more. Liz would begin to feel the lustful haze leaving her mind completely, however her body was being given such a rush of gentle pleasure. the opposite of her brutish lover of a father prior.
this thing was going all out to ruin her body with pure bliss. making her depths dug out to fit it's unique size, and girth like a glove. all the while the tongue now playing with her own in Liz's mouth began to release a sweet, almost nectar like fluid from
the tip. It would become noticeable right away. as the sweet fluid besides being addictive, would also have a small side effect of arousing her physical body, while healing her, much like the pollen. all the while it would seem to be clearing her mind even more,
allowing the young lady to think, as much as possible while her body was betraying her. The way liz's body began to get lifted and drop, the bouncing, as well as how she played with her own breast. it was quiet the show for any one or thing to enjoy, however if she moved one of her hands. The young lady would find if she touched one of the alien's odd head antenna's, it would feel oddly smooth, with feint shocks from it. however more then that, if she dared to touch it, she would discover that the young lady could communicate with this creature much easier, mentally. with out the pain of the head ache when it established a link to communicate like it did to her prior.
Finding this different from being one with her father, felt more like soulmates at last becoming one in a truly beautiful way that created quite the show for the nature around them. Her juices soaking his lap, the lewd noises with each bouncing thrust to force him deeper and deeper inside her for she was clear in mind and heart. Already growing addicted to this mal alien, her mouth puckering around his tongue as she suckled on his tongue when he became to drip a sweet liquid on her tongue that made her muffled moans more genuine than a reaction to the pleasure. Liz would lean her body back into his frame as her hand released from her breast to reach up finding her hand grasp onto one of the antenna's making her gasp, popping her eyes open before they rolled back once more. "can you hear me?" questioning with uncertainty for she felt no panging ache in her head as she spoke with her mind, her mouth and body occupied by his.
As her mind now connected to his, the voice would no longer be the hissing and wicked sounding one, but a strong stable voice.

"Yes, and please be gentle, those are sensitive, But this is a first, our species only allow our single life time mates to touch those."
as this was spoken, it would reveal to Liz what she had just done. even if by mistake, she had inadvertently claimed this male as her one true lover, and life long mate.
at least if she was to follow with this creature's tradition, however being a different species she could ignore this, however her body would suddenly feel a slight pain.
as a thick, and massive load spewed into her, while the twin cocks both thickened. causing her belly to extend to an impressive degree, while not slowing down at all.
but instead growing more pleasuring once her body adapted to this new sensation, as well as how the entity seemed to get a bit more wild, and rough with her, despite
how it was still so gentle compared to what she had endured thus far.
Opening her eyes to glance back toward him, eyes widening to hearing him admit only his mate could touch these meaning she just claimed him but how could she become his? Unaware she was carrying another male's child, her father's but the creature may believe it to be his and claim her in the way of his species. "I will be gentle" reassuring him with a smile before a massive orgasm overcame her, his load exploding inside her womb to bulge out her stomach while he continued inside her. She would lean her body before so her hand would release from his antenna, her hands planting in froward of her to stabilize her in a doggy style position as he began to get more rough.
Now in a much more enjoyable, position for a rougher assault. the four arms now moving around Liz. she would feel how two of them grasped her breast, pressing their palms into her soft womanly flesh. as the erect nipples between the fingers
of the claws could feel the presser of the upper portion pressing against then, as it played with her breast. another claw like hand moving to assault her clit, as the wicked thing began to move faster, and rougher. making her now slightly deformed
belly sway, with each thrust. if it wasn't for two of the arms, her breast would be quiet the show as well. however the final arm moved up as if to choke her. however instead of the expected grasp, it was gently running the claws along her throat, cheeks,
and chin. as the tongue was still aggressively playing in her mouth. as if being sucked in like a candy at this point, while the antenna's would move to press themselves behind each ear, allowing the stronger connection to be formed once more. however this time.
it would be followed with powerful shocks through her system from the creature's appendages. however the pain would vanish, if their was any, as the shocks would enhance the pleasure.

"You have done the touch, now it is my turn. I shall make you mine, as long as your willing, I shall keep you for myself alone."
as the thing spoke in this now more stabilized voice, it would be both enjoyable, and troublesome, as Liz knew well her old man would come for her eventually, even if he did not find them right away.
Her suckling mouth was wide open with her tongue entangled with his as she gasped out moans of pleasure that she has never experienced in her entire life, he was amazing! Opening her eyes as his hands looped around her body to tease her further with his two groping upon her breasts while the other assaulted her clit, resulting in her hips bucking every so often as he pounded his twin cocks inside her. What was unexpected by the claws of his forth hand teasing along her neck and face making her twitch in anticipation that was distracted by the light shocks from his antennas connecting behind her ears. She would toss her head a little until the shocks subsided as he spoke "what are you going to do to me?" her voice in her breathless and curious, willing to become his if it meant being apart of this.
"Will not lie, Breed with you, and care for you. Women rare for us. Like treasures to be pampered, and children even rarer. "
as the entity said this to her mentally. It would reveal to Liz why this planet was so naturally designed to make females heated, and easy for breeding.
if they were this rare, then perhaps her father's brutish kills at night was a good thing. However now Liz was experiencing a native life form. one which knew this planet.
was a gentle, albeit aggressively dominating partner.

However she did not know the true horror, and beauty of what this creature was proposing to her.
her old man had already began to prep her body for breeding purposes, however unlike with her father, this creature would care for her, and would not use
any kind of force or so it seemed. however as her body was already submitting her mind would soon find the offer all the more appearing to be this thing's one and
only, life long partner. however this could pose a new question what would she choose if and when the rescue team her old man told her about showed up, if they were real to begin with.
His terms of breeding made her uneasy due to being so young and never baring a child but adding he was being honest with her, would care for her while explaining why his planet was so evil towards her. Every creature here was in search of lust and breeding, that may explain why so many creatures attack her and are so sexually appearance like. Was still unknown she was already with child even while her new mate was unloading his seed inside her fertile womb but she could tell their connection was special and true, far more than with Father, may explain whys he rejected him so much. "I am not certain how compatible our species are but some women of my species can be quite fertile, but I have never had a child, hell you are the second male I have ever been with" admitting to him all while he was fucking her like a lewd love doll.
"Would gladly become your last, and constant. "
with these words, it would come off, as if the creature was now for lack of terms addicted to her body. even though she stated about compatibility.
the entity would reveal, even if they could not breed, she would be an excellent Den mate, and companion to be with.

as this would go on, something unexpected and oddly enjoyable would soon begin to happen. Liz would feel how the hands moved from her sensitive breast to begin playing
with her elegant, and seductive curves. even lifting her up a bit. as to remove the weight on her knees, and legs. However at the same time the one playing with her clit got more
aggressive with the pinching and twisting. while the last one moved to gently run two of it's four clawed finger tips along her open mouth, as it's own tongue finally left her mouth.
as it snaked down to assault one of her breast, and nipples.

This thing would end up breaking Liz's body to the point she could do little more then lay in a spot sated, and weak legged.
However at the same time, she would discover after this act, her body could take the drugs, which had forced her into such a heat and no longer be effected by them.
a short term immunity was being granted to her with this act. however as long as she could endure it, the entity would enjoy Liz, until she could not handle it any more, or
her body began to change from pleasure to discomfort, as it's unnaturally thick, and massive loads would begin to fill her once more, as they were leaving quiet the impressive mess on the flowers.
If her father came to her rescue he would not be her last for her father enjoys her body far more than he lets on, but he could not do the things this creature was capable of that was driving her body drive with constant orgasms and pleasure all over her trembling body. With his tongue removed from her mouth to instead tease and lick at her breasts marking her skin with his scent all the more while his fingers invaded her mouth to voice her moans out into the forest. Happily her body would move how ever he would enjoy her for each position made her all the more addicted to his cock inside her until she reached her limit that had greatly grown since her virginity was first taken. "Ok...okay" whining out as she would wiggle in his grasp, glancing down to her bulging belly filled with his cum and developing baby that was not his. "I can't anymore" slumping her body down into the flower bed that reeked of sex juices and their musk.
Hitting her limit, the wicked thing would suddenly remove itself from Liz. at first the young lady might thing it was over. however she would be lifted up off the ground. as the four arms positioned themselves around her carefully.
Liz would feel how it held her, two arms under her knees, two arms around her waist. as it began to do her with each step it took. carrying the young lady back to it's belly like this. The twin cocks unraveling with in her, and recoiling around
one another. making an entirely new sensation. with each step it would push her all the further past her natural limits. carrying Liz back to the den.

If she blacked out from this breeding movement, or she remained conscious until they got back to the den would be revealed. for if she passed out, when she came to, it would be much later, and she would awaken in the arms of this creature
in a small fur, and hide bed in the den. if she remained awake and endured the pleasure, she would find it moving to lay the young lady on it's fluffy, hide and fur sleeping spot, to make sure her body was comfortable for much needed rest. Regardless
of how this played out, with in the next night or day, Liz's view of her abusive father would become truly more horrifying, as well as how she would discover sooner or later that she was pregnant. if it would be revealed to her that she was pregnant before this act, or
would the creature tell her, the next day to make Liz believe perhaps it was a half breed miracle baby growing in her. regardless the way things were changing could be for the better for Liz alone.
The sensation of him pulling out was enough to caught yet another orgasm as he lifted her up, carrying her in a fashion to continue his way with her while walking them both back to his den. She would a mewling mess of trembling pleasure, her eyes focusing ahead before everything went black her as he did push her over the limits. Made her wonder if she was his first, no way from the experience he had. Either way she was content in her sleep, no twitching, no nightmares, nothing but safety and a smile glowing on her face. By the following day she woke in a rather crude fashion, her eyes fluttering open to find herself on a soft fur bed with her new mate cuddling her dear while her stomach would coil with nausea. Her eyes searched everywhere for something when finally reaching from the bed to snatch a pouch made out of animal hide and skin, puking into that. Unaware if the women of his species shared similar symptoms of pregnancy or if this will send him to retrieve their medic for answers and to soothe his new mate.
As she threw up like this, Liz would feel the extending claws of her new mate moving around her, as one slid along her back. another her arm, and a third moving to ensure her hair held back.
as an antenna could soon be felt against her. a voice was heard in her mind like this now.

The voice would ask if she would be safe, while it brought back some medical help. to ensure she was alright, or if she needed it to stay and care for her.
the gesture was truly something, however Little did Liz know the reason for this request was due to the symptons she was sowing after what they had done prior. despite the truth of the matter
for her it would almost seem as if this thing was the one to successfully knock her up, after all she did have those birth control pills if they were truly what her old man told her.
Coughing a little she took a quick breather after she heard him speak of fetching medical help which she honestly was excited to agree too, she wanted to know the source of this that had been ailing her for two or three days at this point. Dry heaving for a few moments she would puke again, gesturing her hand for him to go as she at last set the bag down to catch her breath once more. Hopefully his people could figure out the biology of a human well enough to give her an answer.
It would not be long, once Liz had finally stopped bring up the bile. Her body now in a state of need for rest. the entity would ensure she was well set up for while it was done. as the thing ensured she had water, food, and the pelts.
this would Ensure her comfort, and safety once it was gone. however little did she know, that the sound of her father would begin to to grow more audible once she was alone. giving Liz a choice to go out and return to her father, or
remain hidden, to spend more time with this alien creature. that had claimed her, and seemed to desire her perhaps for more then just what she realized for right now. Ether way the fact remained, if she remained hidden, Liz
would discover how the creatures seemed to avoid her father, as if worried about him, or studying the unknown creature in their territory.
Glancing around with fuzzy vision has he rushed about to secure her setting until his return with medical aid, uncertain how well they could help being a different species not only on this planet but off this world. She would rinse her mouth out with the water, wiping the edge of the pelt over her lips before curling up with a pillow attempt in calming herself, resting in wait. Then she heard rummaging outside, her head shooting up, eyes darting all around the opening of the den knowing full well it was not him, could it be father? She felt her body tense, her jaw clench and eyes narrow, at this point she was better off here.

Moving the pelts to cover her, peeking out from a tiny hole to see if it was father, either way she was hidden and felt far more safe as she waits for aid, answers as well.
as liz hid herself, and peeked to see if it was her old man or some other threat. the young lady would make a simple mistake, allowing a sound to escape as she did this. however it was not enough to reveal her location, but enough to indicate she was in this area at least. to her horror, it would be when this faint sound was heard, the voice boomed out. her old man calling out to her, wanting liz to answer him if she could hear him. shouting he would find her, just to hang in their, and be strong.

the way he sounded, and spoke would leave one to think he was truly worried, and freaking out over her safety. when in truth, he was more upset, that the old man let his personal fuck doll in training get taken before she was fully trained, and
properly sensitized to always come back to him no matter what. as it was Victor saw this as an annoying set back.
Her horror came to light by the booming voice of her father calling for her to come to him, that she will be safe soon for he was gonna find her, hopefully not. He poisoned her! Liz would not go back unless she had a very good reason. Remaining hidden in her pelts hoping he would leave or her mate returning would scare him back to the hut. Problem was another wave of sickness over came her, along with cramps but she swallowed it down, shutting her eyes tightly to remain silent as possible.
With the sickness washing over her senses. the eyes shut tight, and her body being forced to remain as silent as possible. Liz would feel like she was suffering something horrible for a nightmarishly long
amount of time. despite how short of a time it really was. the sound soon fell silent. as the echo of movement grew ever slower.

It did not take long, before her shut eyes would be forced open with a clawed hand gently touching her on the head, well to be more accurate with a gentle head pat. as this oddity of a creature had the one she saw prior
with it once more. however this time, the clicking and hissing between the two was something she could expect. as it would need her to lay exposed, so a full body examination could be done. with the odd gel covering claws
once more. however this time, the sensation of sickess, and even weakness would be completely removed from her body, albeit it only for a few days, but for those days she would feel like she did before being knocked up by
her own father. Yet more then that, this time it would fully realize her condition and share it with Liz. as her mate was remaining right beside her, for this process as long as she was willing to endure the scenario which was about to play out upon
her once innocent body.
Felt like forever being in this state, survival mode until she spooked by the touch on her head by her mate returning with his buddy. She would slowly move the pelts from her head then her body as she would lay back so the medic could have a proper examination of her body. Liz felt uncomfortable of course but these creatures were quite kind to her, willing to learn and work with her than force her and plan ideas in her head. She would hold out her hand toward her mate wanting his hand or arm for comfort for this process took a while for she was human, a species unknown and off this world.
now laying their, Liz would soon feel two clawed hands taking her own hand. one inter locking fingers with hers, palm against palm. as the second moved to press it's palm against the back of her hand. this strange creature was now holding her like this, as the other two clawed like hands moved to try and comfort the young woman, as it's guest began the examination.

The oddly cool sensation of the gel being spread on her skin, before the sensation of the rough claws, gently kneading her flesh. as it did this from head to toe. only spot being ignored being her face, and the one hand which was being held.
as it would seem like an odd eternity, the fact remained, Liz was being examined, and protected by a creature she once believed to be an evil predator, stalking her for a meal or worse fate. Yet by the time this would be over, and the two communicated.
she would discover from these creatures, that she had a life growing in her. as they had the means to safely abort such a infant if she so desired, the creature would also not be against her keeping it, and it being their child, despite this creature not being it's
father, but it was her mate, thus an offer like this would be given.
Smiling toward her mate by his gesture of holding her hand in such a genuine fashion, focusing on the creature rubbing and kneading a gel like potion upon her skin as she was examined. It felt like several minutes, possibly more until the two hissed and clicked her results making her a tad concerned, looking to her mate for an explanation of what was going on with her. Then news she did not expect came to light, eyes widening to realize it was not her mate's child but her fathers which of course angered her down to the core, he lied to her further, probably knew she was pregnant. Shaking her head as she soft whimper escaped her, clearly upset by the turn of events, moving her body to face away from the medic and curl around her mate for comfort.

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