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Sci-Fi RP Synthetic Heart, Human Desire (RedCoat)

Local Time:
11:54 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(ah. I meant this one XD
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Tamara began to notice more of his pink color, and she wondered what exactly was going on through his mind. She then leaned back and watched him get up and after what he said she nodded. “Sure thing. I shouldn’t take too long,” she called and began to get ready. Once she had put everything on, she had went to go find him.

(Not him downloading things on how to understand his ‘errors’ lol, his Google search be like: can robots have feelings)


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Local Time:
7:54 AM
Nov 14, 2022
By the time she came out to find him, he'd returned to his normal deep blue colour, standing by the open door as she approached "Are you ready?" He asked as he started to step out of the door, his mind wanting to distract himself from focusing in on her eyes, or her smile... damned subroutines, he still couldn't figure out what was going on.

(Twelve: Dr why do I feel like this?
Dr Inerton: Because you love her
Dr: Time to upgrade then!)
Local Time:
11:54 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She smiled when she approached, and at his question, she crouched down to her shoes and gave them one final tug of the laces before standing back up. Tamara then nodded and said, “Yep! I’m ready to go,” she spoke and readjusted her cropped sweatshirt. Her skin that was exposed (which was a lot) seemed to appear very soft to the touch. But why one would think of these things..

She followed him outside and took in a breath of the fresh air. “Wow,” she breathed out in amazement, “I didn’t realize how remote we actually were,” she murmured and looked at the large growing trees that were just placed next to their quaint house of theirs.

(Lol jokes on her ex, he ‘forces’ twelve to ‘rape her’ but turns out Amara and Twelve by that time had already done stuff and she actually had gotten a kink from it (look up consensual non consensual..)
Local Time:
7:54 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Poor Twelve couldn't avert his sensors as she crouched down and the view he got was directly down her cleavage, that pink colour appearing as he considered just how soft she looked and how nice it would be run his fingers over her body... He twitched and wiped that thought from his mind as she straightened back up, the pink visible for less than a second as he searched for the processes that were making him feel that way.

When she spoke he nodded to her words, turning his head to look "It is. The woods are so tranquil and quiet..." He looked up at the sky as he spoke the next words uncontrollably "And the Sky blue matches your eyes" And there it was again, that pink colour of his embarrassment.

(Her Ex: "That's it, fuck her! Rape her!"
Twelve: Playing along "Take it you whore, Take it!"
Tamara: "No, you monster! Stooop..." Is actually loving it)
Local Time:
11:54 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(Totally not recommended tho to turn your traumas into kinks XD)

Tamara totally did not get the notion of his feelings that he was trying to process right now. She was too used to their friendship to even make it known that she probably had her own way of showing that she was very fond of Twelve. At the next words he spoke uncontrollably, Tamara clearly was taken aback and she gave a small grin, “Aw Twelve, you really think so?” She asked, looking up, the clouds so clear to her.

Before she had transferred her consciousness, she had terrible vision and had needed corrective lenses to see anything. “Hm, that’s a color I never really thought about describing my eyes..” she had been able to choose her next eye color, but she had chosen to stay with basically all of her same features, just modified in a way to her liking.
Local Time:
7:54 AM
Nov 14, 2022
"I-I-I-I Do." He glitched a little as he responded, before looking back to her "You a-a-a-are very pretty... I... do not know why I am... feeling this way..." He spoke aloud, even as she'd realise just how pink he'd turned, and then the realisation might set in that she was causing his feelings, and if he was embarrassed around her... well, that could mean anything...
Local Time:
11:54 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She blinked, before turning her head back towards to look at him. At his words, his glitches and the color on his face. “Hm,” she spoke and approached him slowly. “Are your processors off in some way?” She asked, “Is there anything I can do to help?” She seems genuinely concerned but still not fully grasping that she was making him feel things.
Local Time:
7:54 AM
Nov 14, 2022
He twitched again as she spoke "I... I-I-I... I do not know... Diagnostics report nothing wrong... But..." He stopped again, twitching a little more "Something feels... wrong... here..." He made a gesture to his groin "I cannot... understand, what is occurring..." And she'd note that there was some kind of bulge, or compartment, hiding something down there...
Local Time:
11:54 PM
Nov 10, 2022
At this point, Tamara didn’t really understand what he was referring to- until he mentioned where he pointed and she couldn’t help but have a blush cross her face. She looked around and noted that they hadn’t gotten too far from the house. She then took his hand and turned back towards it- dragging him with her. One inside, she had him sit on the couch.

“Well it looks like my uncle has some explaining to do,” she murmured more to herself than Twelve. She had been there when Twelve was created, in her uncles lab. At the time, Twelve- although muscled in a way as a human man was, obviously was very android like and had no genitals.

So why would he be having these ‘malfunctions’ and why would he be feeling this way where his groin was?

She sat next to him and looked at him intently. “Twelve, let me do this,” she reached out and pressed something on his arm, a clicking noise could be heard and essentially it eased his ‘glitches’ to make him more cognitive but that didn’t release that growing feeling/pressure he was having.

Tamara shifted a little and looked to where his groin was. Twelve usually would wear his assigned outfit that all normal androids/synthetics were issued to identify each model number and such, the number on the side of the shirt he had on as well. She looked back up at him and asked, “Is there anything I could do to help?” She wondered what he would allow her to do next.
Local Time:
7:54 AM
Nov 14, 2022
"I do... not... know what is wrong, I do not know how you can help..." Twelve replied, even as she'd wonder... When his siblings had been upgraded, to be more human, her uncle had mentioned Twelve being upgraded along with them... But she hadn't been allowed to be part of that process, due to being ill at the time... What had her uncle done to Twelve to make him like this? Or perhaps... Perhaps Twelve was more human than he'd thought, thanks to her uncle's upgrades...

For Twelve's part, he was now thinking, the subroutines that had made him glitch had melded with his conscious thoughts, allowing him more scope of what the feelings meant and how... how utterly beautiful Tamara was, and how caring she was "Tamara... I... You look... so nice..." He said, his lighting a deep purple now, even as he reached out for her hand.
Local Time:
11:54 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Every synthetic that had been made had started out as a white/electrical base, but that could be changed within their systems. They could choose their own skin color, how their hair looked and eyes looked, even face. Some, like Twelve and Tamara were more advanced than others.

Tamara had to think on it, perhaps her uncle had mentioned something about ‘upgrading Twelve’ bút she wasn’t exactly sure what had gone into those upgrades.

The minute she saw his color change to purple, and the words he spoke- the touch of his hand when he grabbed hers- her cheeks stained a pretty pink, and she gave a soft smile. “Thank you Twelve, that means a lot,” she said happily.

(I’m about to leave work and make the long drive home. I’m assuming you’ll be off soon?)
Local Time:
7:54 AM
Nov 14, 2022
(Probably? Honestly I'm not sure, I end up being awake at really weird times)

When she took his hand and replied, she'd notice something else shifting... that odd spot on his groin was opening? And something that would make her blush was starting to protrude. When Twelve noticed, he gave a shocked yelp and covered himself over, confusion in his voice "I uh... Wha... When did... Where did that... come from?!"
Local Time:
11:54 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(I feel that. One night I’m passed out by 11:30pm, and other nights I don’t go to sleep until 2 am)

The pants to his uniform didn’t exactly accommodate a dick per say— but it so happened to pitch a nice tent that was of considerable length.

Tamara gave a soft sigh at his response and shook her head. “Well..whatever my uncle did..” she bit her lip once more and then looked to his face, before asking. “I..well..would you prefer it if I helped you with this? I know..it’s a new territory for you but I’m willing to help if you let me..” she offered, wondering if he would accept.
Local Time:
7:54 AM
Nov 14, 2022
"I... You... you are?" He asked, his voice somehow reflecting his nervousness at this new situation before he made his choice "If... If you are... willing, then... I would like... help." And if she removed the pants he was wearing, she'd realise the tent was underselling him... Her uncle really didn't consider giving his creations anything that could be considered small. She'd had to talk him out of making them all 10 foot tall muscle bound units, after all...
Local Time:
11:54 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Tamara nodded and then began to pull his pants down, noticing that the tent pitched there was held up by a larger than expected pole. Her blush on her cheeks darkened and she gave a small bite of her lip. “Well, I’m not really sure where to start..” she admitted honestly, looking at it. It certainly was phallic shaped, but it wasn’t exactly like a human’s cock.
Local Time:
7:54 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Twelve looked at her expression, seeing the way she blushed and seemed unsure "I... I... I can link you to the... Wifi? Maybe... there is information online?" He suggested, whilst she'd be inspecting his rigid length... It almost looked like a dildo, but attached to his body and it was ever so slightly see through, the same lighting that ran through his body present in it.
Local Time:
11:54 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(Not me thinking he was going to say: I could link you to my dick? XD)

“Well..I know what to do, but..” she seemed a bit shy. She reached out a hand towards it and wrapped her slender fingers around his length, taking a hold of it gently. Her eyes were inspecting his cock and the more she looked the more she noticed the features. Although dildo looking, it definitely had a hole where his tip was, which she was curious about.

She looked at his face, “I’m going to move this..” she mentioned about her hand, slowly beginning to stroke him, her hand gliding over his length pretty easily.
Local Time:
7:54 AM
Nov 14, 2022
(They don't actually bang, they just link minds and think they do XD)

As soon as her soft fingers touched onto it she'd hear a moan escape from Twelve, and as she told him she was going to start moving, his moans got louder in return. The smooth material his length was made from allowed her to glide her hand up and down with ease, even over the slight ridges that she'd notice at around each inch of it "Ta... Tam... You're so... soft..." Twelve gasped, before giving a short worried cry "Something... Somethings coming!" and with that cry, a thick liquid spurted from his tip and over her hand.
Local Time:
11:54 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(Hey in Detroit become human, it was very similar XD)

Tamara kept up her pace, she couldn’t help but continue to blush- hearing her friend moaning the way that he was. She could tell he was enjoying it and the way he cried out that something was coming— she knew exactly what it was. He had released heavily, and obviously for the first time. She looked at his face, hers one of understanding. “Ah..yep, that’s okay Twelve,” she reassured him. “This is what we call cum..ejaculation- release-“ she trailed off, pulling her hand away and leaning back. “You felt something was building and you released it- that means you orgasmed..” she explained further, but he would understand, he did have that knowledge that men could experience this- but up to now, never had experienced it himself or needed to.

“Let me grab a hand towel,” she spoke and stood up, heading to the bathroom and he could hear the water running from the sink, and soon she returned with a damp cloth. “Here,” she handed it to him.
Local Time:
7:54 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Twelve listened to her explanation of what had happened, looking at her face and then... he looked down, slightly ashamed that he had made the mess he had, even as she walked away. He took the cloth silently, and cleaned himself off, the member going more flaccid until it was barely a quarter of its original length "I... Is this what the upgrade did?" He asked, more to himself "Made me... like this?"
Local Time:
11:54 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She sat down beside him once again, and reached out for his hand. “Twelve..there’s nothing to be ashamed of,” she murmured out softly, noting the look of his face. “The upgrade..yes, I’m assuming this is what happened, because when I was there when you first opened your eyes you- didn’t have this.” She mentioned next. She then leaned back slightly, “I wonder what my uncle was up to, why he chose this..”

(He secretly hopes Twelve and Tamara get together XD)
Local Time:
7:54 AM
Nov 14, 2022
(I'm considering having Twelve become like really overprotective of Tamara once she and him become fully together.)

Twelve looked down at her hand when she took his and squeezed it, listening to her words "I... I do not know why he chose this?" He murmured in return, his sensors focusing in on the top of her cleavage, the purple colour still present "Tama... Tamara... did I tell you how beautiful you are?" He asked, his other hand reaching out for her other hand too, so they were face to face "And... I know why... those outfits were different... It was me. Or... a subroutine. I changed them, to these... To make you look prettier..."
Local Time:
11:54 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Tamara's eyes blinked in response, her cheeks yet again coming to a flush from what he told her. She squeezed his hands once he took her other one and held it, her eyes looking at his purple hue with curiosity. At his confession, her blush became deeper and she casted her eyes downward. "O-Oh..you.." she trailed off. "Well, I'm certainly not upset you did.." she admitted, fully realizing that his dick was still out in this moment and felt a little bit odd, considering the scene. She gave a soft cough to clear her throat. "How..about you put your pants back on and...we can then cuddle here?" she asked, meaning the couch.
Local Time:
7:54 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Twelve went an even deeper purple as she studied him, matching the way her blush deepened, listening to her talk about how she wasn't upset "You... Aren't?" He queried, before nodding as she suggested merely cuddling, his hands moving to pull his pants up and do the zip back up, before he leant back and gently moved to pull her in.
Local Time:
11:54 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She shook her head, "No I'm not, I promise," she tells him next, letting him readjust before she let him pull her in close. Once laying there, she laid her head on his chest and listened to the soft whirring of his mechanisms that kept him alive. She could hear the beating of his synthetic heart, and she closed her eyes as she settled in fully with Twelve. Her breathing steadied out after a few moments, and Twelve would notice that she had drifted off into a light slumber, obviously comforted by his presence.
Local Time:
11:54 PM
Nov 10, 2022
When she woke later, she would find that she was still in Twelve's embrace- and she yawned a bit as she lifted her head slowly. "Mm.. sorry about that," she apologized for falling asleep. "It just felt so nice and your arms felt so comforting," She yawned out while she rubbed sleep from her eyes.
Local Time:
7:54 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Twelve nodded slowly, moving his arms to compensate for her stretching but not letting go "It's alright Tamara. I enjoyed your presence too." He told her, even as he gently moved her up so their heads were level "Would you like to watch something?" He suggested, looking to the TV in the room.
Local Time:
7:54 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Twelve nodded and stood from the couch, reaching out to take her hand and help her stand "I think that is a wonderful idea." He replied, before leading her to the houses door and walking out into the forest with her, the gentle sounds of nature around them, the golden rays of the sunset starting to colour the sky.
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