Sci-Fi RP Synthetic Heart, Human Desire (RedCoat)

She looked at the crate but she didn’t seem to shy away from the opportunity. “I’m not claustrophobic…” she assured, assessing the situation.

“I’m assuming my body can accommodate the right squeeze now?” She asked, shifting her arms, the gears and joints almost ‘clicking’ to her. She had been sat on a chair, as her legs had yet to be fully put in motion.

Licking her apparent dry lips she looked to the Doctor.. “I’m sorry,” she apologized, knowing as an assistant she had helped him in many ways through his research breakthrough.

And it was the least he could do for the daughter of his old colleague…his niece.
The Doctor shook his head "You have nothing to apologise for, Tamara." He replied, placing a hand on hers, before turning to XII "Now Twelve, you must leave as soon as possible."
"Yes Doctor." XII replied, gently picking Tamara up and placing her within the crate, her body still wrapped in the blanket. He handed her a bottle of water, before closing up the box and lifting it, heading on their way. It would be around an hour or two before they arrived to the house the Doctor had sent them too, giving Tamara time to think and process what had happened to her, and the fact she'd finally escaped.
As she remained in the case, she could feel Twelve's movements as he walked and carried her past the border into another territory outside of the city. Tamara drank the water she was given and began to recollect her thoughts. She closed her eyes and the memories of her ex, although twisted and still gave her a sense of fear, she could tell that she would be safe, for now.

She trusted where Twelve was taking her, and she hoped that he wouldn't be upset about this - but that was a learned reaction from her ex, which Twelve was not.

So she took a few deep breaths, the cooling system in her body starting up and making sure her body wouldn't overheat in the confined space she was in at the moment. She then decided to focus on what will happen once she was there in the new house. And...still being, well- naked, she knew she would have to find some type of clothing to wear. But oddly enough, around Twelve- she didn't feel exposed and embarrassed like she had with her ex- mostly because she knew Twelve did not think like a normal 'man' in that regard and for that she was truly relieved. Things would be okay.. she would be okay.
There was a soft thump as Twelve set the case down, the scrape of metal on metal as a key turned, before Twelve opened the door and picked the crate back up to take it inside. To anyone who had been watching, it would just look like a personal mechanoid that had clearly collected a parcel for their owner. Once he was safely inside, Twelve set it down again and tapped the lid twice "We're here, Tamara." He spoke softly, even as he lifted the lid and used it to block his own vision "I believe there are clothes suitable in the third room, where Penelope used to reside." He said, giving her privacy, as he thought she might want.
(huh, guess I missed this XD)

Tamara listened to the outside, noting the turning of the key, and then the thud on the floor, which made her entire body vibrate. She then sat upright once he unlocked the crate and she glanced around.

“Clothes..right,” she murmured and then looked towards where he was. She then assessed the situation and cleared her throat. “’ll have to help me.. I can’t really move properly just yet, I’m not used to this body nor legs,” she reminded him gently, feeling embarrassed and helpless.
She was thankful for him and as he assisted her, she made sure to use him as support. She hated how helpless she was, but with Twelve’s help..

Once in the room, she sat down on the bed. Again she didn’t mind being naked in front of him, knowing his brain and her ex’s did not work the same way. “You said that Penelope had left some clothes here?” She asked him next.
"Yes. She has." Twelve walked across and opened a closet, reaching in to remove a set of comfortable looking pyjamas, holding them out towards her. It would be at this moment the pair would remember that Tamara was smaller than Penelope by a fair margin, even as Twelve handed them to her "Ah... Perhaps... ordering some new clothing to be delivered would be the best idea, if you wear these until then?" He suggested, whilst she'd wonder if there was smaller clothing somewhere in the wardrobe.
Tamara took the pyjamas and felt the soft fabric with her hands. She shen heard his comment about ordering new clothing while here and she noted that the top would hang off of her, if she didn't have the buttons at least. She nodded to Twelve's word and then said, "Yeah..I think that'll be best," she agreed, knowing she wasn't as well endowed as his sister. She shifted on the bed and was able to get the shirt on, but then she looked at Twelve. "Could you...perhaps help me with the pants?" she asked a bit shyly, she hated asking. But perhaps sometime later Twelve could help her regain full mobility in her legs.
He nodded, kneeling down and gently helping her to place her legs into the pants, before standing to help her to her feet "It shouldn't be long until you are able to walk again. The links between the body and your mind should be close to fully formed now." He spoke softly, even as she'd realise he was right, her legs starting to follow her wants as they walked slowly, back and forth in the room until she could walk unassisted again.
Tamara thanked him for his help, and then when he began to help her stand, she started to wobble slightly. "Woah-" she spoke, mostly to herself. But with his patience, she back and forth in the room and soon she was fully functioning again and she sighed in relief. "Well..I don't feel entirely helpless anymore," she stated but decided to sit back down on the edge of the bed, looking up at him. He would then listen to the sound of her stomach, signifying that she was indeed quite hungry, and she knew that the thing separating them was just not human consciousness, but also human hunger. She definitely could turn off the feelings of hunger, and her body would no longer deteriorate without food-- but, she did need some sort of energy to keep everything going, especially her synthetic heart or else she would go into a 'hibernation mode' to which her systems would shut down until given the sufficient energy to 'wake up' once more.
Twelve nodded as she sat back down, before tilting his head as her stomach rumbled "I shall find you something to eat. Your system will process it." He turned and left the room, the sound of pans clattering coming from the other room, a period of five minutes passing before Twelve returned, a bowl of (Her Favourite Food) in his hands "Here you go, Tamara." He spoke softly as he handed it to her "I hope you enjoy."
Tamara watched him turn around and leave the room, before she even got a chance to say anything. With the five minutes that passed, she definitely was not expecting her favorite food to be there so easily, but technology was so advanced, cooking which was usually taking a long time for actual meals, had been modified to take less time- about half than what it used to be. So if something would usually take 30 mins to make, it would be done in 15.

"Thank you, Twelve. You really didn't have to, but I appreciate it." she tells him with a smile on her face as she continued to eat the meal, finishing it quite easily. She gulped down the water he had brought her and then she sat her plate and cup aside, before laying back on the bed and sighing in relief. "I think everything will be alright now," she spoke, well, at least hoped.
"Oh, okay," she spoke, seemingly interested in that response, and she performed the same hand gesture- pulling up a shopping website and she got comfortable before she began to browse for clothes. She picked out a few simple outfits, nothing extravagant- along with shoes, although she wasn't sure if she would be needing them anytime soon. Either way she decided to also order some socks and underwear, knowing that she would need those right away.
Her eyes visibly lit up at the sight of the clothes and shoes. She took them one by one, marveling at each article of clothing. She then gave a smile to Twelve, "This is amazing!" she said happily, feeling like it was christmas. "Would it be too much to ask, but..could I model them for you?" she asked, hoping he wouldn't say no and let her do so.
Amara obviously was becoming very excited, and she gave a small nod. "Right. I'll go change in the bathroom and then I'll come out to model for you." she spoke and took the box with her. It was easy enough to say that she was very confused. "Huh," he could hear her from the bathroom. "These...are much nicer than the ones I ordered," she called, as she tried on the outfits. She had gone for simple, not.. too much- she continued looking and found at least two that she had ordered. A casual outfit with jean shorts and the pyjamas. Amara after some time of putting the first outfit on- came out to show it to Twelve. It has very pretty red heels that matched. After the first one, she went back to the bathroom and tried on the rest, and continued to come out one by one, showing each outfit to him. The last to come out was the pyjama outfit, it was a cute purple tank top and shorts, matching flip-flops as well. "I'm not upset that these are different, I'm just surprised," she told him, still wondering why there was a 'mix-up'. (perhaps you could offer an explanation? :3 )

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Twelve tilted his head as Tamara spoke of the mix up from inside, before she walked out infront of him "This is not what you ordered?" He asked her, his normal lighting going pink for a moment, before turning a sky blue. The first was... unfamiliar to her, but the second she recognized as confusion. He was just as uncertain of why the order had been changed... At least, consciously he was. Somewhere in what a human would know as the subconscious, his programming had changed her order, even using Twelve's own funds to match the difference, and this Subconscious was loving to watch her form. To the part of him that he was aware of though, Twelve merely sat politely and commented on how each outfit suited Tamara, bringing out different aspects of her body in much the same way as a beauty pageant judge would comment on participants, with detachment and professionalism, each comment both positive towards her attire and self, without seeming to be attracted.
Tamara had just barely caught the pink hue that had covered Twelve's face, but did not question it, for she didn't really think too much on it. At the confusion from his voice and the sky blue color that followed, she merely had just noted it as a simple mix up. She had been delighted from his comments on the outfits and felt like she was in a beauty pageant, and thanked him for his honest opinions. At the end of it though, she went to sit by him once more, taking the flip-flops off before doing so. The pink tank top she wore, although fitted to her, did gape a little at the chest area but she didn't mind. "Well, I like all of them, even if they were a mix up. I think that I'll keep them." she spoke, but didn't know when she would be using them to go out any time soon considering the certain circumstances at hand.
Twelve nodded to her words "Well, if they don't request them returned, I can see no issue with that." He spoke softly, even as she sat on the bed and clearly seemed to be in thought "Miss Tamara, if you are concerned about being seen, do not fear. No organic or technological being can get within 200 feet of this property without the sensors detecting them. If you wish to take a walk in the forest, it would be perfectly safe." He told her "Infact, the woodlands can be quite pretty at times, though not as pretty as you." As soon as he finished speaking, his colour flashed the red of alarm, before the pink shade returned "I-I-I... I don't know why I said that, I am sorry..."
(awww he's blussshing O///O )

Tamara gave it more of thought at the mention of the walk through the woods. She then seemed to think about it, but before she could reply, she heard Twelve's comment. At this reaction and the color that flashed across his face, she couldn't help but give a small laugh. "Mm-mm, no, don't apologize, I think your comments about my appearance are quite refreshing," she spoke, they were- at least, much more welcoming than the ones she had received from her ex. She glanced outside at the afternoon sun, and she subconsciously touched her skin, reminding herself that she had always gotten a sunburn, even with sunscreen. would be different now, would it not?
Twelve's pink colouration didn't fade as she spoke "I... I see... I shall... continue to make them?" He sounded confused, even as he caught her subconsciously touching her skin "Ah, if you are worried about sunburn, do not be. Your new body is highly UV resistant, and can even simulate tanning if you so desire." He told her, moving a little closer to her as she'd consider what to wear whilst taking their forest walk.
Tamara noticed that his pink coloration did not fade away and she thought of it to be quite adorable. She then hummed in response at his question. “I certainly wouldn’t mind,” she spoke softly in reply. At the mention of her skin and not being prone to sunburn, she pursed her lips, thinking about the outfit she would wear. “Mm..if that’s the case, then..I think I’ll wear the hoodie and the jacket.” Tamara said next, seemingly excited about going outside. With her heightened senses, she wondered exactly how things would be experienced.
(Uh... Did she buy a jacket and hoodie? XD)

He nodded to her, his focus drifting slightly down to her lips as she pursed them even as his pink colour deepened slightly "Ye... Yeah..." He murmured softly, before standing up and heading to the door "I'll meet you at the door, when you are ready, Tamara." He told her, even as he ran a diagnostic to figure out just which subroutines were causing him to experience these glitches.

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