Fantasy RP Take Him, Then the World (Firestarter)

Az had a sweet underlay to his smell, something soft and warm, like roasting marshmallows. He pulled away, sitting back on his haunches and trailing his fingers down Marco's back.

Thanks to the shirt being incredibly tight in the other male, Az could feel each and every ripple of muscle. Normally, he would associate it with someone who would crush him, hurt him. But this time, he felt like that strength would protect him. Would hurt and do wicked things to keep Az from pain again. He shivers slightly, he didn't want to think about what Marco would do to keep him safe.

He pulls his hand away after a few moments, still staring at Marco's back, letting his eyes trail over the muscles and admire them. He wasn't ready for anyone to see that look on his face. The one he was sure was the beginnings of desire, or at least attraction.

He blows out a soft breath and closes his eyes, "I. . . I don't want you to be my punching bag. But maybe you could teach me to fight. To defend myself." He murmurs, opening his eyes again.
Chills run down Marco's spine as those delicate fingers trace down his back. He loved the sensation and was saddened when it ended. He would let Az trail his hands over his entire body if it would please the other.

Marco remains in his same position, feeling like he would scare Az away if he moved, and turned his head to be able to look at the boy with the side of his eye. From the way Az was sitting, Marco could tell Az was still hiding something.

"I will teach you how to fend off an opponent of any size, Az." Marco smiles softly and turns just a bit more so he can fully see Az's face. "I will warn you though, learning to fight takes some physical touching to help get your body to move in the correct way. Are you going to be okay with that?"
Az was enjoying watching the slightly shifts in Marco's muscles, the man's pulse under the skin of his throat. He hadn't started at another person in so long. He hadn't even let him self look at other people for longer than a few moments. And now. . . Fuck, would he ever get enough of just watching someone? All the small movements the body made fascinated him.

His gaze locked on the muscles in Marco's neck, watching as they shift and move as the male turns his head. He swallows and then blinks, looking at the side of Marco's face.

He blinks once and his chin dips slightly, "I. . . I don't know. Maybe. Depends where, and how I feel." His gaze drops back to Marco's shifting muscles, and then up to his face.

He wasn't one for overly bulky muscle, he knew that, preferring lean or corded muscle more to his taste. Something with definition and spoke of strength but not a workout-aholic.
Marco blushed as he felt and saw Az look over his muscles multiple times. Was he checking Marco out? He couldn't tell, but he liked to think it was true. He never really tried to focus on growing his muscles, more interested in just upholding a toned physique with moderate muscle size. Marco didn't need to be overly muscular anyways, he had brutal thugs to take care of that department for him.

Marco smiles softly and turns just a bit more, twisting his waist so Az could see his entire face and the small area of his exposed chest from the lack of closed buttons. "I would only need to touch your shoulders and arms. There would be very little need to touch anywhere else." Marco thought for a moment and took a small breath. "Depending on if you weren't able to copy my movements exactly, then there is a very very small chance I would have to touch your waist, but I will try to avoid that at all cost, okay?"

Marco was actually the most dangerous fighter amongst multiple mafia groups. After his attack, Marco had vowed to never let anyone over power him again."We will keep everything at your pace and stop the instant you feel something is too much, Az."
Az watches Marco move and he feels he could do it forever. Watching the way the other moved was mesmerizing and somehow calming. He felt his cheeks start to warm, this felt different than looking Marco over as the man had slept.

He bit his lip, his brown eyes slightly darker. His gaze slides over the other's tattoos again, his eyes appraising. He felt his cheeks grow darker, an embarrassed flush full on his olive skin. He was ashamed to be caught staring, and he lowered his gaze, "Sorry. . ." He whispers, his voice soft, shy and maybe a little scared.

He nods slightly, keeping his gaze down. "It's fine. . . Only you. No one else. I don't want anyone else watching me either." His voice was still soft, timid. His fingers curled into the floor, his nails scrapping the wood.
"Why are you apologizing? I never said it was a problem, Az." Marco smiles warmly and turns around completely. He sat on his knees and rested his hands on his thighs, allowing his shirt to tighten over his chest. "I don't care how much or how long you stare at me." Marco blushes but smiles a little wider.

Marco's muscles flexed just a little at the idea of someone else watching Az. He'd kill anyone who dared make the boy uncomfortable. "It would only be us, Az. I will make sure not a single soul is near us." Marco's voice was low but full of sincerity. "You have nothing to worry about Az. You and I will go to my personal training area to make sure we aren't bothered."

Marco places one hand on the ground close to Az's hands. He wished Az would crawl into his arms so he could hold the boy, but he would have to settle for just being able to be bear Az. "We will start whenever you are ready. First off though, we need to try snd get you to start eating, even if it's just a peice of fruit at first okay?"
Az feels the blood in his face, knowing his darker skin was starting to turn a darker shade, "Well- um. . . I'm staring at you. . ." He whispers, turning his face away and rubbing his cheek with one hand. This was starting to bother him. He was acting like a hormonal teenager, forget the fact he was still nineteen and still technically a teenager. He shifts slightly, chewing his lip.

He looked at Marco out the corner is his eye, watching the other male. He didn't know if he'd want to know Marco's thoughts, what he would do if Az felt unsafe, or even just a little uncomfortable. What he'd heard from Marco about James had thrown Az off, and while Az had then the lives of the three men who had attacked him, he still didn't like it. He didn't think anyone should die, mostly because Az didn't feel himself important enough to kill someone over. "I. . . Okay. . ."

Alone with Marco, in a private area where the other male could touch him. Az didn't feel a sense of foreboding, maybe a little uncertain. He swallows once, and closes his eyes, his gaze flicking forward again to stare at the wall. He wondered how he would feel if Marco touched his arm, or how waist. He closes his eyes, God. . . He was in some deep shit.

He looks down, looking at Marco's hand and he felt the urge to lightly trace his fingertips over the back of the man's hand. To feel the bones and tendons there. The slight shift and twitch as Az's fingers barely grazed the warm skin.

Az hums and reaches forward slightly, his fingertips lightly brushing for a moment before he pulled his hand back. He say back onto his ankles, his knees pressing into the floor and looked up at Marco.

His stomach churned, burning and growling softly at the promise of food. But Az knew the moment something hit it, he would most likely want to puke. He took a deep breath, "I'll take the tinned shake, thanks." He mutters, shaking his head.

"I can't handle food right now."
Marco's skin was tingling with a need to be caressed by Az's gentle fingers. He would become a fucking statue if it meant Az would feel comfortable enough to touch him again. Marco knew this game all to well though. Not being able to trust anyone or even yourself was something Marco struggled with for a very long time, and still partially did.

It was strange. The entire time he was looking at Az and monitoring the boy's actions, Marco's scar would switch between burning and tingling. It was almost as if it was a 6th sense trying to tell Marco something. He just couldn't tell if it was saying to trust Az completely or still hold up his guard.

Marco smils and gently pulls his hand away before sitting back on his ankles. He kept his back straight and his head tilted slightly as he looked at Az. The young man was certainly something different. While taking a deep breath, Marco's shirt stretched out over his muscles as the buttons strained to keep the garment closed.

"I'll see if Alfonso can make it taste better. I remember the torture of drinking it everyday, multiple times a day with that God awful taste. I won't put you through that kind of hell." Marco chuckles softly and pushes his fingers through his hair. "Is there anything you want to let me know before we start everything?"
Az slowly stands, swaying slightly before steadying himself. He huffs in annoyance, a slight frown gracing his features as he crosses his arms and leans slightly against the wall. He was used to the lack of nourishment to his body, and had rarely felt lightheaded. But after the boost of energy from the shake that was fading, Az was overcome with a wave of nausea that he managed to keep from his face. The most he allowed was letting his head tip to the side and rest against the wall while his eyes fluttered shut.

He stayed like that for a few short heartbeats before straightening and walking towards the door, "I've been through worse hell, Marco. A shitty tasting shake won't be that bad." He rolls his eyes, a grin gracing his face.

"As long as it's not toxic sludge, I'm good. I would hate to have to claw. . . Alfonso's? face off." He chuckles softly and lifts a shoulder in a half shrug.

He turns towards the door, his head tilting to the side slightly, a dark strand of hair falling into his face as he thinks for a long moment. "I'm allergic to peanuts. Deadly."

He looks at Marco over his shoulder, smiling slightly, "So no peanut butter sandwiches." He grins and pulls the door open, his eyes squinting at the flood of light into the room. He blinks a few times, rubbing at his eyes and grumbles.

"Fucking hell- stupid lights-" He faces Macro again, backing into the hallway, giving a mocking salute, "See you later, sir."

He laughs and turns, sliding his hands into his pockets and strides away. He didn't really know how he felt, on one hand he was mildly happy he'd found someone he was comfortable with and was attracted to. On the other hand, that man had kidnapped him and looked to be a decade older than Az. He didn't know how he flet about the age gap, but he knew plenty of people who would judge him for that too.
Marco laughed and slowly stood up from the floor, adjusting his clothes. Just before closing the door behind himself, Marco takes one small look at the violin and nods towards it. He slowly walks through the halls of the mansion and sighs softly while scratching at his head.

He felt so conflicted now. He wanted to do everything he could to make Az comfortable and possibly even like Marco, but how was that going to be possible when in his line of "work?" Az would surely run the second he found out exactly who Marco D'Angelo was. It wasn't like Marco was even proud of his life either. He was born into this world and had now choice but to follow in his father's footsteps.

Once he made it back to his office, Marco growled and huffed in complete frustration. He was getting closer to enacting his plan of overthrowing the government, but with Az in his life now, things were sure to be harder. Az would want nothing to do with him after his true life was revealed and that thought alone made Marco both sad and pissed off.

Alfonso eventually walked into Marco's office carrying a large folder. "Here is everything that Masimo has collected so far on the memebers of congress. Soon he will be turning over everything of those in the senate and then the judges from the judicial branch." "Thank you Alfonso...on a different note, start making those nutrition shakes taste better and through out every single item in this fucking manison that is associated with peanuts or any nut for that matter."

Thankfully, Marco never really ate anything with peanuts or what not, making the banishment of the food simple. However, this gave Marco a brilliant idea of how to kill off anyone who defied his plans. Masimo was already working on getting the government officials dirty secrets, why nit find out their allergies as well?

Marco continued to work in his office for almost the entire day. Occasionally screaming on the phone, throwing someone out of his office for being incompetent with their task, and sending others out to finish other dirty jobs. Once it hit about 8 at night, Marco pushed himself back from his desk and strolled outside to the backyard.

He needed to vent out a bit of physical stress, it wasn't like he had someone to take to his bed. Instead, Marco opted to just go for a night swim in his heated pool. After stripping down to his boxer-breifs, Marco dove into the pool and started swimming laps. What he failed to remember was that Az's window over looked the pool.
Az had eventually gathered the curage to go back to the room assigned to him, sitting on the bed and flopping back into a nap. He woke maybe an hour or two later, sitting up and rubbing his face. He stretches and lets out a soft squeaking sound as he stands, going to the bathroom. He turns on the shower water, watching it for a moment before he steps back and strips, tossing his clothes to the floor and stepping into the warm water. He lets out a slow breath of pleasure, his eyes fluttering shut as he tips his head back.

He spends a good half hour in the shower, slowly washing himself. He turns the water off, watching it drip slowly before stepping out and grabbing a towel. He shakes his head, splattering water onto the mirror and walls, a grin on his face as a few leftover drops dripped to his nose. He loops the towel around his waist and steps from the bathroom, digging through the stack of clothes that had been brought for him.

A light frown graces his features as he notes most of the clothes weren’t really his style. Plain jeans and some t-shirts, a new jacket and a new pair of shoes. . . He huffs and looks back to his own clothes, gray jeans, holes in the knees and paint splatters on them. His old band shirt that he had found in a lost and found bin and had sat there for a few weeks, and he had taken it. His flannel shirt that had been his mother’s worn almost to threads, but it was soft and he loved the thing. He looks back at the clothes before him and then shrugs, dressing into the new clothes.

He wanders from his room, flicking his hair from his face and wanders around until he found the girl from before, the one who had brought his the food he’d flushed down the toilet. He smiles at her, and asks where he could find art supplies. After getting the answer, he sniles and thanks her and wanders the house until he finds a closet. He nods slightly and opens it, grabbing a box of fabirc paints, paint setting, some brushes, colorful ballpoint pens, and some permanent marker. After a long moment, he wanders to the kitchen, digging through the bin of recycled material and pulls out a few cardboard boxes and grabs a knife. He cuts the boxes,opening them up to make a sheet of the material before taking his handful of stuff and walking back to his room.

He lays out his materials before changing his beans out for some pajama shorts and pulling a blanket around his shoulders. He lays the jeans out on the cardboard and the new shoes, looking at them and then looking at the paints. He huffs softly before picking a few colors and putting some out on the cardboard. He grabs the same colors in the markers and picks the shoes up, starting to draw on the soles. Little designs and small pictures, all colorful. When he finishes with the shoes, both of them covered with little images of lightning bolts, hearts, diamonds and a few other things. A word written on the inside of the sole, Vita valet viventium* on the left shoe and Memento et morieris** on the right in beautiful, scrawling script.

He looks at the jeans, and then grins. Time for the fun part. He picks up a few brushes and gets pain on them, painting on the cardboard a few strokes and then wiping th excess pan on the jeans. After doing this a few times, he picks up a pen and looks at it before grabbing a pair of scissors and opening the pen. He looks at tip before placing the sicors at the tips and squeezing. After a moment, the ball popped out onto the floor and ink dripped onto the cardboard. He nods, satisfied, and s reaches out, carefully flicking his wrist, causing the ink to splatter on the jeans. He does this with the more colors, and once he finishes, stands and looks down at the jeans, the pain had already dried and the ink was setting into the fabric. He just couldn’t wash the jeans for a few days and he would also have to wear them. The ink and paint would set, stain the jeans and he’d have a new, non-threadbare pare of arty jeans.

He grins and cleans up, throwing away the used and messed up pens, washes the brushes and stares to put the materials he had used away. He walks back to the closet and carefully puts them back where he found them. He looks over the closet, noting all the materials in it before making his wa back to the room. He looks at the jeans and reaches down, touching different places and looks at his hand, mostly dry. He nods once and goes to the bathroom, washing his hands and watches as the colors leak into the water and go down the drain.

After a few minuets, he goes back into the main room and sees one of the shake left on the dresser. He sighs softly and picks it up, sipping at it as he walks to the window and looks out. His gaze drifts over the skyline, a decent ways away from the city proper, and it made for a beautiful skyline. The towering buildings like giant behemoths in the sky. His gaze starts to lower, to the trees evenly spaced and lining the gate around Marco’s property, which was expansive as hell. Neatly manicuered green lawns, bushes and trees. A light reflects into his eyes and he looks down to it, his gaze settling onto a pool. Excitement thrilled into him, swimming. He loved swimming, maybe he could go for a swim tomorrow.

Az blinks, noticing a dark form in the water and it takes jus a few moments for him to recognize Marco in the water. His head tilts slightly to the side and he lets out a hum. He would deny it if anyone said he sounded appreciative of the other male. He watches as Marco swims his laps, absently sipping at the drink in his hand. His brown eyes were curious as he watches the other male swim before he blows out a breath and turns away from the window.

He looks back to the jeans and shrugs, changing into them and pulling the new shoes on before tying his mother’s shirt around his waist. He keeps his shake in hand before walking out of the room and making his wa out to the back, leaning against the door frame for a few moments and still watching Marco. He shakes his head and pushes the door open, stepping out into the cool evening air and runs his fingers through his hair. He finds a pool chair, sitting down on the edge of it and waiting for Marco to surface, still sipping at the drink.

*‘Life is worth living’ in latin
**‘Remember you will die’ in latin
Marco powers through his laps, barely paying any attention to anything expect the sensation of the water coursing over his skin. He moved like a damn fish in the water, barely splashing at all whenever he turned and pushed from the wall. Thanks to the fact that the pool was heated, he didn't even notice the cool air the blew gently.

Marco's mind raced as he though about the possible battles that would come with government officials and their guards. No self respecting politician would ever go around without some form of protection and Marco was sure that he would start receiving threats and bribes to make him stop his pursuit.

Marco's memebers all consisted of deadly assassins and ex convicts who were dedicated to him. He had all given them a reason to trust and respect him. Each and every memeber of Marco's group had been saved from something thanks to him. Preventing death penalties, paying debts, fending off other thugs, helping their families, providing shelter, Marco did it all for his memebers. Now they would lay down their lives for him.

Marco was very different from hiw Hua father had run things. His father had chosen to threaten and force his memebers to follow, inviting riots and rebellion at a moments notice from the group. Marco's memebers wouldn't dare cross him though. He made everyone feel like family and banded everyone together as such. Everyone was referred to as brother or sister. The only one who held a higher standing other Marco was Alfonso, but even he knew not to over step with Marco.

After pushing through one last lap, Marco finally stops and hangs onto the wall of the pool closet to Az. He still didn't even notice the boy sitting there as he breaths heavily and wipes the water from his eyes. Marco huffed and looked up at the night sky, hoping for things to work out. He eventually closes his eyes and slows his breathing as he continues to hang onto the wall. His hair was slicked back thanks to the water and beads of water slowly dripped down his defined muscles.
Az watches Marco swim, secretly admiring the male in the glittering water. He pulls his feet up onto the pool chair, his toes tucking under one of the straps. He wondered if Marco would be upset that Az was watching him, or that Az had even come out here. He shakes his head slightly, waving the thoughts away. He admires the way the water barely splashes, and the way Marco hit one wall and easily turned to go the other direction.

He blows out a soft breath, watching the other male lean against the edge of the pool. His brown gaze slides over Marco’s shoulders, noting the water glistening there. He takes his shoes and socks off, pulling his pants up slightly before he quietly gets up and moves over to Marco. He sits down beside the Male and dips his feet into the water, humming softly, “Hi.” He mumbles, his fingers grazing the other’s shoulder.

(Az doesn’t realize how quiet he is- ;-; )
Marco flinches slightly at the sudden touch and sound of Az's voice. He didn't even know the boy was outside let alone being near the pool. The little shit was quieter than his top assassin. "Oh shit! You scared me." Marco laughs and turns his head to smile up at Az. "You're quieter then some of my men you know that?" The boy's hair was still wet from his shower, making Marco worry that he might get too cold. Ho
"How long have you been out here? I hope I wasn't ignoring you by accident." Marco turns so he can fully face Az while the water drips down his neck on pectorals.

"I see you're drinking the shake Alfonso made for you. I hope he followed my instructions and made it taste a little better." Marco chuckles a bit before shuddering at the memory of how bad that shake used to taste. The toxic sludge he used to drink tasted even worse then the thinned out version that Az first drank. The only thing Marco could taste during those months of recovery was dirt. Back then, Alfonso used to put at least 3 or 4 scoops of protein powder along with dried fruits that had very little taste to them in the shakes. Marco could almost eat the shake with a damn spoon because it was so thick.

"Did you want to go for a swim as well? I'm sure you can tell that the pool is heated."
Az squeaks, jerking his hand back and ducking his head an embarrassed flush creeping up his cheeks. He laughs softly, shaking his head, “Sorry. Bad habit.” He smiles slightly, running his hand through his hair and watching Marco.

“Not long. Maybe ten minuets?” He shrugs slightly. “No, I was just watching.”

He looks down into his cup, noting the liquid inside it and huffing a laugh. He peers at Marco, unsure of how to feel at the fact that Marco was. . . Worrying. His head tilts to the side, his gaze locked on Macro for a few moments as he considered the other male. He blinks slowly and shakes his head, “It’s fine. I told you, no one has to work to tailor to me.” He shrugs slightly, one shoulder lifting in the motiion.

He laughs, “No, not right now. Maybe later.” He waves his hand slightly, motioning the offer away. He looks down at the water and hums softly, running his fingers through his hair.
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Marco smiles and nods once in acceptance. The way Az looked whenever he shrugged or or blushed made Marco's heart throb a little. Did Az have any idea just ho w cute he was? Unlikely. Marco looked down at Az's clothes and raised an eyebrow while smirking. "What did you do? Raid the maids crafting supplies?" Marco takes in the way the paint and ink was splattered over the paints, being reminded of how some people throw paint onto a canvas and then call it art. "It looks good though. You should maybe look into starting a clothing line that sells clothes like that."

Marco shakes his head, flicking water on to Az a bit before pushing his fingers through his hair to get it out of his face. His muscles flexed with almost every movement that he made without even trying. The slight bit on 5 o'clock shade that Marco had helped to define his jaw even more. He scrubs a hand over his cheek and huffs softly. "I need to shave, this probably makes me look older than what I really am." Marco turns and looks back at Az and smiles as he sees the boy's hair get pulled out of his face.

Az had the perfect, innocent face that could fool anyone into thinking he was harmless. Something Marco desperately needed to help him further his plans. That conversation would have to wait until Az was fully comfortable in his new life with Marco.

"Well I'm glad you weren't waiting for too long, but I'm curious as to why you came out here. I thought for sure you wouldn't want to be around me unless you had to."
Az laughs softly, tipping his head back slightly. He looks down at he jeans and runs a finger over one of the ink splatters, “Maybe. I put everything back, except the pens-“ HE laughs softly and shake his head.

“I am not starting a clothing line. No way in hell, my history would be horrible for business. The stock market is crashing anyways.” Az had, at one point, debated fashion. But he’d dismissed it swiftly, not wanting to peruse a job that would reply solely on luck. It would be luck that got his brand noticed and popular. He’d decided to study tech, making himself useful in technology. Coding, graphic design, video, editing, and maybe even a little hacking. A skill set like that would make him useful, and getting the right job could make him some decent money.

Az squeaks and splashes Marco lightly, kicking his foot out into te water to do so, “Don’t get me wet!” He glares playfully at Marco, his chocolate eyes bright with some unknown emotion. Probably mirth or humor.

“No, you look. . . I dunno. . . Twenty-eight?” He guesses, peering closer to Marco’s face, his eyes squinting slightly. “I think it looks nice.”

He tilts his head slightly, “Hmm. . . Maybe.”
"Wait what did you do to the pens? The maid Jessica might just lose her mind if they are missing or damaged. She likes to color code the shopping list." Marco laughs and covers his face just in time before the water can hit him. Even though he seemed to anger Az a bit, Marco enjoyed the little back and forth they were having. For once Marco didn't have to up hold some strong and dangerous facade in front of someone. He blushed slightly when Az said that his facial hair looks nice. Even though Marco would always get glances and catch girls staring at him whenever he was on the street, but when Az said it there seemed to be more meaning behind it.

"Well...thank you. You're correct on my age though." Marco sighs and leans his head back while looking up at the stars. Even though he was still young, he felt like his life was passing by quicker than it should. He was almost thirty years old, single, and was the leader of a deadly mafia group. He wanted to be able to have someone special in his life, but no one would want to be with someone like him. He could hardly stand having people look at his scar. How was he supposed to be with someone who would want to touch it and ask questions about it.

Marco turns to look at Az again with a gentle smile. "So is there a specific reason you came out here or just wanted to enjoy the night air?"
Az bites his lip, “Don’t worry, I used ones that I had seen doubles of. I just- popped the ball in the tip out and the ink flows. I the flush the ink onto the jeans.” He shrugs, laughing softly. Az was always care when using other peoples supplies, to make sure he didn’t use up one of something. He taps his fingers absently on the stone beside him, watching Marco for a moment before looking to the water again.

He liked watching the light reflect off the pool water, the ripples making the light dance onto the walls around it. He swirls his foot before splashing at Marco again, determined to splash the water into his face.

He grins, “I have a good eyes. You don’t look a day over twenty-eight. Don’t worry. I would say keep the beard short though. It would make you look older if you grew it out.” He shrugs slightly, looking back at Marco. His gaze slides over the other’s face, appraising and admiring. His brown eyes glittered with the admiration and he blinks after a moment, looking away again.

“Um-“ He shrugs slightly, “Both.”
Marco smiles and huffs a small laugh. "Don't worry about it. Even if you used all of the art supplies, she would've just gone a shopping spree for new supplies." Marco looked at Az's pants again, admiring the swirls and drips of each color. It looked like something that was bought at a store almost. The fact that Az was liking his beard was making Marco blush a little and smile. "It wont be hard to keep it short. I hate having long facial hair. Just gets in the way. You're right about you having good eyes though."

Marco carefully looks over Az's body, trying not to scare the boy off. Even though he had signs of malnutrition, Az still had an attractive body. Marco narrowly avoids the splash of water again and laughs. "Do that again and I might just splash you back." Marco playfully narrows his eyes as he smiles at Az.

Marco sighs softly with a smile and looks up at the sky again. The stars were always something that made him feel calm and relaxed. "So what's the reason you came out here for, if I may ask?"
Az laughs softly, "Ah, I see. So. . . I can raid the art supplies as I wish?" He grins, he totally would raid the art supplies to make more art. And not just on clothes. His fingers itched to pick up at pencil and draw.

Az lifts his chin, feeling Marco's gaze on his body. He shivers, his jaw setting with determination not to flinch away from the appraising look over his body. He smirks, "Do it." He splashes Marco before swiftly standing and pulling his shirt off. The lifting of the fabric revealed his pale skin and his ribs. The bones were easily seen under his skin, and there were one or two bruises from where Marco's men had grabbed him the other day. He then strips off his pants, leaving his boxers on before diving gracefully into the water, making barely a splash.

He surfaces about six feet from Marco, looking at him, "I was bored and fresh air sounded nice."
Marco frowns as he see the bruises, trying to remain calm before flying off the handle. He would be sure to "talk" to his men later. He blushes slightly when he sees Az strip down to his boxers, but also feels a sense of relief that he would be comfortable enough to do so. The way the boy dove into the pool was amazing. He had a perfect form and looked like a natural born swimmer. Just as he crests the water, Marco splashes him in the face and laughs. "Gotcha!"

Marco swims just a tiny bit closer to Az and smiles. "Well I'm glad you came out to enjoy the night. It's actually a beautiful night out and the stars are very visible tonight."
Az squeaks, and ducks back under the glittering water. He rises behind Marco and splashes the male again before diving back down below the water. He swims to the other side of the pool, swift and agile as a fish. H surfaces again and leans back against the edge of the pool, water glittering on his face and chest, dripping from his hair. He takes deep breaths, and almost looks tired for a moment, as if the short swim had fatigued him, then the expression is gone, covered with a bright smile and light in his brown eyes. "For now. I'll get you back later though." He smirks at Marco, the movement, while not intentionally, was somehow sultry.

"The night is very beautiful. I love it." He keeps his gaze on Marco, "But there are far more beautiful things. Like me." He laughs softly.
Marco laughs and shakes his head as he slowly swims just a but closer to Az. Even though Marco also believed that the view became so much better once Az showed up, he couldn't help but enjoy Az's boldness. "Well, I would say something in regards to that, but I'll save it for another time." Marco smirks and joins Az against the wall, leaving about 6 feet of distance between the two. He was thankful for the water though. It was hiding the large budget that was threatening to expose his attraction to the boy.

Marco sighs softly while smiling and looked up at the sky. "So how much can I bet that you've been an avid swimmer for many years?"
As laughs, “In regards to what? My beauty or my getting you back later?” He flicks his fingers in the water, flicking the water at Marco. He shakes his head, spraying water and peering over at the older male, his lips still curved into his sultry little smirk.

“Because, of its to my beauty, do tell me.”

He shifts his weight, dropping his gaze to the water, “Yeah. It was an escape for me. All I had to do was go to the shitty pool in th complex before they drained it. Then I would go out of the city for a weekend and swim at the lake.” He swallows, swishing his leg through the water.
Marco chuckles and slowly looks over Az's body before looking back into his eyes with warm smile. "You're more beautiful than I think you truly know." Marco moved just the smallest bit closer to Az, wanting to get closer but not wanting to scare Az. The boy had already been through enough and Marco was sure that his tattoos were probably making him look a little more intimidating.

"Well you are always welcome to swim whenever you want. Not that you wouldn't do it anyways." Marco laughs softly. "I haven't been to the lake in a long time. I think the last time I went I was about 16 or 17 years old."
Az stared at Marco for a long moment before looking away and clearing his throat, "Yeah, pfft, anyways. I can't actually be that much to look at. I'm too damn skinny, you can see my fucking ribs. You can also clearly see my collarbones and shoulders. Like-- Who would want someone like that?" Obviously those men in the alley that night, though Az hadn't actually been unhealthily then. He could still have been considered cute, if not that, then at least pleasant to look at.

Az looks back to Marco for a moment before looking away, "Yeah. . ." He mumbles, running his hand up the back of his head, fingers through his damp hair.

"You haven't missed much, I'm sure." He huffs a soft laugh, "It hasn't changed since I've been going there, can't be too bad compared to your old ass."
Marco rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "Just because you don't see yourself as beautiful, doesn't mean others won't see it either. You have a very artistic beauty to you." Marco smiles warmly at Az and continues to inch close to him. Marco wasn't blind. He knew that Az was in desperate need of gaining weight, but he could still see the beauty Az's features truly held. Maybe it was because Marco was an art fanatic, maybe it was because he had been so lonely for so long that he was able to see the true beauty behind people.

"I'm not that old, Az. Yes, I'm older than you, but I'm still very much in my prime." Marco grumbles before quickly splashing water at Az. "Don't act like you won't get to my age eventually."
As shakes his head, his fingers absently trailing over his skin. He’d long since hated the way he looked, wishing to desperately gain some weight. But any attempt left him starving himself again and again. He knew he was unhealthy, but he couldn’t help feeling that if he looked healthy, things may happen yet again. Things that left him awake and shuddering in the middle of the night. He closes his eyes for a moment and then shrugs, forcing a light smiles to his face, “What, I’m all swoops and blots?” He asks, trying to make a joke.

“Oh, come on, when I’m your age, you’ll still be old. Your ass is old, not as sweet and beautiful as mine just now in its prime. You’ll be leaving yours in what, two or three years?”

Az snickers, leaning back against the pool edge.
Marco laughs and splashing water at Az. "You're a brat, you know that?" He swims closer to Az and leans against the edge as well before looking up at the sky. He was thankful he had his men to do his dirty work, now he was able to spend some more time with Az. He glanced over at Az and smiled a bit before looking at the sky again.

"You're right though, you'll still be just as beautiful when you are my age. I'm not happy about turning 29 thus year, but it's not like I can do anything about it."

Marco sighed and looked down at the water. He could feel this strange pull towards Az, but he couldn't explain it. It was as if his body was telling him that Az was meant for him.

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