Fantasy RP Take Him, Then the World (Firestarter)

Az laughs, shuddering with it and covering his mouth with a hand to muffle the sound, "I think you look wonderful for your old age-" He keeps laughing, his shoulders trembling.

"I mean, only one gray hair, which I'm sure I put there somehow. And. . ." He trails off, sliding his gaze over Marco's body, taking his time to take in the details.

The subtle coil of muscle over his upper arms, the swirl of ink from the beautiful tattoos. He wanted to run his fingers over those swirls, see how long would take to map all the ink with his mouth. Following the muscles if Marco's chest down to his flat stomach and abs, and lower to the V of his pelvis. Az's gaze darkened slightly, desire starting to burn low in his core.

He still hadn't finished his sentence, his gaze now locked on Marcos pelvis.
Marco remains silent and watches Az's eyes roam his body. He wasn't about to stop him from looking. In fact, Marco wanted him to do more, but he knew he had to let Az come to him.

He keeps his breathing slow and steady as he imagines what it would be like to have Az wrapped up in his arms, feeling his smaller frame pressed against his chest. He wanted to leave a trail of kisses and small bite marks down Az's neck to his pelvis. He wanted to mark this younger male to show that no one else was allowed to have him.

Marco smirked and lightly bit his lip as he saw that Az was staring at his pelvis. He could feel himself start to slowly grow harder under the water. It was as if his body was responding to Az's gaze to give the other a better view.

Without saying anything, Marco flexed his muscles, wanting to see if Az would give off a noticeable reaction.
Az blinks once, his breath heavy as he slowly looks back up at Marco. He bites his lip, shifting back and hoping up to sit on the edge of the pool. He could feel himself start to harden, thoughts and images flooding his mind.

Marco taking him, Marco touching him, gentle touches to heated skin. He shivers, his hand gripping the pool edge. He didn't understand these thought or feelings, add that he didnt think he could feel them again, Az was mildly scared.

He looks back up at Marco, his gaze locking in the flexing muscles. "Fuck. . ." He whispers.
Marco quietly huffs out a small laugh and flexes his muscles again, making sure to show off every dip and curve that they made. All he could think about was having Az explore his body, touching, stroking, kissing, licking, anything that Az wanted to do, Marco would welcome all of it.

Marco was already completely hard under the water and could feel his cock twitching with a need to be touched. He had to fight himself to not do anything though. He knew that even the slightest gesture to his cock would ruin the moment.

Even though he was fighting himself, he wanted to move closer to Az and let the other male see that there was nothing to be afraid of. Marco flexed his muscles once more, making sure to flex his pelvis as well to make his cock move slightly under the water.
Az bit down hard on his lower lio, his breath heavy. "Marco-" He rasps, looking away. His cheeks were flushed and he gets up, clearing his throat.

"Trying to s-se-seduce me? He huffs, crossing his arms and feigning nonchalance.

"It won't work." He teases, forcing his lips to curve into a smirk, though it totally was because az was fully hard for the first time in almost four years.

he turns slightly in an attempt to hide his own erection, looking away.
Marco chuckles softly and moves to the edge of the pool, resting his arms on the stone edge and looking up at Az, "I was simply improving the view for you. You're the one who couldn't stop staring at my body." He slowly climbs out of the pool and stands about 3 feet from Az, letting the water drip from his body with his erection only being hidden behind his boxer briefs.

"I specifically recall your eyes locking onto a certain part of my body that was below the water, and yet you say I was trying to seduce you?"

Marco takes a couple small steps and leans down to whisper into Az's ear, "Don't worry, I won't punish you for being a naughty boy." He pulls away and starts walking away, flexing his back muscles a little just in case Az was watching.
Az watches Marco, huffing, "Whatever makes you feel better about yourself." He mutters, crossing his arms.

He resists the urge to step back when Marco advances on him, only taking a small half step back before the man reached him.

He squeaks, his face red and feeling impossibly harder, "P-Punish?! What- Naughty?" He frowns, confused an then grumbles under his breath.

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Marco chuckles and continues to walk inside. He hoped Az would give into his desires and explore the joys of the flesh with him someday, but he figured that would be a long time from now. However, teasing this younger male was turning out to be more fun than Marco had suspected.

Once he gets inside, Marco walks to his bedroom and slips out of his soaked boxer briefs, tossing them into the hamper before throwing himself down onto the bed. His cock was still fully erect and all Marco could think about was how good it would feel to be with Az and let the other explore his body.

Even though his door was still slightly cracked open, Marco gently palms his cock, feeling it throb while his mind fills with images and scenes how it would be to have Az in his bed. Without thinking, Marco starts to jerk himself off, imagining it was Az the entire time.
Az sighs and looks back at the pool water for a.koment before grabbing a neatly folded towel and dries himself off, grabbing his clothes and dressing, despite his damp underwear.

He looks around, rubbing the towel in gis hair and spots Marco's clothes and rolls his eyes. He drapes the towel over his arm abd picks the clothes up. He walks inside and goes to Marco's room, tapping in the door.

He pushes it open, stepping inside a single step, Hey, you left your clothes on the--" He stops mid sentence, staring at Marco.
Being lost in his thoughts of Az, Marco doesn't hear nor notice the younger male walk into his room and continues to stroke his cock, groaning and panting softly as his hand slides up and down his entire length with slow movements.

Every muscle in his body flexes as he strokes his cock. Due to his body still being wet from the pool, his skin shines a little in the soft light of his room and helps to define his toned body. Every drip and curve of his muscles is highlighted perfectly for Az's gaze.

He presses his head back into the pillows more and groans louder as starts stroking his cock faster, imagining his cock being buried inside Az's ass.
Az swallows thickly, frozen in place and staring at Marco. Fear flooded his mind, but also desire. Strong, unwavering desire. His hips shifts forward slightly, grinding forward against nothing as his cock hardened again.

"M-Marco-" he rasps, trying to get the other's attention. His grip on the clothes tightened.
Marco lifts his head and looks at Az lustfully, not stopping even for a second. He smirks and bites his lip while locking eyes with Az. His cock throbs even more now that he has Az watching him jerk off. He could feel himself getting closer to climaxing as he looked down and saw Ax's cock start to get hard.

"You can watch all you want Az, or you can join in. Either way, I'm not stopping." Marco growls and starts stroking his cock faster, panting more.
Flashes of that boy when Az was sixteen spear in his eyes. The boy had made it so Az couldn't flee as the bully stood over Az's trembling form and jerked himself off at Az's helplessness. Az shakes his head, panting softly.

Marco didnt beat him into a pulp and pleasure himself over it. Marco was not Kaleb. He takes a shuddering breath, stepping back slightly. "S-Sor-Sorry, you l-left your clothes-" he whispers, watching Marco's hand.
Marco slows his strokes to a stop and sits up on the bed, "It's alright, Az. You don't have to be afraid." He smiles at Az softly and lets out a gentle breath, If you are scared, then go to your room and gather yourself. My clothes don't matter, your well being matters."

Marco sighs softly and looks down at his bed. He knew he shouldn't have said those things to Az, but he had been so lost in the moment that he didn't even think about how much it would scare the other. "You're safe, Az, and I'm sorry that I scared you."
Az's eyes were wide and he shakes his head, swallowing thickly. "You should know enough about me if I don't like something, I won't put up with it. If I didn't want to see this, I would have left." He whispers, his gaze locked on Marco's cock.

"Why did you stop?" He murmurs, a slight pout forming his lips. While his skin was pale, Az hadn't moved anymore than the single step he had taken, enjoying the sight more than he feared what could happen. "Don't stop in my behaf."
Marco smiled and bit his lip again before laying back on the bed and grabbing his cock once more. He keeps his eyes on Az's while he groans and pants softly. His muscles flex again as he starts stroking his cock faster. The last drops of water that remain on his body continue to make his skin shine a little from the light along with the small bit of precum that starts to drip from the tip of Marco's cock.

He pants heavier and groans louder as he feels his cock getting harder, throbbing more and more as he gets close to cumming again. "Fuck~" He grits his teeth and strokes his cock even faster, making small smacking sounds as his wrist hits his pelvis. While watching Az, Marco groans and his hips buck as he cums, shooting his thick, hot cum onto his stomach.
Az whimpers softly with desire. He takes a small step forward, his gaze sliding over Marco's body and enjoying the male's blissed expression.

Az's own cock pressed urgently against his jeans, begging to be freed and touched. Begging for it's own attention. Az didn't make a sound as he slowly drifted to the foot of the bed.
Marco lays his head back on the pillows and slowly catches his breath. His eyes were closed and his hand rested on his pelvis while both his stomach and cock remain cover in his cum.

He slowly opens his eyes and lifts his head to look at Az, smirking and huffing a small laugh, "Well I hope you enjoyed watching me." He winks playfully at Az and glances down at the other's cock as it presses against the Az's jeans. He knew damn well the Az had enjoyed it, but he wasn't about to say it to Az and possibly scare him off.
Az swallows and looks away, his skin flushing again with embarrassment. "U-Um. . . Y-Ye-Yeah. . . I-" He covers his face with a hand, biting his lower lip.

His hips rocked forward, grinding against nothing again as he whimpers, a soft, needy sound. His free hand knots into his shirt, gripping tightly and he turns slughtly.
Marco lets out a small breath before slowly propping himself up on his elbows. He looks at Az and watches as he absently grinds against the air, wanting to show Az just how good he can make the other feel.

"Az, tell me right now what you would like to do. I know you're head must be spinning, but if you want to be able to do something with me while still feeling safe, I can do something that might help."
Marco takes a deep breath to keep himself from pouncing on Az. His shy demeanor was driving Marco nuts and made him want to claim the younger male for himself. He would resist that urge though, wanting to make sure Az wouldn't run off.

"I have an idea. I will lay back and hold onto the headboard of my bed so you can do whatever you want. I don't care if all you do is come closer and look at me or if you want to touch me. You can do whatever you want and I wont move."
Az looks at him hesitating before slowly moving closer. "Okay. . ." He whispers, timidly looking at Marco.

The male was large, and hot, if Az was honest. He wanted nothing more than to press against him and let Marco take care if him, but his fear had him stuck in place.

Once Marco was gripping the headboard, az reached out, lightly tracing the words scrawled across Marcos chest. His touch was feather light, barely there, though Az still looked like he would get devoured inna seconds notice. Which was incredibly possible with Marco.
Marco closes his eyes for a moment once Az started tracing one of his tattoos. The younger one's light touch tickled his skin and made his heart skip a beat. He slowly opens his eyes, making sure not to have a predatory look to them as he looks up at Az's face.

The fact that Az was still looking terrified made Marco both concerned yet proud. This tortured boy was fighting through his fears all because he wanted to touch Marco. He couldn't deny that it was flattering. "You can touch wherever you want, I won't move or let go of the headboard."
Az looks up at Marco, falling back onto his frankness and humor. "You just want me to touch you." He rolls his eyes, letting out a sigh and pretending to be exasperated.

"It's not just about me, it's about you to. I have a feeling if I wasn't cute, you wouldn't really care much." Az steps closer again, slowly sliding his hand up Marco's hip.

It felt immensely satisfying to do this, to be the on in control. But deep down, he knew it wasn't what he carved, it was what he carved that scared him so much.

He slides his fingers over Marco's abdomen, silent.
Marco closes his eyes for a second and lets out a soft breath, enjoying the feel of Az's fingers against his skin. His cock twitches again and his breath grows a little heavier.

"Regardless of your looks, Az, I would still care about you just as much as I do now." He opens his eyes and looks at Az with genuine care and affection.

His muscles flex lightly on their own in response to Az's soft grazing. "No matter what happened to you in the past, you should always feel safe exploring new things with someone who will let you do whatever you want without interfering."

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