Fantasy RP Take Him, Then the World (Firestarter)

A soft moan left Az's lip, his head tipping back. Everything felt so good against his skin, warm and gentle. Enticing and addicting. His hips push forward into the male's hand, urging for more.

Through the warm haze of pleasure though, confusion pushed through. It had only been a few days. Kidnapped, hurt. He pants out a heavy breath, trying to push the feelings away. They came back tenfold, waring inside his mind.

Panic started to bloom in his chest, breaths heavy. He hadn't let anyone touch him in so long, and now he was letting this man touch him? Why? He barely knew Marco, and the man was all over him.

He lets out a strangled sound, the press against his prostate shocking. He pushes at Marco, gasping and trembling, "S-Stop-!" He gasps out, hands shaking and eyes squeezing shut.
Marco's eyes widen and he quickly pulls away from Az, holding his hands up and climbing off the bed. "Okay!'re okay. I won't touch you. Just breathe."

Marco's heart sank as he looked at Az, seeing the amount of fear and uncertainty in him. He knew this was a long shot, but he didn't think Az would panic so quickly.

Marco sighs and looks down, unsure of what Az will do or say now that things have transpired in this way.
Az presses a hand to his face, trembling. He tries to take a breath and slowly peers at Marco, "I- I'm sorry." He was so hard, he wanted this man. But he was also so scared.

He was terrified of what it would mean to be with someone. To be touched. But he felt like cowering and staying scared let his assailants win. But. . . With the panic, any touch would feel like he's being set on fire.

"I'm sorry. . ." He repeats.
"Don't be. You have nothing to be sorry for." Maeco says softly, still holding his hands up to make sure Az could see them. He couldn't care less about the growing pain from blue balls that was growing, he just wanted to make sure Az was alright.

He takes a small breath and gives Az a comforting smile, "You never need to apologize for needing to stop during a time like this. You being comfortable is what is important."
Az swallows and looks away, "What if I'm never comfortable with it?" He whispers, "What if I can never be touched again?" He shudders, clearly longing to be able to be touched.

"I-I just. . . I feel like I'm being set on fire everytime I get touched. . . I can't stand it. . . I wish I didn't feel that way. . ." He feels tears prick his eyes and he wipes his hand over them. "Why do I have to be like this? Why am I so- so broken?"
Marco frowns and slowly lowers his hands, "Az, what you went through is not something light. Coming back from that is a long and messy process." He gently climbs off the bed and moves to the side, kneeling down on the floor so Az can still feel safe while Marco can be closer.

"I no it's hard and I know it makes you feel like it's not going to get better, but it will. I want to help you in any way that I can." He smiles softly at Az and holds up one hand to Az, "Tell me, did it feel better when you were in control while I 'couldnt' move?"
Az watches him, "But- But I. . . I just wanna be normal. . ." He whispers.

"I wanna do the things most guys my age do. . . I wanna be able to go out, go to parties. . . Hookups. . . But I can't look at people and not see someone who wants to hurt me. . ." He pulls his knees closer, whimpering. He hated only seeing the evil in people. He wished he could see the good, and the nice. But every place felt like a leer and every word felt like a lie.

"Why would you want to help me anyways? There's so many other things you could do with your time than help a stupid child."

He fidgets with the blankets, shudders as a tear rolled down his cheek.
Marco frowns and reaches out to softly wipe the tear from Az's cheek. "You will get there some day Az, I promise. I don't care what I have to do or who I have to go after to get you to feel the way you want to."

He remains kneeling on the floor, looking up at Az like a sad puppy, "I want to help you because....I....I can't explain it, but I just- feel this strong need to be around you and protect you." He looks down, thinking Az is going to find him to be even crazier than before.
Az looks at Marco and nods, "I just. . . I wish I was there now, you know?" He mumbles, closing his eyes and turning his face away slightly.

He swallows thickly, pushing the lump on his throat down. "Don't kill anyone for me. That's not, in the least bit, romantic."

Az looks back at Marco, laughing softly, "Yeah, yeah, supernatural forces at their best."
Marco gives a sympathetic smile and shakes his head, "Look, I know it sounds crazy, I'm struggling to believe its happening, but I really do feel this need to help you and protect you."

He holds up one hand to Az so he take it or even just touch it, "I know you wish it was better now, but good things come to those who wait. And yes, I know that sounds cheesy."

"I won't kill anyone if that's what you really want, but if at any point you want to find those who hurt you to at least confront them, let me know."
Az looks at Marco, eyes wide slightly. He reaches out slowly, tracing his finger tip over Marco's palm. His touch was barely there, and just the slightest pricking sensation under his skin. Though he knew it would intensify the moment he pressed his palm flat against Marco's.

"And. . . I kinda want you to. . ." He whispers, brown eyes glittering with unshed tears. "And I've never wanted that from anyone. Most of the time I punch them in the face and walk away. . ."

He shakes his head, wiping at his eyes with his free hand. "You're a cheesy fuck, it's fine." Az slowly extends his fingers, pressing his palm flat to Marco's and wrapping his ringers with the other's. He stares at their hands for long moments, not wanting to let go, but also wanting to tear away. The flam under his skin was not the pleasant kind, and made his hand feel like it was melting from the inside.

His hand was dwarfed by Marcos, the other mamas at least a fourth, or maybe a third larger that Az's. Az's fingers thin, nimble and delicate, while Marco's were slightly thicker and definitely stronger with a brute grip. Though,as Az had learned, also gentle when need be. Callused and rough in all the right places that spoke volumes about how the man before him knew how to hold and use weapons. While Az's, not soft, but definitely not as rough and worn.

Slowly, he leans forward, hand still gripping Marco's as he presses a soft kiss to the side of the male's neck. He could feel how still and tense he was, the tension radiating off the male in waves. Az closes his eyes, taking a deep breath and inhaling Marco's scent before blowing out a slow, smooth breath across the other's neck.

He leans back a few centimeters, a playful grin flashing across Az's face and he turns his face,soft breath in Marco's ear as he whispers, "Well, maybe I'll let you know if that's what I want."
Marco had never wanted someone as badly as Az and he couldn't figure it out even if it meant saving his life. Az was bratty, rude, and just a complete 180 degree difference from the people Marco was normally attracted to personality wise. He could care less how Az had looked, but his thin, frail frame spoke to Marco on a deeper level that just physical attraction. He felt the need to help this younger male regain his dignity and feel empowered again.

Marco's skin tingles as the other's warm breath washes over it, feeling like a warm summer breeze that made him experience a mixture of excitement and and nerves. He wanted so badly to reach out and envelope Az in a warm embrace and capture those soft lips in a searing kiss, but he knew better than to rush Az. The small kiss that Az placed on his neck was already feeling like the most pleasurable burn Marco could ever ask for.

He gulps hard as he fights back his urge to grab Az and lets out a shaky yet heavy breath. He turns his head just enough so his lips graze against Az's ear like feathers, "You know where to find me." He flexes his muscles slightly and lets his breathing grow just a little heavier so Az could feel the growing desire within Marco.
Az shudders at the brush of Marco's lips to his ear. He lets out a soft sound, not quite a moan but. . . Close. Sensitive ears. He closes his eyes, swallowing thickly. He looks at Marco out of the corner of his eye, the chocolate brown color warm and curious.

"Do I?" He murmurs, hand starting to tremble slightly. His gaze locked on Marco, pulling back enough to look straight into the man's face. "Do I really know where to find you? What if you're hiding from me?"

His soft lips curve down into a playful pout. It was so easy to look at Az and see the kind of boy who had been attacked. Small, pretty and unassuming. Easily looked at and seen as attractive. What was harder to see was the young man who had killed three men with his bare hands.

Though neither instance spoke of who Az was. Az didn't know if Marco knew, or would ever know, the creative and artistic guy he was. Troubled, yes. Traumatized, yes. Hurt, yes.

But enduring, very much so. Az had his hardships, maybe worse than most people's, but he was still here. He was still alive. He had wondered, at some point, what it would be like to be enveloped in the warmth os the never ending abyss of Death. Wondered, but never acted. After all, he'd fought so hard to stay alive, had killed three men for his chance to stay.

And now, full, soft lips pouting at Marco as he teased the larger male, he had the faintest feeling of flirting with death. Maybe not his own death, but a man who would bring that darkness to anyone who dared look twice at Az. He wondered if he was sane for taking comforting that feeling.

"What if I can't find you at all?" Az leaned forward again, lips parting slightly as he kissed the front of Marco's throat, his mouth gentle on the sensitive skin before he pulled away completely.

He let go of Marco's hand and stood from the bed, stepping around him and looking at the man. He keeps the slight pout on his face, though his warm brown eyes show a glimmer of amusement.
Marco's skin tingles and soft growl escapes his throat as Az places a soft kiss there. He could feel his heart racing and his finger tips tingling with electric sparks. If only this boy knew how much of an affect he had on Marco.

Az hadn't done much for Marco, but he already had the rugged male wrapped around his little finger. If at any point Az were to tell Marco that he had something as small as getting bumped into at the store, Marco's men would be ordered to find and bloody up the bastard for daring to touch Az in any manner.

The game of letting Az have control over him was something new and exciting. Marco was always in control, never letting even the sweetest person say anything in objection to his word. Now, Az was able to make Marco suffer in more ways than one and Marco would eat it up like a puppy reveling in the attention he is being given.

Once Az pouted those perfect lips and walked around Marco's still naked frame, he flexed his back and shoulder muscles to show Az that he was the protector he needed along with remaining as still as a statue to show he would be the obident servant Az could use for anything. "You will never have to worry about not finding me Az. I will always be with you."
Az stares back at Marco, brown eyes curious as he tilts his head. He grins slightly, "You never know." He shrugs slightly, fingers curling around the edge of the door. He sakes his head and pulls it opens before stepping out into the hall.

"You should get dressed. . ." His grin turns into a smirk as he tilts his head, "And make sure your door is closed next time."

He laughs softly before shutting it behind him and making his way down the hall to his own room. He slips inside and looks around for a moment before dragging his hand through his hair and dropping down onto the bed.

His hand reaches up, fingers grazing over his neck. He'd really let Marco all over him. How? Why? He pulls at his hair, shivering. It had felt so good, up until her remembered. Until his thoughts pushed in. How could he ever forget? How could he just let himself feel? He was so tired of the fear and panic.

He blows out a shuddering breath, laying back down on the bed and staring blankly at the ceiling.
Marco groaned and pushed his fingers through his hair once Az was gone. He was so close to finally claiming Az's body, but it was ruined. If it wasn't for those fuckers who hurt Az in the past, he would have his little birdie already.

"Fuck....." he grunts, feeling the pain of both Az leaving and the massive round of blue balls he was now suffering. "I need a fucking distraction...."

Following Az's words, Marco walks to his closet and pulls out some black slacks and a dark purple button down along with some fine Italian leather dress shoes. Leaving the top three buttons open to show off a touch of his chest, Marco emerges and walks to his study.

He figured it was better to bury himself in his work rather than be a sniveling pup in his room.
He closes his eyes, his hand pressed flat against his neck. "Oh. . . God. . ." He mumbles, trembling now. He didn't know what was happening, or why it was happening.

He was confused, and probably even more scared than he had ever been. He knew his life has been fucked for years. And now, something. . . Probably good had come up and he was too much of a pussy to try.

He covers his face with his free hand, trembling.
While Marco sits in his study, he goes over the findings that Masimo sent over to him along with studying the plans for a few different political balls that were coming up over the next few months.

He didn't want to exploit Az, but he was going to be a useful person to have at the events. His attractive looks would be able to charm the twisted minds of the politicians so Marco would be able to sneak some information out of them. "Fuck...this will never work if he can't even stand ME around him, let alone some sleezy old politician."

Running his fingers through his hair, Marco stands from his desk and walks through his home. The soft click of his shoes on the marble flooring tell almost everyone in the house that he was walking towards the room with his violin.

After entering the room, Marco, pulls out the violin and begins to play once more, needing the spiritual feel of his mother's presence to calm his mind.
Az sighs softly, watching the ceiling fan spin and spin. Sometimes he felt like that. The blade of a larger machine, just moving and moving with no end in sight. Constant motion and no rest, no time to catch his breath.

He eventually sits up and peers around the room. It could use a little personalization. . . He bites his lip and rubs his face. Personalization. . . What did that even mean? He didn't have enough things to decorate a room this large.

He blows out a breath, standing and wanders into the hall. What the fuck would he even do with his time? He didn't have to work to keep a roof over his head, and with his part-time school, he would have lots of free time to do as he pleased.

But he barely even knew what that was. He knew he had a passion for painting. . . But. . . Would he be able to do so in peace? Would people bother him all the time?
The music flowed from his fingers as if he were the violin itself. Marco's eyes where closed and his breathing was steady as he lost himself in each note. This was one of the only things that ever made him feel centered. No matter what it was, playing his mother's violin was there to ease the pain.

He took just a small moment to text Alfonso about his small surprise that he had set up for Az. He could only imagine what it must feel like to be in the boy's shoes, trapped in a massive house without anyone he knows while being forced to trust him.

While Marco continued to play the violin, Alfonso lightly knocked on Az's door. "Excuse me, but I have something for you that Mr. D'Angelo has requested I give you."
AZ was somewhere else in the house, definitely not in his room as he wanders through the halls. He hears the music and follows it to the room he had found Marco playing in previously.

He listens for a moment before knocking and pushing open the door. He rubs his eyes, "Hey. . . Um. . ." He shifts slightly, looking slightly uncomfortable.

He didn't know how to ask, or even the words to use and string together. Not only that but the sight before him distracted him. It was nothing mostly, but Az had a staring problem, especially when seeing people acting on their passions. Those kind of people always had a look about them.

One that screamed 'I was born for this' and with a deep love. He saw that in Marco when he played. Though Az knew it was to be close to his mother, he could still see that glimmer.

Marco stopped playing and slowly turned to face Az, giving the other a small smile before nodding his head for Az to enter the room. "You can come in. I don't mind." He gently placed the violin back into its case before setting it aside.

He couldn't stop himself from feeling happy whenever Ax found him in this room. Maybe it was because of their first encounter in the room or maybe it was because he could feel a strange yet strong attraction to Az. Either way, he welcomed the company.

"I had just sent Alfonso to your room, but he will probably just leave everything for you in the living room. Was there something you needed?"
Az rubs the back of his neck, laughing softly, "Damn, I feel bad now. . ." He steps into the room, pushing the door closed. He looks at the floor, kicking his toe into it.

"You know, you're really good at that, right?" He keeps his hand on the back of his neck, looking up at Marco. "Really good."

He shifts his weight and clears his throat, "What did you want Afonso to give me?" Az felt a little bad that the man hasn't found Az in his room. Granted, Az rarely left the room, he'd spent most of his time here either on that room or with Marco. So, he knew it was fair to assume if he wasn't with Marco, then he was in his room. And Az hadn't been with Marco when Alfonso had left.

Still, Az felt a little bad.
Marco smiled and nodded with a bow, "I'm glad you enjoy my playing. I never used to like playing instruments when I was younger but....things happen and people change." His smile held the smallest ounce of remorse as he tucked one arm behind his back and took a small step closer to Az.

"Don't worry about feeling bad. I've sent Alfonso on wild goose chases for random items in the past." He said with a chuckle.

Marco looked over Az carefully, curious as to why he was here once again. He wouldn't dare have a problem with it, rather enjoying Az's company. "I got you something to preoccupy your time with and help you explore your artistic side." Even though Marco didn't think it was much, he hoped Az would like the sketch book, art supplies, and fashion design materials he had purchased. "Is there something you wanted to speak with me about?"
Azra laughs softly, tipping his head back. "Wild goose chases? What, were you too comfy in bed and wanted a glass of orange juice or to find a certain book in your library that you couldn't remember the name of?" He teases, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.

"I can see you doing that. 'Oh, Alfonso, I'm so comfortable, and I want a book. Could you get it for me? I can't remember the name, just that it's about people and has words in it-'" Az presses the back of his hand to his forehead, feigning distress. He giggles coving his mouth and shaking his head.

He blinks and then looks up at Marco, "Really?" He bounces slightly, looking excited.

"I was wondering if it would have been possible for me to get some art stuff. That's what I came here for. And to watch you play."
Marco laughs scratches the back of his head, being unsure if he really wants to tell Az that the things he made Alfonso look for weren't so innocent. "Well, not really stuff like that, but yeah."

Seeing Az acting playful and joking warmed Marco's heart, making him want to always see Az this way. A wide smile spread across Marco's face when Az spoke of what he was wanting, knowing that he had gotten the perfect gift.

"How about you follow me back to your room. I'm sure you'll like what is there." Gesturing for Az to follow, Marco walks slowly towards Az's room. He knew Alfonso would be smart enough to leave the gift there since Az wasn't in his room.

Once they got to Az's room, Marco turned to face Az before opening the door. "Now, I want you to close your eyes for just a moment."
Az raised a brow, his curiosity piqued by Marco's cryptic request. He hesitated, then chuckled softly, "Close my eyes? You're not going to like... throw something at me, are you?" Despite his teasing, there was an excited glimmer in his brown eyes.

Without waiting for an answer, he stepped into his room and obediently closed his eyes, though his hands hovered in front of him in mock defense. "Okay, okay, they're closed. No funny business, Marco."

He couldn't help but grin as he stood there, the anticipation building. "This better not be some elaborate prank." His voice was lighthearted, but the bubbling excitement was hard to miss.
Marco chuckled and shook his head as he closed the door behind them and waved a hand in front of Az's face, making sure the other's eyes were truly closed. "Don't worry, it's not a prank and I'm not going to throw anything at you."

Had Marco been given the chance, he actually would've thrown Az into his bed, but he wasn't even about to think about doing something like that to Az. He wanted to see Az smile and make him hopefully fall for him.

Picking up the crafting supplies, Marco gently placed it in Az's waiting hands before sneaking a soft kiss on the other's cheek. "Okay, open your eyes."
Az bites his lip, waiting for. . . Something. He feels a weight in his hands and frowns slightly. He feels the kiss to his cheek and gasps, flinching back, dropping the supplies, "Marcus-!" His eyes fly open and he stares at the other, his heart racing. His brown eyes burned with panic. The close, semi intimate touch was unexpected, and uninvited.

He trembles, stepping back and catching a glimpse of the supplies. He bites his lip, feeling guilty. He crouches down, picking up the handful of brushes, feeling the soft tips. "I. . . Thank you." He whispers, looking up at the other.
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Marco smiles and takes a step back, holding up his hands. "I'm sorry, I couldn't resist." Kneeling down, Marco begins to pick up the scattered supplies. The tattoos on his arms move with with muscles as he gathers everything, almost making them look like they are dancing.

"You're very welcome. I wanted to give you something so you can make yourself more comfortable here and explore your passions." His eyes gleam in the dim light of the bedroom as he smiles at Az.

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