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Tell Me I’m Yours (Vampire x Wolf - Knight)

Local Time:
7:27 PM
Nov 10, 2022
The feud between Vampires and Werewolves just…were mostly old wives tales to scare little pups at night before bed- the same with young vampires.

In this realm, vampires were born into high nobility, and rarely were they ever turned from a human- needless to say the first ever vampire and werewolf were infected by the creatures that give them their powers- a wolf bite and a vampire bat bite. And until a steady population of both, most had been turned by bite alone. It was also myth that normal werewolf venom could kill a vampire, that werewolf would have been become infected with some mutant the human species had given it- making the werewolf completely feral and forgo all normalities in thought and kill anything in their way.

Werewolves were also the Vampire’s daytime guardians, and were sworn protectors of the higher class. To protect certain bloodlines, the more powerful, the better survivability of the species. There was such a werewolf who was the warlock of a noble family, and his duty had been to supply the vampires with weapons to combat the werewolves’ lessers- feral beasts who had not a thought for anything in its path. It was an ongoing pest problem, and covens fortified their walls and made soldiers out of their numbers.

The vampire lord of the coven was longtime friends of the warlock, and some might even say that’s the reason why he hadn’t taken up a queen to be by his side, but his subjects weren’t one to judge. As long as their lord was happy, who’d cared?
Local Time:
10:27 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Avan, the warlock, a tall, burly man with a scraggly look of him, dressed rugged with hides and rough leather, sat by his post. He was far from the high life of his charge, atleast in nature and dress. He was simple in his needs and ways, but he was above all loyal to his vulnerable companion.

He swooped dark strands of hair from his face, his knuckles streaked with a mesh of scar tissue. Werewolves could regenerate quite well, it made them harder to put down, but also made it almost as hard to temper their bodies if left to remain soft around the edges. Avan had no such problems, his family selected him by hand and provided him the task. Feral beast and any otherworldly foe would face him to the end and no further if he would have it his way.

Now he waited, chewing at a stick of cane sugar as he sat idle for the moment. Nothing challenged him as if late....save his boredom.
Local Time:
7:27 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Marcus swooped down pretty much silently, landing near his friend. Although he was the vampire lord of the coven, that didn’t mean he didn’t have fun every now and then. He wiped at his mouth with a handkerchief, blotting someone’s blood off of the corner of his lip. For a revered man, he had a slim physique, nearly womanlike in that regard. But he didn’t quite mind, he got a lot of looks from men in his coven- ones who…certainly had a touch for something other than a woman’s flesh- but perhaps it made it easier considering how feminine he presented.

He looked at Avan chewing on sugar cane and he tsked, “Are you not aware how sugar can affect your teeth?” He leaned in close, his subtle ruby red gaze seemingly inspecting Avan’s face. Only he would be able to get away with something like that.
Local Time:
10:27 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"You think these are all my original teeth?" Avan said as he didn't look over or even jump. He smelled for decent range, He could pick up on Marcus quite well. "Besides, I need something to do " he said as he reached out and almost bluntly put a hand on Marcus's ass. "Maybe i should put my mouth on something else hm?" Unfortunately for Marcus...Avan had been toying with him nonstop, all spicy and hot...then the next he would be doing the same to some girl or boy like he never had been angling on Marcus. He seemed to enjoy watching people squirm or press them...but he never really hooked up with them.
Local Time:
7:27 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Marcus felt the hand on his ass and if his pale complexion didn’t give away how flushed he actually became…he gave a small cough, and pursed his lips a little, deciding to tease him back this time. “Mm, like you actually would,” he said, knowing how Avan loved to tease and make him all hot and flustered. But he didn’t mind if Avan went to do the same to others, it wasn’t like Marcus was dying to take someone permanently to be by his side to rule the coven. He’s had his fair share of lovers but none ever came to the pull Avan had over him.
Local Time:
7:27 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Marcus became flustered, looking away suddenly as Avan rubbed him more and touched his cheek. “M-My turn?” He asked a bit shyly, and wasn’t quite sure what Avan meant. “You tease me all the time, Avan-“ he said in a hushed voice like someone would overhear. “I think I’ve waited patiently long enough for my turn..” he looked back, into Avan’s eyes. Had he always been this muscular? The powerful nature just rolling off of him in waves…Marcus couldn’t help but feel a little stiff somewhere..
Local Time:
10:27 PM
Nov 9, 2022
XD 'had he always been this muscled' Avan *benching a carriage*)

Avan smirked at him."maybe I'm curious what you'll do the harder I make you sot" he said as he ran his hand down his chest, to his pants, touching his groin and lightly. "You're going to just go for it hm? Right now?" He teased
Local Time:
7:27 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(XD it’s not like he stares at him on the daily)

Marcus couldn’t help but become more flustered, spewing out words. “Well- Y-You know I’m not one mostly to act first,” he only pulled back when he heard his name called. He swallowed and called after the voice, saying he’d be there soon. He then glanced at Avan. “Meet me at my quarters in ten..” and with that he turned, holding his hand to his mouth, trying to calm down his urges.
He was in his chambers, pacing back and forth. Would Avan actually come? He was in looser apparel, a white unbuttoned flowy shirt, and although his pants were a bit tight, surely they could come off with some ease.
Local Time:
10:27 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Ah it is me, M'Lord Thomas?" The voice Saud, sounding almost confused, but Marcus had...well one very important think on his mind. Thomas was a butler, but a very good one, very through and careful. An older man, but such was the mortals life span. "Ahem...the Warlock Avan has been...mm...delayed. and he told me to send you his apologies."
Local Time:
7:27 PM
Nov 10, 2022
It was a brief moment before Thomas would hear Marcus respond. “Oh- I-“ he gave a soft sigh, “Alright…thank you, Thomas-“ he spoke with a near twinge of sadness in his voice. He quickly composed himself and opened the door, meeting his butler face to face. He gave a curt nod before going around him and hunting down Avan to see exactly what he was up to.
Local Time:
10:27 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Ah ofcourse sir..." he said bowing even though Marcus was already walking by him. Asking about for Avan's whereabouts was easy enough, it took Marus out to the harden grounds, where he had kept his finest flowers and statues. It even had a small set of ponds. But he was there for Avan, who was seen going out to the forest beyond it.
Local Time:
10:27 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As Marcus crossed into the brush, Avan was.. gone, like he had never been there at all. Brush and leaves clung to Marcus's clothes, brambles nibbling at his shirt. He could hear a soft crashing in the distance, waves of water....a waterfall? One of the rivers near the grounds?
Local Time:
10:27 PM
Nov 9, 2022
The smalll clearing was wrapped within a the embrace of fresh greens and the winking stars of the sky. The river slashed its way along the green clearing like a wound from God himself. The soft crashing river made the air cool and foggy. Marcus couldn't spot Avan yet, but he saw a hide shirt laying by the rivers shore, upon a rock amongst soft silt and smoothed rounded pebbles. Normally the rivers were clear blue, but within the deepest night, it was almost a deep shadowy blue.
Local Time:
7:27 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Marcus neared where he saw the garment Avan wore laying there. He then became a tad bit flustered, figuring he had gone to take a late night swim.

He neared the water and looked around, his breath fogged up the air around him- even though technically it shouldn’t…that meant it was very cold outside.

He glanced upwards at the night sky, noting the position of the stars. Winter would make its way soon enough, and humans would become scarce to hunt. At least he had enough servants back in the coven to not worry about that issue anymore.
Local Time:
10:27 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Nearing the water and taking in the sky, the seasons, Marcus suddenly felt something grab his ankles and as he looked down, Avan was half way risen from the river. His bare chest was a powerful slab of muscle and almost invited Marcus to never look away from every drop of water than traces along them. In the moon, his skin almost flickered with diamond like radiance, it salved the fact that Avan's grip tightened, and he grinned like the devil before he dragged his lord into the river like a rag-doll.
Local Time:
10:27 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Avan s form as it was, stropped down to a simple covering ti shield his goods, was immaculate. Werewolves did scar ofcourse, but Avan had looked almost like a statue, sculpted by God's of beauty, a weightless handsome one. He floated closer to Marcus, his eyes twinkling with playfulness.
Local Time:
10:27 PM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD Marcus's heart beats for the first time in a thousand years)

Avan swam closer, grabbing Marcus's shirt and pulled it, snatching it open like it was but parchment to him.v and then looked closer to him, eyeing him, his lips, touching his Chace dlfor a moment. But suddenly started to kick backwards swimming away from him.
Local Time:
10:27 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Avan's powerful body was cutting through the water like a sword slashing through a paper bag. He probably would have left Marcus in this wake but he was letting him keep up for the chase. He pulled up the rivers channel, shielding Marcus from the currents pressures.
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