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General RP The Curse of the Ever Growing Hunt for Entertainment

Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
giggling, and panting, the wild female beast soon grasped the boy with her hand like paws. pulling him ontop of her. the legs moving to wrap around his hips, the feet hooking together behind Nathan. as she wanted him to pound her into submission like a proper stud. however this would be the chance for the boy to try and escape, if he pulled away, as it was unknown how far gone his mind was, to the interspecies pleasure. for the moment he finally broke, and desired to do nothing more then breed this bunny, would his fate be sealed, to be it's seed donating machine until his end.
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As she dropped onti her back, kopimg the humann had begun to submit to her wiles, she saw his eyes flickk away briefly ti the caves tunnels. He suddenly leaned back, plunging inti her still... before trying to pull back completely to try to withdraw abd make a dash inti tge darkness.
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Managing to break fre of the desires to breed, Nathan would manage to get a few feet before getting tackled. Feeling her soft fuzzy paws striking with impressive force.

Striking the human a few times, almost playfully before dragging him even deeper into what was obviously a breeding den I'm the depths of this odd cave. A smirk on her dance as the powerful.short hybrid of rabbit and human would teach her toy a lesson. For trying to run.
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As he was effortlessly bowled over, her playful strikes stinging and rocking the human about, sending a plain message to him, she would not be letting him go. She was in charge abd sge would keep him as long as she plaleasrd. He grabbed desperately at the ground, the stones for leverage, but she wouldn't be denied.
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with Nathan in her possession once more, the playfully lewd, and dominating anthro rabbit. she would drag nathan back into the depths of her den. his hands leaving a mix trail of finger indents, as well as some blood from how his hands cot scraped, and cut up a bit. a wicked smirk on her face, as this beast would drag him into the deepest part of the den, before forcefully, and painfully tossing the human onto his back, and pouncing upon him. for once his body and mind finally broke into the lewd thirst, she was forcing upon him. nathan would begin to shift into a male anthro much like herself, albeit different in color, and size so to speak.
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Nathan thumped against the nesting she had made for herself and her caprice, the soft bedding the only cushioning he felt since he got here. His hands warped blood, swinging frim the scrapes as she leapt at him. He tried in vain to move, but she easily mounted him and held him steady, her bodies needs and senses letting her know that this male was still the right male to convert inti her milking stud to drain as she needed.
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with her pet human trapped under the rabbit maiden, the bestial beauty began to move, and pierce herself with his meat once more. her legs at ether side of his hips. as she began to take him into her, the paws pressing his shoulders down hard. as her piercing eyes looked into his own. The soft warm body beginning to move swiftly and very aggressively with each over whelming, and pleasuring thump against his frame. her ass slapping and tail bouncing with each impact. the fact remained, now the pleasure would once again begin to build up and begin to haze his mind with lustful desires, and needs.
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
The heat of her slit slipped around him, his body trembling abd his hips pushing upwards already, pushing himself deeper into her as she began to find her motion. The haze that crept over him, forcing his body to thrill for the sensations if pleasure, to thrust up into her harder than before.
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
A playfully evil smirk came across the rabbit's face, as she spoke once more in the replicated voice of Elena.

"Oh now come on, Nathan show me what you can do, be a real man for once in your life. make this woman remember who she once was. "
as she spoke like this, painting an image of the rabbit maiden having been cursed to become this monster some how, trying to use both pleasure, and manipulation to make that last bit of resistance snap with in the boy. wanting him to become dominating and forceful upon her.
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Nathan intended to the monsters goading words, stoking his spirit as she crashed against him. His body pushed up against the bunny woman's, throwing himself against her to force her onti her back,. As he took the mounting position, his cock digging deeper inti her folds, he found himself thrusting into her harder, pounding against her harder and jardee.
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now the tall rabbit monster maiden bounced, and enjoyed her victim. making him fall prey all the easier. the ears, and breast both flopping about, swaying in the wind, as her ass bounced wildly, her body making soft impact sounds. it would not be much harder for Nathan to change position and fold his predator up into a breeding press once he fell prey into the heated desire. as each ounce of pleasure, and mind face would begin to shift his body. slowly changing him into a small anthro male rabbit. by the time he broke and became a pure lustful stud to be milked till the end of his days he would no longer even look human, but would still have his same voice. as it would seem like how things were playing out. his mind began to think that Elena had been corrupted like he was now feeling and had become this horny beast, but one which still chose him.
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD every Easter the cave is known for its unholy ghostly wails...its just this bunny furry getting filled)

The thought took root in his mind, a trick of this creature no doubt, but one that was a simple sign of its influences finally taking hold of her prey. Her stud was rutting into her harder abd harder, beating pleasures into her body as he held her down, her legs pressing at ihis sides. His force w and pace was getting more and more aggressive, more savage abd primal. His eyes were changing, matching hers. His fingers were getting smaller, his nailing becoming black and claw like, his senses sharpening. His body was morphing but he had no true way of feeling it anymore, the pleasures of her honey pot the only thing his body would feel now. As she felt her stud becoming more petite and diminutive, shrinking slightly, but clinging to her tightly, she saw her head sprouting out bunny ears, his face shifting and becoming more rabbit like as he started gushing his loads inside if her.
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As the young man had been successfully claimed, his body finally converting into the stud our wild hair maiden desired. her body properly folded up at this point, her belly growing slowly with each load. as she squirmed and squealed happily. her own paw like hands moving up to feel the tiny stud now filling her, the eyes glowing with a lustful glee. a smirk on her face, as now this maiden had a new stud which would be used, and abused for many years to come, at least until the new heat cycle came, and the need for another male to be claimed in another 20 or so years. until then, the children of the small village would find the increase in cute little bunnies, and even around easter, those brave enough to move tours the den. would discover magical easter eggs, or magical as far as the humans knew which had no clue about the truth to these unique items which appeared around one time a ear.

now with the mate having been claimed, and another soul lost, the lands would continue with the enjoyment, and horrors alike, as it would be some time until the next generation would need to have a young man or woman of age to be claimed by the dominating, predatory bunny.

Fin. . .
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Story 2 - ( Sci Fi )

The Haunting of the RoseWood Estate

Out in the country side of the islands, a small mansion having been for sale for unknown years would finally be sold. A perfect home at a low price for a family which had no idea why the price was so cheap. Unaware that every family which had moved into this house prior ether left, or vanished. However the family which was now moving into the RoseWood estate would soon learn for themselves. as the family a Mother, her eldest daughter, and twin boys, as well as their father would be taking this home. having been in need for something affordable for some time. The house would appear to have been maintained beautifully, however this was not done by the estate sellers or even the prior owners, no the ones which kept the house well kept would be the entities which resided with in it, and the land itself.

as a box truck was moving tours the house, along with a larger family SUV, the window curtains would seem to move, as if the family approaching would be spotted, and expected. however more then just that, inside the house things began to vibrate softly, the place shifting in appearance to become all the more appearing, as the family would be unaware of it. the five spirits always made sure the place was ideal for their prey, as these unexpecting folks would soon become the next enjoyable prey for the unseen predators.
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Martin stepped around to the back of the moving trucks after they had parked, eager to unlock the doors. A tall, fit older man, with black hair, salted with bits of gray the only think that betrayed his age. He had worked hard to keep in shape, not for vanity , but for his health. He was diagnosed years ago with a nearly deadly heart condition, his doctors only allowed him to get a transplant if he agreed to take care of himself. His family saw him keep that promise ever since then. He spent alot of his time out and about, his skin a healthy Copper like tan. He leaned around the truck. "Horus? Where is your brother?' He called around as he spotted one if the twins carrying some of his things out of the SUV. His son floundered briefly. "I think he's at the other truck-" he said swiftly as he craned his neck.

"Go put that stuff down and help your brother put the boxes in the Foyer." His father instructed as he stepped around the truck. "Where's your sister?" He asked hardly a second later
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as the boys got to work, helping with the box's, and even making a bit of a scene, A tall well built, albeit petite woman would move up behind the well tone older man. from behind, wrapping her arms around his waist, and speaking up.

"Papa, this place looks amazing, do we really need that woman to join us?" as she spoke up like this, the young lady had issues with her own mother, as the two never truly got along, as she was a daddy's girl, however the young lady known as Hailey was playful, and teasing her old man, about how he could find much better women then the old hag which was her mother. this was mostly due to how spoiled, and self indulgent she was, never noticing the truth behind how her mother and father both sacrificed so much for the younger lady and her brothers. Yet at the same time, Ugenia had a bit of a bad personality, despite how loyal and fun she could be. having always shown favoritism tours her younger boys then her daughter.

as this went on, the mother was already moving about the house, with several of the box's cut open, and taking care of getting things put away in the kitchen before anything else. a playfully wicked smile across her lips. as she was already thinking of all the things she could do in this house with her man, how she could house much nicer parties, and show off to her sister how much better she was, and how much better her man was then those other annoying and family members, as she thought and spoke to herself, while already working to help set up the house. unaware that the spirits their were already looking upon the new kin, and deciding which one would play with which human first.
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Martin reached back , gently patting his daughter on the back with his free hand. "Hailey, that woman is your mother, she'sa good woman and gave me you and your brothers." He reminded aa he brought his hand up and gave her cheek a pinch. "Don't speak of her so callously, and maybe you two will get along." He said as he gently broke away from his daughter, to fish out some lighter boxes. He loved his family, no matter how spoiled his daughter was, or how his wife competed to look good before others, even how foolish his sons could be.

Horus walked into the house, his brother aiding him up the stairs cautiously with yet another box of their mothers fineries. "Heh-ngh- Mom! Where do you want this one?" He yelled as his cheek puffed gently.
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Oh, sweety bring them up here, the room on the left, second door. " as the mother spoke up load and clear,
the daughter would rush back to her old man's side. grasping his arm, as she began to pull at him.

"come on, let this go for a bet, and come look at the back yard papa, it looks amazing. we need to see this before it's tolate. "
as she spoke, their would be no mistake, that his little one wanted him to spot the little humming birds in the back before they flew off, however it was not an ideal time for such a little activity.
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Martin sighed as his daughter ran over to tug him, pulling away from the truck. "Ah alright, I guess I can wait on this truck... for a minute." He said walking along with her at her insistence. He followed her around to the back of the house, moving slowly at her request to keep from startling her surprise.

Horus and his brother trekked up the stairs carefully, moving into the desired upper floor to set them down in one of the bedrooms.
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as the boys moved into the room, both of them would see faint images of what looked like ghostly girls, around their age. however they would vanish as quickly as the appeared. as this was but the first sign of things to come, as their mother would slowly be strutting herself tours the room her boys were in. slipping in behind them, and wrapping her arms around the young studs. before speaking up.

"how about my strong little men help mama with some unpacking before bring the next batch up hmm?"
as she spoke up asking this, it was no mystery she wanted them to do the heavy lifting as usual, if not their father then them. however it was also something she often rewarded the boys for doing after words, be it a favorite desert, a park visit, some new game etc.

out back, as the father walked with his little girl, she would almost squeal, as she pointed to the brightly colored humming birds zipping about, all around the flowers. as she wanted her old man to see them, unaware if he would even care or half as excited about it, as she was.
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As they were stirred from the flicker of the spirits, trusting the fleeting thought that they were merely imagining things. Horus looked over to Sirus, his brother giving a slight roll of his eyes as their mother hooked her arms around them, knowing that they were already getting roped back into something. But Horus looked out at the windows briefly, then to his mom. "Alright...." he said as his brother gave a half nod, knowing that they were better off agreeing.

Martin looked through the yard carefully, spotting the blue dancing bird as it zipped through the back garden, the wild flowers providing the birdie its nectar to taste. He crouched slowly, pulling out his phone to try to sneak a picture for his beloved wife to get the chance to see later as well. Perhaps even post it online for some fun.
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
snapping a shot of the bird, unknown to the older man, he would get not a picture of a bird but of a naked ghostly mother, and daughter staring at him and his little one. as they would be smiling, however it would not be seen until the picture was looked at. as the daughter had no idea about this. she would look to her father, asking if they could get a pet bird, and keep a pretty bird inside the house once they are all moved in.

asking this excitedly, her excitement would scare off the humming birds with out her trying, causing the girl to pout suddenly and stomp her feet for them flying off like that.

"that's my boys, mama will fix us all some tasty lunch, and make sure to get these box's unloaded, and put all the goods in the drawers. "
saying this she would kiss them both on the forehead before leaving the room to go and unbox some cooking utensils and fix a lunch for the entire family.
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Mm, you can get a bird if you get a job." Martin teased as he looked over to his daughter putting his phone away in his pocket unaware if the ghostly images. For now. "You are old enough after all!" He said grinning playfully as he started to walk back towards the truck.

The boys opened up the box, Horus passing off some of the goods to Osiris to begin sorting out the drawers and what went where. "Mm-better be a good lunch." Osiris grumbled to himself.
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As a short while passed, the boys working hard for their mother, getting all the things completed, and cleaned up as requested, all the while the father and his daughter would be bringing in more box's. almost like a well oiled machine. the two brought box's in, and placed in the room, as the twins then moved from one room to another to begin the unpacking process.

soon enough it would begin to slow, as the smell of a mouth watering, pineapple fried rice, with pork skewers, and even a small side of fresh garden salad was being made up. it would be rare for such a luxorous meal to be made with out a major event or company. however for the mother this moving was a major event, for their family, no more so for her, as this was a dream house, with a family. one which she hoped to make bigger as they lived in this new massive home.
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As the lunch was set out, the smells drawing in the hungering family to dinner, Martin stepped into the kitchen first. He had come to help set the food out while the children would set the table. He approached his wife from around the fridge eagerly, sweeping her close inti his arms while they had time to spare. "Everything smells wonderful!" He praised as he settled himself head against neck, planting soft kisses on her. "Nearly as wonderful as you anyhow-"
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Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"now now, not in front of the kids, you know that. "
saying this as she giggled from how her husband and lover kissed her neck, the wife would cause the kids to make sounds of aw, or ugh.

as this went on, none of them knew that this night their world would change for the potential worse or better. however for now it was the moment to enjoy some quality family time with this
meal together.
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
He chuckled as she rebuffed him, though her husband planted another soft kiss on her cheek before He released her. "Alright, let's eat!" He said as he turned to his family, sitting at the table. The boys chowed down without much tact, much to their mothers usual dismay. She had always tried to keep them from being to messy, but they only were cleanest when they were in front if guests for her sake. Martin spent the dinner making small talk and enjoying the rice. But then he remembered the Hummingbird, reaching to pull out his phone. "Mm-We saw this cute little bird in the backyard today, I think I still have the picture." He said looking at his wife as he put the phone in her hands.
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as she would look to the phone, suddenly her face going serious, which would make the kids all stop eating and look to their mother. as she looked to her husband and spoke in a soft yet serious tone.
"I think their is something wrong here, I thought you said a bird? these are not birds. did you not see them?"

as she spoke calmly as if in a kind of shock moving to hand the phone back to her husband, as the image was that of a naked couple staring back at him. however one could see them in details, yet oddly enough see through them. thinking this was some kind of twisted joke he was playing on her, or perhaps something a new neighbor did? as they were unwanted in this town, but such a thing seemed to be to far for a person to set up. however the truth, was the one thing she would deny the most, as she did not want the kids to see the picture, despite how the daughter would look to her father, asking what was wrong with the pretty birdy picture, trying to reach for the camera now, wanting to see what caused her mother to act in such a way suddenly.
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"What? I saw the bird" he said as he looked down at his phone, feeling the brief tingle of electricity. He focused in the screen again and he shifted his hand, pulling it closer. "What- no this isn't right- it wasn't like that before i swear-" he said as he tapped a commands, opting to quickly get rid of it entirely. His wife knew him well, he wasn't the type to even skim a risqué magazine, much less take naked photos of strange women. "It must have been some kind of- " he struggled, trying to even consider what in the blazes would change that image.
Local Time:
12:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as time continued on for the day, things seemed to go uneventful, the peaceful meal, enjoyable moments with the family members. however as the day began to run into night, the light fading to darkness, lit only by the twinkle of heaven's little dots, and a vivid moon. it would begin. the twins would be the first. for two young female spirits appeared before them. looking like pale goddess with fiery red hair, pale white skin, light brown freckles, along with ocean blue eyes, and pink lips. the two lasses appeared before the boys in their new room. as it was about time for them to prepare for a shower or bath and bed.

the ladies looked to one another winking before beginning to walk tours the boys. motioning the twins to come to them. Little did the boys know, that once they were possessed the young lads would become puppets to the ghoulish desires of the spirits. despite them being at a decent age, the young lad's still had their innocence about them for now. but how would they deal with the unnatural desires being forced to rise with in them. as the two spirits spoke, but no words could be heard, just an abnormally powerful and growing desire, to touch, kiss, and become one.
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