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General RP The Curse of the Ever Growing Hunt for Entertainment

Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As the two spirits appeared, Sirius froze up as he was stepping out of the shower and he saw Horus staring at them. Bewitched by their beauty but also their mystery. Horus began to step forward as he was beckoned, but Sirius stepped up to try to seize his brother. "Horus? Don't go-" he tried to reason as he grabbed hold of him, linking to them together. "But they seem gentle. Maybe we can see what they want?" Horus said looking back as his other hand reached out slightly.
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as the one brother seemed to easily fall prey to the alluring charm of the spirit sisters. the second sister would vanish, only to appear behind Sirius, as Horus was being held back, as he reached out for the one spirit which was reaching for his hand. the two naked boys would soon find a warm, faint, and pink hue filling the room. as a gentle, yet alluring voice hit them both. two different yet alluring feminine voices, as they spoke in unison to the boys.

"Come join us, your both so handsome. we could have some fun together, please play with us, join us. it has been so lonely for so long. "
as they spoke, painting a mental image, and a sensation of how these twin boys could be the spirit's answer to finally getting rid of this loneliness, however as Sirius was able to resist the charm, and struggle with his brother horus. it would only need one of them to accept the embrace, for both brothers to fall prey in this room with the spirits. as such it would almost seem like three versus one for poor sirius.
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"We shouldn't, we don't know them! Horus haven't you seen a horror movie!" Sirius said pulling on his brother desperately. But Horus was still wrapped in the the Chas of the spirits. "They are just- lonely-...they need us" Horus mumbled as he reached further to touch the spirit.
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Sirious would be the first to feel the soft faint cold hand on his frame. one on his chest, the other slowly tracing her fingers down tours his manhood, however as he did not accept them. the touching did not seem to draw him into their world, unless the young man submitted. unlike his brother Horus who would soon be able to slip from Sirious's hold, to move to the other sister's embrace, which would seal both their fates, as he was the one reaching for the opening embrace of the second twin spirit girl.
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Sirus watched his brother start ti slip away, pulling from the seductive hands of the spirit to try to seize his brother with both hands. Unfortunately he was too slow, Horus putting his hands on the spirit and drawing them both into the glow and the spirits embraces all in hardly a second.
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with the twins both pulled into the welcoming embrace of the spirits, mentally the two boys would find themselves in the embrace of the pale skinned beauties, as they moved to embrace the boys. moving to rub against them, and tease them. however now their bodies would be like puppets. it would seem like they were themselves if any one looked, however now they would need to decide to visit their mother, or sister first. as the act in the mental realm with the sisters, would cause their bodies to act as if the twins were horny monsters in human skin, at least while the bodies are shared.

in the mental realm,

the boys were together in a pink room, with a massive bed, as the two girls moved to lure them in. now in this state, they would find it harder to refuse, as the girls exposed themselves in a more seductive position, moving tours the boy's. the sisters would almost seem to look over the boys, wanting the brothers to decide which one would play with which girl.
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As they were beckoned closer the growing warmth of the room that infected them, making them drawn towards the spirits, the brothers approached them, Sirus trying to fight the sensations still. "Where-" he whispered as he walked closer, his body shuddering and struggling to step forward while his brother sat on the bed woth one of the sisters.
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 19, 2022
With the one brother already with in the embraces of one of the spirit sisters. Sirius soon found his hand grabbed, as he was pulled onto the bed as well. before the young man knew it. he had the legs tightly wrapped around his waist. as she pulled him in ontop of her. the unnamed maiden would whisper into his ears.

"Oh come now, let it all go, and we will share wonderful passion, all four of us. after all no one will be hurt, only loved. "
as the one sister spoke, trying to assure the resistant boy it was going to be fine. his brother had already given into the spirits, as such he could be seen enjoying himself before long, as the other spirit sister indulged with him. the more their bodies grew into lustful fiends in the real world.

mean while. . . . in the real world. . .

the two brothers would soon have only towels around their waists, to cover their lower regions, as they would be leaving the bathroom, rather silently. however now the two bodies had to choose would they move to the sister's room, or go for the mother's room, as the father was out for a few more hours, leaving the boys with the girls of the house. however the frames were now nothing more then lustful fiends in the guise of the loving boys. Yet once they jumped one of the girls, it would allow another spirit counter part to possess that family member.

( feel free to be our predatorial boys, well their predatorial bodies, unless you wish to be the girl / victim of their physical frame, while their minds are being slowly broken down with lustful passion wink wink. )
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD ah got it, wasn't sure if I should)

The possessed Horus walked from their room, his brothers body struggling to follow while the Sirius seemed to be resisting the influence of possession. The kinder brother walked down the hall, his towel steadily tenting outward as he stood in front of the door of their elder sister. Horus reached out slowly, knocking on the door limply.

Sirus was pinned in by the spirit, but he brought up he hands, grabbing on her to try to wrestle with her. "What do you mean only love!"
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as he spoke, while struggling against the spiritual counter part, Sirious would soon find his lips being met with her own. as the passionate, and over whelming connection of lips would cause an unknown and pleasing sensation to run through his spiritual body. as the kiss broke, she would look into his eyes, with a gentle smile.

"Love, passion, pleasure, comfort, companion ship. even if we do not have physical forms, we seek partners to keep comfortable with, and share our longing with. "
saying this, as if they wanted to avoid being alone any more, and desired the comfort of a partner, even in their current state. the twin sibling to both of them were lost in each other already on the bed, as it seemed that Sirious was at least paired with the less wild partner of the two spirit girls.


Slowly opening the door, the much taller, thin, yet athletically built sister would slowly open the door, as she looked down at her brothers. now in only her undies, bra, and a robe, from just getting ready for bed. she would look at the boys, raising an eye brow, before spitefully asking what the dweeb duo wanted with her like this, did they have a nightmare, if so then they needed to visit mother, as it was not her job to baby them. showing her distaste for being disturbed, little did the sister, Hanna know, that once the door was unlocked and opened, despite her actions, the elder sister was now ripe for being assaulted by the brothers, or more so their bodies.
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Sirius crued of in a muffle as the ghost leapt upon him suddenly, while her sister was getting a healthy helping of the gullible, softervwilled Horus, who was already tangling up in the sheets with her spiritual sister. The spirits influence pushed further upon Sirus, the other brother starting to walk out into the hall.


Horus however lunged forward like a tiger, lurching at his sister instantly in a frenzy. The towel fell away as he grabbed her sides, forcing her into her roll with unholy strength.
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as she was tackled, the elder sister Hanna would suddenly open her mouth to scream but soon finding her voice silent. as her eyes went wide, the sensation of hands grasping her wrists, and pulling her arms over her head could be felt. but nothing was their to be seen. as her first little brother began to pin, and strip her, in an almost mindless lustful like state. the door behind him slowly closing silently, however not locking as to allow his brother to join, once the body got their.

in the mental realm. . . .

now entangled in the sheets, Horus, had given into the pleasure of the one sister. even now having her snuggled into his frame, as he stroked her hair. a smile on both his and the girl's face, as it showed these ghostly girls were indeed lonely, and sought a partner to keep company with. this would be the sight which would only edge Sirious into the spirit's embrace all the more. as she had him held in her legs, and arms around his frame. her nails along his back, as her eyes looked into his own. asking in an alluring and gentle tone.

"come now, why can't we be a thing, look at our siblings, they seem to like the sensation, and the fact if we become a thing, we will always be together, nether of us will be lonely again. "
saying this in a gentle manor, painting an image of how she could remain unknown to those around them, until the right moment for them to snuggle and worse in real life, or just in the mental realm, which would seem like they were meeting up now in a state which would make more sense in a dream.
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Sirus flushed as the spirt hung onti him, arms and legs clutching around him tight, whispering her sympathetic tune in his ear. To be company for them, perhaps to ease their lonely unlives...apparently to the other siblings, that clearly wasn't a platonic friendship as Horus was throwing what little the spirit was wear off and plunging right i for a more spicy comfort. Sirus turned his head as he tand the ghost looked eachother in their eyes, his resistance was lowering, but now he seemed embarrassed. "Uh. You want me to...wait I can touch you for real?" He mumbled


Horus held her down against the bed, the door opening on it own as Sirus walked in. Tge twin let the towel fall away, as the door shut on its own, the possedvtwins stelanding back as their sister found herself seemingly locked in place, something holding her down and holding her voice tight. Sirus dropped down, ripping her shirt up and off , starting to angle his prick between her breasts slowly, start to thrust into the soft spot slowly as the possession anchored itself more and more. He was gentler...but Horus had no rush care, his hand pulling their sister around to try to force a kiss upon her.
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with the older sister pinned, partially on the bed, as the first brother used her breast, and moved to try and kiss her. the other one soon joining in, as her womanly entrance would be ripe for the taking, as she twisted, and turned her head. fruitlessly, squirming, and thrashing, which only added to the pleasure for the bodies of the the brothers. however little did she know, that this was also helping the older male spirit which was binding her right now, to slowly begin the process of invading her as well.

"Touch me, oh, sweet thing, I will give myself to you and you alone, as I only need one partner, much like my sister their is already doing with your brother. "
as she spoke pouting a bit, as she seemed to be thinking that she wasn't pretty enough for this brother, asking if he saw her that ugly, if he wanted to refuse her, however this was also the moment where he had fully permission, as well as a reason to prove to this maiden that her other worldly beauty could be enjoyed, and be his to take.
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Horus felt her struggling against them, grinning as he held her head and forced their lips together briefly, kissing her with much for fire and experience than her brother ever should gave. But he snatched himself back, holding out a hand, her legs beging grabbed onto and then pried wide open, he walked around as Sirus started to thrust harder between her breasts, grabbing onto her head to angle her towards his tip. Horus tore open her hoets, p already forcing his way inti her.

In the mental zine Sirus looked at the spirt as she asked her questions. "No- I didn't say you weren't pretty-" he said quickly as he reached up foolishly, playing inti her change of tactics. "I think your beautiful-"
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as he reached up to the spiritual girl, she would smile warmly tours the boy, leaning into his palm, as she looked into his eyes.
"truly, then you will accept me, and allow me to become yours? I have been alone for so long, even now I need a partner, and you are perfect, with such a warm, and kind heart. "

saying this as she moved in slowly to offer Sirious a kiss, but not completing the locking of lips, as she moved closer, slowly, waiting, and hoping he would be the one to lock their lips, thus finalizing the deal, and possession. making this young lad her partner for as long as he lived.


the sister now struggled even more, her eyes suddenly going wide. as tears escaped the corner of her eyes, running down her cheeks. as she turned her head frantically, making a moaning, and sobbing like muffled sound. all the while her brother used her breast, the other now taking her womanly entrance with out remorse. the two taking their older sister, as her mind began to get invaded as well, her eyes slowly becoming hazed as the assault began to become all the more enjoyable.
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Sirus leaned forward as she tempted him, holding the moment at her whims while she was forced to listen to her sister getting handled , the excitement that she was having...both in this plane, and experiencing the insides of the mortal sister. Horus was so ready, so willing that her sisters Attunement was nearly instant, but the other was delaying, her gratification a gentle, steady one, building and ramping as Sirus was getting closer to her. But soon she would be with her family again, as close as they always were. The kiss sealed gently, Sirus giving a soft kiss to her lips, binding their souls and letting the spirit truly feel how it was to give a girl a rough titty fuck.

In thecrealm of flesh abd bone, Sirus ranked his hips faster. Forcing his meat further into his sisters mouth, holding onto her head. Hie bobbed her head hungrlerily, driven by ever growing desire while his brother pounded her harder, his fingers tearing her shorts further, scrubbing on her clit with his fingers abd slapping on it.
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 19, 2022
The door sealed, the muffled sound of pleasure being forced upon the elder sibling, as two young studs ruined her. the time passed, as it would not be long before, Hanna found herself bouncing against her brother. while the other had begun to coat, and slather her breast with his hot seed. his cock sliding rapidly against the fleshy mounds being forced together by his hands. the tip slamming itself into her chin, and eventually mouth as her head seemed to move on it's own. the eyes showed she did not want this, but her body began to act, and take in the assault. even now getting her arms free, only to grasp her brother, and pull them into the act all the more. as if some one or thing else was controlling her flesh. unaware that very soon, her mind would have it's own visitor to finalize the breaking of her flesh, and mind alike. unlike the twin sister's, the elder male spirit would not need consent, or even a gentle approach, where the younger sibling spirits wanted a partner, the older sibling spirit choosing hanna was a more dominating one, wanting a pet or toy to abuse.

as things continued to get worse, in the ears of the sister, it would sound as if Sirious was telling her how he, and horus would ensure she had healthy and happy babies with them. ensuring to knock her up properly. however little did any of them know, that none of this intercourse would be remembered. thus it would pain the image of the Ex which Hanna left behind and broke up for the move had knocked her up and said nothing. as the truth would be the older male spirit wanted a physical body to enjoy using like a suit. which would be her child, a super natural born flesh puppet to develop in this young woman's precious baby maker.


finally giving into the act, the once reluctant brother now being gentle and passionate, as he began to take the spirit lover now bonded to him. as the sensation would be all to real, unaware that his spirit was sharing the sensation with his body, and the act it was doing to his own sister. however for right now, Sirious would find horus looking over with a big lustful, excited and blissfully happy look, as his partner dominated him, bouncing wildly upon his pelvis with her own hands holding his, her fingers interlocked with his. Sirious finding that his brother had a wild partner, and he had a gentle partner, apparently they ended up with a better match for each of them.
Last edited:
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As Hanna was forced into submission, the bodies of her brothers unnaturally fueled by desires and hungers they couldn't describe, She would find them eager to take turns stuffing her baby maker. She had no choice in the matter, getting her ankles drawn up and back, leaving her vulnerable to one wild, mating press after another. Sirus would whisper sweet things to her , that if She had his baby, she would only know his care and affection. But Horus, her once sweet brother was much harsher, his cock beating into her like she was meat, and his words only would serve to droll the message home. She was useless to anyone in everyway, her only real value to the family was to get pregnant and get fucked, that even if she did get pregnant by him or his twin, she wasn't going to do anything but beg for the next baby to be put inside her.
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with her body being abused, and enjoyed, the two brother ravaged hanna, as her own body began to betray her. the mind going white, and fuzzy, as her mental state was soon being dominated as well. all the more, each time one of her little brothers traded who was filling her. the sensation kept swapping from a gentle lover, to a dominating rough master, and back. driving her senses over the edge. however the worse would soon begin, as her mouth was open like a fish out of water. giving the opening for the twins to soon spit roast her in a manor of speaking. yet little did any of them know, that once the bodies were fully sated, the twins would return to their own room, naked, with only their towels covering them. as Hanna would be left in her bed, naked, and glistening in sweat, as if she was having a wild wet dream about her own brothers, at first., or perhaps her ex, it would be hard to tell, as no real memory of this fun would remain. yet as it was, she had become the ideal fuck doll for her little brother's who were doing to her physically what they were doing to their new ghostly lovers in the mental realm.
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As Hanna was prepared for more, looking at her gentle lover to fill her mouth on the next round while her rough master abused her from below, her future body clapping lewdly against his, as she coukd feel only her baby maker getting pumped full. Sirus moved over, starting to fill her open mouth again, shoving himself inti her as Hirus forced her to raise herself up, the twins lifting her off the bed as they pounded into her back and firth.
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 19, 2022
the lewd sounds of flesh impacting flesh, the echo and scent of wild and heated breeding filling the chamber which was Hann's bedroom.
the sensation of how her brothers kept filling her, and trading places over and over again, until fully satisfied, however it would not be long, before the victim of the duo, Hanna would be able to declare which one she wanted in which position, before they were done. as her body had gain more experiences, and desired reactions. discovering where she wanted gentle, and rough play against her flesh.
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As Hanna began to declare her desires, the corruption and influences of the spirit settling within her wound tighter and tighter around her body. Her brothers breeding her at her demands and the seduction if their ghostly company. Once they has their fill of their welcoming sister, she saw her brothers sliding off of her used abd abused body, leaving her a mess of their mixed seed upon her bed. They slunk away into their room, though none would remember what they had done or the unholy features that lurked in their home.
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 19, 2022
The next morning came, as hanna would awaken before her brothers, with a strange bruise on the inside of her thighs. her body feeling oddly weak, yet it had no other signs of what happened to her the night prior. more then that, she would find herself feeling an odd sensation, as if something inside of her wanted her to awaken her brothers, as if she went in now, their would be no mistaking the sister would see her brothers, both with their morning woods, in this early morning.

as their parents were doing their usual tasks, unaware of the kids, and the cursed now upon them, let alone the family so to speak. the kids had been granted lovers of the supernatural realm, but at the same time. the brother's would become flesh puppets for the ghostly partner of their sister, to help knock her up and give it a body to eventually inhabit. however as it was now, the first night had passed. only the brothers would remember their night, well the part where they made new girl friends with ghosts in their room. and spent a good portion of their night making love to the other worldly women, like a magical wet dream, unaware that their bodies did make love to a woman, just not one they would naturally think to be passionate with.
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 9, 2022
While Hanna lurked, her eyes instantly spotting the hardening pricks of her siblings as she peered onti the room, Martin stepped pit of the master bedroom. "Hanna?" He said gently as he strided by, having gotten up to get ready for his morning shower and start his morning run. "Something wrong?" He asked as he reached out to touch her shoulder.
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As the older man would reach for his daughter's shoulder, the sound of the wife's voice echoed.

"Alright now, Hanna can you get your brother's up and Honey I need a bit of help down. "

as this happened it almost seemed like it would be right on que to prevent the daughter from telling her old man how the sight of her slumbering brother's morning tents caused a pause for her. however the fact remained, if the mother would keep her old man busy, then it could by a few minutes to wake them up in a manor normally one would never want. however unknown to the family the children were but the first to fall. as this day, once the parent's were alone, they would become targets as well. however would they end up with each other, or would they end up with their counter part children?
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As he walked to meet his wife, the touch upon his daughter's shoulder would have marked the man for another potential partner to help impregnate this girl which now had a more perversed and dominating spirit hiding with in her. however it would still cause an inkling for her to move upon her brothers, even if only to touch them, in a seductive manor when waking them for her mother's request.

mean while in the children's mind, the girls were snuggled against them, holding each other, all the while, their mind frame was like a paradise to the boys, which would soon come to an end. sensing this the ghostly twins would kiss the brothers, and wish them a good day, as they would see them once they returned after their day ended. hinting that each time they spent nights together the girls would grow more powerful eventually able to interact with them properly in real life.

mean while .

"Oh, dear what took you, did you torment the kids again. I need some help, The heavy box is ontop of the box holding our special plates, and cups. can you please get them for me, while I finish with the meal. "
as she spoke up, the table was being set up like a buffet, one plate with pancakes, another with eggs, bacon, sausage, etc. a smile on her face, as she did this, making a larger meal this day to celebrate their first real day of this home, and their new life here finally starting.
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Another big meal? You know there's only 5 of us" he teased as he stepped into the kitchen, sweeping close to his love, and embracing her , placing a few kisses on her lips despite her gentle rebuttals. "I'll bring the boxes down" he said as he listened to her request, stepping down into the pantry to grab up the hefty boxes for her. He was slightly frustrated that he couldn't get in his run right away, but he'd let ot go for the moment.


As Hanna slipped into the room, her brothers were too engrossed in their rest and their dreams, wrapped up against their ghostly friends. Horus began to untangle himself from the bed, bit by bit from the sister.
Local Time:
12:20 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with the meal finally prepared, and moving to join her husband at getting the plates, and silver ware from the box, her husband had collected.
" Dear help me with setting up the table, and then if the kids aren't down here yet, then we can move on to having my big bad wolf drag his pups to the breakfast table. besides, we can enjoy our left overs later, just the two of us, if you get what I mean. " saying the last part, giving her husband a peck on the cheek.

at which point the two would finally, Be getting the table properly set up.

in the room, the dream state finally ended, as the brothers would find themselves, coming to, the sensation of their bodies being held, the kissing and other sensations from the dream state lingering for their bodies. as if it all happened. as they were unaware that it did indeed happen buy with their sister the night prior. however it was unknown if they would come to, with their sister over them, or if she would be doing something to them when they came to. regardless they would have only a short while to come to, and clean up before being called for breakfast.
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