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Fantasy RP The Cursed Maiden, and the Evil Lord of a Destroyed Realm

Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"let me down, come on, this isn't funny Ms. Tannis, you know he deserves this, the old bastard wont repair my Rapair properly. "
as the neko shouted, and squirmed, his name soon to be revealed as Sean, only for Gage to shout at the boy saying that any one which uses a weapon to harm innocence doesn't deserve to have such equipment. however, the innocent in question would be Pups, of a type of monster, the elemental wolves. the kind Dwarves treated like most would treat a dog. however the fact remained, this was not something a dwarf would let slip so easily.

as this went on, Hito would slip up behind Tannis, as he gently tapped her lower back. in a calmer and more timid voice.
"should we go some where else for now? looks like we might have a few things which need done, before mr. gage here is free to spend time with us?"
asking this, it was clear, however Tannis having her weight with the guild, could easily use her magic and drag the neko off some where else, or even make him fly off like a rocket, if she so desired.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Hito, you mustn't lay your hands to boldly on a lady, nor a mage." Omi said as she looked up to Sean. "And you shouldn't be playing with poison blades just because you cannot repair a weapon. I taught you to behave better Sean." She scolded as she folded her hands, her posture never changing. "Gage, if you wish, I can pop this knucklehead over to the town drunk tank."
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Well then, if you don't mind doing that for me, I might spend some time learning about this young lad here, and we can get a custom order made. on your tab of course."
saying the last part, as he did not mean money, but more so a fun night with his bunny girl, as Omi, nor Gage got to do much at all. it had been years sense the two spent any proper alone time together, however when most would think of a romantic night, they would think movies, wine, etc. but with gage he wanted a good fight, a sparring match against some one he could go all out against. however for a dwarf like him, such a fight would always lead into getting into a mood for something more intimate, yet the last time they had done anything was more years then ether would want to admit.

blinking his eyes at this, Hito would be a bit lost, as he looked to gage.
"Mr. Gage, why her tab? is gold not enough for what I need? or am I really that weak we need to make something dangerous?"
asking this, it would be odd, however it could be almost comical with how he knew nor understood much about the two most well known individuals in this town, yet Sean was now silent, and simply hissing as he disagreed with Tannis's comments.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Oh Gage just wants to spar around a bit. " Omi said though Gage understood the rest of the sentiment. She would spar with him, but that would be as far as she'd take things. Omi wouldn't allow the Dwarf to get any funny ideas to cross his mind . "I can spare the time I suppose sometime tonight if you really want to try." She said simply. "Hito, you and Gage can take things over hm?"
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as the two would begin to get to work, Hito would be dragged into the back of the shop, leaving Omi to take Sean with her, as he was helplessly hovering under her control. swatting and hissing tours the tall Rabbit maiden.

"tch, you are to much. to think I once considered you an irreplaceable woman in my life. turning for that filthy ground digger, and some filthy runt. he has the stink of a homeless piece of filth. we both know, I am worth more then ether of them. some smithy who doesn't even repair his own work properly, and now this. how far will you let your self fall sensei huh?"
hissing out his words, as if trying to hit a cord, wanting to make Omi agree with him, or at least feel some what responsible, however the tall white bunny beauty would not understand it, however the time she spent with the new rookie, and all the glances into his eyes. now the seed of an attachment which had no reason to exist was their. as such a sensation would be felt, as if this former student and rookie, now turned egotistical ass, was trying to bark up the wrong tree, however only Omi would know how she would be able to deal with this new sensation with in her, if it was even strong enough yet to effect her mental judgement as of the moment in time.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Omi scowled slightly. "Sean, do really think that is how you should regard others? Gage knows his craft, but you have no respect for your tools. And to speak ill of any of your fellow guildsmen, it smacks of immaturity. If you keep this path, you will find nobody willing to work beside you. And unlike Myself, you will never progress without someone to applaud you for it." She said as she walked with him, taking her floating captive to the city gaurds.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
finally approaching the guards, one of them would stand their, as he slammed the but end of his poke axe onto the ground. before speaking up.
"Madam, how can we be of service today? is this a rescue or a trouble maker?"
as he spoke respectful, and directly, the neko, Sean would shout out how he was the victim here, and shouted that the guards needed to deal with this cursed woman, and free him. he had some where to be, and she is kidnapping him from his job site.

as he spoke up, the young warrior in the gravity bubble, would be ignored, or perhaps more so could not be heard by the guards. as they did not seem to react to his shouting, but instead seemed to be waiting to see what this intimidating guild Liaison had to say. the second guard against the wall looked as if he was prepared to use his weapon to try and subdue Omi at any moment, even if it was not needed. however the newer members of the guard would often act this way, due to the horrible stories and rumors floating around about the tall monster of a bunny girl, even if they were all false or down right lies made by jealous individuals.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Omi gestured to Sean, his voice muffled by the arcane spell that held him up in the air. "This man made to attack a friend of mine, but I believe that he's able to benefit from a humble night in your gaurd cells where he can think about things. Do you mind if I have him booked up until tomorrow morning?" She said as she looked between the gaurds, even the ones that held their weapons on it from a distance. She didn't wish to embarrass them or show off thst she very well could reach those men as soon as this desired it.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as she asked this, the guards would look to one another before the one speaking prior would look to Omi and speak up.
"As their is no proof of a victim, we will have to charge 5 Silver to take him for the night, but it can be done. would you like to pay, or have the bill sent some where for a single night?"
asking this, it could be sent to the guild, however this would also tarnish Sean's reputation, and could risk a severe demotion from his higher rank back down three or four ranks. as Omi could decide if she wanted to pay for it personally, even if it was only a bit of Hito's money, which could be repaid later, or she could have the bill sent to the guild, and thus make this misdeed known by the officials.

as this was going on, the odd sensation would be felt, as it came from the smithy's location. not a dangerous one, but one which Omi knew all to well. as it was the sensation of trying to get one to attune to custom magical gear, meaning the old man got carried away, with his new customer. as the last time he crafter an actual magical piece of equipment was her unique staff.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Five silver?" She said as she held out a hand, silvers floating out into her palm from her personal coin pouch and set them in the hand of the gaurd. "I-...hm. apologies. Something has come up." She said as she lowered the neko to the midst of the gaurds. "Book him, if you need me, you know where you can locate me." Omi said
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Bowing to her, the larger guard handed the money to his fellow, as he ordered the young soldier to take the silver to the clerk at the local court house and fill in the paper for a one night booking. as he would then move to take hold of the complaining neko, using silence to keep him from making any sounds, as he paralyzed Sean's body so he could easily bind and transport him. as he would look to omi, and wish her a fine day. as it would be rough to watch but this feline had brought it onto himself with his own actions.

as she sensed the momentary burst of energy, their would be no mistaking, Gage was up to his old shenanigan's again. as it would take her a bit of time to get back to the smithy, however by the time Omi got back she would catch a glimpse of Hito on the defensive. using his shadows, and mobility to dodge, and evade Gage. as the old short stack of a stud would shout at the boy, telling him to properly defend with his new armor, they had to test it. If Omi watched carefully it would be easy to tell this wasn't a normal spawning, but more so the old stud taking out some kind of frustration on the young adventurer, most likely due to some kind of Jealousy, however the fact remained. Hito was now topless, with the exception of his unique hovering shoulder cauldrons. and some unexpected armlets, which protected the wrists, to the elbow. meaning he should be using them to defend against the attacks if this was a normal test spar.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Omi approached the match cautiously as things sounded like they were getting only more messy by the moment. She saw Hito first, it wasn't the first time she saw a fit looking man, she was an Adventurer after all. But for some reason she couldn't bring herself to look away fir a moment or two longer. She flushed as she caught herself staring and heard Gages voice, she looked over to him next as her staff appeared in her hands. She raised it up, the dark hole at the top opening wider and spewing rays of freezing cold energy out between the two men. "What are you two fools doing!" She said, actually raising her voice slightly. Taking up an air of authority.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as she said this, Gage would shout tours Omi,
"Oih, I never said I would help a coward, he has failed to properly use the new equipment, if he doesn't use it right, We can't make him any more. "
as he said this, Gage would be blind to the situation due to his own narrow minded and hard headed view. yet if Omi looked she would see the same dark sparks from the armlets, meaning much like the early days when she had equipment which could not work with her magic. his seemed to over load the magical equipment, making it nothing more then basic armlets. however slamming his axe into the ground pointing to Tannis, Gage would shout tours her.

"You know, how my gear works, so unless you can get him to work it properly, I will not make any more, one who doesn't understand or try to learn doesn't deserve my craftmanship, and you know this. "
as he spoke, sounding like he took great offense to something, little did Omi know, this angered side came out of him, once Hito asked about Omi, as if the young lad had stepped on a tiger's tail. despite the two not being together any more, the old dwarf was still possessive of his friend, and would not let any one even think of her outside of a work kind of aspect other then himself.

clicking the armor off his wrists, and rubbing them, Hito would move to return them to Gage.
"i am sorry, but I feel I can not make use of these, as I tried to tel . . .. "

"oih, boy you know their isn't any better smiths then I, so do not treat my gear like common trash. " as he snapped at the young man, ordering him to put them back on, and take his stance or he would cleave him in half.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Gage, I think the problem is a conflict of ability- those gauntlets are giving a backlash." She said as she noted the sparks. Omi moved forward as sge saw Gage seeming to only get more frustrated. "He isn't disrespecting your efforts." She said as she put her hand on her friends shoulders. She was trying to coax him down a bit, to give the Dwarf some pause to listen to her. "Maybe I can help you understand what the conflicting magics are?"
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as this scene finally began to calm down, Gage would move to slap Omi's ass in a playful manor.
"well then, if were gonna do another all niter of work, I best get us some drinks, but only Juice for the kid. "
as he laughed saying this, Unknown to Gage, despite his young appearance, Hito was old enough to drink, as the form Omi had him filled out had the age of 21 written on it, despite how he looked. yet more then that. it seemed the thought of drinking with the only person to ever out drink this dwarf, and remain functional always excited him, if nothing else. the challenge of out lasting her in booze. as he had no real magic himself to compete, but his skills made up for his lack of personal magic.

seeing the quick change in atmosphere, and attitude, Hit would move to gently tap, Omi's arm to get her attention, a bit timidly, as he looked into her eyes once she looked at him. thanking her for helping him with this, and apologizing for the issues he was creating for her. as this only allowed his natural influence to infect her mind, body and desires a slight bit more, even if it was not meant to. Yet at this rate before they were done in the smithy, Omi might find herself oddly protective of a rookie, more so then her job required. which was rare but not unheard of, for promising candidates.

as he thanked her, the tiny man moved to his smithy and hut, before shouting to the two to hurry up, and telling the boy to bring the defective gear with him so they can melt it down, and remake it properly. as it would be over a calming meal and drinks, they could talk and learn more about Hito's powers, or more so magic as it was believed. however with how it was used during the test prior. Omi might have an inclination to realize he was not using magic but was using multiple curses which were on him, as a form of power, which was rare, but not unheard of, at least from ones who survived most their lives by eating powerful monsters.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Omi jumped as yhe Dwarf spanked her on the bottom, but unlike when Hito touched her before, she didn't lock him into the dirt with gravity wells. "Gage!" She hissed as she turned and batted him gently on the back. "Keep your hands to your tools." She scolded, rubbing her knuckles against his head. She never tried to shut him down harshly, afterall, Dwarves were boisterous and bold, the men in particular. It was once something she found cute about him, but she knew herself better now. She wouldn't have the time that even a long lived race like a Dwarf would require for a romance. Her work kept her far away, and her craft even farther with how powerful she was. As she and Hito walked for the shop, she put a hand on his shoulder gently. "Don't worry. I wouldn't let something bad happen to you." She assured gently
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
a short while passed, as the three were now in the smithy, hot drinks, and food on the table. as they shared a meal, and spoke. the dwarf scratching his beard in a way only one of his kin would do. as he looked to the duo.
"well then, Looks like this is more of an issue then your staff was Omi. We need to get him a dungeon relic to use for a basis if we want this to work huh? so will you take him diving or have the lad join some random team?"
asking this with a sly smirk, thinking he could get her to send Hito off and get a chance at some alone time with Tannis, however the rabbit could read her Ex like a book. as playful and aggressive as he was, he would never force himself upon any one in a manor which was not desired or deserved.

Hearing this, Hito would look to Omi, as he began to ask her a question which might seem a bit out of the way, as her magic was rare, but not taboo by nature like his was revealed to be, during their little meal discussion.
"so you had to have a relic for your equipment base, due to your magic being a curse in nature like mine?"
asking this, it would almost seem comical, as hers was more like a legendary level of magic, and his was the kind most feared, and damned others for even having the ability to use or understand. however she had seen it first hand, and most who saw the test, only saw enough to think he used a mixture of wind, and teleportation. yet now the three of them knew, he had the unique traits of shadow, blood, and gluttonous darkness. as this meal went on, and the position they sat, she was in an ideal position between both men. to enjoy and communicate with easy access to their eyes.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"I will have to tag along with the team, Relic exploration may require an advanced eye for the proper artifacts. Afterall, while Hito uses curses, I doubt he wants to risk picking up a curse that may well turn him inside out. Or into a statue." She said as she sipped her drink gently. "You'll have to fair all on your lonesome Gage." She added with a shrug. She set her cup aside as Hito asked about her abilities, comparing them to curses. She hummed briefly. "No Hito, my magic arts are...forgotten, occasionally forbidden arcane secrets. I've been delving and learning it since I was quite young."
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Hearing her words, Hito would look to Omi, as he would then ask something a bit unexpected, but not all that bad to hear.
"if that is the case, would I be able to learn some of your arts? they seem amazing, the ability to control the weight of others, could be truly amazing. "

as he spoke sounding more then just fascinated, however with the nature of his abilities this was a physical impossibility, yet it was still something to hear from one such as this rookie for a change. as Gage would laugh hearing this before looking to the duo, then speaking up.

"hoo hoo hoo hoo, Boy you are an idiot, she has to study hard for many years, by the time you even begin to learn you probably be unable to use it from old age or worse, just give up the idea and stick to what you can use. "
as he belittled the rookie for wanting to just learn some basic of the gravity magic, even belittling hito's own talent, and stating how it would be best to focus on gear over skill at his stage. the old dwarf was not wrong, but he was very rude about how he went about it, and indirectly insulting Omi's magic with out realizing it.

"well then if you need to do this, Omi, care to help the lad through some of my rejects? it has no unique runes or properties, but should be enough for one like him if your gonna dive for some relics. "
as he said this, sounding like he wanted to hurry hito out of this smithy, but not Omi. however she would need to leave with the lad, as they would need to do some paper work, and find a team for the mission, however at least they had a night before this had to be done. as Gage would have no issue with Omi staying, but it was clear he would not have Hito stay, however unlike gage, or Omi herself. Hito only had a den so to speak, a dungeon area he lived in outside of the town. little did ether gage or Omi know, the one he survived in was actually the very one which they would need to go to for the relic he would need to have proper gear crafter.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Omi pursed her lips slightly at Gage, knowing what he meant but didn't particularly enjoy his diminishing of her magic and its abilities. Then again, she kept particular spells under her hat, especially in the city to prevent a panic. "Gravaturgy is not easy to learn, if not...nearly impossible, even if I were to show you a simple spell, you likely wouldn't be able to alter the weight or space of an object."
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"oh if I can earn enough money so you can afford a day off, think I could get you to go into a field or dungeon with me, to try at least?"
asking this, as he ignored the boisterous Gage, who was now getting a bit more pissed off at the boy, for pushing this subject. as it seemed the young lad wanted the ability to move large objects even if only for a short few moments at a time. however if one thought about it, this would make sense, in case of incidents, cave ins etc. however the fact remained, to pay for one of her days, would be a few gold pieces, with how well Omi was paid. yet the fact he did not hesitate to make this request, and did not seem to be embarrassed asking this, unlike simpler things he asked prior.

as this went on, Omi would be able to get a good look at Hito's surprisingly well toned, abs, as she would be helping him with armor. normally this would not be bothersome for one as experienced, and professional as the bunny girl herself, yet with how she reacted from the sight prior when spotting him topless out front with gage earlier. as it was, though, the old dwarf would finish his mug, getting up in a loud tone, and belching, before he began to head into the back. but not before speaking up to the two.

"alright, Omi, get the boy set up, and see him off, then we can talk about payment for todays work and later. "
as he said this, waving them off as he began to head back into his work area. it revealed he ignored her comment about being on his own, as if still expecting Omi to spend the night with him, with out the boy here in his shop, yet now they had full access to all the so called reject ware. which was actually high class normal armor, as it was only seen as reject by Gage for the failure to imbue it with magic or rune enhancements. yet gearing the lad up for free with this was more then one could ask for at this point.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Omi sighed as he pressed the issue, not wishing to crush his hopes. "A day off isn't a problem." She hardly took time off, she had been forced a few times to go home for holidays when she would try to go for extra work. "You can see for yourself...some time." She said as she looked down, mostly allowing her snow white hair to slip forward, hiding her face. Her eyes fell on his body, briefly finding herself unable to look away again, but she she closed her eyes while Gage spoke up and started to hustle them along....well Hito. She guessed he was trying to place a pass for her again. Omi stood up. "Hito, I think you should stay in an Inn tonight, I don't want you getting hurt and being unable to fight tomorrow."
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Scratching the back of his head, Hito would seem to look away for a moment, before speaking up.
"I will be fine, not worth the coin, when I have a safe little den with the fur bed I made for myself. "

saying this, it would then be able to dawn onto Omi, that the only coin he had at all was the one he gave to her earlier, and their was no change as the shopping wasn't done with gage as of yet. however this would be a simple task, if she found an inn which she knew the owner well enough, perhaps it could be put on her, or the guild tab for one night, and have Hito pay it off once they were done. however this would only make things a bit more dragged out. however now she had a choice before her as to how to deal with this, as it would be the last task for the night for Omi to worry about, once they had picked out the gear for Hito.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"I've got plenty of coin, and you haven't been in town long, if you're going to be a guild member, it's best to have people know your face and who your with, it builds a reputation for the future. Thsts how you get good work." She said shaking her head, putting her hands on her hips. "And I will not take a no as an answer, I outrank you."
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Uh, I see, if that is the case, then May I ask you to guide me to the Inn you would recommend?"
asking this in an oddly adorable manor, it becomes hard to believe just hours ago he was able to actually keep up with her magic to an impressive extent, even if she held back a great deal. yet now he would get up, shirtless, and ready to up and leave. already forgetting about the need for some basic armor, however it was not uncommon for one to forget about simple things like that when they had a big day ahead of them. yet it would only take a few more hours in total to help gear the lad up and guide him to the inn for the night.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Once the young man was covered once again. having a his simple leather shirt, and armor back on. he would smile, moving tours the door, and waiting for Omi to come out, as he would hold the door for her, with a beaming smile on his face.

"I shall follow you then. So do you have a team in mind for tomorrow for me to join? or will I be on my own to find one? ether is fine, just curious."

as he spoke, the young lad had an almost alien allure for Omi to resist. one which did not make sense for her, but had been growing steadily through out the first time they met eye to eye. however once her mind was free from work mode, which would be as they walked to the Inn together really. as this would be when she would find her body reacting in ways it had not with any one sense Gage back in her young days.

( feel free to have our time skip to the next morning in the guild, as the reaching of our Inn will be the end of this night nyaa :D )
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 9, 2022

"Therevis a new batch of Rookies, going on a little dive, a few floors down in the dungeon, they are seeking to map out a unexplored section of the dungeon to sell. We might find a relic, atleast a little one maybe...." She said as she lead him out, occasionally glancing at him. While she wasn't using any magic or alludes, she seemed to keep to her graceful stride and her subtle mystique. She kept at a bit of a distance, mentally, at any rate, not particularly forthcoming while they made sof small talk.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Finally arriving at the Inn, which Omi had recommended, using the money to pay for the one night for this new rook. the two had an odd amount of Small talk, as Omi found herself growing closer to this young lad. however once every was said and done, the room acquired, he would suddenly turn to Omi, thanking her as lady Tannis. this showed a level of respect for all to see. however he would take hold of one of her hands, kissing the back of it, and wishing her a good night. showing quiet the enjoyable side before heading off to the room. allowing Omi to head off to her own place, and plan out the path for the next day if her mind could get back to concentrating on the task after such an odd night, even for her.

-------------- The Next Morning --------

The Sun began to rise, as the light shined through the windows of the building. the adventurer's which had been planned for this morning journey would be running late, as Hito was sitting outside by the door. as the facility would open shortly, as he did not enter yet, despite how the door was unlocked. due to it not being business hours yet, showing that he had learned a bit of things the night prior with his time with gage, as this was always a habbit of the dwarf prior, not a bad one, but an annoying one.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Omi walked down the road to meet Hiro and Gage at the shop, knowing that meeting them to guide Hito on the dive. She wore the same white gown, at the very least one would believe it was the same. She was quite frugal, buying only one set if dresses and clothing sets that would be inexpensive and free. As she approached the shop, she looked to Hito. "Good Morning." She said gently
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