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Fantasy RP The Cursed Maiden, and the Evil Lord of a Destroyed Realm

Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
excitedly, Hito would rush over, bowing to Omi, as he greeted her. before speaking up in an excited yet oddly over energetic tone this morning, however it would be revealed that Gage had given Hito some of his special energy brew. a drink which only Omi had shared with him prior, and this was the very reason. not many could handle it. however if she looked to gage, she would see how the dwarf was all bruised up. as he chuckled, giving a thumbs up to Omi.

" you got a good little fire cracker their, I think he might be able to keep up with you if trained properly. "
chuckling as he said this, even winking, and referring to how he kept up with her, but in other means then battling. however now would be the time for Omi to pick out the ideal basic armor for the boy, which would be led back to the guild, for her to introduce with the team of zed, matty, and sally, the priestess, fighter, and defending which were all in training rookies. however unlike them, Hito had no class given as he had no idea what kind of class he would be able to be called with his odd skills. leaving that part to Omi to decide now.
Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Is that why your bruised Gage? Did you bite off more than you can chew again?" She teased with a smirk to her former lover. Omi walked Hito to the armors taking up a medium set, balancing protection and mobility for her recruit. "Use this set, it should do for this, it'll be a easy exploration." She assured as she stepped away to allow him to change. Once he was finished and they moved to the guild, Omi reviewed his class, knowing it wasn't particularly narrowed yet. She marked him down as a Freelancer, a tad bit of everything with no specialization selected or focused in fir the moment
Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Once the young man was all dressed up in the armor of her choosing. It would almost seem like Omi was dressing up a lil brother for a moment, however something would feel a miss, as the duo walked tot he guild together. as if something was not right about the day, perhaps a fleeting feeling, yet the fact remained. as they arrived the three rookies greeted them, as they rushed up excitedly greeting Omi. however the three would look down at Hito once they heard his class, a simple jack of all trades with no real out standing skills.

as it was, they were ready to rush off to their first real relic dungeon dive, and wanted to show off how much stronger they got. it was odd, as the select few which had been trained by Omi, or tested by her were often the strongest of the new batch, and had the most impressive records. yet their were so few of them. as such the three would poke fun at the newest recruit, calling him a leach, and weakling, who will need to hide behind omi when they fight. unaware of how strong he really was. it would be an amusing sight at least until they got to the entrance of the dreaded dungeon. where it would be time for Omi to give them their roles, as she was their to supervise, guide, but not fight, unless absolutely needed.
Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"All right team. I'm here to watch you all and evaluate your progress. Don't disappoint me, and don't try to show off. Showing off will most definitely lead to my disappointment. Sally, you are going to be the only priestess, I recommend staying in the middle. Matty, Hito, take point. Zed, you will be in the back. I will be expecting you all to defend each other with all your heart." Omi said as they approached the dungeon, summoning her staff. "I will be watching closely for any mistakes. "
Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As they all entered the dungeon, the three older rookies would look to each other and node in excitement. as Hito seemed to go into a strange silence kind of mode, following orders. However Omi would be the only one who could understand what he was doing. as the young man went silent to concentrate. spreading his shadows through the darkness, like a radar to keep his feelers out for any impending enemies. however as quickly as Omi would sense one, Hito spoke up, warning the team of three approaching Goblins, two warrior class, and an archer one.

hearing this the other three all looked to him and began to laugh.

"oh come on now, how could you tell, your not even a high powered mage yet, no way you can sense anything like, not even the right class for it. "

"I know your trying to impress, but think about this, we know goblins are on this floor, but do you think can really just say random things, which are likely to happen and look like your skilled. "

as the two belittled him in a more playful tone. the last member of their team seemed to take the warning more seriously, as she would look to Omi, in a whisper, asking if he was right, as the priestess, was the one which had been more timid, and more so slightly scarred with past trauma, which this team had indeed been helping her to open up more, and enjoy it. but now it seemed the word of goblins caused a bit of ptsd to show itself on the rookie's face.
Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
" Fine, fine, their just small fries after all. Just sit back and well take care of it quickly. same for you Hito, just watch and take notes. "

Zed spoke up, as Matt would smirk, the two rushed ahead, to take out the three goblins. as Hito summoned forth what looked like two small shadow rabbits. which followed his fellow squad mates. each one could instantly burst into small black spikes, or magical chains if the need was their. but they would not interfere with the two unless ordered to. as he would remain silent and just nervous. Omi would see the impressive team work of the duo, who made quick work of the trio before heading back, as the gave each other a high five.

"so how was that, we ready to move into a deeper floor, where we will actually need our full team?"
as Zed spoke up, Matty winked, as the duo seemed over confident, unaware of the shadow magic which protected them. as Sally would not have noticed it ether, but Omi would be the one who knew what Hito was actually doing, playing the role of support, and defender at the same time. however unknown to the group, and Omi, their was an unexpected creature Roaming on the second floor. a beast from the lower floors, as such it was not meant to be in the upper floors. as it was lacing multiple chests with special energy to make them into traps.
Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"I thought I told you to keep to the back Matt." Omi said simply, rather than show them the praise they preferred. "If I was a merchant looking to appraise a relic and you ran off wirh Zed, seeking to prove your mettle, who would defend myself, abd Sally?"

She shook her head at them both withna faint sigh as she summoned a book and quilt briefly, scrawling something down in it and letting it vanish again. She looked at Hito, but didn't praise him either, simply giving him a slight nod of her head. "You may continue on now. Back to your positions.'
Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Remaining silent, Hito continued to move as slowly as one would expect some one who was using a hunter, or survivalist exclusive skill. however Zed, and Mat would seem to grow more and more impatient. as they would look to Hito and tell him to move a bit faster. he was making them all look bad. however stopping at the stairs before the next floor. Hito would finally speak.

"I think it would be best, if you three remained up here, and let me scout the lower part of the steps before we head down. "
as he spoke his thought, it would be a sound idea, if something happened, it would allow them to protect and seek the proper actions, however Zed would speak up with gusto.

"Oh come now, these are all weaklings, if you can't handle yourself, you can head back. Ms. Tannis will be able to see how strong we become, and you can try again with the next exam. "
as he spoke like this, poking fun at how slow, and cautious Hito was being, unlike them, Sally was the one who indeed was being protected so to speak. her job was not to fight but to heal when needed.
yet she had some gear to defend herself for worse case scenario.

as Zed, Mat, and Hito began to disagree, it was apparent that the other two were full of youthful vigor, and ignorance, however unlike them, Hito had lived in dungeons, surviving alone in them, and who knew what kind of horror stories he could share if they would listen. but for now, it would soon be time for Omi to come up with the final plan and decision, as it was clear these three would not be able to agree on anything any time soon, unless it was by force.
Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Omi sighed softly as the trio bickering, taking a second to take it doelwn in her notes briefly. She then snapped her fingers, making a brief whistle sound in the air ti make the young men turn to face their judge. "Enough of this prattle. Hito. Scout. The rest of the team will advance as you clear the rooms. If you cannot abide caution, you will walk into a trap."
Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as she spoke, and gave into the idea of the new comer, the other two would both look to Omi.
"Oh come on, we know he is weak, look how he hid by you when the weakling were killed by us. how can we trust some one we don't know to scout for us?"
Mat argued, however as he spouted his disagreement. Zed would take hold of Hito, and pull the young man back before rushing down the stairs himself.

"You weakling, stay with the girls, I will let every one know once it's clear. "
as he said this in a dominating order, however Hito would hit on the floor, a bit painfully, forcing Sally to panic for a moment, hugging Omi's leg for a moment, before she would finally use her healing on Hito. as he would make an odd hand gesture, which formed into a small black orb with wings, and tendrils. which only he could see, or so he through, unaware that Omi could see this shadow, or curse puppet clear as day. it would then rush after Zed, to keep him safe.

as this went on, it became very clear, that due to the way Hito was introduce with out a proper or respectable role, like the other three had, these three were treating him like a weak waste of space, however Omi would be the only one able to sense the real situation, which Hito was trying to keep them safe, despite how he would be in the right to leave the group and head back to town for a new group after what just happened before her eyes.
Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Omi gripped her staff, half a mind to lock Zed in place with a gravity well, but knew that she only could truly get involved once one was in danger, and these rookies would have to do the hard way with or without her involvement. She reached out, helping Hito up to his feet while Sally did her best to supply her healing magics. "Are you alright Hito?" She ask as she shook her head. Her disappointment in her team's antics growing while she watched over them. She considered busting Zed down a rank for what she's seen of him. But she would wait and see.
Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"I am fine, thank you sally. Ms. Tannis, should I go after him or leave him be?"
asking this, as Hito had no idea omi saw what he sent after the young man, to watch over him, however the fact he was asking would be a red flag for Omi. as Mat would shout down the path.

"Hey Z, how's it look? we good to come down?"

as he shouted their was silence, however this could be both good or bad. as it was, Zed could be trying to mess with them as he often did, or he could have ran into something and remained silent to avoid detection. however if Omi revealed what she knew, it would not be hard for her to place a hand on Hito's shoulder, and tap into his vision to see what was going on in the lower floor.
Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As Omi did this, a new sensation flooded her massive frame. an over whelming desire, and heat rushing through her, as if it was surging from the touch, to her very core. all her senses would seem to be going hay wire, desire, lust, things a woman like her should not feel in such a situation or at least have better control over. however she would hear hito's oddly gentle voice in her mind.

"Concentrate, I know this might be a bit over whelming, and I have no idea the kind of strain this will cause, but if you can concentrate you will see what I see. "
with this, and some effort. the vision would form in her mind, one of Zed silently against the corner of a wall. as he was surrounded by several chests. looking as if his greed had gotten him into a pickle. as one of them he had opened had been a delayed mimic. a creature which awoke a few minutes after opening instead of the usual ones which were instant. as it was, this thing was now moving about, dragging the hard chest looking body by two long tongue like tendrils coming out of the opening. these level of creatures were dangerous, but easily avoided. at the team's current level it was impossible to defeat one, but could escape, unless trapped like zed was.

as this went on, Mat could be seen preparing to rush down, as Sally would suddenly rush over to try and stop him, before Mat shouted for Zed to speak up, as he was coming to check on him. thinking he might have gotten hurt. however this was going to make the scenario even worse for them, as the boys had no idea what they were up against or going into. forcing Omi into a bad scenario, as creatures like these were normally around the 15 to 20th floor, not the second floor.
Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Omi raised ger hand off of Hito, her vision snapping back to her proper eyes. But her focus was shot onto Zed, any sensation that Hito stirred smothered by tension. As Matty started to move, she held out a hand, instantly placing a weight on him. "You will do nothing! All of you must leave now!" She said as she pulled him back. "None of you are prepared for what is ahead, I'm ordering you all to return to the surface."
Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Hearing this, Matt would become truly scared for Zed, as he looked to Omi, speaking up with a panicked voice.

"i can't leave, I need to help Zed, he is down their Ms. Tannis, he might be hurt. "
as he spoke up, Sally would be the one to rush over to Mat, taking hold of him, as she said that the boss would save him, they needed to listen, as she would be trying to convince Mat to leave with her. however as he struggled to go down, Hito suddenly came up and hit him hard across the face one time. knocking the young man out, then tossing him over his shoulder, as he looked to Sally, asking her to lead the way, before telling Omi he would be back with help, so please be careful.

it was odd hearing this, however if she saw the same thing he saw, then her level of power was more then enough, however their was a chance he saw something else, something down their she did not see yet. regardless the large, powerful woman now had a student to rescue. as it would down on her, how if Hito was down their, he could have reported back with out issue, but instead Zed rushed down their. meaning once this was all done she would have to scold them about keeping their ego's in check.
Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Don't dawdle." Omi said as she released the gravity on Matt's unconscious body, starting to walk down the stairs, her heels click clacking swiftly as she moved gracefully. Her staff glowed with black energy., surging up to the dark hole at the top. She could destroy the mimics and save Zed, she knew what she needed, she just had to find him before he was swallowed up.
Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
having left the three to leave the dungeon, two of them to safety and one to seek proper help in case things went down hill. However as Omi entered the lower floor. she would see the situation which Zed had gotten himself into. having opened, and awakened several of these dangerous mimics. her sensitive ears would hear the sniffling and panicking of the young man.

in another chamber down the hall a bit, Zed had been cornered by several mimic's. as the moved slowly but precisely, as he had allowed his panic to cloud his judgement, and thus getting cornered, with his broken weapon at this point.
Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Omi's ears twitched slightly, focusing in on the sounds of the trapped boy. She floated off of the floor, starting to levitate, flying silently as she followed the sounds. The mimics closed in on Zed, little by little, but as one started to open up to try to snap him up, it suddenly was smashed inti the floor , instantly crushed like a bug by a sudden shift in gravity. Omi floated into the room. She reached up to her staff, plucking the hole from the top of her staff, holding the wrapping, swirling cluster of collapsing space . She thrusted it forwards, the hole unfolding and starting to pit out shards of burning lights, radiating stars bursting out.
Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Showing off her magic in such a display, many of the awakened mimics quickly turned to Omi, releasing their tops, and launching more slime coated tendrils then one could count. however as this was going on, a larger almost humanoid, create would begin to manifest silently behind Omi. while she was distracted by the children of this unknown boss monster, it would also paint a scene for Zed to escape. for as far as the others knew, it was only a floor full of mimics, which would normally be no more then a nuisance for Omi.
Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Omi curled her hand , conforming the black hole together, folding space in on itself in front of her as the hole started to drag the tendrils into it, ripping them into oblivion rather than getting to her. the mage was being careful, not willing to widen the singularity much further to keep from consuming Zed along with the mimics. She drew out a tag, an item known as a Warp Tag that would be able to teleport a person out of a dungeon. She mumbled a swift chant, throwing it forward to land it on Zed to take him out to the Dungeon's Enntrance.
Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Zed would reach out for Omi, as he could not be heard, his words silenced by the spell as he vanished to safety. the tendrils being sucked into the black hole suddenly snapping off from the main bodies. as one of the creatures began to swell, and open it's blackening maw wide. before two others tossed it to try and swallow the orb she created. it would be then, ms. tannis realized these creatures were evolved further then appearance would lead one to believe. as it was able to swallow her magic, nullifying the black hole albeit killing itself in the process. as it would vanish, leaving several artifacts on the ground. the two remaining one began to chitter, and allow spider like legs to tear out of the bottom part of their chest looking figure. before moving like arachnids to ether side of her.

as the two remaining higher mimics moved about, the figure moving tours her, taller then her self. slender, with an overly long arm, looking like a mace, but with odd holes through out the end of it. would make a clicking and snickering sound. as the other arm had an over size hand with elongated claws on it. the body covered in a strange amorphous chitin shell. as one side of it's head had a long clicker, or evolved pincer. the creature walked on two legs, which had a strange foot design, with two claws on the end digits. while the heel had an almost high heel like design to it, allowing the creature to move much faster then it should. as the thing would look with it's bulbous eyes tours the rabbit woman. it would move the one claw tours her, it's pointer, ring, and index claw making up what would be the four fingers of a human, while it thumb, was actually two thumbs. one on ether side of the claw. pointing to her, the wicked thing would order the children to move upon ms. Tannis as to try and capture her, however this thing was using them to create a distraction, as it's mace like arm hid what could only be described as organic missiles. small quill like projectiles which exploded upon impact, releasing the chemical payload upon the target. which could be anything form deadly venom, acid, paralytic agen, or in this case, a aphrodisiac like neuro agent to subdue it's target. the worse part would be when the discover of this thing being one of the rare Named monsters would be discovered. as it was known as Aptom, the ultimate adaptive predator. no reports of it ever truly being slain had ever come in. even with the severed arms, and head pieces brought into the guild, however having never found the core. this thing would be like any mimic, until the core was shattered it could regenerate indefinitely.

"So I see my children have come across a lovely victim to play with. Perhaps you would be interested in submitting, I can guarantee your safety in the new world to come, Once I grow strong enough to reach out of this tiny cell. " as the beast hissed, and clicked, it's words just barely understandable, as this proved it had devoured adventurers in the past, as such was adapting the vocal cords to use, which was obviously new to it's anatomy with how it spoke to her.

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Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Omi turned to face the evil, this Aptom that had lurked about as its Mimics maneuvered around , but the floating mages relic winked another black hole into existence in its cage, forcing them to bring some pause now that they had no hostage to levy against her power. Consuming the first instantly killed one of them, but it was a much more controlled version. With no such retrains, she could sweep everything inside the room to see the oblivion within the spheres. "I submit to no man, nor monster." She said as the mimics attempted to close in, but her deathly gravity radius only intensified, making getting closer to her futile, as she would only steadily crush them as she had the others
Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Creating her black hole which consumed the bulk of the creature, the humanoid beast would extend it's mace like arm out, as what looked like spinal cords shot from the legs. the thick muscle base chains, of chitin and tissue anchoring it in place. as several organic pin like missiles showed themselves, and shot from the massive mace arm. as it seemed like they did nothing as the magical orb of death consumed them. however it would not be long before Omi would feel the effect of these alien like attacks. as they began to cause her own spell to become weaker. with each one destroyed. it would soon become apparent, that the more of these things destroyed by any means, the quicker the area they were in consumed mana. as it also showed as the creature's flesh began to glow, and radiate at different points. however if she relented, the constantly reforming tendrils would begin to pose a threat once more. as it seemed this thing had converted this entire floor into it's domain, and the creature itself having become the floor's core. this would be when the true horror exposed itself, this beast could speak, and acted more skilled then one expected.

"more, feed more power to children, fear not, you will be of use. "

as the thing's voice became stronger, and more clear, yet easily understandable. it began to grow, and even the one crab like shelled claw began to grow and extend. as it suddenly launched this claw to do the impossible. as it grabbed her black hole. doing the impossible, unless she noticed how it had encased the claw with gravity magic as well. as the odd vibrating spikes which began to grow from the shoulders, had begun to adapt, and mimic magic being used by it. however was it possible for this thing to mimic multiple magic quickly, or did it need to have it's own attacks make contact in some form, like an infectious bacteria in order to learn how the spell worked. if this was the case, then the very weak skills which Zed had, were all this thing could use until now. It was still not a big threat to Omi, yet the massive Rabbit maiden would be able to tell this kind of creature's threat level grew by the second when facing stronger foes.
Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As the claw grappled onti the black hole, Omi sensed the magic at play union her own , the conflicting tides of force clashing and spinning against eachother in a deadly duel. The hole in space started to grow bigger as the claw tried to battle it, the toxins tits spines laid unto her making h Leroy concentration on the hole waver. Normally such a thing would make a spell simply stop, or weaken, but with the laws of space itself in question, such things could easily spin out of control. She wavered in the air as ssge tried to fly for the stairs, , the deadly hole trying to pull her inside will it consumed more of the monsters spawn . Sucking them in while she fought to focus on limiting the calamity.
Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as she tried to both contain the potential calamity, as well as escaping. something unexpected would soon be felt. as a sharp piercing pain would be felt in Omi's ankle. as one of the organic missiles managed to hit her some how. If the rabbit maiden looked she would see how the odd mace claw was stabbed into the ground, meaning this was shot at her from under the ground. however the next sight would be far more unexpected, yet some what pleasing, yet horrifying at the same time.

the claw which held the black hold in it, coated in gravitation magic as well began to expand, as it engulfed her orb of death so to speak. the glow of the black hole could be seen as it warped the inside of the arm of this creature, as it moved tours the torso. a sinister smirk came across it's face, before suddenly the bulk of it was pulled into the orb, and both vanished, leaving the head, right shoulder blade, and half the torso to fall onto the ground. Any normal boss this would be fatal, yet for an evolving flesh pile like the Aptom. the worse was yet to come, as the entire room began to shake. fleshy vines bursting out like death worms, only to swarm upon the fragmented torso. as it began to spawn new fleshy from this. Before her eyes, the creature would be not just restoring itself, but evolving, as if it consumed a portion of that destructive orb to evolve itself further, sacrificing a massive chunk of it's own flesh. however as it changed, the body began to become sleeker, more streamlined, and very dangerous yet lacking the offensive body parts the original had. almost like a cross between a kind of corrupted angel and a monster beetle.

With the spike deep in her lower calve, the toxin quickly draining both strength, and mana, while causing a growing heat in her core. the evolving beast moved tours her, as it's body solidified, and began to speak more fluently in this newer form.

"Delicious, Pain, Power, all of it. I will have it, I will have you now. "

as the entity spoke up, moving tours her, a simple mistake, a simple over sight had allowed an underground shot from it's prior, weaker form to get Omi in a bad situation however could she manage any more magic, even if it be a simple shield to by some time to think.

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Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Omi hissed as the spike dug into her flesh, instinctively pulling out out as the monster approached her, but she new the evolved creature would be all the more prepared for her gravity magics now. She pushed put her staff, slamming the pommel of it into the ground, making a barrier spell leap out between them to seperate herself from Aptom, trying to fight whatever accursed toxin was coursing through her blood.
Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as she was still in mid motion, the beast would kneel down, as a crater suddenly formed. as it was right before Omi, catching her, as the beast spun the rabbit woman around, and pinned her to the wall. the size difference was obvious, as it held her. even trying to keep her pin. the beast could over power the strong rabbit maiden in her current state. however as they both stood on their feet, the entity would have to keep it's one arm stretched up to hold her throat, as the other moved to grab her staff, and toss it aside. the height different would make one thing ms. Tannis would be the stronger one of the two, and perhaps true if the venom was not in her system. making her body weaker, mana less potent, and her womanly needs on the rise, against her own desire.

as she would feel how the one claw not holding her would crack it's clawed knuckles before moving to tear all her clothing off as quickly and precisely as it could. wanting to strip and tease her body before having it's way with her. yet once it stripped Tannis, she would get a chance to break free, albeit pushing back in the direction she had just tried to flee from.
Local Time:
2:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As her body drummed little by little, the rising warmth and need of her body polluting her senses. Her hands grappled against the moster, her shield rippling as she held it up, panting softlybas it's claw clashed against it, trying to get at her while she looked around. Even while he body was forced to flush and burn with such hunger, her mind was trying to seek out an end to this monster. Her eyes flicked to her staff, to the small fluttering shadow summon in the room.
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