Fantasy RP The Cursed Maiden, and the Evil Lord of a Destroyed Realm

Noticing the pot their, before even noticing Omi herself, Hit would softly yet audibly call out for Omi, with a bit of a concerned voice. Making it so that her powerful and sensitive hearing would be able to hear him. yet once he saw her, it would be the moment that Omi would easily notice Hito. as he would look upon her ghostly and alluring image in the glow of the clear night.

it was not quiet a reaction which would be expected, yet the young man had been taken by the view of the beautiful woman he had laid not that long ago, showing Omi she could easily have fun with this stud. However nether of them would be aware of the fact something was moving tours them. something familiar yet unexpected, from under the ground. as it had survived, and moved silently, and undetected from most spells. However it could be dismissed as some form of wild life with how it was moving under ground. a fragment of Aptom, which was now stalking Omi, and seeking a moment of being alone, thus painting a vulnerability. as her power had won the interest of this, believed to be slain creature.
"I'm here...I thought we should watch the stars tonight." She said as she held put her hand, using some of her excess Mana to smooth out tge blanket. The Albino neko slowly stepped onto the blanket, gently kneel on it and patting the cushy surface. "The stars actually are perfect tonight." She added. Though...she wouldn't say that she might have been the cause of that.
hearing this, Hito pacticaly moved to do a baseball like slide, ending short of her nice little set up. as he was now at the wrong side, looking more goofy then cool, despite his attempt. as he chuckled softly looking to Omi.

"Well that didn't go as planned. Wanted to slide and do a little hop onto the nice little set up next to ya. "

saying this with a bit of a blush, the young adventurer, did not know how he had already impressed, and won Omi over, even if it was in ways, the young stud would regret in the future once he discovered how she would be able to finally have some one sate her for the lunar cycle, with a small amount of Endurance training. once he had the stamina to go a full round with her, he could then cocoon between sessions, or if she felt really frisky she could enjoy him while in the cocoon, as he attempted to try with her prior.

"Omi, Once this is over, and were back to the town, I have a special request. I know we lower ranks aren't suppose to interact with high end liaisons until we gain at least two or three ranks, and earn the right. But I want to interact with you only as much as possible. this way we can enjoy more moments, I know it sounds childish, but do you think? "

making a request which would normally get denied instantly, it would give Omi something to enjoy, even it was his more playful, and energetic inter actions, as well as some one besides gage she could honestly do a bit of teasing with. even while having to remain professional. Yet this showed her that Hito was already thinking of how he could enjoy being close to her, out side of work, and while she was working, with out causing any trouble for the skilled gravity mage.
She rolled her eyes as sge saw him slide up to her side, but then he saw her start to laugh. "Fool. You don't need to behave like that just for me." She said as she rested on the blanket slowly. But as he explained his desire to keep her, she tilted her head aside. "You don't need to ask to keep seeing me outside of my liaison duties, I can't give you any missions or personally help you until you earn rank, but we can keep seeing eachother."
"Then we can continue to have our fun together when the time is right, oh, and I want to have some more lessons from you again. " as he said this last part with a big grin on his face, not even denying the potential meaning behind his comment of training lessons. she could help him learn to control his mana, or even more then that, put the lad through some endurance, and stamina training through countless means, not forgoing the most effect, and dangerous means, which they had already enjoyed in the dungeon depths.

however as he laid their beside her, moving his hand to gently take hers, Hito would look to the tall massive, and powerful, yet exotic, and ghostly beauty before him. his eyes meeting hers, as he spoke softly now, in an amusingly soft, and sensually passionate tone.

"You are easily the most beautiful woman I ever met, and pure with your body, mana, and personality all at once. "
this last part could be the startling part, hinting that not only could he see her natural, and ghostly beauty, but the lad could see the mana flow of her very being, something only mages should be able to sense, and even then, faintly, when super charged, but he spoke as if the mana was clear as day to him, while she laid their. as it could reveal to her, how Hito had a unique ability with his eyes, one which was known as evil, or devil's sight, however power is not naturally evil, but gained names like that for becoming famous due to being used for evil.

as this peaceful moment went on, the faint rumbling could soon be felt around them. as the sound of crickets, and wild life, slowly began to grow distance, and silence, which could be expected at this time of night, however it could also be a warning of something to come.
Omi met his gaze, ever drawn slightly deeper onto them, his compliments making the snow white of cheeks, heat and turn pink in hue. "You say such silly things-" she said briefly, but his comment about her Mana made her pause. "Hito, you have the Devil's Sight." She stated, less of a question but her observation setting two and two together in hardly a second of thought. She looked down as she wondered if she should place it on his file, bit also understood that the ability may ostracize him further if made public.
looking a bit confused, he would look at Omi, as the young man repeated her comment.
"Devil sight? I thought any one who could use mana could see the natural flow of mana, and how it ether complimented or clashed with the individual, is that not normal to see?"
as he spoke, still the fact he could see it to such a degree was something else, and more so that it was now revealed this was his normal vision, so he saw the world in quiet the unique way, a way even omi could due, but only after using a spell or ability to allow her eyes to do so like a normal mage, albeit requiring great power to do so.

as the moment would soon present itself, the moment where Omi's body would come off defenseless for a short bit, even if it was due to her being lost in thought. this would be when Hito would make a playful yet enjoyably aggressive move. grasping and pulling her into a deep kiss, and an enjoyably gentle and comforting embrace. despite this sudden assault, unlike prior play mates, mainly gage, Hito only moved to hold and kiss her. not even trying to make any moves past that, due to her comment about another time for more enjoyable fun.

however it would be when her body was in this suddenly embrace, and kiss, her sense would be able to alert Omi of an unknown enemy entering her field of influence, deep under ground, but heading right for her, and hito's location. however with how super charge her power was this night it could be dealt with at any moment once it was with in her domain of influence, or she could allow it to approach and see what Hito would do, if she wanted to ruin this moment for some entertainment.
Omi gasped as Hito kissed her suddenly, her senses on alert, nearly startled into pushing Hito off. But instead as her hands grabbed his shoulders, she steadied. The presence moved closer, but Omi focused on it, her gravity magic concentrating on the sensation of evil on the. Appendage. The grass around it would flatten in a circle as she rapidly and ruthlessly increased the gravity to crush it.
it would be become crushed and dealt with, as Hit would never be the wiser. allowing Omi to calm down now, and give into the sensation, as her tiny stud moved to tease, and please her. showing the powerful rabbit maiden some much desired affection, even though it was something that had not been enjoyed to this degree, sense some time with gage. Now she had a young lad looking stud. as the kiss broke, he looked into her eyes, as the smile on his face could not be denied.

"So then, what kind of fun do you have in mind for us, under this beautiful and clear star filled night sky?"
as he spoke in a playful and alluring manor, knowing she was not up for draining the lad, or super charging her own body any more, but he did not know about the beast she just destroyed. thus it was a pleasant reminder that the world could give as much as it could take.
"I've got enough mana" she said playfully pinching his cheek wirh her fingers aa she pushed him onto his back slowly. "There isn't much I'm looking to do perhaps enjoy your presence and sweet nothings." She said as she laid herself against him, though she was taller than him, she laid her head upon his chest, aligning herself to him.
Taking her time to position her massive, and elegant yet alluring frame to the much smaller male. the rabbit maiden's head now resting against his chest, as he was now able to move. and gently run one of his hands along her back, the other moved to go through her hair, and gently touch one of her ear. as he spoke. his heart beat would seem calming, and relaxing to hear. as his bodily warmth almost seemed to sweep over, and wrap around her upper body. however the fact remained, due to their size difference, it would be almost comical with how her body was positioned ontop of his like this.

"Omi, You are truly amazing, The best woman I could ever dream of meeting, thank you, not just for accepting me, but making me feel like an actual person, It might be to soon, but I can say, I think I love you, and will make you my woman as long as your willing. "

as he spoke, unaware of just how far he had won her over already, in more ways then one. however little did Hito realize, that now she knew of his recovery ability, with some endurance training, this young lad would be perfect for her, when the time comes of the new moon, and her cycle. the very time frame which would cause any healthy stud after her to run for their very life, with her high drive, and natural needs. yet here under the massive woman, was a tiny man which would end up proving to be the first partner ever met which could outlast her with just a little endurance, and stamina training. but this would be something for her mind to think on, as he would be in the dark of such needs her unique biology would present.
"You're still a fool Hito." She said raising her head slightly to look at him while he admitted his feelings for her. While hearing them warmed something up inside of her, she still couldn't resist her nature m. "You've only just come to know me, and yet you trust me with something so delicate," she said as sge put a hand on his cheek.
"I lived by instincts for so long, if my instincts tell me I can trust and love you, then I can. "
as he said this confidently, with out even a hint of doubt, the young stud would hold her close, as the peaceful night would not last, however for now. it was a chance for the duo to enjoy each other, before day break and the need to return. as to avoid the two nude individuals being discovered like this by a rescue team. however his words, and actions seemed to speak volumes to the powerful gravity mage.

"so then, when we get back, I will work very hard to rank up, and get the right to request you publicly"
as he said this, at first it would sound like simply wanting her to be his personal guild partner as well as lover, but if she inquired about it, Omi would discover Hito meant that he wanted to become worthy of being her right hand man, and lover in public. as it is right now, it was clear he felt like he would only embarrass her if he tried to show his feelings in front of all to see. not caring how others saw him, but made it clear he did not want to ruin her reputation, unaware that Omi's reputation was not one that could be ruined really.
"Oh, I will become S rank or better you wait, it will take some time, But I am sure with enough high end hunts, and tasks. I will earn that needed rank. "

as he said this sounding both confident and excited, it would only be another thing for the rabbit to enjoy about this little fool, as naïve adventurer who had successful gained the passion and lust of this powerful rabbit maiden would seem to make a promise to her. one which would not be taken lightly considering what he desired from her, and had prove to be willing to do already from their fight prior.

( you can decide if she wants to enjoy him a bit, or time skip to them returning to town, ether with her carrying him, in a comical fashion, or perhaps him carrying the rabbit maiden, so her body is covered up, your choice nyaa )
(XD Ah yeah her clothes are gone-hmmm, she probably can do something about that.)

As the night wound by, and things cooled down, the need for rest creeping river the pair little by little, Omi would make herself comfortable and fall asleep. When the morning came, she would pull up the blanket, tearing it up to begin to fold and wrap it, using magic to turn it into a wrap dress, though with her size and body, it seemed short on her cutting off her upper thigh and cupping at her bust. "We need to get on the road before people want to come looking at us." She reached out, grabbing up Hito.
Yawning as he got up, moving to hug Omi suddenly, and with out warning. as he embraced the massive beauty before him. before commenting on how nice she felt and smelled. the young man would smile, as his height made it almost comical. just standing their, he could reach and eat her out with out need to bend over or anything. However for right now, his playful display would be oddly enjoyed, as it caused a stir in her body, even if it was not meant to or desired.

once this little moment, passed, the young man snapped his finger, as his shadows wrapped around his body forming a new outfit for himself. as he smiled, even taking a moment to ask if Omi wanted him to give her some shadow garments, until she could get something more fitting on. as he said this, his eyes did not hide how he loved the short dress she now had on, the way this make shift dress was short on her, and hugged her practically exploding out bosom. it made her already appealing albino body all the more mouth watering to the young stud. yet he showed some respect with his offer, which was not much but surprising with how he was the night prior.

as it was the walk would seem to be a peaceful one for them, to head back this day, however the peace would be short lived for once they got back, Omi would have to do some paper work, as well as how Hito would need to try and take on multiple quests. yet for his aid in subjugating that creature, it would at least earn him a rank up right away.
Omi giggled, covering her mouth with the back of her hand delicately. "No, I've made my own dress, I think i will keep it. " She said catching how Hito looked at her, the way his eyes couldn't leave her frame. "I think one can appreciate handcrafted work, sometimes, yes?" She said as she looked at their things, ,using her hand to cast a spell their bags lifting up and seeming to be saddled upon the back of an Unseen Servant. "I also think we've spent too much time already, so you will sadly not be tasting anything so fun." She teased as she carried him in her arms, as if he weighed practically nothing to her thin arms. Well he did, she simply removed the gravity on him to make him nearly totally wieghtless.
As it was, before the eyes of the people in the guild, as the duo returned. The looks of angry, awe, and disgust fixating on them all. however the negative eyes seemed to be the bulk of what could be felt. However Hito did not seem to notice or care. However as they returned. It would be reported as Omi having rescued him from the beast, albeit an unknown creature of higher danger ranking. as to keep the truth of the aptom type mimic secret for now. for it could pose a real problem for her, if they found out Omi slayed a SSS rank creature, with or with out help. for it would make her job all the worse.

Yet as a reported higher rank beast, and the aid he placed in the subjugation process, it would allow for Hit to do something unpresented in this guild, he would jump right to the C rank, despite lack of experience for such a rank. however this also meant that she would get a nice size bonus for bring in, and rescuing such a young talent.

however as things would go on, once they got back, Omi would find special request from higher rank adventurer's for one on one meetings with her, for proper guild, and party forming guidance. which would make sense for higher ranks to seek her impute in some needed party members.
Omi seemed to be indifferent to the stares that fell on her, her curse Visage, her cool demeanor making the crowd only more uncomfortable, but they were not particularly willing to cross the line to make themselves a target. After they took their commendations and rewards, the gravity witch would take her time to get cleaned up and change. Odd to Hito, she seemed to take her new roles and duties without more than mere thanks. Once she was called in to fulfill a request, Omi would leave Hito to take his ranks and honors to see what input was needed if the liaison.
Having come into the room, with two dwarven warriors, a dracokin sorcerer, and even a younger male rabbit knight sitting their. this mix group was known as the clash of light and fire. their group being AA, on the grasp of finally hitting the desired S rank, as a team, as each member was Low A class, to High B class adventurer's thus team work to make up for their individual weakness. as Omi would enter the room, the leaver being the small red eyed, black haired rabbit, which was missing his right ear, and left eye. he would look to her, almost as if disgusted he had to seek help from Omi. but keeping it professional was always one of the better qualities of the higher ranks.

"We will cut to the chase, you are the best at this, and we are in need of a powerful Healer, and Dark art manipulator for the upcoming boss siege. Do you have any who can ether fill both roles, or a powerful individual for ether roles?"

asking this, the group had countless healers in the past all straight up abandon their role with this group, as the rumors spoke of how little they appreciated healers, and thus could not keep them. however a major boss siege like the one they were preparing would force them to take a healer, and wanting a dark arts user, who could heal as well. this would be dangerous, and odd, yet the request would paint an ideal position for Hito to fill, as it was a single job with this group, and nothing more. However would she want to give them some one as inexperienced as the rookie, even if he filled the desired role easily for them?


now finally getting his own test going, one of the humanoids, a S rank ranger would smirk. as he walked into the arena, pulling out two wooden swords, one in each hand. he would point one tours the young man. stating how he did not know what kind of tricks he used to jump up so many ranks so quickly. but a weakling like him had no right to be here. even more so when he didn't do any work himself to rank up, just getting it from cheating some way. this was not a big deal for Hito to hear, as he would form a scythe out of pure darkness, swinging it about, as he looked to his examiner.

"Well, I will use this illusion weapon, so we do not hurt you, so then shut up and come at me. "
saying this, however little did any of them know, this boy was the real deal, and more so he finally had a trigger, if they made fun of, insulted or made a rude comment about Omi near him, the young man's mind would snap into a much more aggressive mode.
Omi's lips curled faintly, a ghost of a smile crossing her face as she looked at the rabbit neko before her. But rather than address him directly, she examined the others. "Light and Fire. I've reviewed your logs several times. I know that every healer you have employed eventually abandons you due to poor...habits. The Adventurers Guild will be taking a large risk in giving you any healer , much less a high ranking one with the esteem and knowledge you seek." She said as she curled two fingers, the chair pulling back fir her to take a seat. "What contract are you hunting that requires such a skill set." She said as she tapped her finger on the table, , addressing sorcerer over the leader.
"Near the den of Feral killer bees, and nightmare spiders. a report of an oddly humanoid beast, one called an aptom specimen had been sighted. it is not fully developed yet, thus we are taking on the quest to slay it, before this thing could mature and become adaptive like an adult one could. "

as she said this to Omi, the fact remained. the very rare, and dangerous beast which she, and Hito took out, was not the only one of it's kin. as it seemed this was indeed something which would need to be nit in the bud early on, however skilled this team was. they were a bad match up, due to the bulk of them relying on their leader, and tanks for damage, and the sorc for support. Yet Omi knew first hand how dangerous these things could become once they began to mature, as the one her, and Hito ran into was close to, but not completely matured yet. However as this went on, it would be up to her, to risk her new little secret friend so to speak, as he would have enough experience to help them with this hunt, even if he lacked experience. however she could easily pick a more skilled healer, to protect and watch over them or to just report their progress, and make judgements in the place of the guild if need be. their were many options for her to way.
"The Aptom is making another appearance hm? So soon..." She said caressing her chin with two fingers. "The Rookie I brought back, has the most experience with this enemy other than myself. I think he would serve your ends to crushing the creature. He's surprisingly talented." She began tobrooch the topic, explaining the power of shadow that Hito possessed and utilized. Occasionally she would cast a look to the leader. "If you wish to utilize a dark element user, he is perhaps the most talented along with his prior knowledge. "
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As the group looked to one another, then back to Omi, the Sorcerer would speak up, over the captain of the team.

"SO will this rookie be able to protect itself, when in battle? and will it also be ok with different species, even Demi breeds like myself?"

asking this, it was a good question for a group dealing with an unknown and potentially needed team member. However the real question wouldn't be how Hito would be with them, but vise versa, as Omi knew more about that young man then even she would let on to now. having even absorbed a good bit of his mana, super charging herself, she would have a good idea of the depths of his mana pool, and potential, even if hito didn't know it himself. Thus this could become an ideal chance to help boost another rank, skipping a great deal of work, as the aid with the prior hunt helped him achieve the test for the C rank, which was currently going on. Meaning if she wanted to, Omi could lead the group to see the candidate in action, as he was taking the test against her boss, the only other Guild member of equal rank to herself.
"He isn't prejudiced one way or another it seems." Omi said. "He's worked with me personally, and has shown only respect and commitment to team cohesion." She tapped her fingers along the table. "His techniques and ability are sound, he is perhaps worthy of A Rank, but is only held to C for his lack of offical record until yesterday. If you wish, I can lend myself to your work and treat it as yet another examination. If he proves to be a detriment, my ability surely would provide you with ample opportunity in his stead." She went on, flicking a look to the demi human. "I will not intrude or undermine any leadership decisions." She assured, knowing full well that she was technically the richest ranking member of the guild in the room. If she wanted to simply take over the operation, she very well could petition for it.
taking a moment to rub his chin, the leader would turn to talk with his team. as they did not hide their thoughts on it. however as they spoke, the team would come to an agreement. as they all looked to Omi, with almost sparkling eyes.

"If we get such a powerful guild member as our back up, let's check out this candidate, and see what he is?"
as he spoke, little did the group realize, that they had also just made a mistake on their own end. well more so for the leader, who would have eyes for the guild liaison. which was kept to himself. however the fact remained the reward of this mission would take priority first.
Omi hummed as they agreed, unaware of the leaders intent and feelings thst she had drawn up ti the surface. Not many came to the point of seeking her in such a way, other than Gage, she had practically forgotten to her own kind she was still quite the sight. The tall woman rose up, taking up a crystall ball from one of the shelves as sge would use it briefly to scry on Hito. "He is in the fight pit, you will see something interesting im sure." She said before setting the orb down to lead the way.
As omi led the group down to the training room, where the guild leader was testing Hito. Omi would quickly notice, how the young man would be using an illusionary based scythe weapon, yet able to defect, and parry the master's real weapon, which should not have been possible.

as the two darted around, dodging, and countering each other, the guild master could be heard belittling and scolding the boy. for he had one hand to his lips, two fingers pointed up, as he chanted. while fighting this entire time. periodically causing shadow spikes to shoot out of his shadow, and the guild master's own shadow. it was obvious the guild master believed he was struggling to keep up his magic, and defend himself physically, however unlike the guild master, Omi, was more experienced with mana, thus would be able to see how the chanting was actually to restrain his raw power, to avoid any unwanted damage. the sorcerer would tap the rabbit on the shoulder, sounding a bit shaken.

"I know we asked for some one who can use dark magic, but that mana, it almost feels Evil, in nature, isn't shadow, and dark mana suppose to feel neutral?"

asking this, with a bit of concern, however the fact remained, any who did not know any better would assume this sensation was evil, when it was just the natural feel of dark, or negative mana reacting with the normal mana people knew. however unlike most, Omi had been super charged prior with his unique mana, and even gain a small permanent boost to her own magic with how her mana mixed, and merged with what she had absorbed.

as the test would continue, it seemed the only one starting to slow down was the guild master, however his experience was giving him he edge in this fight, as such it would seem that Hito would soon fail, for the time would run out with out scoring a single hit on the enemy. this was obviously a match set up to ensure the young man failed, despite his best efforts. However little did any one else know, if they wanted even a glimpse of his true potential, all they had to do was properly rile him up, and with Omi their now. it would be easy to do so.
The shaken question made Omi feel a blossom of frustration. "Fool. Dark magic is not merely playing with the shadows or edges of the Ebony Plane, the higher your affinity the true nature of the shadow magic is felt. If you feel neutrality, you are sensing a moderate power level darkness spell." Omi said scoffing at the Sorcerer. Though her words cut into the Drakes knowledge, it was disappointment that one could reach so far without a grasp of the Alignments of Mana and Spells. "Perhaps if you learned the arcane arts as a true scholar, you may have known such a simple fact." She scolded as she turned her attention back to the battle. The liason would step through the crowd, her height and reputation doing most of the heavy lifting as adventurers tried not to stand too close to the Albino witch. She would be easy to spot, both by the master, and Hito, as she folded her arms seeming unimpressed by what she was seeing unfold. Which was partially true, she had seen these games over and over, but sge also knew that Hito wasn't acting efficiently, and the master was yet to unfurl all his techniques either.

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