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Fantasy RP The Cursed Maiden, and the Evil Lord of a Destroyed Realm

Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As she showed up, it would be suddenly felt. every one would suddenly freeze in their place, as no one understood the sudden change in atmosphere or the ominous change in aura, let alone the unexpected pulse of mana. for the moment Hito stopped his chanting. he stood their with a bright smile on his face. looking tours Omi, as the guild master used this chance to try and use his unique head collection, decapitation strike with the training sword.

in think of an eye, he would stop mid assault, and jump back, his weapon dropping onto the floor, as his hands grasping his throat. as he looked tours Hito who was still looking away, yet he looked as if he had just been struck, and decapitated. Omi would be able easily tell what happened, the leader had rushed into the dark mana, and felt it's unique trait of dread.

"Shit, what ever that was, I can't let it go so easily. Hey Kid prepare yourself, I will give you all I have in one full strike, if you can defend, or even counter, I will pass you. "

as he said this, making a strange hand signal, his fingers moving to form like a blade, with two of them pointing out. one would begin to glow white, the other red, as a sparking energy blade formed around his hand, moving to prepare for a move, not meant to be used in training or tests. However this showed how bad the effect of the dread influence had hit the boss.

Slowly turning his gaze back to his test giver, Hito merely smiled. as he would allow his scythe to vanish completely. his shadow growing out and increasing in size around his body. his legs brought together, his two hands held out, as to welcome the strike.

Most would see, this and think the young man was welcoming death, however unlike the others, even the party which was with Omi. the tall rabbit would know this trick all to well, as it was the key to their defeat of the matured Aptom prior. something would truly become a sight, as it would also show this young man had enough power to be higher then a mere C rank, unless of course she decided to stop the so called show, not for Hito's safety but for her own boss's. As her long soft ears would ear the hissing, and bubbling from the shadows, as if they were hungering beasts, awaiting a victim to come with in range. inching slowly and unnoticed, out in all directions. however it was clear this defensive technique had unique offensive attributes, and this was a more controlled version of what she had seen prior.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As the pair squared off for the final test, Omi clicked her fingers, the hush of the room so tense that it would be easily heard even across the pit. The master and Hito both felt the change in pressure in the air around them as the witch flexed her own strength. The earth would catch them both, forcing them down to kneel between either could go at it again. For Hito, he felt the clear magnitudeof her improved mana,Mana,, making the gravity witch's grasp on the spells even more clear. The Master as well would sense Omi's strength was seemingly higher, perhaps even her own high level had increased in the quest that lead to the Aptom. "Must you both continue this excerise in futility." She said as she stepped onto the sands. "We have much more to do this day than haze the C Ranks with tests of failure."
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Standing up, as the master would free himself from Omi's spell, almost instantly. depending on a unique magical artifact he had. dusting himself off as he looked to Hito with a smirk.

"Well then, sorry to say kid you fail, and will have to start from scratch again. Best of luck to you, and be sure to work hard. "
saying this, as it was now clear that this action taken had cost the young lad his first promotion, but Hito did not seem to care what so ever. perhaps more so he didn't fully understand how hard it was to rank up at a normal pace. as this would have been a massive boon and several rank jump, now tossed out of the window. which also mean the record of the mission with Omi, would also be scrapped, forcing the young man to restart all together as punishment for failing such a unique test.

as he looked to Omi, still unable to move his body, Hito would ask a quick question, before wrapping his limbs in shadows to strengthen them, so he could stand with a great deal of struggle.

"So does that Mean, I have to retake the initial exam again? Apparent I have to start all over a gain?"
sounding a bit annoyed, and confused, the fact remained, the man who held position over even Omi, had just flexed his work power, in such a way, which would only paint the young adventurer as a useless failure, thus making it all the harder for him to get any one to work with him. however the group which was here with Omi could also open a new door for the young lad.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"No. The guild master is merely proving his usual tactics are as foolish as ever." Oni said simply. She didn't care much for such barriers and gamesmanship after one was already within the guild. "I have a petition for a dark magic user to slay a powerful creature. You would do nicely, it's an Aptom." She said as she began to take him along, to another private meeting space with the group. "I've even taken the liberty to provide myself as reserves." She added as if it would sweeten the bitter moment.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as the group would all be sitting in the room now with Hito and Omi, the leader would look over the boy, as he clicked his tongue. before looking over Omi.
" You sure he is up to this? I mean he did just fail a simple test of skills. You on the other hand could definitely make this work. "

as he spoke in his egotistical manor, the sorcerer would move to ask Hito directly, as the two began to talk about what he could do, and the limits of his abilities. asking about the battle chanting, as well as his odd shadow scythe. before long the sorcerer was handling a small one handed shadow dagger manifested by Hito. as the two spoke like this. it showed promise, however the fact that now, now the leader, and the other members seemed skeptical, about Hito's abilities and experience despite Omi's words. the fact she would be their with them as well ensured he could get the job, yet at the same time with her their, it also meant their would be no merit, or achievement for the young man, as their would be a skilled safety net so to speak. However it would still aid this team in completing their mission, and difficult subjugation request.

as it was, Omi would need to get the proper paper work in order, and have them all sign for the guild's records.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Omi's eyes closed as the leader spoke, mostly to suppress openly rolling her eyes, but also managing a spell she had ready. But her desk her intangible Servants would begin grabbing paperwork and organizing it for the adventure. "I know his talents. He is more than a single pointless test. " She said again. "Trust my word alone if you must, but without him, you will all fail and I will be left to clean up the mess."
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as the sorcerer was the only one which seemed to be hitting it off with Hito, the two sharing info on what they could about each other's magic. it was quiet an entertaining sight, one which Omi might have to put an end to, as the two began to try and combine the two different kind of magic, and mana in what should be harmless light show experiment. but knowing how the unique dark mana would react, Omi would be the first to sense how it could cause some damage, if nothing else to all their clothing in a burst of heated light.

however as this was going on, The paper work would soon be all together, as the leader was soon revealed to be illiterate, and would need help with the reading, and understanding of any major key points of the typical contracts. as it was, this only revealed just how much this rough looking leader depended on his team for so much, other then battles. yet now, would be the part where she would need to explain how it would work with or with out Hito in their ranks, if she went with them, ether way, and what would be expected of them regardless of her interaction or lack their of.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Oi! Careful with your magic, if there's even a tiny backlash in this guild, I will personally see you both hand clean this entire building with the smallest brushes I can conjure." Omi suddenly snapped as she looked up from her paperwork and forms while her Servants held her quilt, inks, and signers for her. After her threat, she looked back at leader as he clearly was struggling to read through the stacks of parchment. She sighed through her nose gently. "Apologies." She said to the leader as she stepped around to his side of the desk, conjuring another seat ti sit beside him and took her quilt, dipping it in blue ink. She began to lay out the details of the quest, taking things slowly for the leader. From the fine points of the slaying, that it only would be considered a closed control with the slaying of Aptom and any other agents or lesser creatures it may have in its sway. That any treasures found are considered spoils of battle and may be divided up amongst the group as seen fit, that any civilian casualties that occur in the processes of the hunt would fall upon the Leader and the group and the guild would not condone nor support any legal proceedings should such issues come to light, barring demonic possession, mind control, arcane Manipulations, or supernatural alterations of one's mind and body that would cause one to otherwise act outside of full sound mind. The lengthy documents even had a clause about cowardice and the act of abandoning party members without attempting rescue or intent to return.

As they went layer by layer, Omi would occasionally check on the leader to see if he was understanding what he was hearing, taking a very soft, guiding tone rather than her cool demeanor.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Finally getting to the point where the paper work was done, Omi would find how the group with the exception of the Sorcerer who understood magic, seemed to look at Hito like some kind of curse, or monster to be slain, and disposed of once his use was gone. However more then that, with her their to over see them, if anything went south, their would be a powerful gravity mage to take care of dangers, however she could keep it in the back of her mind. even if the others could not handle the fight, she, and Hito had managed to take care of a much further evolved specimen not to long ago. which could be kept in the back of her mind for now.

- - Some time would pass - - -

Now with everything in order, the group would arrive at the entrance of the dungeon itself. this one having an entrance which was like a living maw, as the frame of the entrance pulsated like living flesh. the edges having hard material almost like teeth. this thing was still growing and evolving. meaning this dungeon had taken the lives of many adventurers, just recently. if nothing else could be seen as the unexpected encounter with the odd creature known as aptom. as it would be evolving further if it was only one specimen doing all this work, but if it were more then one, then they each would be weaker then the one she encountered prior. Only time would tell, yet now she would find the group ready to charge in with the exception of Hito, who seemed to notice the odd, and dark aura of this dungeon, as if it was alive. something which normally only one as powerful or skilled as Omi would sense.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As the group waited to charge in, Omi would simply stand back, holding her staff at her side. "Running inside to merely slay the monster will get you killed. Don't act as a Rookie." She said as she sensed the aura of darkness inside the dungeon. Omi held out her hand, her Mana surging briefly to apply gravity shields around the team. "Play it caution, clear the rooms. And do not wander apart."
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as the others began to move on with out Hito, he would take a moment to look over to Omi.

"shouldn't I send in a familiar to scout before we enter?"

as he should have asked this of the group, their was no mistaking how his question would be ignored by the egotistical, and strong willed group. Yet he looked to Omi, to see if his idea was even a sound one or not. as it seemed they would shout for the dark, shadow mage to hurry up, and stop being so useless before the hunt even began. if nothing else, only the sorcerer understood the unique and usefulness of the shadows, as he himself could feel and understand some mana. yet he remained silent, and followed the lead of his group, as this would leave a bad taste in Hito's mind for group work, but it was his first time, thus he had to complete the task.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as she gave the permission, Hito would smile as he summoned forth several small shadow orbs. which all would form little wings, and tails. before shooting after the rest of the team, as a larger one formed to hover around Omi. as it's massive flat orb like face became like a screen. to allow her to watch the other's, and what they were up to. with this set up, Hito would smile before heading into the dungeon after the rest, however unlike the reckless group, he had eyes ahead of every step. as it would be a bit before they would catch up to the party members each shadow bat like entity was sent to over see, and look after. which these things could also allow Omi to communicate to any of the party members if she so desired.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Omi gazed onto the orb as she drifted into the dungeon, keeping near to Hito as he was her only remaining support while she managed the orbs, focusing her Mana upon the orbs. Her eyes would close, her senses connecting to the flying scrying orbs, searching after the party members.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as the dup moved about, Hito's supply of dark mana would be like a constant super charge for Omi, as she could concentrate on the Orbs with out concern. however as the duo moved into the dungeon. The Liaisan soon saw the first bat like shadow orb spotting the group. as they were apparently struggling against an obvious trap mimic. having made the mistake of opening the fake treasure chest. they were trying to pull their leader out of the mouth. as it had the upper half of his body in it's maw. while the group had his feet, and were pulling. their was no real danger as long as it did not fully swallow it's prey, however comical it might be to see. The two smaller members, pulling on the legs, as the sorc was using spells to try and numb, or weaken the mimic enough to release their captain from it's maw. this could be a good lesson, if not for the obvious fact that they would most likely make this mistake again, before the duo got to their location.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as they finally got to the scene, the others struggling, as the leader was now nothing more the kicking, panicking legs from the knees down. as it swallowed the rest. his struggling and thrashing made it easier for the mimic, and harder for the group to get him out. Chuckling at the sight, Hito would do something which would make the rest panic. as he summoned his shadow scythe, in the blink of an eye, he appeared behind the chest, his blade having sliced the thing 20+ times in that moment. only Omi was skilled enough to see the act. however after which the mimic seemed to blow into chunks of ichor and bile. which rained on the group, as the slime covered captain landed with a painful thud.

sitting up he would look to the so called novice, and shout at him.
"are you an idiot, you could have hit me, or worse one of our team. no wonder you were denied your rank up. such blind swinging, and unskilled actions. being so reckless will get us killed you fool. such a worthless bastard, even if lady Tannis is hear to ensure our safety, such acts from you are not needed or desired. "

as he began to go off, Hito would allow his blade to melt back into his shadow, as he began to clean his ear with his one pinky, ignoring the captain, as he would then look to one of his shadow familiar, as it found something interesting. before waving his other hand for the shadow bat to show Omi, as it showed a wall of captured adventurer's. males having been turned into nourishment, and females with bulging bellies, as they were used as seed beds by this creature. before the shadow would lose image, they would see the Aptom creature for a moment. as evolved as the one Hito and Omi faced prior, meaning the one they were currently hunting was actually an off spring of this stronger variant. yet none of the team would see this, as Hito did not show them for obvious reasons.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Omi opened one of her eyes as she saw the horror that befell the wall of adventurers, dissolving or consuming men, abd the rows of captured, seeded women. If she was any less experienced, she would probably have felt ill just witnessing the scene. But she had seen things aligned to these methods one time or another. Monsters than would violate women and force them to be their toys and breeding devices, or consume mortals in one hideous way to the next. Infact her face didn't even break to show anger. She looked to Hito. "We'll have to see if we can save those that are not too far gone. But....I would not harbor much hope if that sight is true." She said to Hoto, though her lips did not move, her voice was ringing in his mind.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
With out even a beat, being skipped, Hito's words would echo softly in Omi's mind.

"Should we send the other's back, or perhaps have them go after one of the younger enemies, as to avoid them being exposed to the more dangerous den?"

as he spoke mentally to her, he was being shouted at and scolded by the leader of this little inexperienced group. they knew open field, and lower dungeon dangers, but unlike them, Hito had grew up in the wilds, in dungeons, and lived off monster flesh to survive. more so the experience Omi had, would be the key to this horror show, would she allow the group to see the horrible truth right away, or have them ether hunt a younger aptom specimen like they knew of, or send them back?
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Omi weighed the odds in under a seconds time. "Stop." She said sharply as she opened her eyes, her voice a lash in the shouts. "Its come to my attention that this mission has elements that may out stripe your talents and experience. If you continue, you may die or worse." The cursed bunny said as she glided forward, her slow flight, her flower white gown and even the very nature of this terrible place would give her the guise of a specter. "I recommend this dungeon be undertaken and escalated to S rank." She ventured. "In doing so, you would forfeit any rights to the spoils but still obtain a flat return of gold, and acknowledgement of your bravery for facing the danger even if it was cause to retreat. "
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
(Boopidy Boop, I finally found it again :D sending myself a copy of this link for revival nyaa :D )

As she spoke up, saying this to the inexperienced adventurers, the group would look to her, as the leader would suddenly summon a glowing ball of fire, engulfing his hand. as he struck Hito hard across the face, calling the young man useless, and pathetic. Blaming him for the situation and them losing out on their rewards, however this did not change anything in the long run. as it was, one of the group would follow the young leader's order, and slip off, while the rest were being scolded, to try and collect any kind of loot or intel. if successful could be rewarding but would prove far to risky. as it was, the leader's assault would prove to be the distraction for his group's little plan, which was privately discussed through magic prior, to avoid any one knowing of it. however they would also be unaware of the small shadow familiar's feeding intel to Omi, under hito's control, as only he and Omi could actually see and interact with them, unless other wise designated by Hito's unique control over the shadows.
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