Fantasy RP The Darkness Made Light

Soren took a deep breath and followed closely behind Max. There was a horrendous chemical smell that made Soren's stomach turn. "Ugh...what's that smell?" He tightens his grip.on his blade and tries to keep a sharp ear for any sounds of footsteps. "Hopefully we're alone. I don't want to have to fight someone if it's not necessary."
“Same here: who knows what might explode or not?” He asked himself, feeling like the smelly gas around them was special, maybe even flammable. But he didn’t want to found out for himself with Soren nearby. Max looked around in the rooms aligned on the walls, seeing empty and broken chemistry sets all around them, as well as odd-looking materials lying around, with books as well, bearing titles like “The Elements” or “Alchemy and Sorcery”. He wasn’t getting a good feeling from all this as he used his hand as a flashlight for them, a magic sigil illuminating their whereabouts.
Soren's eyes widened as he looked at everything in the room. It seems so foreign yet simular to the stuff the elven scientists used. He covered his base and mouth with his arm to fend off any toxic fumes while looking for any signs of life. When he noticed the books, he tilted his head and blinked a few times. "Max, do you think someone was trying to create something here that would bend the force of nature?"
“Such as? Alchemy deals with tansfiguration, chemistry and the elements: you mean the standard ‘lead to gold’ kind of thing?” He asked, confused as he continued around. Some sort of stench was protruding around the building, but Max couldn’t put his finger on it, exactly.
Soren coughed and shook his head, hardly standing the smell. "I don't know just- something that could be very dangerous to everyone. Like- did someone try to make a potion or something that would give him power over the elements in a more advanced way?" Soren hacked and groaned at the smell, it reminding him of a burned corpse.
(What’s with your new PFP, if I may ask? :o)

Max looked around. An oddly human shadow laid in one of the corners of the rooms they were exploring. Lifting his hand, the shining light showed a robed body, its stomach seemingly disemboweled. Max’s eyes widened as he tried to keep himself from vomiting on the spot. “My, my…gulp

“Ggrrr…” What are they looking for in their? My…birthplace… The creature was getting more angry by the second as it trailed after them silently, on all fours, into the building. It was a bit hesitant in wandering into here since as long as it could remember, feeling the place was of for some reason, and that he usually couldn’t find anything noteworthy in its darkness: to it, a useless, rotting abode for the rodents that lived under its roof.
(😳 oh's a picture of my legs 😅)

Soren fought back the urge to gag as he saw the mangled corpse. Yes, he had seen many dead bodies due to battles amd hunted animals for food, but this was something monterous. Soren could feel someone watching them, but he didn't want to cause anything and possibly get both of them hurt. He quickly shook his head and placed a hand on Max's shoulder. "I don't know what happened here, but it definitely wasn't good. Do you think it has something to do with that strange creature?" .
(Hmm; that’s a nice aesthetic, I get what you were going for. 🧐)

“…Well, I do think yes. Our ‘creature’ is too unnatural to be a normal living thing, and this place might prove why.” Max said, gesturing to the books and the chemistry sets lying around. Approaching the corpse, the face was frozen in shock, as if he hadn’t expected his sudden death at mysterious hands. His entrails leaking out seemed to have bite marks on them, and spit-up pieces of meat were lying around. The man seemed a tad old, and there seemed to be streaks of tears, however faint, on his face. “Poor guy…” Max muttered. Looking around more, there was surprising content on a nearby board: notes of science and odd-looking symbols mixed with pictures of the man and a young boy, as well as childish drawings. “Oh. pause for thought Ohh… Oh, oh dear…” He worried out loud, putting the pieces together.
Soren grimaced in disgust at the groteque scene but did feel aympathy for the deveased man. No one deserved a gate like that. He onky hoped his death was quick and that she didn't suffer. Soren looked over at the board and tilted his head. He wasn't sure if it was because of his purely elven up bringing or not, but he couldn't seem to.peice anything together like Max was seeming to do. He crossed his arms and studied to photo, taking in every small detail he could. Was this man the father of the boy? They looked similar, but then again he wasn't the best judge of that. "What are you thinking happened here, Max?"
Max gave Soren a side-eye in slight disappointment. “Really?” He comedically held Soren’s head and pointed it to the board and back to the man. “Let’s just hypothesize for a second here with this puzzle. We see here a dead man with a ton of books about alchemy and magic: we can clearly see he treasures a son that he once, judging by the pictures of him and a small child, as well as seemingly immature drawings. Our creature seems to be too unnatural to be normal, so where do we think it came from…?” He said, gesturing for Soren to catch on to his train of thought.
Soren gulped and shook his head as everything started falling into place. Even though he didn't want it to be true, he couldn't deny the obvious facts. "But why? Why did this all happen?" He looked at the mangeld corpse again, wondering what the man must've thought and felt. After taking a deep breath, Soren snuck a glance over his shoulder. "Max..." Soren whispered, "in the darkened hall behind me, I believe our feral friend has returned and has been watching us this entire time."
“…well, don’t make any sudden moves. As I was saying…”

The creature growled silently as it looked at where Max’s light shone, biding its time and looking around the building with new vision of what was actually going on here: it slowly remembered its arrival into this world, destroying the first thing that got too touchy with it. It remembered it tasted vile.

“…the alchemist must’ve made this ‘thing’ in order to bring back his son. But it must’ve not turned out too well…” Max continued to explain, gesturing to the dead father. The creature hissed slowly, feeling insulted. Me?…I’m just…a copy? To satisfy this man’s feelings? He’s no father of mine! It growled as it continued to look around the rooms, seeing a book with an interesting name on its cover. Taking a look, it found something enticing to its tastes.
Soren tool a deep breath and tried to act as though he didn't know of the creature's presents. Surely he could capture the thing if he could just surprise it, right? Wanting to let the creature think it had the upper hand, Soren sheathed his curved blade and looked around the room again. He took a small step closer to the board and gently ran his fingers over the photo, wondering what had lead up to all of this in the first place. "I you think the alchemist tried to input any of the boy's physical being into this creature? Like his DNA or something?"
“Most likely, but it must’ve backfired…” Max said, turning around to the corpse. “Terribly. It must’ve escaped after being created, killing its…’father’ in…maybe confusion…and anger…? But that’s just my guess.” He said with a shrug.
The creature blinked curiously, having overheard this. It wondered what to do next, and eyed the books nearby with scathing eyes…
Soren shook his head sighed. He wondered what could possess someone to act in such a way. "You would think that maybe it would feel some kind of connection to its creator since they share DNA. Then again, I guess it would.pribably take some time for it to adjust and be shown that it was not in danger instead of just trusting the person at the start."
“If you were suddenly brought to life in a painful beginning and saw someone who claimed to be your dad, how would you feel?” He thought for a moment. “Well, badly, but still, not as badly as this thing did. Unless…it had no sense of morality. Makes sense, I suppose, but…” He still felt grim in the place. “Well, I think our work here is done. I don’t like the feeling of this place, so let’s leave while we can and take some stuff with us.” He said, reaching for nearby books and papers. The creature in the shadows growled and suddenly lunged towards Max in a jumpscare that made him recoil backwards onto the floor. “Aah!!” He yelped, the creature reaching for his leg with unruly teeth.
Soren quickly jumped towards Max and tackled the creature to the ground. They rolled across the floor before he landed on his back. The creatures teeth were the only thing Soren could see as it tried to take a bite of his face. "Dammit! Get off me!" He tried to reach for his blade, which laud only a few inches from his reach, while his other arm guarded his face. "Aaargh!" Just before he could grab the blade, he felt a sharp pain in his arm as the creature sunk its teeth into his flesh and started shaking its head, trying to rip Soren's arm off.
Max kicked the creature away and handed Soren his blade before gathering up as many books as he could. “Come on!” He yelled in a hurry to get them out of there as fast as possible. Soren grunted as he got up, limping, and grabbed Max as they attempted to escape. The creature growled as it got back on all fours and ran towards them, only for Max to turn and have a point-blank fire blast in its face. It flew back, but impressively, wasn’t killed. the two didn’t take any time to wait, however, and rushed from the building as fast as possible toward home.
“Yeah, yeah, nggh, I can tell! No need to keep screaming needlessly, I’ll get you to Nessa!” He said, picking him up under his arm. Max started to make sigils under his feet that acted almost as a staircase. He jumped on them quickly, taking them into the air and had them skating over the treetops, closing in on the house they saw from a distance. “Hold on, buddy, we’re almost there!”

Meanwhile, “You think they’ll be back soon?” David asked, bored, with the three others still at the house. Linea felt a bit worried for Soren, and Sid was napping nearby, snoring quite loudly after his night up keeping guard.
"I sure hope so David, I really hope so." Nessa sighed and paced around the room while Fawna held to look after Magnus. She bite the tip of her thumb and mumble soft prayers for Max and Soren's quick return. After a few minutes, she walked to the window and looked outside to see if she could catch a glimpse of them. She could see the smallest thing flying through the air, making her squint her eyes to focus more. "MAX!" She yelled, finally seeing that her beloved Max was coming her way. She saw Soren and could instantly tell that something was wrong. "Linea! Come outside! Their back, but I can sense something is wrong with Soren!" Within seconds, both Nessa and Linea were outside waiting for Max and Soren to come down from the skies.
Max stumbles and falls, a bit tired, and holding Soren in his arms. “He’s not well…Nessa, can you help him?” Max asked, panting, and Soren bleeding and his eyes fluttering. Max fell to his knees, quivering, slightly scared and trying to calm down.
Nessa's eyes widen and she quickly conjures up multiple healing orbs. She had never seen Max react in such a way and it scared her. "Max, what happened?! Did that thing do this?!" She kneels down in front of Max and gently cups his cheeks with her hands, "Max, deep breaths. Take some deep breaths and tell me what happened."

Linea rushes to Soren's side and pulls his upper body into her lap. "Oh my god, Soren!" She pets Soren's head softly and holds him close as Nessa's healing magic takes effect, sealing the wounds on his arm.
Max nodded and breathes slowly, holding his heart and Nessa close. “The creature again. I didn’t expect it to be that dangerous. I’d have taken care of it if Soren wasn’t here. I didn’t want him to get hurt by me, but…well,” He turned to the elf, who seemed to be in shock, healing from Nessa’s magic. “I think I’ll look for it alone next time.” He said.

(“Used as usual”?🤔)
Nessa shook her head and tightly wrapped her around around Max's neck. "No, of that creature really is dangerous, I don't want you going alone. I don't care if I have to fight you on it, I'm going with you." She kisses Max's cheek before nuzzling her face into his neck, "I'm not letting you go somewhere dangerous without me being able to heal you."

(Had a few things happen over the past 2 weeks that just made me feel used yet again in my life)
(As someone on the internet who can’t actually be present with you, I can only prescribe hugs.
pat pat, hug🫂)

“…fine.” He muttered through gritted teeth. He looked around at the others, and saw their reassuring smiles: “Don’t worry, Max. We’ll take care of Magnus while you’re gone!” David said. Soren yawned as he came to, almost completely healed. “…What happened?”
(Thank you, hug 🫂)

Nessa smiled and nodded a thank you to David, knowing Fawna would have fun taking care of Magnus to show off her mother skills to David. She looks at Soren and frowns a little, "Try not to move too much Soren. Your injuries are healed, but you'll need to rest to make sure they don't open again." She looks at Max again and smiles softly, "You should rest a while as well. Once you are feeling better, we will go out there again."
“Fine.” He said with a smirk, trying not to get an erection so quickly even after he had just come home in front of everyone, and so he pretended to yawn and went upstairs to the bedroom again, waiting for Nessa to follow suit as Soren laid on the couch with Linea, Sid continued napping from the long night he had, and David sat down and glanced at Fawna.

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