Fantasy RP The Darkness Made Light

Max processed this and comedically took a moment to let it sink in before he realized with eyes wide. Just like Nessa held Magnus, Max rushed over to hold them both in a protective manner and wrap them up slightly in his cloak. “But why would anyone do this? And what would a dark creature of small intelligence have any utility from this?” Soren tried to remain levelheaded and asked the obvious questions. Linea thought some more with him: “It doesn’t specify any requirements for the ‘young life’ in question, nor does it-” “Does that freaking matter?? I’m not letting Magnus get sacrificed for some crazy spell like this!!” Max shouted at the elves. He also comedically shut his mouth after the sudden outburst.

The creature, slowly making its way back to the house, peered from the plant life, unseen, and looked through the window to see them all talking. Very troublesome indeed…
Nessa was trembling in Max's arms as she held Magnus close. She would never dare let anyone near their precious Magnus, but just the fact that someone would dare to even think of doing something to him both angered and terrified her. "We need to catch that creature and figure out what it wants. If it's working for someone, then I can only imagine how horrible they are."

Sid felt uneasy again, as if they were being watched. He didn't want to alarm Nessa though, so he decided to play stupid to the watching eyes and stepped closer to Nessa and Max. "Don't worry, I don't care if I have to search until my last breath, nothing will happen to Magnus."

Linea and Soren both looked at each other, feeling terrible for what their princess was feeling and only wanting to help, but how?
“You’re both right nothing will happen.” Max said, trying to formulate a plan. “I’ll need some people to come with me and find it.” He said, immediately thinking of taking David and Soren.

The creature backed away slowly, realizing they were talking about him, even through the muffling glass of the window. Oh, dang it! I have to hide!
Nessa's heart sank at the idea of Max leaving her again, but she knew he was only doing it to protect their son. "Please careful out there, we don't know if someone of something might be waiting for us somewhere."

Sid was conflicted, he wanted to accompany Max to get revenge on the little bastard for escaping him clutches, but he didn't want to leave Nessa without someone who knew the area. "I will stay with Nessa. It would be best for someone who knows the area and who still has connections to be here just in case Nessa needs a quick escape."
“Ok then. I’ll leave in the morning with Soren.” Max said as he put his arm around him In a friendly manner, but Soren seemed put off by the gesture. “I’ll tell David to come over to help with you all just in case. So, for now, we need to rest.” Max said, moving towards Nessa and hugging her. Soren nodded and gave Linea a kiss on the cheek as they started to leave for their own bedroom. “Very well, then. Good night, Princess, Master.” Max rolled his eyes, but didn’t say anything more.
"Good night." Nessa tried to smile as she nuzzled against Max. He felt so warm and she wanted to be as close to him as possible along with keeping Magnus safely between them. She sighed and looked down at Magnus in her arms and gently caressed his cheek. "Why would anyone come up with a spell that would harm a baby?" Tears started to fill her eyes at the very idea of something like that happening not only to Magnus, but to any child.
The answer felt obvious to Max as he laid down next to her and wiped at her face to clear her tears. “…clearly someone didn’t have a good mind while on this earth. They must’ve not truly understood the value of a life if they would make something up like this.” He said, nuzzling closer to her and caressing her back softly with his arms. She felt so warm against him, he couldn’t ever think of leaving her in that moment.
“I love you too, Nessa. But you knew that already, didn’t you?” He said with a chuckle, reaching to tickle her chin with his finger as he hugged her closer with Magnus between them. He could feel his eyelids grow heavy on his face as he started to fall asleep... “N…Nessa…Magnus…”
As Nessa, Magnus, and Max fell asleep, Sid remained awake and decided to hide just outside their door to see if he was right about being watched earlier. He figured that, if anything, it was that same creature who was probably wanting to retrieve the book. He wasn't going to let it have its way though. He didn't care if he had to stay awake all night, that little creature was not going to get what it wanted, no matter what.
The creature glared at Sid from the bushes, growling to itself and pacing back and forth on all fours, waiting for Sid to let its guard down. Come on, old man, you can’t be THIS persistent! Just fall asleep, won’t ya?!

“Nessa…M-Magnus…” Max mumbled cutely in his sleep, raising his leg up and over Nessa’s, rubbing their skin together as he blushed unconsciously and hugged her closer with his eyes still closed.
Sid held firm, pacing up and down the hallway every few minutes to make sure he wouldn't fall asleep. He didn't want to let a single thing happen without his knowledge of it. He could still feel something watching him as he methodically clenched and unclenched his fists. come out...come out and show your worth you rat

Magnus gurgled and snuggled close to Nessa's chest, intertwining his tiny fingers in her hair while dreaming sweet things.
The creature hissed at the window quietly, cursing out Sid’s presence as it paced back and forth in the bushes, staring with its gleaming eyes. And so it did, all night,w acting for a chance as Sid continued to wait for it.

Max mumbled in his sleep as he seemed to get closer to Nessa unconsciously, trying to hug her tighter as he dreamed about them together.
Sid smirked and stood directly in front if the window as he heard the creature hiss. The night had been so quiet that he could hear almost every small sound and step that the creature made. "Where are you little piggy? Come out and play...I won't bite...hard."

Nessa squeaked lightly as Max got closer to her, squeezing her just enough to gently wake her up. When she looked up at Max's face, she couldn't help but giggle quietly.
The creature groaned to itself in impatience as it silently stared at Sid as the night went on. Daybreak came, and it hissed one last time before making off and away, its silhouette visible against the daylight in the open fields as it galloped on all fours into some shade.

Max yawned as his eyes fluttered open and he saw Nessa and Magnus, his family, laying next to him. He smiled and kissed their cheeks before he quietly got up to start the adventurous day. “Alright then…Sid?” He asked, turning to the man at the windowsill.
As Nessa ans Magnus took their time waking up, Sod slumped against the wall, finally letting g his guard down after hearing Max wake up. "The creature was...yawns...outside the entire night, but he didn't try anything." Sid struggled to keep his eyes opened after his energy potion finally wore off. He hadn't performed such a task in so long that the after affects of the potion were much stronger than normal.
Max gripped him and smiled. “Thanks, Sid.” He said with a grateful tone, and he started to lead him downstairs. “You ought to rest.” He noted before laying him down on the couch. “It probably didn’t attack because it wouldn’t want to make a mess like it usually does.”
Sid nodded and sprawled out on the couch. After a big yawn, Sid almost instantly fell asleep, having no energy left at all.

Nessa soon rose from the bed and cradled Magnus closely before walking downstairs. "Good morning my love," Nessa said to Max before glancing at Sid, "Did he stay up all night long? He looks like he will sleep for days."
“He was protecting us, darling.” Max said as he kissed her cheek and tickled Magnus. “Well, if I’m awake, that means-” “Heyo!!” “Yep.” David burst through the door, Fawna trailing behind, and Soren burst out his bedroom door with his weapons at the ready. “Halt! Who goes-oh, you.” “Yep, me!” Max smirked as he facepalmed. “Alright David, you know what to do.” He nodded with a salute in response.
Nessa rolled her eyes and shook her head. Soren's reaction was so formal that she couldn't help but laugh. She wondered if he and Linea would ever settle into the simple life. "Good morning David, Soren. I hope you guys all slept well." Nessa nuzzled her face against Magnus' for a second before turning and looking at Sid again. She knew that the only way he had stayed up was that potion. She had always hated whenever he took the damn thing. It made him so tired that he would struggle to regain his energy afterwards.
“We certainly did!” Soren said, regaining his calm. “This place is more comfortable than I thought, I must admit.” He said, Linea nodding, and Max shaking his head. “Then, let’s get going!” He said as he made for the door, waiting for Soren to follow.
Max turned around in the doorway and smirked to Nessa and the others before he continued and left the house with Soren. He felt melancholy as he left Nessa’s side once more, but he couldn’t focus on that too much for now: he had a mission to seek out their target creature and/or info about it to keep his family safe. “Alright. Let’s move out, Soren!”
Soren nodded and gave one last goodbye to Linea before quickly following Max. He was used to leaving her alone for periods of time, but something made him uneasy about leaving her. Maybe it was because they were now in a new area, but he was sure Nessa would make sure Linea would be comfortable. "Max, they will be alright, right?"
“I’m sure they’ll be fine.” He said with a small chuckle. I hope…

A half hour had gone by as they were venturing away further and further from the village, Max yawned as Soren hacked with a curved knife against the vegetation everywhere. “Max, sir, how much longer?” “yawn I don’t know, you tell me: you see anything notable?” Soren looked around. “…no.” “Exactly.” Max replied with a smirk. Soren seemed annoyed.

“Grrr…rrarck…” A grumbling was emitted from the shadowy creature as he spied on them from afar. Just what are they looking for this time? It asked silently, noticing how painfully close they were getting to his secret…
Soren huffed and continued to slash through the branches and vines that hung in their way, easily making a small path for the two. He wanted to hurry up and find this creature so he could rush back to Linea's side. He stopped and stood as still as possible when he heard a small noise in the distance. "Hmmmm, that's strange. I could've sworn I heard something just now." He shook his head lightly and shrugged before continuing on his task.

After another half hour or so, Soren saw something strange. It appeared to be some type of building, but he wasn't sure. He was still trying to get used to the look of the village. "Hey Max, do you see that up there? I don't know if it's something important or not."
“Hmm?” He turned to see the building, run-down and barren. Something was off-putting about it, to be obviously Frank, but Max couldn’t put a finger on what exact reason. “Well, this seems relatively new…let’s check it out.” He said, shrugging and walking towards it, getting slight goosebumps as he neared the broken doors.
Soren kept his curved blade in hand just in case as he followed Max inside the building. He had never seen something that looked this way, but he could tell that someone used to be here. He just hoped that they weren't still there and if they were, hopefully they weren't a threat. "Something doesn't feel right about this, Max. I get the feeling that someone used to do things here that non one should ever do." Chills ran down Soren's spine as they continued through the dilapidated building. He could almost feel someone's or something's eyes tracking his every move.
“All the more reason to check it out. Something this obvious should be hiding a secret or two, right? You can stay outside the entrance if you want to, but I’m going in.” Max said wit a rolling of his eyes and a smirk before he turned to walk inside. It was extremely dark, with rubble and clatter everywhere on the floor, and rooms were laid out on either side of the hallway before him, doors broken and glass on the ground everywhere.

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