Fantasy RP The Darkness Made Light

They looked like sad, little puppies as they bowed their heads in shame. “Sorry, princess.” Max still had to not laugh as he held it in, and David did his best not to laugh too, the way they sounded like little children being scolded by their parents. Max took the golden coins from Soren’s hand and gave some to the businessman for the house, and he then gestured to the doors for them all to enter.
Nessa rolled her eyes as Soren and Linea hesitated. "Oh for goodness sake!" She put a hand on both of their backs and pushed them inside of the house while following behind. Once they were inside and Nessa had the chance to look around, she got even angrier. The home they were fighting about looked amazing inside compared to many of the homes throughout their town. "You two were complaining about this?! How dare you! Many people in this town don't even have a fireplace such as this!"
(Interior of the home)
Max and David couldn’t help laugh at Soren and Linea as they felt embarassed. “Ok, ok, let’s calm down and get inside.” Max said after he managed to stop. He thought this whole situation was more a comedy routine than something serious. Henry jumped down to examine his new home na d find a new bed as soon as he could. David patted Max’s shoulder. “I’m off to my own house. I assume you’ll be fine?” Max nodded in reply, and the knight left. Max smirked as he raised an eyebrow to Soren and Linea as he gestured for them to make themselves comfortable. “Well, I suppose it’ll do for now, Princess.” Linea said as she went to make herself comfortable. Soren grumbled something about her wife deserving better as he went and took a seat next to her. Max reached for Nessa’s hand, hoping to help her feel better. “I’m sure they’ll get used to it.” He said in a reassuring tone.

(Oh, that picture’s perfect!)
"I don't understand how they can be so disrespectful. Even Sid made sure I showed nothing but complete respect, saying that true elves would never look down on someone for what they have." Nessa sighed and squeezed Max's hand cor a moment. As Fawna approached with Magnus, Nessa took him from her arms. She could see the desire to go after David and be with him, making nessa laugh before she sent Fawna on her way to go after the knight.

Sid kept a close eye on Soren and Linea, wanting to make sure he knew they every move. He still didn't trust them. The fact that Soren had the audacity to mumble something under his breath in front of Nessa angered him. If Soren really saw Nessa as his princess he wouldn't dare do that.
“You need to feed him, you think?” Max asked, reaching over and playing with Magnus’ lips for a bit, making him do funny noises.

Soren, as Linea had found out before him, that there house was actually much more comfortable than they first thought it was. “Well…I must apologize once again for our behavior. It’s just that we’ve never been anywhere but the elven city, and…” “I suppose we’re either used to having our eyes filled with shining objects everywhere, or we’re homesick.” Linea started and Soren ended. Max shrugged with a smile. “That’s fine with me: your princess is who you should be worried about!” He joked.
Nessa glared at Linea and Soren for a moment before tucking Magnus close to her chest. "I'll be back....I need to feed Magnus." She gave Max a kiss on the cheek before leaving to feed Magnus, who was starting to get overly fussy.

Sid sighed and crossed his arms after Nessa left. He was just as disappointed in Linea and Soren as she was. "You two are very lucky Nessa has a kinda heart. If she had turned out to be anything like know what, I don't want to think about that and I'm not even the one she's mad at."
Soren narrowed his eyes at Sid bringing up his own kidnapping of his princess, feeling insulted.
Max stifled a giggle. “But it’s not too big of a deal, right? Let’s get over it, right?” He said, keen on forgiving before things got out of hand, and the elf couple nodded quickly. It shouldn’t be too bad with them around here, right? They’ll get used to it quickly, I’m sure. Not that it’s the end of the world! Besides, Soren could be a good help if we‘re ever in a battle again, if those arrows are anything to think about. “Now then; Sid, you don’t have a place to stay, right? You can make yourself comfortable here if you want!” Max said with a smile.
Sid look at Max like he was crazy. Stay with Soren and Linea? He'd rather stay at the local inn. He didn't want to give Max a reason to get angry with him though. "I think I might be able to find somewhere different to stay, if I'm being honest." He can't honestly believe that Soren and Linea won't try to kill me in my sleepnfor how I kidnapped Nessa does he? They have been staring daggers at me ever since we met.

Nessa found a safe place to start feeding Magnus. She always loved the bonding she would get with him. She tried to relax and stop thinking about how rude Soren and Linea were. They need to learn how to respect others who don't have as much as them and quick...
“Okay then. Have a nice night, Sid!” Max said with a grin as he waved him goodbye and goodnight. He then turned to Soren and Linea. He was a bit disappointed in them for their behavior earlier, but he wasn’t the type to nag people either. “sigh…just be on a better behaviour, alright? Just think of this is as a rustic vacation.” Soren scoffed lightly. “Clearly.” “Look, I’m trying to make sure you guys feel welcome, especially if I’m trying to be on both sides of this argument, alright? Now, you don’t need to be acting like farmers who live here, but you could at least try it with an open mind. This is how me and Nessa have lived for a while now. And if your elven princess can handle this, while I know she deserves better, you two can as well, right?” Max pleaded. His heartfelt tone gave Soren and Linea a better perspective on this to think about, and nodded in understanding: “Very well, Master Max. Let us try to make amends, and we’ll act better than we ought to-” “And no ‘master’ business, alright? Nessa called me the same thing when we met, but I don’t need special titles or anything.” Soren and Linea looked to each other, puzzled by his statement. “Are you sure?” “Yes. I may be a black mage married to an elven princess, but it’s all a matter of coincidence, I’m sure: I‘m not really a good guy, I just happened to be the first guy who offered her a helping hand.” Max said. He sounded a bit sad, because he himself believed this: even if Nessa had tried to proven it hadn’t been true, he still couldn’t help but think she’d prefer someone like David or Soren with their good looks. Plus, anytime Max tried to be or sound humble, he ended up being self-deprecating. Even the elven couple felt some empathy for him, if their hands to their chests implied anything.
Nessa continued to feed Magnus as her mind raced, feeling a little better but still disappointed in Soren and Linea. She had told them that this was her home and they still had the nerve to be disrespectful. She started to think that maybe she wasn't worthy of her birth right and thought maybe it would be best if she just referred to herself as something else. It's not like she knew how to act like a royal anyways. She tried to keep herself from crying so she could be happier for Magnus, but she couldn't shake the feeling of being a disgrace to the elven society. She was nothing like them, liking the simple life with Max instead of the luxurious life of elves. I wonder if Soren and Linea will go back to the elven city. It's not like they are really trying to make the best of things here. As Nessa pondered what would happen, she didn't realize she was being watched by the dark figure again.

After Sid left, he had a strange feeling. He could almost sense that something was off and that he needed to find Nessa and fast. He contemplated running back in and grabbing Max, but he didn't think he had time. Sid started running as fast as he could trying to find Nessa.
“If…if you say so, Max.” Linea said in reply. Max ”humphed” as he went over to the room Nessa was in and knocked on the door. “Dear, how are you doing?” He asked before slowly opening the door. “Is everything alright?”
The dark figure twitched its body and hissed from the window outside before it leaped off and into the bushes nearby, loud enough for Nessa to hear And landing on all fours again.
Nessa jumped and held Magnus tightly as she heard the figure land. She felt so vulnerable since she was feeding Magnus. "Max?! Something was just watching me!" Her body was trembling as she tried to adjust her dress while holding Magnus. She didn't know what or who is was thay was watching her, but she didn't have a good feeling about it.

Once the figure landed in the bushes, Sid rushed towards it. He wasn't going to let it get away like last time. "If you want to remain unharmed then come out and show yourself now!"
The figure, almost unnaturally, seemed to bend itself as if it had no bones, dipping and flipping around to evade a grasp while not getting caught by Sid. Max reached the window and managed to see it run into the nearby forest like it had last time, making incoherent noises that only barely sounded like words. Max narrowed his eyes at the spot where it had disappeared from his vision. “Grr…this isn’t normal behaviour. Whatever this creature is, it has something against us…the only good thing about this is that it doesn’t seem to want to attack us, only invade for food…” Max theorized before he immediately turned to Nessa and cuddled her: “Are you ok, sweet?”
Nessa trembled and tucked her head under Max's chin while cradling Magnus closely. "I'm alright, I'm just glad it didn't try to harm me or Magnus." She tried not to think of what could've happened. She was always so vulnerable whenever she breast fed Magnus. It wouldn't take much for someone or something to take her by surprise and do whatever they wanted. "We need to try and figure out why that thing keeps coming near us Max. I'm worried that it might try to do something to Magnus in the middle of the night." She looked around for a moment with a confused look on her face, knowing that someone was missing. "Wait...where's Sid?"

Sid gritted his teeth and rushed into the forest in hopes of finding the bastard. He wasn't going to let it get away this time, even if he had to chase it all night long. He managed to see glimpses of the creature as he ran through the woods. He didn't even care how the small branches from the trees and bushes were cutting up his face and arms as he ran, all he cared about was figuring out if this figure wanted to harm Nessa and Magnus. As he continued chasing the dark figure, Sid lost track of how far he had gotten from town, venturing further and further into the forest.
(Alright, new pfp online! Took it a two nights ago or something, but it’s fairly recent😅)
“Sid? Sid!” Max called out, seeing out of the corner of his eyes that the man was heading into the forest. He gritted his teeth before he turned to his wife. “Can I leave you here with Soren and Linea while I go for Sid?” He asked, clearly torn between the two.
"Yes, I'll be fine. Just please be careful Max." Nessa gave Max a kiss on the lips real quick before he left. She was worried about what was going to happen. Linea walked into the room and tried to comfort Nessa to the best of her ability. "Soren, go after Max and help him find Sid."

(Ooooooooh! You look so handsome!)
(D’oh, 😅)

Soren nodded without a word and readjusted his weapons before immediately jumping out to search for Sid. Max jumped out and started to float after the elf to find the man. “We’ll be back soon!” Max shouted to Nessa before he disappeared with Soren into the forest.
Nessa nodded and prayed for their safe return as Linea remained close to her. "Don't worry princess, Soren and Max will find Sod and return safely....I'm sure of it." Linea smiled as she tried to reassure Nessa. There was a long moment of silence as both Linea and Nessa looked out the window, which was soon broken by Magnus' gurgling.

Sid continued racing after the creature as his fists were clenched and his teeth were grinding together. He felt that he was getting closer to it and could almost grab it. "Get back here!"
The creature kept ducking around unnaturally as it twisted its limbs like an octopus on legs to duck and dodge around the low-hanging branches and the bushes everywhere, scampering on all fours as it panted. Soren jumped from branch to branch with agility as he fired arrows mid-air, and his accuracy was nearly on-point as he kept striking the ground around the creature, yet not quite hitting his mark. Max fired bolts of energy from the air as he flew around the branches (with dark smoke trailing from him; just a Harry Potter reference🤣) that also didn’t seem to hit the creature, but were getting it to slow down and let Sid closer in on it. The creature seemed to be wearing a backpack, oddly enough, and it was clear it was weighing it down as it ran. It was still holding its own well enough, though, to an impressive extent.
"Damnit, I said come here!" Sid was getting more and more agitated with the creature. He had never lost a target before and he wasn't about to let this one get away now. Some kind of adrenaline rush coursed through Sid as he kept running, eventually building up enough speed before pouncing on the creatures back. He clung to the creatures backpack as he tackled the damn thing. Having finally caught the dark figure, Sid quickly clawed his fingers into its form to hold it in place while he waited for Max and Soren to join him. "Finally! Now we can see just what the hell you are and what you want!"
The creature, severely agitated, hissed violently as it slinked out of Sid’s grasp with its flexible limbs. It kept hissing at Sid as it quickly made its escape, bending all over again as Soren fired more arrows bit failed to keep it down as it disappeared into the shadows like last time. Soren immediately bent on his knee and started apologizing profusely to Max, but he didn’t listen to any of it.
pant pant At least we got something it had. Let’s see…” Max rummaged around to only find a huge, heavy book in its pack, written in elvish. “Soren? What’s this say?” Soren took one look at it and recoiled. “I-It’s about dark magic!” Max was immediately disturbed by this too, but his mind flashed back to something: the empty spot in the elves’ library‘s black mage section.
“…but why would it have this?” Max wondered as he turned to head back to the house.
Sid gritted his teeth and punch his fist into the ground hard, almost breaking his hand in the process. He never lost a target, why was this one so impossible to catch?! "Damnit! I'm going to find that stupid thing if it's the last thing I do!" After a few moments of cursing and punching the ground, Sid stood and walked closer to Max and Soren. Once he saw the book, his mind started to race. Why would that thing need a book on dark magic?! I really hope this is just a case of petty theft and not the workings of something terrible "What else did it have?"
Max replied as they were walking back to the house in the village: “It’s ok if you couldn’t catch it, Sid, it’s not yuour fault. Soren and I couldn’t help much either. We’ll have Nessa fix your hand when we get back. As for the book, no, it didn’t have anything else. Very suspicious…” He said, and Soren thought to himself about this as they made it back and went upstairs to Linea, Nessa and Magnus.
"Max! Oh thank goodness!" Nessa rushed over to Max and nuzzled her head under his chin while holding him tightly. To say she was worried while he was gone was an understatement. She had been pacing back and forth the entire time they were out in the forest. "I'm so glad your back darling...I was so worried." She didn't even notice Sid's hand at first as she clung to Max with Magnus gurgling happily at his daddy's return.
”Eheheh…I’m just glad you’re okay.” Max said, as if he had any reason to be worried for Nessa while he was gone. “Um, we ground something out there that the creature had, but, would you mind first helping Sid’s hand? He got a tad injured with it trying to help us.” He said, and he gave the man a side-eye wink. Soren nodded. “Indeed. He was very valiant in trying to catch the little goblin!” Linea smiled as she got up and hugged Soren with a blush on her face.
Nessa turned gentle handed Magnus to Max before turning to Sid. No one could've guessed her reaction as Nessa saw Sid's swollen and almost shattered hand. "SID?! What happened?!" She had an almost panicked look on her face, like a child who was worried for their parent. She quickly started healing Sid's hand with care and gentleness. "You've never been hurt when trying to catch your target. What happened?!"

Sid's eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw the genuine concern from Nessa. She was right, he was never hurt in his previous chases. He was almost too embarrassed to tell her that it was just him having a temper tantrum, but he figured that if he didn't say it Max or Soren would. " mad that I lost the thing and punched the ground...."
“N-not that big of a deal, though, he still needs healing!” Max stuttered as he smiled. Soren shrugged his shoulders, knowing the gig was done. “So, the creature had this.” Max continued, pulling out the large, dark magic book the creature had dropped.
Nessa turned and looked at the book with wide eyes. She could see just from the cover alone that it was the missing dark magic book from the elven achieves. She could only imagine what the thing was planning or who it could possibly be working for. "I don't understand. These books are worthless to those who do not know the elven language. If that creature had this book, then it rather can read the elven language or its working for someone who can." Nessa took the book and opened it to a marked page, undoubtably left there for a certain purpose. As she read the section, she dropped the book and started to shake violently. this can't be happening! Whoever wants this book.....wants Magnus' life to restore another?!
Really? Wait,” Max looked over at the page, but couldn’t read anything. “Soren? What does it…?” He turned, but saw him clearly struck too, along with Linea. He then turned to Sid, hoping for an actual answer. “Sid? Nessa? What’s wrong?” He started getting worried.

Meanwhile, the creature huffed and puffed to itself as it ran around In escape, growling raspily to itself for dropping the book. Great! Now I have to follow them from a distance if I’m gonna get that book back! It thought to itself, slowing down and thinking of ways to infiltrate their residence again, growling to itself while thinking. They can’t be awake all the time, right? All living creatures need rest! Well, besides me…I should simply wait for my moment again when their guard is down. And I need ALL of them down if I’m going to get back master!
Nessa was fighting to just stand as the words from the book appeared over and over in her head sacrifice the young and pure to resurrect the dead A fear unlike any other filled Nessa's heart as she rushed over to Max and took Magnus into her arms. She couldn't say a single word, only being able to protectively cradle Magnus in her arms as her entire body shook.

Sid looked down at the book in Max's hands and clenched his fists while grinding his teeth. He knew that this type of magic existed, but he never would've thought someone would be sick enough to actually want to perform it. "Max....that page in the book is for a very dark and disgusting spell. It is a resurrection spell that...calls for the life of a innocent child to bring back that deceased victim."

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