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Fantasy RP The Dragon’s Kingdom (Lux)

Local Time:
8:30 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She had leaked out what cum she couldn’t and as she stirred, her human form realized how sticky and dirty she was—


She blushed remembering what had happened, and she wondered what it would feel like for him to fuck her in her human form while he was fucking her from his dragon self in some way..
Local Time:
8:30 PM
May 21, 2024
That for sure would be peculiar.

Maybe her could fuck her while he was only half transformed. More scales, wings, tail, horns. He had shown it to her before for fun but that was it.

Sensing her movement in the grass Adonis opened his eyes to her. He was alot bigger in this form, especially when she was in her human form.

"My love, are you alright?" His voice rattled in her head. Seems like the telepathy still works, even while one is still shifted and the other is back in their human form.
Local Time:
8:30 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Adonis would see her nod, at first startled about still hearing his voice in her mind, but she quickly calmed down.

“Mhm..just..sore, and..sticky..” she tells him with a soft laugh, leaning her head back on the soft grass. She didn’t feel like moving just yet.

She would most likely enjoy that from him— either way, she knew she’d enjoy it regardless, no matter what form he took. But with his tail and her human form..he could definitely manipulate it against her somehow..
Local Time:
8:30 PM
May 21, 2024
Adonis grumbled softly. "If you say so...." He mumbles softly as he began to transform back. Once out of his dragon form his head rested on Astraea's stomach. "You have the ability to stop me though, you know that right?" He asks softly, his voice finally coming from his own mouth and not in her head.
Local Time:
8:30 PM
May 21, 2024
Adonis nods softly with a sigh. "Yeah... that..." He then chuckles. "I should of warned you the possibility of that when we first found out about you being a dragon."

He nuzzles his head into her stomach softly his hair falling to the sides of his head and across the sides of her body. "I'm gonna have to get you a ring when we get back to the palace." He mumbles to himself with no real concept of volume as he didn't realy whisper like he wanted too.
Local Time:
8:30 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She laughed along with him, shaking her head and keeping her hand on his head still, “Mm..I guess you should’ve,” she agreed, closing her eyes. She then had heard what he said but she acted like she hadn’t. “Hm…?” She asked, pretending like she wanted to hear what he had said to ‘himself’.
Local Time:
8:30 PM
May 21, 2024
"Ah...nothing..." He mumbles with a smile against her stomach.

He was already think about the ring he'd get. He wanted to get her a new beautiful ring. Gold, maybe have a stone on it.... but this itching feeling. This idea of giving her his mother's ring. He always remembered the way his mother would speak about the day his father proposed to her. It was romantic and the ring was beautiful.

He knew both his mother and father would've loved to see the two of them together.
Local Time:
8:30 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(You're fine! I know our notification system is wonky :3)

She seemed relieved at that mention, and she smiled towards him, "That's a relief.." she breathed out, watching him sit up. She soon did the same, having her hair fall over her shoulders and past her chest now. Perhaps they would be able to clean up there too, if given the chance.
Local Time:
8:30 PM
May 21, 2024
Adonis smiled softly as he leans his head into her hands. He then began to half shift. His legs shifted and were covered in scales, his arms were also coverd in scales as they move and scattered near his back. Wings sprouted from his back and stretched out, as his eyes turned into a more draconic look.

Scooping her into his arms he held her close before his wings took big strides to lift himself and her up into the sky.
Local Time:
8:30 PM
May 21, 2024
"A little different from when your a dragon huh?" Adonis inquires softly as the air pressed against them as they flew. It didn't seem long before Adonis touched land once more. In front of them was a small but quaint little cottage. It wasn't very big but it would be enough to hold a small family of three most likely.
Local Time:
8:30 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Astraea nodded to him in reply, looking around as they flew over the trees. It was incredible to say the least, and the moment she was back on the ground, she let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. She looked over to the cabin and tilted her head slightly, “I never imagined you would have a cabin like this,” she said, figuring it would be bigger, but she wasn’t complaining.
Local Time:
8:30 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She blushed slightly from his words, and she continued to smile. “I’m..honored, to hear you say that-“ she tells him next, letting him open the door first before she walked in. She was also acutely aware of him still being in his half form, and then her mind started to trail to other things…she probably shouldn’t have begun to think.
Local Time:
8:30 PM
May 21, 2024
He ducked in after her and closed the door. The cabin was quaint, still in good maintenance and clearly cleaned regularly. "Take a look around if you want. The master bedroom is the second door on the right, you'll probably find some clothes that can fit you there." Adonis points out as he begins to shift back to his full human form.
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