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The Elven HouseWife

Local Time:
1:42 AM
Nov 15, 2022
Somewhere off in another realm...

The world of elven and human races. Despite the historical nature that humans possessed, living amongst mixed races was quite natural in the current existing society. Though, how much the two really mingled together was a bit of a different story. There were many creatures of different races, but humans and elven people were the dominant in numbers, and yet the two hardly mixed. Elven women stayed with elven men, and human men stayed with human women. It wasn't until the newest generation that more mixed couples began to sprout out, somewhat becoming more common and natural to see.

Ordella Luell was a beautiful stay-at-home elven wife and mother of one. Currently, she was busy cleaning the home while her husband was away at work, for her daughter was bringing her first boyfriend home from school to eat dinner with the family. Of course Ordella only assumed he was elven as well, as her daughter Elnora, had mentioned nothing of his race.

Elnora was walking towards her home with her boyfriend now, hand in hand. She had dark tanned skin and long pretty blonde hair. Her eyes were a beautiful green hue and she was curvy in the right places. "We're almost to my home" she says, looking over at her boyfriend
Local Time:
1:42 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Her boyfriend, Wilson Kingsley, smiled back at her, he was a handsome young man, with dark skin, like milk chocolate, Black short hair that was straight and kinda wild annd he had these warm inviting hazel eyes. He was a tad shorter than her, but that was expected most elves were hover from 5'9 to somewhere kn the 6 foot range, and unnaturally beautiful to boot. He was just up to her jaw, and probably would be at her mother's chest. But Wilson made up for his height with a good sense of humor and being generally quite down to earth. Wilson had only been with her a few months, but he was very good to her, henerous to a fault, and sweet. Unlike the slightly subdued Elven culture, He and his human race were so willing to be as free and true as they liked. It earned him plenty of looks for the High Elves, even the dark elves like her family had the occasional look of confusion still when a Human came through with their odd customs and non-arranged marriages.

'Elnora, I'm still kinda nervous about this, what if your mom thinks I'm too weird? She might lock you away in a tower and get a dragon to keep me away" he said with a weak laugh, trying to play off just how nervous his body was, his heart hammering in his chest, the butterflies summersaulting in his gut. She could actually kinda smell it, the tingecof Anxiety on him, if he was an Elf, he would be teased fir his lack of control over his emotions.
Local Time:
1:42 AM
Nov 15, 2022
"Wow" she giggles "You're so nervous you've called me by my full name rather than El" she teased, tapping him on the nose. "My mother is very kind, and my father...well he won't be home tonight. He's off on a business trip. So if it makes you feel better, you'll only be meeting one of my guardians" she explains to him while hugging his arm between her breast while they walked. "So don't be such a worry bean!
Local Time:
1:42 AM
Nov 9, 2022
He blushed a little as she hugged his arm, rubbing his neck with his other hand. "Wel-well...i guess you're right. I just want her to like me so bad." The human said turning to her a bit, leaning and kissing her on the cheek. Her words seemed to help him a bit, atleast from what her nose could pick up on the anxiety in him was lowering.
Local Time:
1:42 AM
Nov 15, 2022
She smiles as she picked up on his scent, glad that she had such an ability to influence them. "Hmm. You'll see how easy it is to get along with her!" she assures as she slows their pace once they turn down a neighborhood, her house the third one of the elven populated street.
Local Time:
1:42 AM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD So so easy, she just wants to crack his pelvis with her passion)

He took in the block, the Elven architecture was so well done that it almost took his breath away, such careful order and high end stone work. He moved up to her door with her, glancing to her. "Do you...want me to knock?"
Local Time:
1:42 AM
Nov 15, 2022
(XD nothing to fret )

It wasn't just the beautiful polished stone either. There were beautiful unique vines wrapped around every building, and no two houses seemed to have the same flowers blooming on the vines, ranging from color and size. El's house had big beautiful blue flowers growing on it's vines. The grass was beautiful healthy and full in the yard along the gardens, and the woods of beams were carved so beautifully. One would think there was no way they were able to do it all without the help of garden fairies, which was not rare for an elf to befriend.
"No silly. In elven culture, if you're invited into a neighbors home you are welcomed at all times. Knocking is offensive in some ways....and it's my own home after all..." She says, opening the door and going in first.

As they walked in, they'd immediately see her mother on her hands and knees on the floor. She had been in the middle of scrubbing it, and in her position he could nearly see down her pure white shirt at her massive tits that were near impossible to ignore. "oh, you've gotten here early" she muses at the sigh of them. El was pretty and sweet, but her mom was gorgeous. She has the same tanned skin, only her hair was white and long and wavy. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of orangeish yellow, nearly like the rays of a sunset in her eyes
Local Time:
1:42 AM
Nov 15, 2022
( XDDD )

"Oh my- you've gotten here earlier than expected. The house is still in such a mess..." She says, sitting up on her knees with a worried look. But when he looked around, the house was probably the cleanest interior he had every seen, it looked like he could lick the ground and wash his tongue in the process it was so shiny and clean smelling. "It's fine mother." El said, still holding onto his arm.

She stands up slowly, she was just slightly taller than her daughter, and she fared against her in other areas too. From the looks of her stomach you wouldn't believe she had ever given birth, but the weight of her breast looked like she was still carrying milk inside of them they were so large and bouncy. "Pleased to meet you. What is your name?" She asked.
In truth she was in shock to see a human boy enter her home. Not displeased in anyway, but simply caught off guard. But she'd never let it show in her smiling warm expression as she reached out a hand for him to shake, or was it elven custom to kiss an outstretched hand like royalty?
Local Time:
1:42 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Ahhh...I'm Wilson...I-i don't exactly know what the rules are..." he said starting to reach out and take her hand to shake it. "So, i will just shake?' He said as he looked around the pristine clean up job. 'Not finished? My mother would spend a week to do this' he thought as he shook her hand.
Local Time:
1:42 AM
Nov 15, 2022
"My my that's quite alright. I'm sure Eleanor will teach you further" she says with a smile, releasing his hand and touching her cheek. "My my , please have a seat I'll gather some tea and snacks" she says, Eleanor beginning to lead him to the table.
Local Time:
1:42 AM
Nov 15, 2022
She giggles at his comment, sitting beside him. "My father has a very high expectation for a clean household" she explains before he mother enters the room holding a beautifully carved wooden tray that hack shining white marble cups stacked together, a engraved teapot, and an assortment of fruits. All elven believed in a largely vegetarian diet for their day to day lifestyle, only choosing to sometimes consume meat during the holiday and if it was caught fairly.

"Where are my manners? Silly meme, i've forgotten to introduce myself. My name is Ordella, you may call me by such, or Ms.Luell, or even Ore if you prefer" she chimes as she sets down the tray, again her massive set of round tits bouncing as she leaned over. Jeez it looked as if they'd spill from her shirt any moment. She began to unstack the cups and pour out their tea with graceful manner otherwise
Local Time:
1:42 AM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD those titties are just highschool of the dead levels of bouncing with every step)

"Uh, Thank you, Ms.Luell" He said as he reached put and picked up some fruit, nibbling at some of it. He had a subtle scent of meat on him, like most humans did really, they ate enough of it or at least we around people cooking it often enougg that it hung about them. He almost smelled like crackling bacon on a breeze . Wilson yet again made an attempt to keep his eyes on El and anything else that wasn't Ordella's tits, at least while she was so close to his face. Both of the elves could smell the gentle spike in his blood, well El smelled it often whenever he was directly next to him like she was but it rose just slightly more as he turned to his girlfriend. "Ah- What does your father do?" He said as he turned back between them while Ordella thankfully was stepping back.
Local Time:
1:42 AM
Nov 15, 2022
( You got it XD )

Ordella slowly sat down after she finished pouring her own cup of tea last. 'My my- what a cutie. Do all humans spike in emotion so easily? It doesn't take much to ger a reaction out of him I bet' she thinks to herself silently.

"Father is a business man. So sometimes he doesn't come home for days or weeks when he has travel." She explains.
"Yes, I do believe the longest your father was gone was for an entire month one time" Ordella chimes in
Local Time:
1:42 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Oh- that must kinda suck, you have to be very patient, I'd guess that you have alot of friends to see to hopefully break up the time your on your own." He said looking at Ore then to El. "I couldn't imagine not seeing my dad for a month" he said thoughtfully, looking aside. Ofcourse his father wasn't a business man, he was a farmer, it would be very different between the need to move around. "How long have you been married?" He ventured, trying to think up small talk, his emotion tinging with anxiety for a moment or two. God was that a taboo to ask an elf that? They lived for thousands of years!
Local Time:
1:42 AM
Nov 15, 2022
"My mother stays home mostly. Father doesn't like her going out much, guess she's too pretty." Eleanor giggles, making her mom flush.
"Oh stop- your father doesn't mind if I go out so long as I ask..." she says 'though at times he replies so late that I've missed my opportunity' she thought to herself quietly. She opens her eyes at the smell of his hike in nervousness again, once more intrigued by his apparent shyness. "A few hundred years, we become forgetful of dates after the first few" she responds kindly. "We had Eleanor shortly after our marriage" she said "I always wanted to get her a sibling, but her father was quite satisfied with just one" she said
Local Time:
1:42 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Wilson slowly looked at El, ofcourse she was likely older than him. "Uh..." he started then stopped, clearly thinking better of the question. "Well im sure he fears some other man may come poking around" he said with a laugh.

(XD El: Is it legal to date a 18 year old when your 200)
Local Time:
1:42 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Heh no! No! Im just saying that she's obviously a pretty woman!" He said holding up his hands with a sheepish smile, the spike in nervousness skipping up a bit higher yet again. Oh he was definitely easy to toy with. "It was just a compliment!"

(XD El: *Craddle robbing commences*

Ore: *squeezing into a cat woman cosplay*)
Local Time:
1:42 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Her squeeze made him jump gently, despite how light she touched him, his hand picking up some tea. "It was kinda something that just happened, we were working together on a project for the Arcane Arts class, a moving painting...we go to know each other, we shared interests..and i just kinda connected with her...and then well we got closer...i" he said h blushing with every word he spoke, but the anxiety was gone.
Local Time:
1:42 AM
Nov 15, 2022
She pulled her hand back in surprise, smiling slightly to herself at his skittishness.

Ordella couldn't help but think he was getting cuter and cuter by the second, his blushing expression reeling her in. 'I wouldn't mind seeing more of that' she thought to herself. "Oh, are you a man of the arts?" she asked
Local Time:
1:42 AM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD This boy is worse than Volo, because atleast Volo is secretly playing jard to get, Wilson is just a ball of nerves and easily effected by literally anything.)

"Eh, i uh want to learn to become a State Mage, and uh the perquisites require a well rounded knowledge of even the arts" he said as he took Els hand gently. Gosh he was warm, she could even kinda smell his nerves missed with a dash of carnal excitement from when she simply touched his leg. He put her hand back on his leg gently, giving it a soft pat. "Sorry, you startled me."
Local Time:
1:42 AM
Nov 15, 2022
XD -winks at him-)

She smiles gently at him "I've never seen you so nervous before" she says

Ordella watched them casually, the gentle smile on her face never leaving, but although she couldn't see under the wood carved table, she was aware of how much more physically willing he seemed to be than her own husband, who hardly looked at her some days.

She sighed mentally, she could barley remember it anymore. Before they had her daughter..he'd come home and fuck her ruthlessly everyday in a mad rut into he got her pregnant. Even during when she was carrying he didn't let up much as if he wanted to put a second baby in her. But once Eleanor was born, all the drive went away. No matter what she did to persuade him....what meals she would cook to entice his instincts, what lingerie she would wear when he got home, advancing on him herself. None of it worked, and shed be lying if she said she didn't miss those hit passionate days.

"Well, you seem like a fine young man Wilson" she says with her hands in her lap. "Eleanor, be sure to treat him right. Good men are hard to come across these days, especially when you get to be my age" she says, winking playfully at the boy
Local Time:
1:42 AM
Nov 9, 2022
(Wilson: *head explodes into confetti*)

"You're an elf, surely your not that old by your standards." He said blushing at her wink, looking away as he start picking at the fruit tray. Wilson couldn't even look at her now! So cute.

(XD Ore: Touch my leg and ill probably melt into a puddle its been to many sex less centuries)
Local Time:
1:42 AM
Nov 15, 2022
( A lovely combination this is gonna be XD )

"You flatter me" she says, smiling again at his nervousness.

"Alright! You've met him, I'm going to show him my room now! Perhaps we'll watch a moviemovie!" She says, standing up, pulling Wilson up with her.

"Oh? So soon?" She says, "very well, I sha'll call you two down when dinner is prepared" she says, standing up slowly as well
Local Time:
1:42 AM
Nov 15, 2022
"No rush, I just want you to myself!" She says, bringing him into her room. It was a large room, she had her own living room set in the center and a large king size bed at the other end of the room. It was mostly decorated in light grey and pastel coloring. When he was inside she closed and locked the door behind them. Pushing him over to the cough, making him sit down. "Weren't you eager too? You're the one who put my hand back on your lap?" She asked, sitting on his lap
Local Time:
1:42 AM
Nov 9, 2022

Wilson stumbled onto the couch and sat down, blushing. "I-i wasn't trying to do a signal -" he said as she looked at him, her stare making his body rush with nerves and affection. "I uh don't mind the venue change" he said biting his lip shyly.
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