The Elven HouseWife

"Hmmmmmm. You don't need to do such things. If anything, it's better for my mother to learn the proper way to act around humans." she says delicately. Clearly not liking that her mother was in a towel, but not being in much of a position to say anything since she was the daguther.

"My my, I didn't mean any harm." Ordella responds.

"Let's get to my room" Eleanor said, pulling him along.
Wilson gripped his bag as Eleanor dragged him.along, making the young mage stumble after her in her haste. "Ah I'm sorry, she- she told me that it was improper otherwise, so i was trying not to offend her, this is your home so i figured it would be better to....act in your ways." He said as they reached her room, and She had shut the door behind them.
She glanced at him every now and then, trying not to get irritated with his absolute ignorance of her actions. Once her shirt was all the way unbuttoned she slid it off and casually tossed it on the table next to his book "oops, didn't mean to throw it over your work" she says
(XD "oh no, all of my clothes have fsllen off"

Wilson: *reading*

"I SAID-")

Wilson looked up to pick it up....then stopped, slowly his head turning to her. "What are you....oh! OH! Dear." He said as he looked away quickly, carefully putting his books off of his lap and onto the floor. "Studying! You meant- I didn't-I see!"
"Well....lucky for you I'm your girlfriend." She says, turning on his slightly, leaning close to him on her hands and knees, her hands resting on either side where he sat. "Which means you get full access to my body whenever you want. And you can use it anyway that you want to bring yourself pleasure" she says

Wilsons heart spiked, his body heating up as she neares him and told him exactly what kind of access he had. She could almost see the air wavering on his skin with how much body heatvwas generated off of him. He shrunk back, his hands folding as he swallowed hard at the lump in his throat. "Ri-right, i understand" he said nodding
( XD death by heart attack )

"Well..." She says, raising her eyebrows at him gently "you said you enjoyed touching them yesterday, so why not sure them again?" She asked, taking his hand from the floor, bringing it to her lips, she kissed fingers gently "you made me feel so good yesterday by doing it..I like feeling good also" she says. "But you're the only one who can make me feel that way" she says.

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