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Fantasy RP The Greatest Relic, and Treasure with the Heart of Darkness ( Knight_Of_None )

Local Time:
12:55 AM
Nov 19, 2022
In the heart of the ancient kingdom of Babel, a tower stood. it is with in this ancient, and forgotten tower, rumors of powerful and life changing relics exist. many adventurers, and warriors come her to try their luck. however it was unknown how many even return from the depths. As getting to this ancient site of the tower surrounded by ruins was a task in and of itself. However as of recently several explorative minds would be seeking aid to get to such an area, thus they would give the job listing to a local town of Nibbleheime. a small town which had been known for it's beer, and food, having all it's well known goods made from local experts, and farmers alike.

It is in this small town, that the missions would be up for all to except, as well as many other missions, like escorts, rescues, hunting, capturing, extermination, and now this rare and highly rewarding quest of dungeon diving. However besides the ancient ruins, there were several smaller dungeons which needed to be cleared, be them goblin's nests, arachnovile lairs. many things would be offered to brave souls, who wanted to form a team and take them on. If one was brave enough or foolish enough they could take on any of these quests solo, yet the guild highly recommended against any solo quests, do to the nature of this area's monsters, and beasts.
Local Time:
12:55 AM
Nov 9, 2022
An adventurer came to this small town, a dressed in sleek plate armor, the design and shape of lean and built for a lightweight warrior, a cape marked with the sign of two snakes winding around a a tree hung off the warriors shoulder gaurds. Upon his head was a slivery helm, formed into a hissing serpent. A knight from the fair city of Mistica, ruled by a King and upper elites thought to be decended from the maker of serpents.

A Nation of strict caste systems and laws, very few actually left their nation, far fewer became adventurers...but a knight upon that taking to venturing the country. Very strange indeed.

The knight rode atop a horse, looking around him as he was carried into town giving passing waves and the occasional greeting to the townsfolk. A Talkative Mistian knight? As he came to his goal, dropping off his horses back and hitching it up outside of the guild, the knight opened up the doors to March right up for the job board.

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Local Time:
12:55 AM
Nov 19, 2022
A short hybrid warrior mage standing at the board would look over and up at the much taller adventurer who just arrived. her eyes looking over the plate armor, and intricate design, as she whistled at the sight. the short, vixen would introduce herself as Clara, the dwarf weapon smith. with a smirk, she would speak up, sounding very egotistical, as she didn't seem to wait for this new traveler to introduce himself.

"Oi their good looken. You not from around here. that armament you adorn is quiet fancy. What you say, care to help out with a nice little hunt? Need to get some material from a dangerous dungeon. I might not have much gold, But I could reward you in other ways, Hmmm?" saying this, with the short stack licking her lips. The town folks often warned new visitors to avoid Clara like the plague, offering favors for expensive jobs, however her weapon, and armor smithing were top notch, despite the twisted mind behind it all.

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Local Time:
12:55 AM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD "Hello sir would you like to murder through a dungeon in exchange for degenerate kinky sex?")

The knight lowered his gaze to the dwarf at his side, perhaps two feet higher that her. His eyes twinkled under his helm as he looked her over her tools abd equipment. His hand reached out, palm turned up. His voice came up, gentle but with a firmness thst only came from a man of honor, conviction, and strong will. "May I ssssee thisss contract firsssst, ma'am?" He said with a occasional hiss of his tongue. His voice tinnitus and hollowed by his helm.
Local Time:
12:55 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Hearing his response, the short stack would smirk with a wicked grin coming across her lips. as she would move to point tours a large gold printed sheet of paper.
"Oh, see that paper their, I can't reach it but I am sure you can. pull it off the board and come to my table. we can talk, and I'll treat ya to a drink, while we figure out the finer details hmm?"
speaking up, with an excited, and hyper active ton. the tiny maiden was not to be taken lightly, as she was well equipped, and armed, despite her lack of shoes, or gloves. which seemed to have some other meaning behind it, but one would think it allowed for one to tap into the mana around them, be it the earth or air.

Ponting to this specific dungeon paper, it was not the legendary one, but a dangerous one known as the cradle of thorns. one which had been over run by wolves, plant monsters, and other abomination. a rank D mission, but with a boss of Rank B, if the reports were correct. as such it was one which only seemed to be ignored by most. as the boss listed by returning survivors who failed the dungeon stated it was not worth the reward. However for the dwarf, the reward was not desired, but the rare material's which could only be obtained in the depths of said dungeon, mana enriched mithril.
Local Time:
12:55 AM
Nov 9, 2022
The knight reached out and plucked the contract off of the board. Ranks and rewards were little to him normally but opportunity to do good for those around him was what he aimed for. Wolves, plant creatures, abominations, all a danger to merchants and laborers. He rolled the scroll up gently, walking her to a table, she could see a sword at his hip, a holy symbol hanging off the pommel. It was honoring the God, Eranral, the Steel Champion. She had picked a good bet, for if she could take this knight along, he would defend her and fight along side her until his body broke or the job was finished. of course she had to still convince him.
Local Time:
12:55 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Once they were at the large table, it was an impressive hulk of find cheery wood, and cedar. As it would be almost comical, with how this powerful short stack struggled to climb up onto her chair. before finally getting onto it. once sitting she would look as tall as a normal height person, if they didn't look below the table to see her feet dangling like a kid sitting at an adult table for the first time. at which point she shouted for the barkeep to send them two pints of the finest ale.

"so then, My fine fellow, what be your name? Folks around here call me Clara, The rune smith. So are you for hire? and what do you say we discuss some alternative payments hmm?" as she got right to the point, making a lewd, yet oddly cute facial expression. many of the other adventurer's and mercenaries would look on. in both envy, and disgust, depending on the individuals.
Local Time:
12:55 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"I am known as Silas Kane of the House Pythus." He hisses out leaning forward as he unfurled the contract onto the table. I ..suppose you could say I am for hire...ahem. Alternate Payments? Will you be doing me a service if I do this for you?" He asked as the waitress brought the their ale. The knight however didn't touch it , or even take off his helmet yet.
Local Time:
12:55 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Well then, I can make a few different offers, But first I need to know. Does this House of Pythus, allow for any kind of fun out side of marriage? or perhaps you could use some runic enhancements to your refine looking gear hmm?" as she said this, it would go unnoticed at first. as her short legs could not reach very easily, However Clara tried to reach her one foot, to touch the knight's leg. wanting to try and be alluring, and seductive, yet her own stature made this as hard as it was comical for any one looking on from afar, and could see the scene under the table.

her hand would move to point out, the listing of rare material which was located in the depths of the dungeon. \
"As I am a runic smith, I need mana enriched material, rarer, and more valuable then the natural form which most use. I need a big strong warrior to aid him in getting into the depths safely, and back out. do you think we could work something out for this task, hmmm?"
Local Time:
12:55 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Well the house Pythus itself...makes arrangements but personally I believe such things are best left to the ..." he trailed a bit as he leaned forward, reading the contracts as he foot wiggled its way along his leg...along the inside of his armor. '"Uh-my lady, you...are quite aware that in my culture, such contact mat be considered... ahem...a proposal?" He lowered his voice carefully.
Local Time:
12:55 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Well tell you what, we can see How things go hmm? If you are able to do what I need, perhaps you could use a nice little damsel at your side. A brave paladin could always use his own smithy right? besides that, We can do all kinds of things only your god, and our eyes can see when in the darkness hmm?" saying this, as she sipped the ale, followed up by licking her lips. It would become every clear that, Clara did not value such things like proposals as this knight did. However the fact remained, She seemed to be willing to humor the idea to be his, if the knight could complete the task with her, and more, to tame the wild maiden's inner demon, as it seemed. Little did Clara realize, that she would be getting herself into much more of a dangerous situation, and not the kind of danger she was thinking.
Local Time:
12:55 AM
Nov 9, 2022
He coughed slightly, a mailed fist coming to his helmet lists. "We can travel together, Smith me things, but I do believe that may be the best thing for us. " He said catching onto her...clear designs now. She wanted his help and...then she would give Jim plenty of rewards for his troubles. "To simply aid those in need is a reward,." He assured. Ofcourse.. .Clara had two very clear needs for sure. "I shall shield you, my blade will be yours."
Local Time:
12:55 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"I see, then big boy, What you say we Get you fitted with something hmm, a bit more customized for such a strapping fine warrior hmm?" sipping more of her ale down. as the dwarf spoke up. thinking that they would have a fun agreement. well fun in the way she was thinking, even if this was not what, the knight had in mind when he spoke. The short stack of a magical smithy would have a devilish look in her eyes. If she could get this paladin back to her shop. then perhaps she could get him to slip out of the armor. Under the guise of measurements, and runic enhancements. the dwarf was preparing to play her hand, wanting to sample this fine warrior, still unaware of exactly what she was getting herself into. however their was no hiding the excitement growing in her voice, which one could mistake as the desire to craft something truly amazing for a worthy wielder.
Local Time:
12:55 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"No No NO, first thing first. let's go sign up for this quest, putting both our names on it big boy. then I will take you back to . . erm my shop and we can get you properly prepared for this little grand adventure no?" as she spoke up sounding more excited, and playful then prior. the little dwarf would lick her lips once more, before grasping the knight's pint of ale, and downing it in a few moments, before winking at him.

"Well then, let us get this paper work done, then we can spend some time prepping your gear, and resting for the battles to come no?" playfully saying this, she would move to hop off the chair. However it might not be seen By Silas right away, however most would know well. as whispers, and comments could be heard.

"Well she's at it again. "

"Poor lad, gonna be in for a long night I bet ya. "

"Shh, don't let her hear ya, want to lose access to the strongest smith we have available to us?"
Local Time:
12:55 AM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD im cracking the hell up right now)

"Oh, ofcourse, my apologies, I got ahead of myself." He said as he drew the page out again, and even a small quil and ink set. "Do we submit it in here?" He said unknowing of her true desires...well, figuring that she understood he wouldn't just start taking payments in her body or some such thing.
Local Time:
12:55 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Once the dup had the paper signed, dated, and prepped. Clara would pull Silas along, as she led the knight to the Desk. at which point, the guild task master would turn. the large fella with one eye would look at the knight, as he saw this paladin, but not the tiny dwarf hidden from view, right in front of the desk. before suddenly the hand would slap the paper onto the task.

"Oi, big boy, we gonna be taking this job. make sure Sir Knight here gets all he deserves for this task. " saying this, as if she had some authority in this guild. the master would sign, face palming himself before looking to the knight.

"I do hope your getting properly compensated, this little firecracker, has a bad habit of getting adventurer's into trouble, most of which are not skilled enough for such tasks. more then that, She tends to get ripped off a lot, so try your best to avoid getting ripped off, or doing wrong. as much of a pain, this little imp is the best our town has to offer in that skill. " as he spoke up both praising the dwarf's skills, but also insulting her at the same time. It would only cause the no longer visible dwarf to have slipped under the desk, and kick the master in the shin, before shouting at him.

" who you calling an Imp, you giant Buffoon. I'm a woman, and a damn skilled one. No you better stop putting bad idea's in my new comrade's head. " shouting and scolding the massive man, he would move to lift her up and sit the dwarf on the desk, right as she kicked him once more. still upset with his words. however it would be easy for Clara to calm down, once the paper was done, and Silas was ready to go, as the idea of what she planned would be all the distraction Clara needed to forget this little angering scene.
Local Time:
12:55 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"I will make very sure to keep an eye upon her and protect the good lady and anyone else she has involved in this venture." Silas said nodding underneath his helmet, giving a bit of a bow. "I will honor this contract and give my companion and this town a much safer dungeon."
Local Time:
12:55 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Chuckling as the paladin said this, and showed his body language clear yet simple. the guild master being satisfied with this would stamp approval on the paper, before flicking Clara on the forehead. telling her not to ruin another potential hero for their little town. as this was now done, the man would turn and look away to return to his own work.

as this happened, Clara twisted herself around, and hopped off the desk. before smirking, as she winked at the paladin.
"Well then, shall we head back to my place big boy. Gonna need to get you stripped. Can't examine your gear properly, all the while it's on you after all. "
as she said this, making it sound very professional, however the real plan for this night was anything but. However little did Silas know, this dwarf lived in her smithy, a living quarters on the second floor would be most impressive by any means. as the shop was built by hand, from the ground up.
Local Time:
12:55 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"I see, I see, well once I get it off you, I can see how we can improve it, if possible. Never know until we try right cutie." saying this with a playful and excited tone. the hyper active dwarf soon led the tall paladin to her humble little smithy shop. the ground floor had no door, or wall but an open side into the massive work shop, however the stairs leading to the upper floor was well built with stone, and metal. even a massive double door built their, which was far larger then a tiny dwarf like Clara needed. However this also showed with ego comes the pride of her overly done and flashy work. Moving into the shop, she would smile, looking around before pointing tours the steps.

"Well big boy, shall we go up stairs, and get you stripped down? unless you don't mind stripping down here, I am good ether way. " saying this, as if her excitement was to get those grubbing little delicate fingers upon the fine pieces of armor, and the weapon which Silas had on him. However the real excitement was more so to see what was hidden under this fine, and powerful looking warrior in powerful and protective armor.
Local Time:
12:55 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"GO for it stud, just give your lil Clara a shout once your ready up their. " as she said this, moving to unroll an impressive hide bag. which had strange, and powerful looking rune stones, and specialized tools of her trade. The dwarf's skill, and unique rune crafting art is something no other species could do, at least not as impressively, or effectively as an actual dwarf. Thus the chance to get such high tier, and rare improvements would make any species jealous. However the paladin could be in for more then poor Silas knew. as this skillful craftswoman was also as perverted, and playfully cruel as she was protective of what she claimed as her own.

Once the massive doors opened, allowing entry to a massive gold, and mithril room. the floor covered in fine thick fluffy rugs. the bed shaped like a hart, while their were two different kinds of dressers, one obviously was clara's the other meant for any guest. with a wide variety of supplies, showing an interest in multiple species. both in the sensual aid, and medical alike. However the scent of the room would be the strongest thing to pick up on. it had a powerful aphrodisiac, and soothing mist filling the room. one meant to put her chosen playmate into a calm yet horny state, which came from the unique jaws of home made incents. which could easily be covered up if one picked up on it quick enough. however down below the sounds of Clara prepping to do her work on his refine armor, and weapon could be heard.
Local Time:
12:55 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Silas wandered into her room, picking up on the incense that was softly burning , but he thought little of it really, simply beginning to take off his armor, his armorments placed gently on the bed and his sword laid next to it, a magic sword was for the moment the length of a regular long sword. He stretched to himself as he felt a new feeling tough through him,a ripple through him that made him flush slightly.

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Local Time:
12:55 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Almost done with her prep for the armament examination, and potential upgrades. Clara would smirk, looking up tours the doors, as she would then shout out to the room.

"Alright big boy, if your ready or not. I think I gave you enough time to get stripped. Mama Clara's coming up for that gear. "
saying this with a some what excited and lewd tone to her voice. the tiny maiden bounced up the steps with her own personal excitement. almost drooling with the thought of what she might see when she entered the room. thinking of how this man could be something more then a simple man. that voice he had, made her think of the rare breed of dragon born, However what she would be greeted with, a sight which would truly excite the little dwarf.
Local Time:
12:55 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As Clara came running, practically kicking open her own door for a glimspe, she saw Silas's figure, She assumed he was some kind of Dragonborn, but she saw instead a man who was pale as snow, with scaled sections along his body. His body was powerful as she guessed, from behind knew he had spent his time devoted to battle. His hair was longer than his helm gave away but as he messed with it, tuskling it some, his looked over his shoulder at her, his eyes serpent like and fixed upon her. It was strange to see eyes normally that were blank and cold like a serpent, but his had a incredible softness about them. "Clara!" He said as as he covered his body shyly. Well. Most of it. It was hard to hide the giant bulge in his underdressings.

House of Pythus. More like House of Anaconda.
Local Time:
12:55 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Oh my, look at you, a big tall drink If I ever needed one. " as she said this, the short maiden began to walk tours the serpent warrior. moving to press her soft yet firm hands against him. to push the much larger man to sit on the bed. her own eyes looking over him, as she did this.

"I do say, You are far better looking the I could have ever imagined under that fancy armor. But what kind of fun are you hiding from me down here hmm?"

her one hand moving to slide along his battle trained, and well toned frame. her eyes looking into his own, as the short maiden would press her massive bust for her size against him. trying her best to be seductive, and aggressive. However with Clara's short stature, it would be easy to cause the maiden to fall off the man, and on the floor. as it was, Clara was overly active, and excitable. not even waiting for this man to make any suggestive, or welcoming action. as if seeing the bulge on him, something in her brained clicked from smith mode, to succubus mode so to speak.
Local Time:
12:55 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Cl-Clara!" He said as she started pushing up on him with all her aggression and lust on display. He reached out and touched her shoulders, moving her back. "I'm sorry but i don't think this is the best idea, we agreed you will be my smith!" He said holding her at arms length.
Local Time:
12:55 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Oh come now that's just mean, but very well, you just let me touch you a bit. I need proper measurements of those abbs, and your hips big boy. I promise I won't do anything bad, if you don't want it. at least not yet. " as she said this winking at him.

The fact remained, that she was now using the claim of work for the reason to touch him, yet if Clara did show proper self control, perhaps things would go smoothly. however she was still in his play room. meaning the specialized Scent filling the room would become more effective over time, be it in Clara's favor or against it, was to be determined.
Local Time:
12:55 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"You...can measure for the armor, I apologize , i don't mean to say you aren't a pretty woman, but you are quite...clearly a woman who would very much like to do things that i mustn't without being married" He said looking away from her wink. He was quite shy for his looks, it was almost cute to watch.
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