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Fantasy RP The Greatest Relic, and Treasure with the Heart of Darkness ( Knight_Of_None )

Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Once Silas would be looking away, and his guard down. Clara would make her move. taking a measuring tape, and slipping up onto the bed. crawling to the back of Silas, as she would move to wrap the measure around him. pressing her impressive bust against his back as she spoke.

"Oh you are such a treat, so cute, shy, and strong. Do not worry, I need this real quick big boy. After all the rune adjustments could change the inside diameter of your armor. need to ensure it isn't to small or large after words. " it would be comical to any who might see the aggressive short woman and the massive tall man who was so shy. However now it would seem like her skills would be at work, not her desire like prior. for once Clara had the measurement, or Silas's stopped her. she would take the armor and weapon down into her work shop.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
He walked to the double doors, reaching to open them a bit as she left. His shyness...well was massive, he hated revealing himself and now this horny Dwarf clearly wanted the most unholy of acts! premarital sex!...well Top 20 of unholy acts! He cursed himself for not gathering his traveling clothes from his orse on the way. He looked at the guest drawer, unfortunately curious and walked over to open it.

His armor was ornate and craftly cracted, some kind of magic was embedded in the steel, a quick Identify spell and she knew it was made to never gather dirt or rust, and it never lost its finished shiny to it. The Sword, was almost deceptively heavy, and another spell told her the answer. it had three forms. and It was know as Three Fang. It could become a long sword, a Hefty Greatsword form, and even a Glaive at the will of Silas.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Moving to the guest drawer, As it would hold many very skimpy, and lewd outfits. these clothing were far more then just revealing, as well as in all sizes, and meant for any gender. this showed the paladin what kind of maiden this smith was. More then just that, the sound of Clara clanking the metal down stairs could be heard.

Now with the armor and blade on the table, seeing how they were enchanted, the tiny maiden would scratch her chin. impressive as they were, Clara would soon clap her hands together with a wicked, and playful smirk. rushing over to a small table and drawer, at which point she would beg digging through the draw tossing out many different kinds of glowing, and rare stones. many of them ancient, and powerful runes, being tossed aside like simple items. As things continued on, The scent in her room would only seem to grow stronger the longer the jaw was uncapped. leaving her guest up their alone, would hopefully make her plan easier to follow through once Clara's work is done with this armament, as she had plans, and wanted to make sure the surprise would be more then just enjoyable for Silas.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Silas quickly dropped the maidens outfits back in the drawer and closed it, shivverig a bit as the feelings he had keep nagging through him, thoughts bubbling up that he almost didn't realize as he felt his body stirring little by little. He couldn't understand why, he had taken his meditations and expelled his impure urges earlier in the morning. What was it? Clara...well..no. He knew what he felt and believed...was it the room? something she had magically and left on before she left today. He winced to himself as he felt his cock stirring. Oh no. He looked around, trying to think...but walked over to the Jaw that was spouting incense and started to close it up. 'Start with what you can see, no need to waste a divine spell.' he thought to himself
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Having covered up the jar in the room now. The scent would stop growing stronger, however enough of it was now exposed to Silas, that the effect would continue to grow with in his system for a short while. The sound of Clara's work coming to a silence, as she was finishing up with the modifications being added via the art of Rune crafting. Little did the serpent paladin know, that his armor still possessing it's own enchantments.

Having added some specialized rune crafting, the runs on the inside of the armor, as well as along the handle of the blade. The armor would now have the unique ability to craft magical thorns, to reflect damage on those who hit it, as well as the unique ability to grant short burst of regeneration to the wearer. These were added to the armor By Clara for Reasons other then what they would be naturally used for, which would be revealed in the coming nights. More then that, the triple fused together weapon would now have an ability to glow brightly, as well as generate electrical, and heat radiation while glowing. The adjustments would be useful for dungeon battles, however the more fun they could offer, would present itself when the time was right.

now with a devious smile, Clara began to head back up to the room, after locking Sila's armor, and weapon up. Cracking her knuckles, as she began to walk up the steps. her eyes almost glowing with wicked desires, and devious intent.

"Well now my fine looking SIlas, let's see if your ripe for the plucking, such fine fruit. "
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Silas stepped away from the jar feeling the strange warmth on him leaving a little but he had stepped back to settle down, sitting on the bed as Clara could be heard making her way up the steps. Would she catch her prize silently jacking off, would she see his cock all the way up through his garments, could she tempt them to pull it out and start letting her have her fu. As she threw open the doors, Solas was sitting there, straight and rigid. He looked at her, his snake like eyes boring into her s....he has one of her pillows resting on his lap, . "Clara, all finished?"
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Oh yes, and that armament of yours is a true masterpiece, but nothing my little craft couldn't enhance even more. Now it will be truly amazing but first what are you hiding their big boy hmm?"

asking this with a mischievous smile on her face, bringing the pointer finger to Clara's lips. as she began to walk tours the stud on her bed. with a sultry strut. her hips swaying, as she moved tours him. even taking the time to drop her garments onto the floor with each step. the doors sealing behind her, as if a mechanism had been triggered. before Silas's eyes, he would soon see all of Clara. her impressive over sized bust, plump rear, ideal size hips, and thighs for bearing children. despite her short stature, the dwarf had quiet the figure, which was well hidden from her own armor, and garments.

"Tell you what big boy, just lay back and relax, I can help you feel good, and we do not need to go to far, a simple message, some nice cuddling. Nothing to naughty, as to avoid angering your precious god right?" as he spoke sounding like the dwarf maiden wanted some innocent and adult fun with this paladin. However as she said this, Clara's more aggressive nature would show itself if Silas denied her completely, however if he gave in, the wicked maiden would move to take yards from the man, if he gave her even an inch of leeway.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Its not needed Clara, I will not need such a thing, I promised to aid you, all of this us uh...flattering but you don't have to continue like this" he said with a nervous smile. Ofcourse she was beautiful, sexy, and had the hips to carry his bloodline....but Silas looked away oh so politely. "We should just put our clothing back on...or-seeming as you like being...free, I can go get my clothing and you can remain as you are." He said yet again as respectfully as possible. "You um...look...healthy and wonderful, and if you were to be mine, you would surely bring great deals of children, but ti give in to desire. It would bring dishonor to me and my house."
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As Silas spoke trying to turn down this advance as polite as he could, with the cute yet shy tone of voice. Almost as if him denying this only enticed Clara all the more. as the dwarf would soon make an almost primal growl. Before the fine specimen of a reptilian Paladin could finish his word, getting cut off, at the word of Dishonor. Clara practically tackled into the taller man. her body quickly upon his. moving to press her arms forward, wanting to try and pin this much larger stud with her impressive strength. however the fact remained. Now becoming very aggressive, even moving to try and Kiss the serpent deeply, wanting to break this resistant, as Silas would hear her say, that if He is as well equipped as she is. Then to give him children would be a small price to have herself a private paladin all to herself. Being a pure blooded dwarf, Clara had alot more strength in her tiny body then most could realize, unless forced to face it head on. Now using this strength, the short stack wanted to force this stud to submit, as the sound of her jumping victims was nothing new to this town, however the little Cougar's prey this time was a holy warrior, instead of the usual Adventurer or warrior she enjoyed.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Silas gasped as shectackled him down, aghast at her words, her aggression, his face going red as she openly admitted she'd even give him children for a sake of having a taste of him. But all of the nerves of on him vanished as she made it clear she'd been attacking adventurers like this so often. His eyes suddenly lost all of there gentleness ans he stared her down. For some reason the only word that could describe the hateful glare was contempt...for Clara it probably was almost as hot as his shyness, if not even more so. "You mean to to force your body on unwishing companions!" He said as she felt his arms starting to ripple and his strength drew , his muscles tensing as he started to push back. She felt something smack against her belly, nearly up to her breasts as Silas seemed to get so fired up for battle even his...hidden weapon was ready for battle
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Oh no, no I think some one misunderstood. I do not attack innocent men, I aggressive make love to only those who are worthy. But so far you are but the third man who has been this entice. such fury, such passion. I Have yet to meet one who can live as long as a dwarf. If you wish to show me what your made of big man. Why not make an honest woman out of me? unless you don't think that spear of yours is up to the task. After all It would take only one partner who can sate my needs to keep me loyal. " saying this as if challenging him, the fact remained. now with this anger filling his eyes. It seemed that Clara was all the more excited.

Feeling the impressive and monstrous weapon ready for battle, as it was long enough to be felt between her massive breast. the wicked little warrior began to press herself more so into her prey. rubbing against him, trying to kiss, and nip the serpent warrior. getting more and more aggressive. as her own muscles began to show the years of fighting, and smithing would do for them. It was unknown if Silas had the strength to over power a full blooded dwarf which was in a more ideal position ontop of him, but it would become clear very soon one way or another. If he was the stronger of the duo, then Clara could be pushed off, if Silas failed, he would feel how she would begin to move upon him, wanting to forcefully ride her soon to be champion. even stating that, if she found a single partner which was strong enough and potent enough she would no longer need to seek a worthy male. yet this was possible to be a clash of culture as dwarfs were notorious for their stubborn, and strong, yet dominating ways, yet if one knew better, then it would be more obvious this tiny vixen was a fire cracker with issues.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"You wou-hahahmm!" Silas's words were caught in his throat as Clara started attacking his 'spear' with her mouth, but his arms didn't buckle. "You'llbecone my wife- just to please your body!" He forced out as she sampled his taste. His scent. It was rugged and had a almost salted Nutt like taste. "I-cannot simply begin! If I am to challenge-you- you must- do one more thing-' he muttered. Technically he could only have sex with Simone he planned to marry, however ..to do so a proposal was all he really needed to have accepted. "I-if you want to truly duel with me fully.- I only need to place a g-gift around your neck!" He tried to sat, unsure if she was even listening or if she was too busy exploring the monster she was pushing up against.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Hearing this, Clara would take a moment to run her tongue around the tip, before licking up a bit of that strong alluring taste. " What you have in mind big boy? A little something so you can accept what is to come willingly, or perhaps you need a bit more of this first hmm?" teasing him, as she continued to act against this strong impressive spear. for any normal female Dwarf, such a monstrous serpent would be intimidating, yet for Clara's mentally broken desire, he was like an ideal piece of candy to a starving fat kid.

"How about this then hmm, Perhaps You do your proposal, while impaling me then. A strong man is so rare, more so one as valuable, and available as you. "
as she said this, making it sound more and more, like this paladin was a rare monster being captured by an obsessed collector. However she pressed herself against Silas, using her mouth, and breast, while her hands did their things to keep him pinned to the best of her abilities. The more excited Clara grew, the more obvious that Silas would be mounted one way or another. However with her response it would seem, that Perhaps He could talk her into releasing him, even if the talk of a proposal was a lie to just get her off of the proud holy warrior.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"I cannot simply just propose to you like this! It would be discounted as a lie, I might Propose to you in a different manner! Just a little patience, I assure you thst I can do fir you what you need...do you know that Serpents live extremely long lives, I may be young but I will live on for centuries..." he said as he seemed to coming back to his softer self...well mentally, he still was holding her back. He leveraged himself, using his size to force up to sit slowly. "You may want to couple with me physically, but you said it yourself...you're willing to drop this life for good match."
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Oi, sounds like you might be around long enough to be a good little house man heh. Let's see just how good you are den. " saying this with a wicked, and playful tone. before suddenly trying to practically gobble up his massive length, and girthy spear. finally Silas would find her hands moving to free his, only to grasp the base of his rod. , Unable to take the hole thing down her throat, but not for a lack of trying. This would be the chance to try and push the dwarf maiden off of him, However her action would seem to make it all the harder to do so. Wiggling her behind a bit as she did this. The fact remained, the once angered stud was now back to his more gentle self, as it seemed this dwarf was gonna lay her claim on him one way or another. even stating that she was willing to make this paladin her one and only, However the fact of her actions, and aggressive nature proved, if nothing else. this tiny vixen was as stubborn or more so then the old stories made dwarves out to be. even if this was in a much lewder means than one ever heard of before. the worse would be if he ether gave in, or tried to leave, unaware that with the two of them in the rune., the door had special runic locks to keep her playmates in the room with her. and his armaments now locked away down stairs in the work shop for morning's return.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"C-careful! You'll hurt yourself!" He said as she tried to gobble ill the holy spear before her, making him moan umout as she grabbed his base to Stewart stroking him too. "Mm! I really mean it! You mustn't start like this-" he said reaching down as his mentally, did a prayer for strength. His body flickered softly a moment but he then pulled the dwarf off as the Blessing seemed to make him all the stringer for it. "And You'll choke yourself! Hah- if I can just get something from my things...here!"

The Paladin put her on the bed, on all fours as he actually hovered over her front behind she could look over the side I her bed.. and felt the spear push up underneath her, again. If he actually put it inside. . He most definitely would be making direct deposits to her baby forge all alright. And then some. He she saw he open a back pack, taking out a pouch. As he used an arm on her back to hold her steady and another to lift it out. "Hah- just...to get this. He said as he took our a beautiful golden serpent necklace...it linked together, almost like an Oroborus. "Put this around your neck...and then...ahem. I'll have to bite you somewhere."
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"OOh, now your sounding more like a dwarf. Make me yours big boy. Do you want it to be visible tot he world? or perhaps some where more private, as a reminder of who is yours hmm?" saying this in a playfully sultry, and sinfully seductive voice. It seemed that Clara was getting more and more into this, however the fact remained now, That she was willing to take the bite, on her shoulder, neck, breast, or even the inner thigh closer to her honey pot. Leaving the choice to her new partner. However stating that if he didn't make a woman out of her, she would make a personal play thing out of him as punishment when their job is done, teaching him the way of a proper dwarven house wife, if he failed to sate her while she was still in such a playful mood. sounding as dangerous as she was playful, it would be obvious that these were more so empty threats, as she wanted to see his reaction, and try to make the serpent dominate her here when he went to bite his new partner.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"It is custom to mark our potential mates...as many times as we wish. I would mark you...here" he said as he wrapped the necklace around her neck, clasping it, his lips brushed the nape of her neck, then his lips parted to, serpent fangs hooking from his canines as he bit on her neck. It was a deep bite, but it didn't hurt too much as he drew back and then bit down on her neck on the other side. Marking her up with nicely already. Silas turned her on her side, leaning low and marking her chest up next.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Oh that's a bit painful big boy. I Like it. Make sure you get mama's nips as well. after all nothing says ownership like proper marking. " as she said this loving the sensation more then ether of them might realize. The moment Silas was in position over this dwarf. Clara would wrap her tiny, yet powerful legs around her so called betrothed. as she moved to push him back, so that the two of them would land, with her straddling this massive hunk of reptilian spunk. however as she did this. it would be when her own jaws would clamp on his shoulder, unlike how he marked Clara with fangs. she was trying to give this reptilian stud a hickie which would prove rather difficult due to the differences in their bodies, and skin, yet the facts remained, this dominating tiny vixen would prove to be a hand full for SIlas for both good and bad.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Her teeth pushed on on her schedule skin, making thr holy knight wince but he held her head, hissing as she bit him to try to marl him back. He rolled with her, slamming her back down as he worked his hips grinding in her now as they wrestled for dominance. Silas's soft nature seemed to be replaced again, taking her challenge quite seriously, willing to wrestled. "Now for your thighs, and all over the rest of you!" He hissed
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as he said this the wicked little maiden would move to wait till she was marked between the legs, on one of her inner thighs. it would be at this point, the mighty little bitch would wrap her legs around his head. moving to twist them around, as she went to nip at the tip of his massive and long serpent. Playing a wicked, and lustful game of tug o war with her new fiancé. However the fact remained, it was becoming quiet the wild struggle, which would not end until he ether filled her, or the tiny wild thing climbed the pillar of pleasure before her. however as this would go on, ether one of them would end up pinned, in an enjoyable position, or the other would up being gobbled up one way or another.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Silas hissed as she tried ro nip the tip, his arms wrapped around her waist, , bringing his mouth to her slit and started to lick and suck on her lips a bit aggressively not, he started to heave the dense dwarf, raising her up as he assaulted between her legs. He had plans himself. Drawing his mouth away after having sampled her flavors, he moved up and dropped ger on the bed, grabbing her legs to hold them apart, pushing his cock forward with all his might to drive his spear into her now.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Finally giving the wild little short stack what she wanted. His massive and impressive spear digging into her tender hungering region, The way her moist inner coils would feel constricting around his massive rod. the intrusion being welcomed by her very core, As the tiny mad woman laughed, and squirmed. making it feel as if she was trying to escape, when in fact she was trying to create even more pleasure for her playmate. remembering how many younger studs from the past, always loved a squirming partner, However this Paladin was not like those ruffians she had laid with in the past. more then that, this one was going to give it the good dwarven try to make a real woman out of her.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Silas drew his hands around hers, holding her hands by her head as she wriggled, but his body plunged against hers, thrusting his serpentine tool into her, every flex and squeeze of her welcoming deaths made him loom closer. "Clara, why do you struggle so much? Hm?" He asked softly, his tongue flickered gently. Silas's massive rod struck her deepest depths. Though he was certain he'd have more to push in if he was to burly himself completely within her. "I'm not going to ever grow weary of looking upon you."
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Hearing Silas say this to her, Clara would move to grasp his shoulders, to pull the serpent into her. wanting to kiss him, while being filled. as she squirmed even more.
"Oh god, it's so deep, I need to find the right spot, so we both can feel amazing after all. Now shut up and kiss me my big boy. "

saying this in an aggressively playful manor, the dwarf would be loving the sensation. more then that, Silas's member could be seen, at least the outline of it, as it bulged her slightly each time he pushed deep into the tiny maiden's depths. filling her as deep as he could get into the tiny maiden which was now to become his this night.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Silas came in lower, kissing her deeply at her wishes , his cock dragging along her walls, punching deep against furthest soft spots as she wriggled for him, the blufing tip flexing further against her belly as he kept in motion. His hands moving to embrace her close and help her move to draw as much pleasure to her as he w so clearly wanted to give.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Leaning in to kiss the tiny bombshell, Silas would feel how her small hands moved to lock around his neck. her lips locking with his own, as the two lost each other in this act. however once the kiss broke, a wicked smile on her face could be seen. before the tiny maiden would suddenly force them to roll over, as she spoke up. Got you now, your all mine big boy, Mine Mine Mine.

as she would get the reptilian stud on his back. moving to press herself against him. before beginning to move at her own pace, slamming herself against the monstrous cock over and over again. her eyes wide with lustful desire. However it was becoming more and more obvious this would be a long and wild night for the holy warrior. As this new little smithy upon him would indeed force at least one or two loads out of her new lover before letting him win over all together.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Clara rough pace pushed Silas into her bed as she slammed her dense Dwarven frame on his lap, his pear driving her body calvary as she pushed herself all the harder. The Serpent grabbed her bresasts as she worked herself into her frenzy. But his body was as hearty as a giant, she pushed him hard, but even as she felt him cumming inside of her, his member solidered on as he squeezed her breasts abd then grabbed her hips, lurching her down to ram her all the way to his base, starting to put even more pressure on her powerful pace, clearly more than willing to give it to her as hard as she wanted.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with the dwarf ontop of him, Sila's aggressive and enjoyable way of abusing his new dwarf lover. as he handled her as roughly as one could in this position. the serpent would find out how, the wicked maiden would bounce hard, and more excited upon him. the more she was played with. finding her massive breast all the more sensitive, being Clara's weak spot. her nipples growing harder, and erect before his eyes. all the more, as her head swung back, long hair going wild, as the tiny maiden went ballistic in pleasure. her plump strong ass slamming harder, and harder down upon his thighs. her depths devouring his cock, even bulging with the impact of his tip with in her depths upon each successful bounce, gobbling his length and girth up as deep as possible.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Silas opened his mouth again, his fangs however were no where to be seen as he hunched inwards and bit her on her breasts again, wrapping his lips around her erect nipple, sucking on them hard as she kept her rough pace. His hand grabbing her other breaths and started to play with it roughly, pinching and pulling, and squeezing as he pushed up into her ravenous depths.
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