Fantasy RP The Greatest Relic, and Treasure with the Heart of Darkness ( Knight_Of_None )

She watched his strike, at first it was light, but his expression shifted to a stern one as she didn't raise a gaurd against him. Was she some kind of Barbarian? His effort rose, swinging to her open belly with his raw might. As it slammed into her muscled abdomen, the impact shocked between the two warriors, Silas's stern look not breaking or flinching at the pain he felt. "Hm. I see." He said simply to himself, he moved swiftly on his feet, pushing his next move, swinging at her again. The holy knight seemed to be more than willing to press her strength now that she showed her Resilience, much to be expected from his faith as she heard from Clara as well.
after the free shot was delivered, and the serpent making some distance between the two. now knowing where this confidence came from. she would take the massive blunt training blade into one hand.
pointing it tours Silas with a wicked yet playful smirk.

"So then cute thing, we ready now for the real fun to start? or do you need a second shot to try something before we official start?"
asking this her eyes showed the confidence, and excitement all at once. as the goliath would lick her lips preparing herself to take her odd and unorthodox battle stance.
"I will endeavor to make you feel every strike I land." He said as he flicked his hand. The blood he shed to hit her healing itself. "You are a mountain to climb and I will conquer you." He said as he brought up his blade again, pushing forward for her again. Silas swung for her again, slicing at her again.
Moving in to try for another strike, this time. Silas would fund the massive blade coming down tours him with incredible fo4ce and speed. If parried would push him onto his knee. If dodged the force would cause the paladin to get pushed aside. As this was a raw display of pure power granted by the unique mix of dwarf and Goliath. However with such power also came its own issues which could be used against it would turn onto the classic show of power vs agility as things would begui.
Silas swept to the side as she brought down her blade, the impact of the blow making him roll further to keep his momentum up. She saw him rushing back in already, eager it seemed to make good on his vow. His blade thrusted out, his blow precise as he struck at her, slamming the capped blade to her side.
moving to strike the goliath with incredible skill, and expertise. Silas would soon notice something a bit odd at the last minute. as Nora tossed her massive blade high into the sky, as
she wrapped her around around his, aiming to disarm the serpent warrior, and using her other arm to catch her blade. wanting to try and bonk him on the head with the flat end of the blade.
however doing so was like a dual edged sword. as this would disarm silas, present him for a good blow, however the serpent would also get a chance to physically counter attack, as their was a window
where her hand was moving to try and capture her falling training blade.
Silas felt her arm pin his blade, as she got ready to catch her tossed weapon. But he let go of his own, the serpent moving swiftly, his body snaking between her legs and started to lift. For a moment she likely thought he had gone mad, but she felt herself rise of the ground as he charged back and toppled the giant woman down to the earth in his counter tact, forcing her sword from her reach, despite losing his own in the process.
managing to snake himself between nora's legs. this was both a good move, and a mistake. as the serpent warrior managed to squeak out a lewd moan from his foe. discovering how sensitive she was in the inner leg and thigh area.
however her face turned bright red, as her legs suddenly locked tightly, like the vice of an over bearing serpent protecting it's clutch. feeling the sudden increase in pressure. as he managed to get her onto the ground but now locked between her own legs.
Nora quickly disarmed the serpent, as her eyes looked into his. her face beat red, as she hissed tours him.

"I do like my men brave, and experience, but this is a bit to sneaky to try and slip between a woman's legs when in a fight hmm?"
saying this, in a manor would would cause an unknown fear to slip through his senses. as if the brave paladin had made a mistake, not life threatening but a different kind of fear, as if he would get it from clara once this match was over with
how he was now locked between the legs of the sister of his lover, even more so and squirming or struggling would make it harder to break free. as his wrists were both in the tight grasp of her own. yet if he used his fangs, the serpent could easily
surprise, and get free, but it could lead to an entirely different situation which was unknown to nora, but well known to silas.
(Lol Silas: Employs a leg grapple on a taller foe
Nora: Damn, I didn't know you were already so warm blooded for me.)

He flushed as she spoke in the midst of her counter, that two of them wrapped together in a ever comprising position. "You are merely tall, I had no other options to act on quickly enough!" He said defensively aa he hung onto her vice gripping thighs. She felt those strong limbs holding up against her own as they struggled together in the bind. But Silas opened his mouth, his fangs lashing out to sink into Nora. It was a precise bite, it would be harmless, but the sting may force her away. Better still, Silas wouldn't dream of uaung his venom in battle, much less on a woman that wasn't Clara. Such a technique was only for hos beloved Dwarf and would be key in their efforts for baby making.
As he spoke a playful and dangerous smirk came across the Goliath's face. before the serpent suddenly felt his own body beginning to heat up, at least the points against her owns.
as this went on, their would be no mistake this was the barbarian's unique ability rage, as her body would soon be able to break free if he did not act quickly. However the more dangerous part
would be once it fully went off. that one would fall to their own instincts to the extreme.

as this was going On, Clara smirked, as she clapped her hands and called out to the duo.
"Oh the real fun is about to begin. Better make it a memorable action, after my my man their isn't so weak right ?"
saying this, Silas would be able to see how Clara was riling her sister up some with the words, however the dwarf's real intention would become all the clearer to
him very soon.
Silas twisted abd writhed in their binding, despite the intensity of her strength, she could feel the Mystians body sliding and sliding further abd further from between her legs with his serpentine motion, like he was a eel fresh from the water. Once he pulled free of her, seeing her rage taking over, he steadied him ready to brace for her technique.
As this began to heat up, Nora's eyes now void of the common sense or signs of proper life. a wicked smirk coming across her face.
as the massive body of muscles moved swiftly tours The serpent paladin. however more then just that, her speed and power now far more then it
was prior. as her blows aimed to knock the wind out of silas, or disarm him. as she moved to strike the serpent in the gut with a powerful blow, as well as the other
arm aiming to grasp his weapon hand. wanting to crush his wrist enough to drop any potential weapon, even if their wasn't one. as this was more of an instinct type of
assault now. more then just that. a raging barbian with instinct and muscle memory well developed like this would become quiet the hand full, however the most dangerous part would be
if she managed to get the paladin to become exposed to her. as the instincts in this barbarian were far more dangerous to something else then just physical harm.
Silas moved his body, turning just enough ti cause her gut punch to glance among his armors surface. Her other hand had closed around his wrist, but the Paladin held fast still despite the pressure and pain. Silas pushed out his palm, almost like he was a monk, his palm strike slamming inti the Goliaths belly ay as he channeled a fire of divine force, a low level smite to keep his opponent on back foot.
as he hit with incredible force, the sudden reaction would be almost instant, as Silas felt the massive hand grasping his head right as he struck her. Nora had a strong grasp, this
dragging the paladin with her, from the impact pushing the powerful woman back. as she was quick to pull him against her frame, wrapping her arms rightly around the serpent.
attempting to bear hug him into submission. her mind was not thinking optimally, however acting on instinct like this. made the fight more entertaining then one would expect.
however her tight grasp would be hard, but not impossible to escape from, for one like Silas. as he would feel a new kind of danger, due to how her body seemed to be causing an unexpected
reaction from his own. as if his body would be growing excited, due to how her scent reminded him of Clara. more so then that, if he did not managed to escape or get better control of himself.
a scene would begin to form, where his own body could cause the serpent some drama like issues from this.
Silas was lurched inti the Goliath grasp, her bear hug forcing his face inti her chest abdvarmor as she worked to suppress the Paladin, to force him to submit in battle. The familiar scent od Clara however only made Silas struggle harder, wriggling in her grip and fighting her every second. She felt his body sliding loose of her as he dragged her armor a bit, ripping the straps on her chest armor. "Trying to smother me? Is that fair?'
Accidently tearing the straps, Silas would be talking, as he would sudden see Nora's girls exposed, and bouncing freely before his eyes.
"Of course, it is a non lethal way to win. " as she said this suddenly rushing tours him yet again. as her girls bounced and moved freely. it would be distracting
enough for any male to see. however what made this more dangerous then one would expect. would be the instincts, which Silas would be fighting, due to the way she smeld
so much like clara when he was up close. However knowing his woman would be in the wind, which could sate the beast if needed. he ether would need to continue this fight, or submit
as it was clear Nora did not plan to stop till she was unable to fight, or won. yet the serpent was able to keep up, and perhaps safe to say, stay a step or two ahead thanks to his experience
as a paladin.
Silas saw her come rushing at him again, mich to the Goliaths own distraction, She saw her opponent briefly too busy looking down, averting his eyes from his opponent. Was he surrendering? Was he plotting? Ofcourse the answer was mostly neither as he was trying not to gaze upon a woman's body. As she closed in closer however, he dived and rolled aside before she fully came into grasping range. Chivalry and purity of thought would have to come after the battle. As he caught the scene, he pushed himself to focus on his opponents face. This wasn't his Clara. And she would not be smothering him. That was Clara's role surely. The Goliath felt the serpent knight jump upon her back, using his arms to lock them around her neck. Clara saw something odd, her husband to be giving her a quick look before he moved, how his arms changed, getting longer and bulked with more muscle, his already serpentine features got more prominent as he tapped into his Mystian abilities.
as the two would soon clash once more, before it could get any further out of control. Silas would suddenly see something unexpected. as the tiny Clara would appear behind her sister.
with one massive hit, with her hammer. any normal person would be killed, but for Nora it simply knocked her out of the rage state her body was in. as Clara grabbed her sister by the ear, and began dragging the massive maiden behind her.

"This one is a Draw, I cant afford Nora to smash up the entire town if she get's any more carried away. Love come in and I'll fix us all something to eat and drink. I will leave Scolding Nora to you while I cook. " saying this, the revelation would quickly hit Silas, as his lover took nora out with a single strike, however more then that, if he was the cook normally, would he be able to endure what his lover planned to cook? would it be edible, or worse?
Ashe asked this, Nora would smirk, saying it has been along time sense the calamity of the kitchen had tried to make anything. remembering the nickname from when they were kids it would not be reassuring for silas to hear. however the fact remained, Clara would call out that she had improved with her cooking, and that the kits were not on the menu. saying this was it to confirm for Silas, or perhaps to inform her sister of this. however the sound of the two Nu kits crying could soon be heard. if one peaked into the kitchen, the would see how these two were wanting to get some food. as they were drawn in to the scent of what ever Clara was making on the stove. as she would even place a small bowl of some colorful fluid onto the floor for the two kits to greedily lap up, before returning to the process of making what ever she was preparing.
Silas looked into the kitchen briefly bit seemed to lean back to trust her. "Well Nora, you seemed to forget where you were, did I get you too excited?" He said as he looked over to the Goliath briefly...then realized her girls were still out and quickly looked away. 'Ah-we should get you out of that armor...into your own again-!" He said adding the other half quickly as if she would think he was making a pass at her.
"as he spoke and acted like this, a sly smirk came across the giant woman's face. as she leaned tours Silas. moving her upper arms to press her massive tits together as she was trying to see what kind of reactions she could entice out of her sisters boy toy, as she called him. more then that she leaned a bit more tours him, speaking in a sultry tone.

"oh come now, sis was never one not to share, so why so bashful. as long as you don't touch with out permission, i have nothing to hide. besides, I know their smaller then sis's but I am sure this body can be appealing to right?" asking this, as it would put silas in an awkward position, for if he answered truthfully, it could anger both girls, as if he found the sister less attractive or even ugly, while at the same time if he spoke carefully could sound like he was starting to like what he saw with nora more, and thus turning away for clara a bit. All the more, Nora was planning to make him as flustered as possible, however if Silas did not react or return conversation, it could be seen as a different kind of insult as well, with how she was acting tours him.
Silas flushed more as he turned his gaze further away. "Nora-that's a very inappropriate thing to say! " He said as the larger woman hovered closer, keeping her breasts as far in his peripheral vision as she could to keep teasing his sensibilities. Though no matter how she jiggled and moved to oppose his sight, he was steady fast to look away as politely as possible. "She may have shared in the past, but she wouldn't do such with me!" He said. Ofcourse Nora likely knew if he was right or nor more than he ever coukd ast the moment. With hiw Ckara sung tye paladins skills and praises she may as well be inviting something. As she questioned whether or not her body was desirable he folded his arms, still trying to respect her modesty despite her efforts to throw it into his lap. "You are a fit, healthy woman, im sure any available man would be very appealed to you." He said simply, riding the line quite well to say she was attractive but still state the only woman's tits he wanted shoved in his face would be his short thicc bride's.
puffing her cheeks out, as she pouted, it was almost to cute to ignore, as she made a playfully disappointed gesture before getting up. "Your so dead fast for only short things huh, no real desire to feel what a giant can offer that tiny body of yours hmm?" saying this, as if playing to try and tease his ego a bit as well. as she was preparing to leave the room and change or so it appeared.

as she got up, appearing to be about to leave, and get something to cover herself up. It would be a ploy, as Nora planned to wait for the right moment, to try and slip behind Silas. wanting to wrap her arms around him, and as a result forcing her own bust onto his shoulders, and playfully do such a lewd act right when Clara would walk into the room. wanting to test, Sila's words about how Clara would not share him, or if she was right thinking that this man was the ideal playmate for the sisters to enjoy together.
It would not be long before the sound of Clara coming into the room could be heard. Little did Sila's know his tiny vixen would be carrying a platter of meats, however she had changed into only an apron. all the more, the instant she would move into the door frame, this would be When nora made her own move. if Silas looked tours Clara quick enough, he would not see her, but the Goliath taking hold, and twisting his chair around to sit on his lap, and hugging his face into her bust. as she was also stripped now.

The serpent would soon discover that the sisters had their own wicked planned to play out this night, which would push the paladin to his own limits so to speak. little did Silas know, that by accepting the dual earlier, he had unwittingly proven tough enough to be shared, and more then that, The sister's had their own little competition with most men ether of them had, as such between the duo their was only ever a single male. as such Silas would have a true challenge on his claws this night to break this unforeseen ritual, or to deal with the double assault upon his senses.
Silas turned hus gaze to Clara briefly, she saw his eyes widen as he glimpsed hee dressed so scantily. Instantly the Dwarfess felt the snake bite scars on her chest tingle with a simple knowledge. It was almost like ahe could tell the urges that a simple Apron on her bare body stirred uo in her man's body. But then Nora dragged him inti her clutches and the Goliath woman felt him struggling around like crazy in her arms as she stuffed his face in between her breasts. His strength made him buck around against hee, putting up almost more if a fight than he had the first time.

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