Fantasy RP The Greatest Relic, and Treasure with the Heart of Darkness ( Knight_Of_None )

"Hmm, so then I can expect a wild set of stories about you little brother huh? this should become very fun in the coming days. I do hope you can take care of me as well when the time comes. "
saying this, with out being blunt, but more playful at this moment. as it would cause an odd image of clara to flash in Sila's mind. however the fact remained, The goliath maiden would stand up, as she simply
stripped her well toned body down to the bare nude. and began to move about the room, preparing to head into the shower with out a care. as her well tone, and exotic looking body, or alluring temple of muscles was their for full view.
as she did not seem to have any shame, or care about her goods being seen. the goliath maiden would be doing this on purpose, if one didn't know any better they might think this was a sad attempt at seduction, or a sad test of loyalty.
However this was more along the lines of something clara would do, not caring, due to self comfort.
"Hm? take care of you? how so? would you like me to send word back to my lands for a partner?" He said not picking up her intentions as he turned his head as she started to strip, He stood up to walk for the door. "Ah- I will let you have your time." He said simply, ready to get back to his tiny lover upstairs.
finally coming back into the other room, Silas would have a bit of a headache on his hand with the new girl in the house. however as he was entering the room.
the tiny maiden would suddenly tackle into him. it would be almost comical, with how Clara tackled Sila's in the legs. forcing his body to fall forth. so the tiny maiden was
now carrying her soon to be hubby. rushing to the bed room with him. as if Silas was a piece of luggage or some kind of trophy.

"I'm tired of waiting, were gonna enjoy this now. I need it. I need it now. " as she spoke up, the sensation and aggressive nature was unmistakable. It was the effect of the Nu venom.
meaning that Clara got careless, and got nipped by the Kits. and now he had a hyper active ball of lewd power to deal with this night.
"Ah-hahaha! Don't worry my love!" He said as he landed on the bed again, though unlike with Her sister, Silas deftly rolled on it and was already pulling her on it and dropping her on it . He was on top of her in seconds, his armor gone in the next as he started sinking his fangs inti her, growing them out all the way to get rough with her, biting and licking in her chest , his cock hard fir her already. He wasuch more intense than earlier, matching her energy. If the nu poison got her so excited, he didn't want to imagine the effects of his venom on her.
as his fangs sank into her tender yet soft, and enjoyable flesh. the tiny arms moved to hug around Silas, pulling him into her all the more, with an almost drunk like excitement.
"Come now, big boy, give mama that glorious nibble. let's make up for all those interruptions. "
as she spoke up, even hinting tours wanting to try some new tricks with Silas. not telling him of the odd positions she wanted to try on him. the kind her sister use to tell her about.
but even with Clara's experience, these positions were never tried with any one else.
Silas smirked at her. "Does all poison make you this horny?" He said as he nipped on her , his other Rand grabbing in her breast. Squeezing on her abd pulling on her hardened bus as he sucked on the other, his full sized fangs dragging and pushing inti her breadt, she felt something leaking into her breast iit would seep into her blood and her body would know he had used some kind of venom. It made the Nue poison feel like a cheap ale in comparison to the aphrodisiac effects that would light up in her senses. Heightened sense of touch, it would even make her assets swell bigger of he applied it enough over a consistent basis ableit temporarily, if he stopped they eventually would shrink to their normal size...unless she got pregnant. Then all of that new swollen tissue would be space for milk.
as her maw was upon her one tit, the fangs sank into the supple flesh. Silas would soon notice something himself. as the nipple besides growing hard, and erect, like a little diamond in his jaws.
an unexpected sensation would be some new lactation. she was not pregnant, yet it would seem her busty frame had begun to lactate from excitement alone. all the more, the way she wiggled under her lover
all the more. as if desperately trying to get into position to allow ether of her lewd holes to devour all her lover had to over, while not freeing Sila's face from her soft massive bust.
(XD Clara: Silas, I have a problem....I lactate whenever I'm excited...and you keep injecting the swelling venom...which only makes more more excited, so are my gorls going to just keep growing?)

Silas flicked his tingue over her diamond hard bud, tasting her milk as his venom worked it was through her system, his mouthbwas pulling, sucking on her tits so hard, so hungry fir her as he pushed his hips, his cock slamming into her to feed her the pleasure she deserved.
Now giving into the chance, and enjoying the sensation. Silas would be able to fill his lover once more. however more then just that,
The tight warm depths seemed to be even stronger then before. as if with the increase excitement, his tiny lover had become even more insatiable internally.
yet the fact remained, once her breast was free from his maw, the tiny vixen would move to grasp his head. her eyes looking into his, as if pleading for her lips to get
some attention as well.
Silas locked eyes with her as he looked to her, his breath was soft and sweet with her milk, his hips driving into her harder, his body pushing against her. His lips crashes against hers, wrapping his arm around her. The Serpent knight kissed her deeply, his chest pressing into hers, his scales massaging and teasing her skin.
the duo began to get lost in their actions. the sensation of flesh intermingling with flesh. the impacts growing moist, and all the more audible with each lewd and loving assault.
the way her fingers slid along his scales, nails scraping his armored flesh. each time Silas filled Clara, it would feel as if his impacts were making her attack him with the massive fleshy mounds which
were her love melons. all the more as they would break the kisses, the sounds echoed, in cute yet very loud whimpers and moans for more. this was indeed growing to become quiet an enjoyable and far cuter scene
for Silas to enjoy then planned. as this was a view of his fiery tiny lover that the serpent was enjoying all the more for himself this night.
Lost in the act of passion, which grew louder, and more enjoyable. it would be momentarily enterrupted with loud beating from the walls, echoing. as their guest shouted.

"Keep it down love birds, unless you want sis to come and join in. "

saying this, caused Clara to giggle, before pulling Silas back into her arms, ignoring her little sister, despite the fact that the duo had seemed to drawn more attention then they
expected. and for some reason she had come up stairs to make that announcement, despite the fact her room was down stairs originally.
Silas turned ti cLara as she pulled him in. "Mm-i can fix that." He said as he leaned in to kiss her some more, his fingers came up, drawing a pattern along Clara's belly as he thrusted into her. His fingers painted her skin with subtle magic, thiugh she was resistant to such things, she wasn't being targeted. She was simply the surface. She felt something silky and smooth on her belly forming, something like cloth forming and snaking along her body, up between her breasts.
as this new odd make could be felt, it caused a pleasuring reaction, as the tiny dwarf squirmed all the more. her movement, and squeezing of a reaction made
the sensation on SIlas all the tighter, and more enjoyable. as if the sudden spark of sensation caused her very core to become all the more aggressive in coiling around, constricting,
and suffocating the milk from the very rod which was invading her depths.
He moaned against her lips, pulling back as she felt the sily cloth wrap suddenly around her mouth. "Ah-mm-trying to milk me-dry?" He whispered in her ear as he pumped his hips , her squeezing and milking making him shudder as he started to shoot his cum inside of hee, pulling her against him as he embraced the Dwarf close.
AS the pleasure grew more and more, the sensation, and passion extended for what felt like moments. despite how hours passed. Silas would soon find himself feeling exhausted, as
he would now have what appeared like an glistening and exhausted, yet gagged tiny body under him. her wrists all tangled up in the sheets, from how she was squirming. as if she had been partially bound
in the bed at this point. it would become quiet the view, but one which was as alluring as it was rewarding for such a pair.
asking this, The panting and blushing maiden would speak up a bit.
"so you want to know how kinky I can get? perhaps some rune enchanted bondage?"
asking this in a playful manor, unaware of this was a serious question or if he was gonna ask about doing something
which could be seen as kinky or dangerous. only Sila's next set of words would reveal to clara what was going through his mind really.
(XD Clara is a gem.)

"Heh, restrains of that nature are not necessary." He said shaking his head with a chuckle, pulling her up and on top of him. He cupped her cheeks gently in his hands, looking into her eyes, deeply. "How many children do yiu want?" He asked softly, his eyes were reptilian but somehow only focused on her with a deep allure.
"Thats a silly question, We dwarven Maidens will raise all the hellions we can get. after all, to successfully fertilize a dwarven oven is a miracle in it's self when not of the dwarven blood. "
as she said this, the maiden was honestly telling her lover to knock her up as much as he could, and that she would be happy with a big family. even leaning into tell him in a soft sultry voice.,

"just imagine me with a giant belly crushing that fat cock of yours, while we sit at the dinner table. even better while breast feeding a future halfling hmm?"
saying this with a twisted image of love in her mind. it showed just how much Silas would have to do in order to get Clara's mind in the right, or perhaps it was more so like this as they just
finished an enjoyably long session together.
"Well, I don't know about doing such things with our children in even ear shot of us, if anything I'd prefer keeping such behavior far from their view beyond a kiss or a playful pinch." Silas said chuckling at the picture she painted. He leaned up. "But you, pregnant and full, looking for action, is not a surprise." He said asvhevkissed her a bit, hanging onto her still. " more thing-" he added before she got too excited. "To do so...from my side, you will um...require to see me in a much different way-"
"Wait, does that mean like dragon folk, i need to pry a sacred scale from your lower region? Cause I have a few good tools for such a task. "
as she said this, practically drooling with the ideal of Silas being some kind of giant serpent base dragon or something. her imagination obviously running
wild now. mostly from all the old stories, and fairy tales of reptiles and maidens. yet the real fact would be revealed to her one way or another.
" won't need to remove any scales but you will be very very involved. But you certainly wouldn't mind just will um...take 8 or more hours of effort...for 3 days and 3 nights. And then you will be prepared for me properly and permanently." He said flushing slightly, clearly the paladin finding explaining the intimate nature of Mistian mating rituals and how it would make Clara about to bear his children, both in natural Dwarven ways and as potentially eggs, to be a bit embarrassing. It was almost cute how he felt so shy to tell her, when he was fairly sure Clara would have wrapped her legs around him in public in the middle of a hurricane if he told her it would get her his babies.
"wait how many days do I have to wait? But that isn't fun, unless of course you mean we be at it for that long, then I will gladly accept that challenge."
as she spoke up excitedly, almost as if yellowing the part about them making out for 3 days non stop. it was not an undeal thing to say so loudly, however this would
cause some misunderstanding for silas with her sister come the next morning, yet it could not be helped for how excited she got, as the serpent should have know such a reaction was possible.
Finally letting her cheeks go, Silas would suddenly realize a small mistake he made. as the tiny dwarf used all her might to roll over, and getting her stud on his back. pinning him, as she began to bounce wildly once more.
"Oh, No No, if were gonna do this, I need to get alot of practice in, you better prepare for long nights. "
saying this as she excitedly looked down at him, with an oddly pink hue in her cheeks. however Silas would find telling her this, while still under the influence of his venom enhancing her own naturally high thirst was the mistake.
As if now she was gonna ride him until his cock broke off, or so it felt, even making the paladin sore, despite the pleasure if he did not take control again.
(Silas: leveling up his endurance stat)

Silas shifted around, pinning her back down. "Heh-it's best if we practice in a much different way, you will not be the one on top!" He said smirking as his cloth rose up on its own, his eyes flickering as it started to stretch and wrap around the Dwarves arms hardening and changing, becoming a metal snake chain and cuffs.
As the fun began to start all over again. the two would lose the sense of time, However as Morning came, and the warm light began to shine into the room.
To Sila's surprise, or perhaps more so enjoyment. the morning showed that Clara was far from done. despite being bound, it had gotten tot he point where the snake stud
felt his hips being crushed by how she tried to pull him in with her own legs.

The lost of time would become known as the sister could soon be heard calling out for them, as it was morning and she wanted some breakfast, asking them to take a break from
their fuck fest, with out mixing words.
"Mm-Clara- your sister is calling" he mumbled as Clara used her legs to pull him back inti her, the shackles held her arms up still, her serpent lover thrusting onto her a bit still even if it was the wee hours of the morning. "We should take a break- just like for the preparations." He said grinning as he leaned in and nibbled on her neck a bit.

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