Fantasy RP The Greatest Relic, and Treasure with the Heart of Darkness ( Knight_Of_None )

finally letting her stud free, the tiny diva would smirk, as she felt the odd sensation of him pulling out of her.
the audible sound, and mess left behind caused the tiny terror to giggle. as she would get up, asking Silas if he could help her stand, and get dressed.
saying how she might of endurance, but her legs feel like jelly right now. which was both comical and cute with how she struggled to get up.
her wobbly legs making the dwarf move like a waddling penguin chasing a trainer, holding a fish.
"Heh, I'm shocked you want to get cleaned uo." He teased as he made the chains vanish from her arms and he started to help her up , pulling her into his arms. He was weary but he kept her up all the same as he started to take her iver to her things and started to dress her, something comfortable and cozy for the early day.
"Well if you prefer I have no issues showing off all the stains, and scent of my man to little Nora. " as she said this playfully.
it would paint an image for Silas of the goliath maiden moving to rip his man hood off of his body and sending back to his church.
despite how this would not happen, the thought would be very real, knowing well how Goliath women were, and even more so that she was
to become his sister in law. yet at the same time, Clara was quiet the hand full in her own right. as one thing would lead to another, eventually to the
point where she was wanting to show off her lord husband to be's magnificent frame, and body build to her sister who had no man. as if she was a drunkard wanting
to show off, despite how she had to rely on Sila's for movement support until her leg strength would eventually return to her.
as the two were getting ready, the massive maiden would knock on the door once more.
"oh come now love birds, we need to have some breakfast, and talk business this morning. "
saying this with an agitated tone. the goliath maiden would be growing impatient, if nothing else one could say
she shared this trait with Clara as well. which could be seen as a pre curser to the headache for silas which would soon follow.
(XD shes only agitated because she's been listening to Clara having fun all night)

"We're coming!" Silas said gently, then looked at Clara. "Is she always so impatient?" He whispered as he pulled his hair back a bit. He walked to thee door to open it up,taking Clara's hand to lead her down the stairs.
"Ya, she tends to be a bit on the hurry up and do what I say kind of thing. but she is also cute in her own ways. "
as clara says this, winking at Silas. the dwarf knew something about Nora she did not share with her lover. perhaps out of curiousity,
or more so perhaps to see how things would play out, as the goliath maiden wanted a spar with her lover. which could lead to many scenarios,
all of which could be both enjoyable to watch, and comical in their own right after breakfast.

"so then, you gonna help me cook breakfast, or will you treat your lovely ladies to some home cooking of your own?" asking this playfully.
"then once we get to the table, I shall leave the cooking in your capable paws. "
saying the last part playfully referring to how her lover handed her tiny yet well built and busty form the night prior.
Clara was a s playful as ever, even when she had no strength to stand on her own as of yet. which once this was visible.
surely Silas would hear from Nora about it. but for right now getting his little lady to the table was priority one, then he could
surprise the sister's with some cooking of his own desires.
entering the kitchen, Silas would move to open one of the cabinet to only be attacked by the tiny kit. the Nu kitten jumped upon him from the cabinet. as it's small claws dug
into his leg. as if it was a feline kitten. showing how playful the kit had become sense getting comfortable in this house. however it left the question where the other troublesome kit
might be. having to deal with the playful and energetic Nu kit, Silas would find it annoying while trying to cook, but not entirely bad at least.
as he dealt with the playful Nu, and prepped to cook. The serpent stud would find the other one oddly snuggled in to the busty chest of their guest.
as it purred, getting attention from the goliath maiden. as the two sister's spoke, more then that. he would be able to over hear some of the experiences which
Clara shared with nora. enough to make even the most hardened warrior blush, as most of them painted her as a damsel being taken by a viscous stud, when in fact she
was more so the one to do the initiation with these exaggerated stories, which filled Nora's mind and eyes with both curiosity, excited, and some jealously.
(XD wait is Clara telling stories about Silas in the bedroom!)

Silas 0ut the Nu aside as he started to prepare the dish, it would be using some of the more local ingredients but he figured it wouldn't be too hard to make a Mystian breakfast curry. He sliced up the pork abd beef, using the fat from the slain adult Nus for oiling anothe pan for later, thicker than he would normally for the larger appetites of Nora. The spices began ti sizzle and draw out the savory scents as he prepared the dish and treated the rice carefully.

He came out of the kitchen, carrying in two bowls, steaming warm still. He placed them before the two women presenting te flavorful curry, Meaty and bold with freshly fried eggs on top. "Hold on!" He said stepped back into the kitchen before setting out a large pot. "Its best with the rice freshly served." He said as he added it in. Though the rice was a soft purple color, the different scents of his lands spices had infused itself to it. He spooned it into the bowls.
Delivering the the ladies, Silas would the golliath looked at him now. As a devilish smirk came across her lips.

" so you mighter warrior then big sis huh, this will be more fun of a spar then I thoigj for such a puny reptile boy. " Saying to the serpent t paladin in a more playful and lewd like tone. Their qould be no hiding the trouble his lover had gotten her man I to with her stories now.
"I am a gaurdain." He said simply, with a respectful bow of his head. "My skill, I believe is passable, and I take care of myself." He said humbl,, though to the Goliath it more than likely read as a almost cute attempt at modesty with all the stories Clara puffed Silas with. "What has Clara been telling you?" He said as he set out his own bowl and started to set up his dish.
"I see, if that is the case, then perhaps you are more of a playful thing then she described. one who is both protective, possessive, and gentle?
this will truly be an interesting experience to come. I shall learn more once we spar, after all warrior's true feelings, are shared with the clash of steel. "
saying this as she went back to her meal, enjoying every bite, as she didn't hold back, acting like a starving child eating for the first time, before making an unexpectedly
cute expression, and asking the serpent paladin for seconds.
"Ah ofcourse Nora, you may have as much as you like. " He said as he took her bowl and started to load it up. "Mm, I hope it isn't too mild, I took great care not to use the most powerful spices to prevent discomfort." He said as he set the bowl back down in front of Nora and looked at Clara, curious how his lady Dwarf would do with the meal, hoping she was enjoying it.
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as she took her time eating each bite. If Silas looked closely it was almost embarassing as she seemed to blush, and make the facial expression with each bite of his food, she made
when they were together in the sheets. it would be odd, how her actions, and reactions seem to always draw connections to the unique and sensual personality she possessed. despite how some times
it was not on purpose while with others, it was obviously on purpose, this being one of the times where it was not meant to be a way to tease, but an expression she was unaware of making herself.
Once the meal was done, the massive Golliath maiden would get up, as she walked past her sister and tours Silas. the reptilian stud would suddenly hear his lover saying
dont get to rough. before he could properly react. the massive maiden had him tossed over her shoulder, and carrying the paladin out of the hut, and into the back yard of the smithy area.

"were gonna have some fun big boy. Sis says you are real strong fighter, can't wait we ate now we spar. "
In the Goliaths arms she felt the paladins strong body, his muscles, firm as steel. "You could have merely asked, I don't have to be carried!" He said as he slithered out of her arms, dropping back into the ground. "What are the rules of this fight?' He said as stepped back, taking stock of his opponent. She was larger than him, but that wasn't particularly a issue, size was not a threat before one with the will to overcome.
once the duo were both out and in the back yard, the Goliath would lick her lips. as she looked over the reptilian stud before her.

"First off, let's remove our best armor, and use sister's softer cloth armor? no need to ruin our good gear. "
with that she would smirk, as the soft leather armor, and blunted weapons were already out here, showing the sisters had this planned already.
more then that, the sneaky part was how he would discover that the rules were simple ether one of them surrenders, or is rendered unable to continue
the spar would be over. but nothing which would be life threatening would be used. as she said this, their was a blatant, and obvious loop hole, knowing his
lover well and the gaze this massive maiden was giving the stud. she inteded to subdue him in some lewd manor, perhaps it was only a thought in his mind from
being with clara to much. surely nora was not as much of a deviant as his lover right?
"Well, I do hope you intend to do battle in a clean manner?" He said as he examined the blunted weapons and leather armor laid out for him. Clara knew Silas's nature, he would battle fair and honest, and aby attempts on his body by Nora would only be met with fierce resistance. Afterall, Clara was his wife, and to even dream of touching another woman would cross his mind. Even more so a woman that he wasn't engaged with honestly as a second fiancé. Even if Clara were to step to the door and give all her deviant consent, Silas would probably be as shy and confused as he had been when she jumped on him.

He picked up the armor, examining it a moment but started to slide it on, taking his time.
once the duo were all dressed and prepared, the Goliath's armor and out fit, was very poorly aligned, as well as the way it left her
body a bit more revealing. however as this would normally create quiet the distraction for most foes.

"well then cute one, ready when ever you are " saying this,
saying this as she winked at the serpent paladin, as she would wait for him to make the first move, curious on the kind of movements that one like Silas would use.
Silas kept his eyes fixed annoyingly on her face, taking up his blunt sword, swinging it gently. But then put it down, walking down the line to a larger sword he picked it up, testing it with another swing. He hummed as he turned to face her again, seeming more comfortable now with the heavier weapon, as it was closer to the weight of Three Fang. When she winked at him, he glanced aside briefly. "Your distractions will not work upon me." He said as he hefted the blade, sliding into his stance. He took a swing at her, a testing swipe at her body to examine her as well.
The giant maiden smirked, as she would hint tours something troublesome, but not giving the serpent any details yet.
"Oh, their is a prize if I win, as sis and I made a special deal. But if you win, then you get a special request of me, anything with in my strength to grant. "
as she said this, it would seem this mighty warrior made a kind of deal or bet with Clara, as nora did not give any details, however this showed that Clara
was confident her lover, and husband lord to be would win. However little did Silas know this spar would end up granting him something he did not plan on.

as she fleshed herself, and swung a blunt weapon even heavier, then her own body, and larger like it was a feather. a smirk on her face. as she did not give any sign of
defending herself. allowing silas to take the first strike upon her. Little did the paladin know, that if he did not strike with his full force she would not even feel it. and if he did use his full
force the paladin's own hands would bleed as it would reveal to him, what kind of brick wall this woman truly was. due to the unique mix of blood lines, and passive traits she inherited. yet she
had never met any warrior who could even make her feel threatened, or pained in a battle, yet clara spoke of silas like an unstopable force in battle exciting this mighty warrior into the situation
the serpent holy warrior was now in.

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