Fantasy RP The Greatest Relic, and Treasure with the Heart of Darkness ( Knight_Of_None )

Once the serpent of a stud got close enough, he would be able to see the clear appendages bulging her belly and throat just slightly. as she was being used. more then that, the way the thin yet well armored arachnid like limbs hugged her frame perfectly to position her body like this, while using her. as if to simulate the victim doing such an act willingly.

However her eyes would be the dead give away, not the classic, strong playful one, more of a look as if seeking help. however the true realization would become visible as the first of what would be many large eggs moved through the twin tendrils pumping her womanly entrance. as the process of making her into a lewd incubator had begun.
Managing to hit the beast would cause Clara to cry out in pain, as bubbles escaped her muffled cries. all the more, another set of limbs formed, as the beast began to quickly try, and escape, while holding firmly onto Clara. as she kicked and squirmed all the more. as it was odd, however any blow on this creature while it held it's prey would share pain with her body. However, if it was pulled out of the water. then it would no longer have the advantage or strength it had while in the water. However as this was going on. One tendril which was torn off, now in the hand of Silas squirmed, as it had the egg still in it.
Silas let go of the egg tendril, his body drumming with divinity and wrath building, especially seeing the pain on his fiancee's face. He pumped his limbs all the harder, keeping pace with the run away monster. He reached out to grab its long limbs and try to slow it with his extra weight. He yanked as his body started to bulge again, trying to drag it up the steam's bedding for the shore. No body was laying eggs in his woman but him!
Struggling as he did, the beast began to slowly leave the water, however the limbs he had hold of began to tear. Giving little time for Silas to act, before it would escape, with the powerful claws he had ahold of snapping from it's body. on land this could be crippling but in the water it meant very little. This was turning into quiet the hunt so to speak, as his Fiancée' was better bait then any one could expect. However this was not the intent, yet such a creature could be turned into the guild for extra coin. however this would be a second thought as priority was to get his woman back, as the beast was thrashing, and struggling to break free. cracking and slowly tearing the limbs he held, at the joints, as Silas was slowly pulling it out of the water.
Silas's body drummed with power with every thrash of the beast, serpent muscle flexing larger and larger as he shifted his grip and seized it's joints for exptra leverage. Water and bubbles boiled out of his mouth as he toared under the water and twisted the fragile limited monsters body and threw it onto the shore with his growing might.
Once on the ground, the beast would quickly release Clara from it's hold, as it began to try and escape back into the water. with her now exhausted, yet overly heated, and aroused state. Clara would take hold of the tiny beast, with a wicked glint in her eyes.

"Oi, you think you can fuck and run little ass hole. Your gonna make one hell of a shield. "

saying this, as her mind was already thinking of how to make use of it's impressive shell like carapace on the back. However more then that, She was in a position, to appear to her man as if she was to weak to kill this thing herself. wanting to have him come out, and take care of her would be assailant. as Silas would soon be leaving the water. more then that his next set of actions could cause an unexpected or unforeseen reaction in Clara.
Laying their, panting, and breathing heavily, Clara would roll over onto her back. spreading herself wide, as if in a spread eagle like position. as she looked up at her man.
"Well damn, you took your time. What would have happened if that thing successfully made me it's babies mama hmm? I don't want to be a monster parent, I want to be a cute little reptilian parent. " as she said this almost teasing, and insulting silas at the same time.

the fact remained, she looked more ripe for abuse, her body now far stronger with the alluring scent of a woman in need, due to the effect of the creature which had just used her a bit. more then that, Clara would rub her man's leg with her one foot, as she spoke with panting words. her blushing face looking up at him, as she would finish up with the classic my hero jab.
"The only eggs that you'll be taking are mine!" Silas said as he dropped over her, almost like he was going to get all hot and rough with her already. But instead he craddked her head and kissed her on the lips wrapping her close to him. "I'm glad your safe" He admitted softly after pulling away. He felt her powerful legs wrap around him slightly, not knowing that the river monster had rubbed its strange pheromones inside her.
Now in this state, Clara would take the chance before her, to suddenly lock her legs around Silas. as she looked at him with a hazed and blushed face. her glistening body, erect perky nipples. the way she reached her hands up to him.

"Oh now now, I need you, I need this now. Give me what is do, Give me those eggs big boy, be my cute little snake again. Sate this wary little damsel in distress. "
as she said this, sounding oddly soft tone, and cute, which was a bit out of character for Clara. however it was a more submissive, yet aggressive mix before him. the opposite side to the dominating predator which she was the night prior. However Little did Silas know at the moment, that the pheromones her body absorbed would have this effect on her, as it finally kicked in. making the little dwarf very horny, and more so submissive, as it was a means for that creature to make it's victim more willing, however the process was ended before it could finish, but the state which clara was in would not pass any time soon unless sated, one way or another.
Silas flushed to himself. "Cl-Clara- I can't just do that so soon- you'll be rendered bedridden at your size from the sheer mass and weight of the number i put inside you" He said as she held onto him. It was odd to see her so sumbissive...aggressive as ever but so willing to take. "Id also had to shed this form and that would take up our quest..." He added as he rested his cheek in her large hand. "I...will however do you the Dwarven due...I did Slay for I must do the Laying?" He said as he drew down again to start kissing her and pressed himself between her legs, grinding against her slit.
Moving to do such an act, Silas would soon feel how her legs moved to rest on his shoulder. moving to lock her ankles around his head. her hands moving to grasp his hair. The stud of a serpent would soon discover the more he did this, the wetter she got. Even if he did not Lay with her properly, perhaps he could sate his fiancée with this? however the serpent warrior would discover that such an act only caused a dwarven maiden to grow all the hornier, she would need something much more. However if he did not mind something more harmless, which could be used as a living sex toy. their were many harmless creature's like actual insect, and fae monsters which would feed from their partners, via sexual acts. for this reason they were often captured and sold as sex pets. However with the proper nectar, he could lure one in to help with Clara's condition. which would also grant him a show to remember, and perhaps entice the stud to enjoy he properly later. however for now, he would find how she moved herself to get more aggressive tours his tongue.
As Clara wrapped her ankles behind Silas's neck,she felt the Serpents cock starting to harden for her in her tongue kissing frenzy, the blue grinding in her slippering starving pussy faster and faster. If he even could pry her off of him, he probably wouldn't consider using such tactics upon her sp readily, after all, it was his duty to aid a lady. And he could Aid her how she liked alright. Silas reached blindly, hitching his pants down, his erect member rubbing on her directly.
"Oh come now, bug boy, don't tease a girl like that, I need this taken care, think of it like an itch that can't be scratched by my own means. "
panting, as she said this, her body seemingly getting hotter, and even more bothered by the moment. However as this went on, the small busty maiden would apparently
be more then willing to gobble him up first, if Silas needed a bit of help getting in the full on mood. as she was beyond ready thanks to the mixture of his tongue, and the action of the creature prior. this was not originally part of their prep or planned break time, however perhaps that tiny beast which he slayed was useful for something, if nothing else, showing Silas an oddly cute yet submissive side to his woman, albeit still oddly aggressive in her own way.
(XD Aggressive submission lol)

"Heh, maybe I like to make you wait!" He teased as he drew back, and rubbed himself against her one last time before thrusting into her, wrapping his arms around her hips as he started pushing abd thrusting into her. His rid slotted deep into her again, feeling her heat, the wetness and swollen tunnel sucking him in.
Now giving the tiny vixen what she apparently needed so badly. all Clara could do at this point was buck, twist, and wiggle in pleasure. as she would move to grasp Silas, her hot bothered, and blushed face practically begging to be kissed, as her massive breast bounced, swung, and swayed with each motion. all the more, as if taunting him to grasp, and play with the massive milk makers.
Every second, Silas granted Clara the pleasure she craved, and needed. The serpent would feel his soon to be wife's tight moist inner coils, devouring, and sucking him in deeper then ever before. More then that, the moist tightness, and more then that, the way it would almost seem like her inner depths were moving to try and milk every inch of his shaft.

"Yes, Yes, give me more, and make it rough, make it harder. "

saying this in lewd, oddly cute and high pitched tone. It would be visible in her eyes, as Clara had a look for Silas. However the stud would feel his tiny lover locking her legs around him, as much as she could. wanting to feel him as deep as possible.
Finally giving Clara what her body wanted, the look in her eyes began to change, as the wicked little bitch was now kicking and squirming under Silas. her legs moving to practically pull him in as much as possible. as her arms moved to reach around take his hands. grasping them, as Silas had her massive breast in his palms. the hot breath escaping her tiny face, as she spoke up.

"Damn, oh fuck, fuck fuck, so close, come on a little rougher big boy. give this whore what she needs. make me yours."

speaking in a loud, and excited tone, her body getting more, and more riled up. as the venom in her system was now being fucked out of her finally. However Silas would begin to feel his own strength starting to waver, as if this act allowed her to suck his strength from his very body, as her own body began to glow radiantly before his eyes, or so it would seem. most likely an effect or illusion of lustful enjoyment. however something which could easily be missed was a small rune which would glow on the soft pink flesh, between her breast, on the valley of Clara's very delicate bosom.
(XD Oh no she's absorbing his soul)

As he felt himself getting weak for a moment, seeing her eyes flicker a his thumbs ra. Along her bbreast. He didn't not I ce the rune persay, but his adjustment in grip, he pressed on it with his thumb,. He kept pushing as ger hole kept pulling and sucking, her belly unfortunately started to swell a bit as Clara felt her future husband draining himself into her so hotly. He didn't wish to blaster himself with magic , so he changed his tactics, starting to to chomp and suckle on Clara's breasts. He shifted with her so they were pushed all the closer together, Silas sitting up with her, bouncing her on him lap roughly, threatening to open up her womb.
Now positioning them so that Clara was on his lap. the wicked little diva would smirk devilishly. as she firmly planted her feet on his legs, before lifting and dropping herself violently against each of his thrusts. feeling her stud filling, stretching, and ruining her. Shaping Clara's insides so that she was his perfect shaped, and size cock sleeve. However as this went on his maw suckled her breast. The chance to get rougher, and more into the act. The wicked little slut was wrapping her arms around Sila's head, hugging him into her massive breast.

Little did the reptilian man know, that once he filled her this time, with the rune now active, which was on her very flesh. a special one which was only ever meant to be activated once the insatiable cock whore found herself a worthy, and satisfying lover. it would bind them together, more then that. Silas would become physically exhausted by this for a short while, however it would make Clara sterile for any one, or thing else, except him. making it so only Silas could knock her up, which would take many tries, even if eggs were laid, or flooded with life granting baby slush.
(XD Man I'm dying right now, they just met, they technically getting married and Clara physically bound the ability to make babies to him permanently in only 12 hours. Whirlwind romance indeed.)

Even with Clara planting herself, using her superior position to only further shape herself and twist herself to be perfect for Silas, her runic magic binding them together as she felt him sucking and pulling her nipples with his teeth. Ofcourse he wasn't sure if he had sated her already, or if she was acting just as she normally was any more. Silas didn't exact;y need to know either, they would just have to finish as last night. He felt himself weakening more and more...well his limbs, his muscles fatigued but Clara had the pleasure to keep her stud up. After all, why would she deny herself and her lover a full ride?
( oh no, romance is twisted, and corrupted in this world. Wink Wink. wait till big sis shows up, and decides to join in the fun :D Poor Silas from big man, to little cuddle toy for the sisters. )

Now forcing her stud fully onto his back, her hands pressing against his chest. the way her warm tight depths coiled around, and devoured every inch of his impressive andaconda. as the dwarf bounced viciously, and hungrily upon him. As if trying to break her mate's hips with each assaulting impact. the lewd and moist sounds growing all the more audible. however it would not be long before the tiny vixen would hit her much needed release, and orgasmic high. at which point she would slump over upon him. her body limp, and ripe for Silas to do as he wanted with her, until he was sated as well. However panting like this she would comment, how god damn good he felt. as well as how he was hers, and hers alone from now on. or as her current state would whisper in an oddly adorable tone. mine, mine, mine, all mine mr. snake.
(XD "Nora wants a husband and I figured you wouldn't might marrying might want a bigger house")

As she babbled quietly to herself, Silas caressed her head, her back, letting her bodies thrills run through her, giving her a few more thrusts for a moment. He started to climb back up, to carry her to the shore side to clean himself and her...again. He had no idea what had happened....but he figured Clara was all tuckered out.
Once the duo were their, on the little shore of the stream, Laying their, breathing softly, in an exhausted and smiling state. More then that, Their would be an odd sight, let alone sound. If silas looked, two more of the odd creatures which had attacked Clara prior would be visible on the other end of the stream. as if eyeing her slumbering frame up, but remaining a safe distance away, with the serpent warrior at her side. However if one thought about it, and how these creatures targeted females. It would make much more sense of her prior state, needing sated. The creature had forced the dwarf into a dangerously horny state to allow it's kind to use her until they were sated. But he had ruined this scenario which would have made her an ideal incubator.
Silas glared at the creatures as he noticed them, he drew his sword out almost as if they would even understand the threat behind it. But he'd watch the waters now as he took care if his slumbering bride, petting her belly gently as she brought herself back together again. He wondered briefly if she already knew of these creatures...habits, if she had come in the past. He shuddered the thought away and pulled her away from the shore after having washed her up again.
A short while passed, as Clara began to finally come to. feeling oddly sore, yet satisfied. she would scratch the back of her head.
"Uh, what happened babe? I remember washing up, then a .." going black as she grasped her head. This would show Silas a side effect
of those odd creatures. their victims would not have any memory of the attack, due to the venom which also made them into horny fiends in
need of sensual satisfaction. However it would seem she was unaware of these small odd creatures.

asking this, She would snuggle herself into her man who laid beside her. however the fact remained, the duo would need to get the den taken care of this
day one way or another. yet for right now, it would almost seem like a lovely out door date for clara, which was a lovely idea for them to enjoy on a more
peaceful day once they were done working.
"You...we're dragged into the water by a creature, but I saved you...I believe it wanted to impregnate you." He said as she snuggled into him. "Eh...I had to uh...finish the job after I rescued you. " He said as he started to rise up after a moment. "Should we start butchering these monsters what we were hired for?"

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