The Human Princess and her Vampire Knight (Dream)

Nov 10, 2022
Cassandra was all too lucky, in a world where she lived now. A kingdom ruled by her father and the upmost protection royalty could offer…

Yet she was also very unfortunate. She had been born very sick, always susceptible to outside diseases and whatnot- growing up over the years she never had it easy. Although a life of luxury could offer comfort..she truly was sick most of the time, with that auto immune disease she carried.

Now in this kingdom, ruled by three classes- werewolves, vampires and humans. Humans surprisingly enough were at the top of the chain, knowing that without them, the vampires would suffer- since their race was close to extinction anyway. If it wasn’t for the king producing an heir such as Cassandra- surely their bloodline would be doomed. The commonwealth wasn’t enough to keep the human race alive as they were merely fodder for the vampire race and slaves no doubt to the werewolves.

Cassandra, although very unfortunate was fortunate, given that her body guard was one of these creatures- a male vampire sworn to protect the royal bloodline- his family had trusted him to keep the human race intact, no matter the cost. So he was protective, even offering his blood to help heal her disease, and sometimes she’d refuse. At least he wasn’t offering to turn her- not yet at least.


Curled among her many pillows, blankets, stuffed animals and the only feline animal she was allowed the young maiden of a princess was still sound asleep as the morning began in the community below. Good mornings were spread about, cart wagons creaking through the streets, horse whinnies and pawing for their breakfast while shops were opening, bakers preparing the dough, veggies set out, meat freshly cut. Of course she could not hear a thing through the thick sound proof curtains on her windows that must always be shut unless the doctor agrees she is having a good day and could use some fresh air. Usually she would walk out to the garden, sit among the flowers, see the birds and possibly a bunny if she was lucky before her feline friend would chase after it. What did wake here was a the purring meow of her companion waking to his stomach telling him it was time to rise and eat meaning she must as well.

Groaning Cass would turn over, pulling the blankets with her which resulted in the cat been flipped off the bed, luckily landing on his feet before scurrying to the door to scratch upon to summon breakfast or to let him out. Clawing at the door did send Cass to whine as she peeks out from her blankets, her head ached, any source of light hurt her eyes and her stomach was quite upset to the thought of breakfast. "Hush!" shouting out such a command with an annoyed tone to follow.
The castle had to remain dark, and for that one of her knights- the guard assigned to her- Eric- the vampire… was able to keep up his duties. Letting the servants bring her breakfast, hushing and shooing the feline away to give the Princess some peace and quiet.

He knocked on the door, opening it and letting a servant in with the food tray, following along and dismissing them. He then took a hidden dagger of his, slicing his wrist and letting his blood drip into her drink. Eric glanced to Cassandra and cleared his throat. "If anything…you must drink," he urged, knowing she usually did.
At last the feline was released from her chambers allowing a servant to slip in accompanied by the voice of Eric, resulting in her at last sitting up but remaining under her many blankets that kept her warm. She covers her nose when the scent of food struck her nostrils, with a shake over her head simply taking the glass of ice cold orange juice "take it back to the kitchen, I am in no mood to eat" quickly shooing the servant out. She sips on her orange juice hoping to settle her stomach unable to taste the add on he took upon himself to drop into her drink "What time is it?" questioning Eric.
Eric watched the servant scurry out and looked to Cass as she drank, knowing his blood offered some reprieve for her aching body. He hated seeing her in pain. But if she caught on to what he did for her..

“It’s currently 9 in the morning,” he spoke, hearing a clock chime down in the hallway.
His answer brought about a sigh "Best attempt to get up and begin my reading" she spoke though did not budge as she was still attempting to settle her stomach. A few more sips and the aches faded away making her believe she simply needed a drink and to get up. She rose from her bed still holding a blanket to her body that was so fragile and thin underneath for she had a difficulty keeping on weight. She would glance around her dark room, her eyes had adjusted well over time plus she knew her room like the back of her hand since she rarely left it causing many to think her father did not have a child, an heir anymore. Taking a seat at her desk, flipping on the lamp to start a small blaze to offer warmth ad dim lighting within her vast chambers. One section was her drape covered mattress, a mini living room area set up with chairs and a couch for when her father would visit or she had the energy to gossip with Eric, a desk area for writing, reading, studying and even some drawing, in the back was a separate room of her bathroom and walk in closet filled with gowns she never wore.
"Mm...the details are a bit fuzzy," he rubbed his cheek in thought, not catching her smile or glance. "I believe they were going to turn her so she could stay with him for eternity-" he trailed off, soon thinking of them...and for some reason, a pale, but noticeable blush formed on his face....but why?
Raising a brow as he admits not knowing the full details of the ending, happy ever after or was it took late and the vampire had to watch his life wither away with time? She got an answer of him probably being late so she decided to make the woman seem more like a ghost than actually being present. But before returning to such an idea she noticed his already pale face offer a tint of red across his cheeks, why blush? Shaking her head she lets out a sigh "I shall make her a ghost, a memory of when she was young and beautiful"
He looked to her as she was finishing her drawing, his eyes lingering on her features a bit too longer than he should have. He wanted nothing more than to preserve her beauty, knowing that if she accepted his bite of immortality..all of her illnesses would be cured. But he was unaware that having his blood in her system- if she passed as a human- she would wake up like him.
He chuckled softly at her words and leaned back a little. “I’m not to sure myself,” he hummed, seemingly lost in a thought. “We can always try for…research purposes…?” He asked, suggesting he wanted to bite and taste her blood himself…blood sharing was intimate between lovers, especially if both were of the same for a vampire to drink form a human, it was normal..yet, not normal for one to drink form a royal.
"Why yours...?" he asked in response. "Mmm... something about your scent drives me to want to taste..." he trailed off, gingerly holding her wrist in his hands. "I promise to be gentle," he assured her, vowing to only take a little taste, he knew how weak she was, and he didn't want to hurt her. He then extended his fangs, quickly and swiftly breaking her skin, to the point of it only feeling like a sharp needle, and then pressure would follow as he began to taste her blood for the first time. He closed his eyes as he tasted it, and he couldn't help himself from moaning at how sweet her blood tasted, even if there was a tang from all of the medicines she took..
Tilting her head in wonder of how her blood was drive and urge such as sweets do you a child, a favorited comfort dish as an adult made her all the more curious to his findings when finally receiving the taste of her blood. She did not seem all that worried for never has she been bitten by a vampire but the sharp pressure similar to the spike of a needle did make her tense up for a mere moment, following by a withdrawing pressure as her blood dripped upon his tongue. Eyes trained upon his face, widening by the sound of his muffled moan in reaction of her blood did made her heart flutter, a rush through her body by excitement as she blushed deeply. Completely unaware they were blood sharing due to him slipping her his own blood this morning, quite intimate. "Can Vampires lose control when drinking blood or is that only to ones starved of it for a long time?" she would inquire beginning to think she should have asked earlier, should have asked many more questions. But he was always there, honest with her and a comfort so he was no threat in her eyes.
He continued to drink, his mind deep on feeding from her still- only gently pulling away once she asked her questions. His eyes were a ruby red when he locked eyes with her, and he wiped the sides of his mouth. He then did something, he took her wrist again- licking the holes on her wrist with his tongue, the saliva healing it like it never happened. He then looked back to her and responded. “Mm..losing control, can happen to any vampire- blood starved or not. Depends on the situation and the vampire.” He clarified for her knowing she probably had many questions.
The pressure intensified just before he released his lips from her wrist, watching him clean his mouth before returning to run his tongue along her wrist which was quite the surprise as she watched the wound he inflicted heal in a moments noticing. Blinking her gaze up to him, his eyes having a ruby red glow to them as he answers his question having a slight feeling if she had not spoke he would have kept going. "Ah..." a sound from her mouth to acknowledge his answer before following up " do I or did I taste?" unable to pause herself form biting lightly on her bottom lip, did he find her sweet, addicting, a taste he found unique.
His pale face flushed slightly as she offered him her blood whenever he wished, and he looked to her, his eyes darkening slightly, "Are you certain, Princess? I don't wish to cause you anymore harm to your already weak body..." but truth be told, it was a hot thing she was suggesting, and even so intimate...he couldn't help but wonder what was going through her mind.
A shrug was her nonchalant answer to his concern of her health "Just be sure to ask" adding on a requirement to sipping her blood that she doubted he would get addicted to her. "Speaking of blood, doesn't you hold some abilities?" she questions him with interest of knowing more of vampires, her mind so far remaining out of the gutter until she grew hot and bothered.
Huffing to him keeping his true powers in the dark for her to embarrass herself with rumors and theories "Well's not red but silver, um you can turn a human into a vampire if they drink vampire blood before dying. Oh! And healing wounds, right?" result hoping she did not just give him a reason to laugh at her.

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