The Human Princess and her Vampire Knight (Dream)

"There's several ways one can turn into a vampire," he clarified, showing her he didn't find her questions to be laughable. He then looked to her, "Drinking blood of a vampire before dying is one...venom is another.." he hummed, "And my blood can heal wounds. Mostly superficial but it can only help unseen wounds a bit, unfortunately it cannot cure unseen illnesses.." funny how he mentioned that, knowing that's exactly what he did for her, only to find out it wouldn't heal her.
Blinking with shock that there was more than one way that was rumored to turn a human into a vampire, she was fascinated to hear more about this venom but least he did not laugh at her answers, even explained them further for her. She never held hope that his blood would aid in her illness that has plagued her life, least she does not need to worry a visible wound leaving a scar anymore. "Venom you mentioned, like from your fangs?" glancing at his lips
"Yes, venom," he flashed his fangs for her, sharper than a needle- deadly if you're the victim..But truly- he was clearly not going to harm her in any way. "My venom can also subdue my prey, if I choose to hunt," he mentioned, and then tilted his head a little, "It can also cause great lust and desire for the bitten towards the vampire who bites them- but that is only from if previous feelings as such were there to begin with."
Her reaction to the flash of fangs was mild of eyes widening slightly as he continued about hos the venom can effect another, feeling uneasy by the term prey being used. Did he see her as weak prey? She knew she was weak thanks to the illness, wishing so often there was a cure or something to give her a day of being normal. Slightly distracted by her thoughts she turned back in when seeing his head tilt, words of lust and desire dropping from his lips, her cheeks blushing a deep red as she steps back from him. "Do you control the venom like did you inject me with some when you drank from me?" asking as she glances down her wrist.
He noticed her stepping back, and then he realized perhaps he went too far. "Well...I can control the amount that comes out, but obviously every bite will leave a trace of it," he clarified, noting her blush. "But don't worry Princess, you know I would never take advantage of you like that," he crossed his heart, showing her he was serious.
Her hand took hold of the wrist he drank from not changing her mind of offering her blood to him but hesitant of her reactions to his venom. She nervously laughed "Well I am not dying anytime soon and who knows how your venom will affect me" shrugging a little. "Enough talk about that, I am glad you enjoyed it and it did not hurt that bad so I still agree with my offer" slowly moving her other wrist out to him "you wanna taste again?"
He listened to her and if he could blush…especially when she held out her wrist again for him. He then stepped forward and gingerly took her wrist, his eyes focusing in on her veins, and then he took a soft breath- looking up to her. “Cassandra.. I-“ he paused and glanced to the couch behind them. “Here,” he began and brought her over, letting her sit next to him and he looked up at her face. “Princess, please be aware of what you are asking of me..” he wasn’t declining the offer- he just didn’t want to hurt her.
Watching his reaction to her offering him more of her blood the expression he held was bashful without the reddening of a blush making her grin but that faded as he led her to take a seat on the couch with him. She sat down meeting his gaze with slight confusion before letting her small smile grow "I am not asking anything of you, I am offering my blood to you, might as well make this body useful in some way" joking a little of how weak she was.
He tsked at her comment, giving a soft shake of his head. “Oh hush,” he knew she was mostly joking but his expression softened further as he gazed upon her. “I just don’t want to make you any weaker than you already are..” he said, knowing that’s why he fed her his blood. “After I drink, I must ask you to do one thing,” he began, waiting for her to ask what it was.
Narrowing her eyes she had no clue had already had been dosing her with his blood which aided in subsiding some affects of medication or her illness. She drops her gaze from him "Fine, guess that is fair" admitting as she saw no true concern since she was young and alive, uncertain how she would feel as a vampire. She holds out her wrist him once more dying to feel that sensation once again.
He looked at her again, searching her face. At her words, he nodded. “I will Princess.” He murmured out, before taking his hands and pulling her close into his embrace. He then hovered over where exactly he could hear and smell her blood rushing at. It probably was a bit faster due to her anticipation. His lips graced her skin, his fangs prodding at her delicate barrier. And then he pierced her, quickly and swiftly, no more than a sharp sting, but the flow of her blood into his mouth, the releasing of his venom…would heat up her body in ways she couldn’t have imagined..the pleasure she would feel from it..
Not expecting him to pull her into his arms, her senses being knocked by his smell distracting her as he settled his lips over the spot of her skin. She didn’t even have time to tense up when he entered his fangs into her delicate skin. A moan escaped her, hands grasping onto the front of his shirt to hold herself close as possible. Her eyes fell closed as she felt a rush of pleasure through her body, something she never had the honor of experiencing. “Eric” saying in name is such a desiring manner she could feel her face heating up, her thighs squeezing together.
Pressing her body more against his, balling her fists into his shirt as she pulled on it while letting out wispy pants. She lets out another soft moan as he continued to drink from her, one hand dropping from his shirt to grasp the skirt of her dress. Blinking her eyes open she was beginning to feel dizzy but didnt want him to stop, she wanted more.
He could tell she was beginning to feel dizzy- and he pulled back with little to no pain for her and she could see that his lips were blood stained. Eric searched her face, his breathing steadying. He could also tell the effect he had on her, but he didn’t want to do something rash. Unless…she asked, but, no..she wouldn’t.
Feeling his weight lift from her causing a whine as some blood leaked from his puncture points. She searches his face noticing he was a tad breathless but not as dazed as she was. Whay was this feeling, this urge thay was pent up inside her? She didnt even think as she rushed up pressing a sloppy kiss to his bloody lips. A metalic taste but she didn’t care as she had all this energy coursing through her. Pulling away she gasps softly realizing what she did “I…I um”
He was surprised today the least, and as she pulled away, he touched his lips. He licked them, wiping them clean of blood. He then looked back to her, his gaze darkening. He pulled her back and licked over the puncture wounds, sealing it up effectively. But then he did something he shouldn’t have. As he held her he began to kiss on her neck, nibbling here and there on her sweet skin.
“Cassandra-“ he breathed out her name in return, his kisses trailing her neck down to her shoulder blade, and he pulled away to look at her face- her lips..his arms wrapped around her still. “Forgive me,” he asked, before he leant in and kissed her properly- softly- sweetly…full of passion and want.
She lets out a relaxed sigh, tilting her head for him to have all the access he desired. Meeting his gaze when he pulled back she was confused a moment before given her first real kiss. Her breath was snatched away in an instant as her eyes fall closed into such passion. Her hands grasped onto his shirt again, pulling closer to her.
She didnt know what they were doing but it felt so good and right. Once in his lap, her hands ran up his chest, shoulders and one hand played through his hair. Of course she would shift a little as his hands began to wander her slim body under those clothes. Not stopping or complaining she began to get the hang of kissing, her body following instincts.
He began to guide her- knowing exactly what they were doing..and he paused a moment let her catch her breath- his eyes trained on her face.. “May I ask…would you give your purity away to someone like me?” His hands had rested on her hips, something was hardening underneath her as she continued to sit on his lap. The good thing was, she wouldn’t have to worry about pregnancy.
Opening her eyes once he paused feeling his hands on her hips while she felt a hardness beneath her that wasnt there before. She pants a few breathes searching his eyes by his question of taking her purity. No one wants her anyways, she was a ghost always locked away. But he wants her, he sees her and she wants him so badly “someone like you” she murmurs. “I trust you and only you, please show me the world” a way of saying yes to his request.

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