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Fantasy AU The Lady of the Mansion and Her Warlock (Orion)

Local Time:
11:40 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Raelynn felt her folds easily accept Dante’s cock into her, making her moan out- her voice was melodic and sensual, her eyes deepening in their pinkness as she closed them shut and arched into Dante slightly while he bottomed out, pressing against another entrance of hers that she wasn’t quite familiar with, but it wasn’t uncomfortable.

Usually her eyes were an icy blue, hiding those pretty ruby reds of hers. But now, if they were as pink they were- it was a tell tale sign of her being deeply in love- and Dante would be able to easily pick that up. As he easily fit inside of her, Raelynn couldn’t help but tighten her depths around his member, squeezing and holding onto him, wanting him to stay as long as he was able to.

As the moments passed, she managed to speak out to him, “Dante- y-you feel so..” her depths tightened around his cock again as she moaned her next words out to him, “warm and big..!” Clearly she was already feeling pleasure, and as cold as her depths felt to him, it wasn’t an uncomfortable experience.
A pleasured moan resonated through his chest as she tightened herself around him. This cost his hips to reflexively move forward, only succeeding in grinding himself into her even more. The coolness of her insides sent pricks of pleasure through his member, and this combined with how firmly she held him made his eyes shut from how overwhelming it all was.

As she spoke, his body was wrapped with another wave of pleasure, and when she finished, he found the strength to muster a response. “And you…“ A spurt of warm precum released inside of her as he finished the rest of his sentence in a long shuttering moan. “…feel so tight.…

He pressed his soft lips against her’s in a kiss once more before speaking again. “I’m going to start moving now.” This would feel different to Raelynn. Dante’s voice was just as sweet as it always was when he spoke to her, and he would never normally do anything like this to her without permission, but he wasn’t asking this time.

She would then feel his cock begin to slide itself out of her before thrusting back inside to fill her again.
Local Time:
11:40 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Raelynn gasped out lightly as he pushed into her further, the feeling sent shivers of pleasure up her spine. And at the feeling of something warm spurting inside of her made her eyes widen slightly as another breathy moan left her perfect lips.

She couldn’t help but feel a bit shy when he commented on how tight she was, her cool- slick depths wetting further than they already had been. While he kissed her, she moaned into his lips, taking a breath when he pulled back. At the sounds of his words, the mentioning of him start to move- Raelynn nodded to him, “A-Alright..be..gentle-“ she reminded him, moaning when his cock slid out and pushed into her again, causing her legs to wrap around his hips. Her hands were clutching the bedsheets, her head turned to the side as she felt him continue to thrust- her neck exposed for him to kiss- or..bite.
Dante had begun to lose himself in pleasure. His hips moved ever so slightly faster, and it even seemed as though he had grown a bit larger within her. Then, she said those words, and he remembered that it was her first time.

He hid this realization entirely however, and quickly slowed down to the pace he had previously. “Whatever you say.” He answered, the same gentleness she knew him for returning.

It was at this moment however that he noticed her exposed neck. Dante leaned down, and sank his teeth into her neck just enough for her to feel it. He didn’t believe it at first, but he was starting to notice that her venom was affecting him. He had never had desires this strong before, or nearly lost control of himself like that. It had to be her venom, or was it just her?
Local Time:
11:40 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Dante had to remember what she had spoke to him previously, for her venom only heightened feelings that were already there.

But as he bit down on her neck, Raelynn moaned out sweetly, the sensation of being bitten - even if it wasn't piercing her flesh, caused the young vampire to release her grip on her lover's cock, a cool gush of liquid spilled forth across Dante's length, showing she had squirted once again- cumming from the feeling of his bite.. of course, other factors were in play, like him thrusting into her, but everything was so new that she was oh so sensitive, and his to fully explore.

"Y-You feel so-" Raelynn moaned, "G-Good.." her legs around his waist only tightened as she drew him forth and deeper within her. She wanted to feel more of him, and he would be able to tell that alone from how she reacted.
A shiver ran through Dante’s body as he felt her juices cover him. He could tell that she was enjoying herself, but knowing that he could get these kind of reactions from her drove him wild.

He moved to her lips, briefly locking her into a kiss before moving away and wrapping his arms around her. As he did so, she would notice that he had started to tremble slightly. She would also realize that his pulse had quickened as he brought her up into his lab, bringing them chest to chest.

Dante’s ministrations continued as he brought her closer to him, his thrusts into her becoming more sporadic. “I’m close Rae.” He moaned with an audible sense of desperation in his voice as his eyes squeezed shut, and another shot of precum found its way inside of her. “I’m so… fucking… close.” He finished, each word punctuated with a slow yet powerful thrust of his hips.
Local Time:
11:40 PM
Nov 10, 2022
At the feeling of the kiss, she moaned against his lips, catching her breath as he pulled away and wrapped his arms around her. She noticed his trembling, and could hear his heartbeat quicken more than it already had been. And when he pulled her up and into his lap, she gasped out at the new sensation- the feeling herself sit up and on him- feeling him deeper than he had been previously was also driving her wild, making her cry out more and more, they were lucky her room was magically sound proof or else, well..others would hear the noises she was making.

And the way his thrusts became more sporadic- her body bouncing up and down with each thrust.. at his words, that could only mean one thing- and she buried her face within his neck, her breath falling on it as she cried out- pretty much begging him to- "P-Please..I-I want to feel you filling me up!" She knew she wasn't able to have a child - at least, not yet until the blood moon, but..for now, some part of her wished that she could- yet she knew it wouldn't be fair to Dante, as he did have a wife still..

Still, Rae wanted to feel him release inside of her, she wanted his cum all over her insides, some part of her wanted him to 'mark' her in a sense, as she never wanted another man touching her but Dante.

"My heart, body and soul are yours Dante," she moaned into his ear, "So please, let me feel your release.." Her breath was heavy, as if she was close to another climax herself. And the wet, lewd noises proving so as she gave out a louder moan, her own body trembling as she came, his cock connected with her entrance right when she did, making her nectar spray all over once again, like a gushing waterfall. "Dante...!" She cried out his name when she released.
Dante‘s body was racked with another wave of pleasure as she asked him to fill her. He already felt like he was close, but her words felt like they were pushing him to an edge he was already rushing toward, and he wanted nothing more than to do exactly what she had asked.

In just a few moments, the one woman he had wanted for so long would finally be his. Maybe it would only be for an instant, but he didn’t care. it didn’t matter to him if it would be the only time that she would lay with him, or even if he could never lay with anyone else again. He was with her now, but then,she told him that she was his, heart, body and soul, and he couldn’t take anymore. The swollen head of his cock pressed into her entrance as she came, his own orgasm, not too far behind.

Dante‘s muscles clenched as wave after wave of his hot cum shot from his tip, flooding Raelynn’s insides. His cock throbbed wildly inside her, as her pussy milked him for everything he was worth. “Rae!” He moaned out, his voice filled with nothing but raw passion.
Local Time:
11:40 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Raelynn had her arms wrapped around Dante's neck now, and the moment his cock shot his hot, sticky release into her-- she tilted her head back- arching her back while pressing her chest upwards as she gave a hot, satisfied moan that was mixed with a cry of pleasure. The sheer feeling of his cum filling her up entirely was pure bliss for her, and she knew she didn't want this feeling from anyone else.. and she knew she didn't want Dante giving this-- giving his seed to anyone else either, but she knew that would be impossible.

After a few moments she leaned in towards him, resting there in his arms as she was still sitting on top of him. By now his cock had softened enough and slipped out of her, but she didn't mind-- she just wanted to stay in his arms for a bit longer, take in his scent and warmth. She didn't expect to be so exhausted, especially since she was a vampire.. but then again, what had happened earlier in the ballroom.. either way - Dante was her first, and she wanted him to be her last.

"I love you Dante," Raelynn murmured out softly, her head resting in the crook of his neck. She was closing her eyes and leaning more into him - almost as if she was about to fall asleep.
Dante, while coming down from his high, reclined onto the bed resting his head on a pillow bringing Raelynn down to rest on top of him. His fingers began to thread themselves through her hair, but then he heard something that made him freeze. He knew that she had already told him that tonight, at least he thought she had. It was pretty difficult for him to remember anything they had said over the past few minutes, but even if she had already said it, this time it struck a cord with him. somebody loved him. SHE loved him.

A smile crossed his lips as he thought about what she had said. “I love you too Rae.” Dante whispered before planting a kiss on her cheek. “Now get some rest. I’ll be right here when you wake up.“

There was no way of knowing what consequences there could be for what they had just done, But whatever they were, for right now, Dante did not care. he had the only woman that he needed, and no one would take her away from him. Not even Wysteria.
Local Time:
11:40 PM
Nov 10, 2022
A funny thing about her bed— Dante had actually spelled it a long time ago so that she was able to actually rest within it, and sleep as if she were a human. So it wasn’t going to take her long to actually fall asleep. In this moment though, she had forgotten about that, and why she had been so tired after when they had just..

She rested herself against him, closing her eyes and smiling softly after he had told her he loved her in return. She knew it to be true, but also knew he wouldn’t be able to stay here too much longer. She hated that.

When she woke back up, she was still in his embrace, and she rubbed her eyes awake- yawning a bit as she did. “Mm..Dante?” She called out his name, not actually knowing what time it was now. She had woken up to a phone buzzing again and again, as if someone was calling it. Most likely Dante’s wife.
Dante stretched groggily as he woke to her calling his name. With his eyes still closed he responded, “what’s wrong…“ Before being cut off by the vibrating of his phone. Curious to know who could be calling him, he reached off of the side of the bed rummaging through his discarded clothes before grabbing the phone, bringing its screen up to his face and opening his eyes.

His eyes quickly shot open panic filling them as he realized who was calling. He then put a finger over his lips, silently pleading for Raelynn to stay quiet while he fumbled to answer the call.

“Hello Eri.” A worried feminine voice could just be made out on the other side of the line. “No, I’m fine. I didn’t answer because I Was preoccupied.” The person On the phone progressively shifted from quiet worry to a much more audibly frustrated tone as the conversation continued until the distinctive timbre of Wysteria’s voice could clearly be heard, whatever she had said causing Dante to reflexively move a hand and cover his neck. “Listen. I know you don’t like her, but she would never do something like that.”

This went on for about another minute until his fist clinched, and his voice deepened as he responded to Wysteria. “I can understand why you are worried, but I don’t care what she is, you will NOT talk about her like that, or any of my friends for that matter.” There was a long pause before her voice could be heard again, and this time at a more reasonable volume. “ I’ll be home before then, and I’m sorry too.” She could be her once more before a grimace crossed Dante’s face, “I love you too.” as he ended the call, the phone dropping from his hand.

Dante rested a hand on his forehead as he sighed obviously exhausted from the brief interaction. “I have to go soon. If I’m not home by the next hour or so she’ll come looking for me.” He moved from underneath Raelynn, and got up from the bed. “I’m so sorry I can’t stay longer.” He said, the regret in his words evident.
Local Time:
11:40 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Raelynn shifted to wake up fully, now hyper aware of the conversation that was about to take place. She watched as Dante silently panicked, and motioned to have her remain quiet throughout all of it. She wasn't shocked to hear the way Wysteria was talking about her on the phone, and some of the comments made were NOT nice. She hated that her hearing was..well, impeccable, but she tried to drown out most of the conversation that was being held.

The moment that Dante told her he had to go soon, she nodded to him, her hair falling past her shoulders and covering up her still bare chest. The moonlight filtered in and hit her pale skin perfectly, making her glow almost ethereally. She pulled the covers over her next, and looked to his face. "Don't apologize...I-- I understand," she tells him, remembering Peter for a moment but that thought left her mind very quickly as she realized fiancé and wife were..two separate things. But, she didn't feel an ounce of remorse for Wysteria-- sure, she didn't condone cheating but..when the situation was hard for Dante to get out of....

"Just..be safe while returning home," she tells him next, her eyes full of worry for the man in front of her, the man that she loved.
Dante turns to her after pulling on the last of his clothes and grins mischievously. “As long as I don’t run into any other ravenous vampires that might find my sent as intoxicating as you do apparently, I should be fine.” Despite not being in the best mood, he did not want her last memory of him for the night to be him sulking his way out of her room in the middle of the night, so he fell back on what he usually relied on in these situations, and hoped it would distract her from her worries for at least a little while.

He turned to the door, and made his way over to it, hoping that she didn’t see his smile drop as he thought of how infuriated he really was. he finally gets to spend the night with the one woman he loves, and it ends like this. Dante steadied his breath as he finally reached the door, and called out to Raelynn one more time before finally stepping into the hall. “Have a good night Rae, and remember no matter what may happen, I love you. Nothing will ever change that.”

Dante then stepped out of the door and closed it behind him. He didn’t live too far away, but something told him this would feel like a much longer walk than it did when he first arrived. His wife was waiting on him after all.
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