Fantasy AU The Lady of the Mansion and Her Warlock (Orion)

Seraphine lapped up the water gratefully, wanting nothing more but than to be out of here, and in some type of shelter. Then and only then she would explain to Peter about her pregnancy—for she was afraid if she did it now he would be upset at her.

Upon hearing someone else suddenly appearing by them, she moved to raise her head, her eyes trained on the vampires and the man. She realized suddenly this was the same man who had spilled wine on Peter, to get him away from Raelynn. And the magic that Dante had carried had ironically negated the magic that Wysteria had planted on him, but of course Seraphine didn’t know who Wysteria was yet, or why Peter had been acting that way, and especially why the ‘betrothal’ to this random woman she had never heard of before.. soon everything would come to light, but for now as she was laid down and Peter had promised to be back, she closed her eyes, soon shifting back into her human form. She felt Peter kiss her cheek and she murmured out something to him, but it wouldn’t be able to be heard as she eventually passed out. The adrenaline left her body and her pregnancy didn’t help either.

Raelynn listened to him and merely nodded, closing her eyes again. She hated she couldn’t do anything, and that she had felt so powerless. The drink she had ingested earlier— although Dante had helped negate most of the effects still made her body extremely weaker than normal. When it was a sleeping draught that had poison in was only expected. She couldn’t imagine the others in her coven..she hoped some of them made it out alive, but she was doubtful. She then passed out in Dante’s arms, hoping he would take them to her family’s lake house, knowing it to be quite remote and far away from any prying eyes.
Peter made his way over to Dante with a practiced ease. He may have just beaten a werewolf bloody no more than five minutes ago, but he wasn't one to lose his cool to easily. "Excuse me. I overheard your conversation about finding a safer place, and I wanted to know if you would be able to take me and my friend over there with you." Peter then flashed that same charming smile that had gotten him most everything he'd ever wanted as he continued. "We were attacked recently by the same creatures that attacked you by the looks of it, and she needs a place to rest."

As Dante listened to the man speak he could've swore that they had met before, but he couldn't remember how, and he was in no state to care. There were two more people that needed his help, and that was the only thing Dante had enough energy left to care about. He looked over to the other exhausted woman behind Peter and gave him a nod. "Bring her over here. I... I think there's one place I can teleport us to."

Peter did what he was told without hesitation, bringing Seraphine over to their unexpected ticket to freedom, and soon after he returned, Dante's eyes began to glow, and the swirling vortex of his magic made its way around the four of them. The scenery of the forest became obscured by the force of whirlwind pulling in loose leaves and small water droplets that were picked up from the forest floor, but just as fast as it had begun it ended, and they were standing in a modest home by the side of a lake. Modest by ancient noble vampire family standards anyway.
Upon reaching the lake house, it was quite modern, to be exact. More modern than the mansion and it was surprisingly remote. The area around them wouldn’t see a town for the next few hours— like the mansion had been. It had been many years since Dante had stepped foot here, and where a few times he had come to see Raelynn, where she usually was at the window, looking over the lake. She had often wished for more than to be trapped, but his magic often entertained her and kept her from boredom.

Seraphine wasn’t waking, she had fallen into a deep slumber if one would say that. But it was to be expected. The same happened to Raelynn, and going towards the separate rooms on the opposite sides of one another— was only best at this point.

When Raelynn was laid down in her bed after entering her old room, Dante would suddenly remember who Peter was, and the fact that he had been at that masquerade party. Perhaps Wysteria had put Peter up to things…it was only plausible. And it wouldn’t be much of a shock anyways, since Wysteria had always been jealous of how Dante held affection for Raelynn.
Dante nearly kicked himself when he remembered who Peter was. He was nose to nose with him, and yet he hadn't recognized him what so ever. Maybe he was the one who poisoned Raelynn, but if he was, why did the wolves attack him too, and did Wysteria really plan all of this?

Dante's gaze flicked to the window as he lost himself in thought. He knew Wysteria hated Raelynn, but would she really kill over him? He shook his head as if to force the thought out of his mind. He knew that she could be petty, posessive, and even cruel at times, but murderous?

Maybe he was in denile, but he didn't believe it. He spent most everyday with her, and he not once considered that she would do something like that. He then looked back down at Raelynn's injured form and sighed. He would need a lot of rest to help her recover when she woke up, so he crawled under the covers beside her, pulled her into his chest, and soon after closing his eyes, Dante fell asleep.
And as the pairs were resting, Seraphine couldn’t help but dream of events that happened not too long ago — especially when her and Peter had begun to become something more..

Seraphine was walking the hallways of the coven she belonged to, wondering where the vampire lord, Peter- was currently. At this present moment, she only knew him for a few months— yet she couldn’t help but blush at the very idea of him. Why had she found this vampire to be attractive? It should go everything against her nature. And yet, he was nothing but kind to her, even if she was just a servant to him.

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