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Fantasy AU The Lady of the Mansion and Her Warlock (Orion)

Local Time:
7:09 PM
Nov 10, 2022
By this point, Raelynn had fallen back on the bed, panting and looking up at the ceiling. Hearing his words, and feeling him shift, she was about to say something and then..he laid his head on her chest. She..was surprised to say the least, but didn't move him, nor said anything. She figured he was still a little foggy in the head, so she let him rest there, and her hand reached out and played with his hair gently. "Thank you.." she breathed out, closing her eyes. Her lips were closer than they should have been, if he just..leant up a little he could-
“You’re welcome.“ Dante answered breathily. After a few moments past, he began to come back to his senses. He looked up, and after noticing how close he was to Raelynn’s face, he quickly began to realize what, or who in this case, he was laying on. A deep Crimson blush began to creep its way across his face as he shot a quick glance to the still closed door before looking back to her. “I… I’m… Rae I didn’t know…” Dante sputtered, looking for words, but failing to find any.
Local Time:
7:09 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Raelynn made a soft grunt as he shot up suddenly, and she noticed his blush- figuring he had just realized where he had been laying. She gave him a soft grin, her smile was kind and understanding. "It's alright Dante, I promise," she assured him, leaning back slightly now. She then noticed his neck, still trickling blood. She moved and grabbed a handkerchief, and moved close to him once more. "Here, for your neck," she urged, her eyes concerned that she may have pressed too hard earlier. His scent made its way up to her nose yet again, and as she dabbed at his neck gently to soak up the blood, she began to resist the urge to drink yet again as his taste was still on her tongue.
Dante noticed her lean away from him, and for a second he thought if he knew she would be OK with it, he would’ve stayed where he was. He was about to make Small Talk to hide the lingering feeling of regret that he felt, but when he felt the handkerchief against his neck, another thought came to him. A question that, in hindsight, he probably should’ve asked earlier. “Rae, I don’t know much about your kind.” He began to idly tap a finger against the mattress after making that statement. “Well, it sounds terrible when I say it like that.” He let out a small chuckle. “I don’t know much about vampires. Could this…” he placed a hand over where she had bit him “change me?”
Local Time:
7:09 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She listened to his question and hummed in a soft response. “Hm..not particularly, no..” she clarified, clearing her throat a little. “If you’re worried about becoming one of my kind, you’d either have to be drained dry, and infused with the venom I carry… or die with my blood in your system- and be sired to me,” she finished speaking, looking at his eyes curiously. “But these days, turning one into a vampire is rare- we’re practically all born now,” she reminded him, herself an example of that coupling.

“But I’d never turn you without asking, and of course wouldn’t do it unless you tell me so,” she looked at his skin. “You’d be more pallor than you are now,” she reminded him, her ghostly white hand touching his. Her eyes looked back up to his. “Dante, I-“ she hesitated, biting her lip again. “I-I’m sorry, but your blood’s scent is too strong for me,” she murmured out, clutching that handkerchief she had used earlier. “Could I ask you to pull that hanging large tassel by the bed and summon a servant for me?” She needed to satiate her blood hunger.

But was it really blood hunger? Or something else stirring inside the vampiress for the first time?
He turned, searching for the tassel for a moment before moving to pull it. before he could however, he realized what she was asking him to do. “Are you still hungry?” he questioned, looking at her out of the corner of his eye before turning to face her again. “If all you need is more of my blood, I’ll give it to you.” Dante moved his hand from underneath her’s and rested it on top, gripping it gently. “I may not have known what to expect earlier, but I’m pretty sure I can handle it now.”
Local Time:
7:09 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(Hey! I messaged you over on discord btw :3 it was a few days ago tho lol)

As he turned to pull the tassel down, She began to steady her breathing. Well, not like she required to breathe, but still. As ‘dead’ as she was, her body did require a lot of living motions. Perhaps that was due to the fact that she was born into vampirism.

She knew for a fact that she had to breathe, that she could feel a faint beat of her own heart..perhaps being conceived underneath the blood moon made her have different aspects- different.. to vampires of the usual sort.

But while she contemplated this, her attention was soon turned back on Dante the moment he spoke. The scent of his blood came to her nose again and she locked her gaze on his neck. She could hear his pulse, the hesitation in his voice- even if it was ever so slight.

She could tell of her own hesitation too. It wasn’t blood she wanted..she desired something else. She felt embarrassed to say the least.

“Well..it’s..complicated,” She tried explaining, hoping that he wouldn’t pry into giving him an explanation. But if she had to, who knows where it might lead them.
(it may have taken me a few days, but I did in fact respond to your message. It may have only been about an hour ago, but I did respond.)

Dante Raised an eyebrow. “It’s complicated hm?” A Teasing tone began to creep its way into his voice. “More complicated than needing to drink your friend’s blood?” he slid closer, placing a hand underneath her chin, and tilting her head up to meet his gaze. As he did, the Cheshire grin that played its way across his face shifted into something much more gentle, not unlike the smile she gave him mere moments earlier.

“I’ve told you things that I would never dream of telling anyone else.” he shrugged slightly as he continued. “Hell, i’ve told you things that would absolutely ruin me if they got out.” He moved his hand from her chin to her thigh, not breaking eye Contact for even a second as he did so. “I swear on everything that I am that there is nothing you could say that would ever make me think less of you.”

There were a few things that Dante truly cared about, and whether she knew it or not, Raelynn was at the top of that list. He would do most anything if it meant seeing her happy, and whatever she would ask of him next, he would do without hesitation.
Local Time:
7:09 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Oh how she practically almost melted from his touch - the sound of his voice. Gods. What was happening to her? Was it due to the blood moon nearing? Were her feelings being swayed much more than she realized? She knew something...

Then again, she knew she had fallen for him long ago, but now she had to repress those feelings, for his sake, his wife- his coven.. her coven. Raelynn looked at Dante when he told her there was nothing she could say that would make him think less of her, and then and there she knew she had to tell him something- anything. "I-" she began, biting her lip gently- the way the candlelight of her room made her skin have a soft glow to it- her normally blue colored eyes were a tinge red. She parted her lips and her fangs glinted in the light, she glanced to him. One would describe the setting as very romantic lighting- soft bed, sheets and pillows..

"I'm sorry...drinking your blood just..made me... lust after you..." she explained, feeling embarrassed to say it, but then she offered a quick explanation, although it didn't help her in much regard. "You know of blood moons right? Where Vampires are able to choose their mate and do...coupling that night.. well, the next blood moon is soon, and...blood moons usually heightens emotions and- I guess, um..what I'm trying to say is," she sighed in frustration, the words did not come easy for her. She was shy, embarrassed to confess. She's known him for ages, and now what? Turns into a blushing and bumbling mess? Like, how hard is it to say, "Your blood made me want to bed you"?

Well, in that regard, it wasn't easy, and not something she should express, but they were alone, and vulnerable... and- she looked to Dante, wondering what he might say or do next.
Dante raised his gloved hand to silence her as a Rosie tint began to come across his face. “You were… Lusting after me.” he tried to keep a level tone, but the quiver that had snuck its way into his voice betrayed him.

He had been waiting for a moment like this. They were alone, no one would interrupt, and no one would know what was about to be said besides the two of them.

Both of his hands found their way to his lap. He straightened his posture and took a deep breath to steel his nerves. “Raelynn, I have to tell you something.” His heart was beating a mile a minute, but there wouldn’t be a better time than right now. “I love you.” He had finally said it. He had bore his heart to her. Now all he could do was wait for her response.
Local Time:
7:09 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Raelynn watched him, watched his movements.. when he raised his hand to stop her from speaking- she was worried she had done something wrong. But then the quiver of his voice and the look in his eyes, perhaps..

No- that was foolish of her to think that way. He was going to reject her, push her aside- tell her that he had his wife he couldn’t betray like that. And the minute he told her he had to tell her sometii hi bf she braced for it- she braced for him to tell her that what she had felt was wrong.

But those words never came, instead- words of confession… the.. he- she blinked, having caught her on breath on a small gasp. “I-“ she began, her face confused and happy all in one. He loved her?!

She suddenly reached out a hand to his, touching it lightly and leaning in close, her eyes searching his face. “Dante, are you certain? My bite didn’t make you go delirious, did it?” She asked, her voice trembling at this point. He could tell she was concerned, she wanted to say it back to him, but was worried that what he was saying, he didn’t mean it.

“Because.. I love you too, Dante.. I have for a while now- it’s just.. I want to make sure my bite didn’t influence any of these feelings— vampire venom can make anyone feel hot and flustered,” she explained, but was hoping his feelings were true.
“I didn’t even know you had venom before today, but I’m pretty sure all it did was give me the last push I needed to finally say how I felt.” There was no way any kind of venom could make him feel like this. He was sure of it.

Dante leaned closer to her as well, leaving their lips only a breath apart. “I meant every word that I said. I love you Rae.” He put as much conviction in his voice as he could, but despite the façade he tried to put up, he still felt… nervous? He had just heard her admit that she felt the same about him, so why did he feel this way? Could her venom be affecting him in someway after all?
Local Time:
7:09 PM
Nov 10, 2022
As he leaned closer to her, she began to touch his chest with her hand, a simple gesture, but not of one to stop him from advancing. Her eyes looked and searched his, noting how dilated they were, obviously deeply in love. She then did a most risky thing, and closed that small distance between them.

She leaned forward and kissed him, gently at first- as if she was worried he’d pull back suddenly. She wanted to just..let him have her, she wanted everything about him and more. Despite it all, she knew that she wanted him to take her purity, soil her and claim her for himself.
As she kissed him, he wrapped his arms around her. She felt one of his hands on the back of her head, pulling her deeper into the kiss. His tongue soon found its way between her lips, forcing itself past them and into her mouth. It ran its wayacross her fangs, and over every place it could reach, as if trying to claim every inch.

He had wanted this for so long. He had wanted her, and now, she was his. He could do whatever he wanted with her, and he fully intended on doing so.
Local Time:
7:09 PM
Nov 10, 2022
As she continued to kiss him, she felt his hands wrap around her- one hand pushing her closer to him and deeper into the kiss. The moment she felt his tongue, Raelynn couldn’t help but let out a soft moan in response, using her tongue to dance around his, even if she could feel his own moving around her fangs, seemingly wanting to explore and claim every inch of her.

Even if this was her first time kissing anyone- it came very naturally for her, the sensation of it warming up her body in a way that she didn’t realize was possible. With that being said, she took the hand on his chest and balled it up in a fist, grasping at his garments, holding onto him and showing him how desperate she was to feel him, to taste him..how hot and flustered she was becoming as the kiss intensified and their feelings spilled out for one another.
After a few more passion filled moments he pulled away, willing himself to break away from her. He let out heavy labored breaths as his eyes scanned across her body. “This isn’t enough.” A familiar glow came to his eyes as a soft light briefly Enveloped his form. When it faded, his clothes had completely disappeared, leaving his entire muscled form on full display for her to see. “I need more of you. Now.”
Local Time:
7:09 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Raelynn pulled away with a soft gasp, and she looked to him as he told her this wasn’t enough. She couldn’t help but have her cheeks warm from the words he spoke next, that he wanted- no, needed more of her. And with that and the way his body was presented to her for the first time, made her a bit shy.

“I need more of you too,” she breathed out to him next. The dress she had been wearing was corset based and would either have to be spelled off or taken off by him unlacing it and savoring every moment he had with her body. He definitely could kiss her skin as he unlaced it, touching on her curves with his hands, cherishing these moments.

Raelynn shifted a little and watched him carefully, wondering what he would do next. “I’m all yours,” she murmured out softly, her eyes now a hue of pink. The soft candlelight was casting over her in an romantic fashion, for every aspect of her needed to be touched, explored..claimed by him.
He moved in closer to take off her dress, his larger build towering over her smaller frame as he did so. As it began to fall away, he moved his lips to her ear, whispering to her in a low sultry tone as he worked. “I hope you enjoy this as much as I know I’m going to.” He punctuated his statement with a kiss on her neck in the same place that she had bit him only a minute earlier.

His hands moved across every curve they could find, and the excitement in the grew with every second as more of her body was revealed to him. As he finished, he tossed the dress to the side, as if it were a piece of trash. Dante leered at Raelynn, his view of her body now unobscured. “I didn’t think it was possible, but you’re even more breathtaking now.” He said, honey dripping from every word.
Local Time:
7:09 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Raelynn remained still there on the bed as he moved, towering over her quite easily, even though they were both sitting. She let him work on her dress, feeling it begin to fall off of her shoulders, and then at the sound of his voice- the feeling of his warm breath against her ear- sent shivers down her spine and she took a small breath while letting out a soft moan once he kissed on her neck.

She could feel his hands on her curves, exploring every inch of her body and touching her with the most carefulness he could. The minute she was exposed to him, and the way he looked to her, she gave a soft bite of her lip. Her body, although petite- certainly held beauty in it. Her skin was unblemished and as white as the moon’s glow, soft and although cold- she wasn’t exactly freezing to the touch. Her chest that he laid eyes on were two perfect teardrop shapes, each nipple was a pale shade of pink- in a perfect position for him to lean forward and take one in his hand or mouth- if he so desired, to touch hand manipulate.

For her curves leading down to where her most sensitive area was, he could tell she was smoother than most women, simply because Raelynn didn’t have a lot of hair growing on her body to begin with, save for her hair, eyelashes and eyebrows- it came with the perks of practically not being ‘alive’ and with that, she was not able to grow much body hair to begin with.

He could tell she was shy in showcasing herself to him, but when she was told by him on how breathtaking she was, her eyes lit up and she looked over to his body as well, shifting forward slightly and taking him all in too. “To me..you..you’re even more handsome than before,” she said in a shy response, but he knew she meant every word.
Dante smiled after hearing that. How she managed to still be so sweet to him, despite being so far out of her depths was a mystery to him. “Thank you love. That means the world coming from you.” he had noticed how nervous she’d become, and he’d hoped that his words would put her a bit more at ease.

As he spoke, Dante had begun to gently massage her breasts. Wanting to give her more attention he stopped his groping to reposition himself on the bed, and took one of her nipples into his mouth. His warm wet tongue swirled and flicked across it as he sucked, but not wanting to ignore the other, his fingers played with her free nipple, twisting and pinching it as he tended to the first. He was definitely enjoying himself, and it had begun to show as his member began to lengthen and grow in size, making its presence known.
Local Time:
7:09 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Raelynn’s cheeks were still flushed- well, as flushed as they could be— as he spoke to her softly. Then she gave him a soft moan the moment he began to massage her chest with his hands- she didn’t realize how sensitive everything would feel…especially her chest. And she watched him shift his position, she gasped out lightly when his mouth reached her nipple.

The way his warm tongue felt around her nipple made her moan out more for him to hear, and soon her hand reached up and placed it on his head, grasping on his hair with her fingers. As he tended to the other one as well, both became quite stiff and aroused, causing Raelynn to move her hips slightly back and forth, squeezing her thighs together as she began to feel a wetness grow in between her legs.

In her hot and flustered state, she noticed Dante’s member more and she bit her lip, wondering if she should..touch it with her free hand.

And so she did- how hot he was to the touch, her hand nice and cool against his member as she groped him lightly, wanting him to feel some sort of pleasure too, even if she didn’t know what she was doing.
Dante let out a moan into her chest as he felt her fingers wrap around him. As the seal that his lips had formed around her swollen teat was broken, he planted a kiss on it before pulling his head back, leaving only a single gossamer strand of saliva connecting them before it fell away.

He then looked up at Raelynn, and gave her a smile. “That’s it. Keep going just like that.” As he said this, the hand that had been playing with her other breast, came up to his mouth. “I hope you won’t mind if I return the favor.” He took two of his fingers into his mouth to lubricate them before taking them out, sliding his hand in between her thighs, and pressing his fingers into her folds.

As they entered her, his fingers curled, searching for the spot that would bring her the most pleasure. His head lowered back down to her chest, but his lips found themselves wrapped around her other nipple however, giving it the attention it had been denied earlier.
Local Time:
7:09 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Hearing him moan made her feel hotter than she already was feeling in this moment with him, and at the words of encouragement he gave her she began to rub her hand over his member a bit more. Groping it lightly still, pulling her hand up and down, she swore she could have felt him throb as she continued. She only stopped when he said that he’d return the favor, and before she knew it his fingers had entered her depths- making her give a soft gasp out in surprise, which turned to a slight groan of discomfort.

Dante would be able to feel how wet she already was, but what he was soon met with was tightness from her- his fingers maneuvering inside of Raelynn for the first time. He then would feel something trickle down those fingers he had put inside of her- and if he pulled his fingers out to inspect, he would note that her purity blood had been shed. Strands of blood caught in between the sheen, sticky arousal she was producing.

Raelynn, although felt discomfort at first- began to moan more as Dante continued his pleasuring actions- and when his mouth wrapped around her other nipple, she couldn’t help but take her hand and touch on the back of his head once more, gripping the strands of his hair again.

“Dante~” she moaned out his name, feeling herself soon laying back on top of the soft pillows, nested in there as he continued to give her pleasure. Her legs spread for him, her depths tightening slightly more around his fingers as he continued- the question remaining in her mind is where he would take his mouth next.
As Dante heard her moan his name, he doubled his efforts. His fingers began to piston in and out of her, causing her arousal to gush all over the sheets. He would alternate his attention between her breasts, and would even grace his teeth across her nipples as he moved from one to the other.

Dante brought his fingers out of her wetness, and as he did, he looked down and saw the rivulets of blood on his fingers. His affections began to gradually slow to a stop as a question crossed his mind. A question that he would end up verbalizing.

“Rae, what do you think your blood taste like?“ he pondered absentmindedly as he brought his fingers to his face, and began to clean them with his tongue.

Dante made a show of lapping up every drop of her blood and arousal from his fingers. He may not have been able to get as much from it as a vampire would do to him not being one, but it made him ecstatic. She had been saving herself for Dante didn’t know how many years, but he had taken her chastity for himself, and knowing that was the most satisfying feeling he had ever felt.

As he finished, he moved himself down her body, leaving a trail of kisses to mark his path. He finished by placing a kiss on her entrance before looking up at her. “You got to taste so much more of me than just a drop or two off of your fingers, so I think it’s only fair if I get a turn to do the same.” He smirked before letting his eyes flutter closed and allowing his tongue to snake its way inside of her.
Local Time:
7:09 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(my good SIR O///O)

When Dante began to move his fingers faster, Raelynn began to cry out more, arching her back slightly as she began to release for the first time- her arousal flooding past his hand and onto the sheets. Panting, she rested back down, still moaning when he continued to pay attention to her nipples.

The moment he brought his fingers out of her, Raelynn was still catching her breath, her eyes looking to him while he inspected what he had caused. She noticed the blood and her eyes widened slightly as he spoke, wondering exactly what he was going to- oh.. oh.. Raelynn began to bite her lip as she watched him slowly lap up her release, the taste of her blood on his tongue now. She didn’t expect him to do that.

What she didn’t expect him to do next was the trail of kisses down her body, and she shivered in pleasure with each kiss, taking a soft gasp as he placed a kiss on her entrance, her eyes locking with his. At his words, she seemed a bit confused, but the moment his eyes closed, and he moved his head forward- the way his warm tongue felt... Raelynn couldn't help but moan out sweetly, her eyes widening and then closing shut as he began to taste her down there.

The taste he would notice first would be the rest of her purity blood that had been shed, practically had stained the outer lips of her slit slightly, and her blood was metallic to the taste, yet past the metallic taste was the taste of her arousal, which was oh so ever bittersweet. The taste would become addicting to him, especially with him knowing that she had saved herself so long for just him.
His hands gripped around her waist as he fully tasted her. If he wasn’t already addicted to her, he would be now. The way her juices tasted on his tongue were heavenly, and if he could sustain himself off of her alone, he would.

Dante’s tongue writhed inside her as he took in every drop that she gave him. It worked its way in, out, and around her slit, flicking across her clit every time it came out, hearing her moan seemed to give him even more energy, as his tongue began to move even faster, his own precum dribbling out of him from the excitement.

His tongue had just re-entered her when his magic began to flare up. if Raelynn was still looking down, she would see a light appear in between her legs, and would soon feel a new sensation Follow it. The light had covered her clit, and was making it vibrate. the vibrations would be strong one moment, and then they would slowly fade away, only for the cycle to repeat again seconds later.
Local Time:
7:09 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Raelynn was lost in the pleasure of it all, the way his tongue writhed inside of her and then would flick across her clit- made her legs squirm lightly, arching her back and leaning her head backwards again in pleasure as she moaned out loudly for Dante. “Dante- it..it feels so.. so good..” she managed to moan out, gasping out when he began to use his magic on her clit.

The vibrations made her shiver in pleasure, crying out again when she began to release once more from the pleasure of it all- her nectar spraying out further than it had earlier, spraying against his face. “D-Dante..!” She cried out his name while she was cumming, the sensation of how it felt- to cum- made her entire body relax. She felt incredibly good, and she opened her eyes to see Dante’s face still down in between her legs. She noticed that she had cum all over his face and she bit her lip, “Y-You..you okay?” She asked, panting a bit, but wanting him to continue. She wanted him to put his member inside of her now, and her eyes were full of hunger and want for him.
Dante stopped as he noticed the tension leave her body, and pulled his head up to catch his breath. “I’m fine.” A hand moved to wipe his face as he continued. “it’s good to see you’re enjoying yourself.” Dante didn’t think he could remember a time he had seen her this relieved, but things would be getting even better soon.

He then moved himself back up, placing a hand on both sides of her body, and bringing their faces to meet each other. “Are you ready?” he asked, his voice heavy with desire.

His tip kissed her entrance as he finished his question, but it stopped right there. She could feel how slick it was with his own arousal, but he wanted… No, he needed to hear her say it. He needed to hear her say how much she wanted him.
Local Time:
7:09 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Raelynn watched him wipe his face off and she was even more shy than she had been, she didn’t realize she had been able to do something like that, but she was thankful Dante had coaxed it out of her with all of his ministrations. Biting her lip as he moved over her body, looking down at her while his tip kissed her entrance, she put a hand on his cheek and leaned up to kiss him fervently- moaning out into the kiss as she did so.

“I need you Dante,” she begged of him against his lips, her lipstick smudged slightly against his lips, she pulled back, her eyes were a deep pink. “Please..for I do not wish for any other man to have me. I want you, and you alone.” Her lips parted as she settled into the bed, her legs were spread, wrapped around his waist, waiting to accept his member for the first time.
Dante had started to find a rhythm. He may not have had the most experience in the world, but he was far from being a virgin at this point, and it had started to show. How nervous he was earlier was basically completely forgotten by now…, and then, she kissed him. suddenly, all of that experience didn’t seem to matter anymore. It felt like it was his first time all over again, and he was happy with that. There were no expectations, or any prying eyes. It was just them.

He leaned into the kiss, and as she finished those words, he moved his hips forward. he let out a long deep moan as he slowly but surely slid himself into her folds, his cock throbbing inside of her as he did so. The deeper he went the further her walls were spread, and after what felt like an eternity, he was completely sheathed inside of her, his tip pressing against something as he bottomed out.
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