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General RP The Man Kept His Socks On (Knight_of_None)

Local Time:
10:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023

Name: Lyrin Knomcle
Age: 17
Looks: Short, blond hair, emerald green eyes. About 5'6.

Lyrin debated the worthiness of staying after school in the library. After all, what he was doing here he could easily get done at home, though, he knew, not with so much quiet, but still. Though he knew the library was a quiet place and he wouldn't be surrounded by his brothers who didn't know how to shut up. A test coming up in a one of his classes was sur to kick his ass if he didn't study and how was not the best place for that.

He chews on the end of his pencil, quiet as he reads his textbook and then looks back over hi own notes, tapping his foot slightly.
Local Time:
11:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Name: William 'Billy' Bane
Age: 18
Looks: medium length black hair,Gray eyes, 5'10, tanned skin, athletic build, lip scar.

Billy walked into the library, the quiet space only making his approach all the more subtle. His friends were flanking him, looking to press some poor underclassmen into some fun. Afterall, why do homework when you could bend someone else to do it for you. One of them pointed out a blonde younger student, one that they shared a class with offcourse. Billy walked over quietly, his shadow passing iver the sitting boy and his books.
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Lyrin was focused internal on his papers, fingerstappibg lightly I the book as his other jand jotted down notes and answers. He didnt notice someone, or the group of people who ha just walked ibto the library. Only when he noticed the shadow over his work did he look up and bink once.

Though he was only a junior I high school, Lyrin was in the more advanced classes, and some he shared with seniors, which could it's downsides. He smiles slightly, trying to come across as approachable but not pushover, even if he could be, "Oh, hi, what do you need?"
Local Time:
11:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Mm, I have something a little better in mind. We can provide you with some good money for some quality help. " Billy said as his friends sat down at either side of Lyrin's table, setting up their books casually. Billy had a gleam in his eye, not openly malicious, but it would make one sense a tinge of cunning. He leaned forward. "You don't have to hang out here on your own either."
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Lyrin leaned back in his seat, contemplating. He sigh and then shakes his head, starting to pull his book and papers close, "Loo, I'm not taking your money or anything. I'm glad to help you, but I won't b the one providing you with a wy I cheat.

He stiffens at the movement front the other two, his hands stilling.
Local Time:
11:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Lyrin! Lyrin! Relax." Billy said smiling as he went still, his friends putting a hand on the underclassmen, pinning them back to the table firmly to keep him from going anywhere. "You keep throwing around these accusations." Billy said bringing himself forward, his smile fading into a icy glare. "That hurts Micah's feelings. He's very sensitive." The burly boy on Lyrin's left, presumably Micah started to twist Lyrins arm, starting to bend it behind him in an arm bar. "Yeah. I think he's taking it personally that you won't help him because yiu think so poorly of him." Billy said nodding as he picked up Lyrins books and work.
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Lyrin flinches ever so slightly, shifting and trying to pull free. He looked at Billy, shaking his head, "That's not--" he gasps sharpy when Micha grabs his arm and twists it. He bites down on his lip, his green eyes flashing.

He stays still at this point, watching Billy touch his books. He wanted to snatch them back, to glare at the larger boy, by he couldn't do much of anything with Micha twisting his arm. "Just leave me alone. I don't wanna get involved with you, Billy."
Local Time:
11:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Oh but Lyrin, you are involved. You even sold us your assignments. My friends saw the whole thing." Billy said as he flipped through his books, going to the last pages. "You even said you'd do it again. Didn't you hear that Zack?" Billy said to the other boy who nods with a smirk. "We were just so shocked to hear a bright little guy like you wanted to be so underhanded....it might even get your records smudged in the ugliest way." Billy said as he moved over and patted Lyrin down for his phone.

"Maybe even an expulsion."
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Lyrin blinks, "What?! I didn't! I don't--"

Lyrin always tried dti never break the rules, to go unnoticed and get through high school. He only wanted To graduate and get a job.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

he flinches from Billy's touch, "Stop- what the hell are you doing?"
Local Time:
11:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Thats why its so shocking, must be the greed you've been hiding" Billy said as shrugging. Zack smacked Lyrin. "Shut up, your scum!"

Billy pulled out Lyrin's phone. "You were so eager you even sent us pictures through your own phone." He said dangling it in front of him. "Open it."
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Lyrin grunts softly, his green eyes flashing with pain and then rage. "I did no such thing and I ain't opening my phone for you either."

His phone, while haib the feature, didn't open with face recognition or fingerprint. The only way was an eight digit pin of his grandfather's graduation date.

"You're at a loose end, I'm not telling you anything and I'm not opening phone."

Lyrin's green gaze held a slight challenge, and he knew that if they tried to force it out of him, they'd get no where. While Lyrin was sensitive to pain, and felt it easily, it wasn't the way to get him to talk.

Growing up in. Household of six brothers did that to a person, his brothers always tackling him and, whilst playying n roughhousing, hurting him to get answers and getting pissed off when Lyrin remained stoic.
Local Time:
11:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Ooo. A badass huh?" Billy said as he looked him in the eyes. "Want me to tune him properly?" Micah said about to twist his atm further.

"No. Beating him makes the story harder to sell. " Billy said keeping his brutes in line. "Its also not the place. But I think we can work his little nerves differently." He said as he patted Lyrin on the cheek where he was struck. "Do you have any friends Lyrin?" Billy said as he start to pick through his things casually, going through his bag.
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Lyrin watches, his shoulders slumping. He stays silent, squirming slightly. "Stop going through my stuff. It ain't yours to mess with."

He squirms, his journal was in there. Not a diary exactly, but it had lists. Lists of everything he did each day. From homework to cooking to shopping for his brothers.

He kicks his foot out, trying to get his bag
Local Time:
11:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Billy shifted away as Lyrin tried to kick at him, though his Valor and efforts only got Micah to deliver a punch to Lyrins side with his mammoth fist. Billy picked up the books in the bag opening them up, falling on the journal. "Oh you have family! That's a wonderful thing, brothers too huh? Do they go to our school hm?"
Local Time:
11:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"My oh my. What would happen if this fell into the wrong hands, so detailed. Zack, did you know one of Lyrins brothers just loves that arcade downtown? Don't you know some guys around there?" Billy asked as he closed the book, looking over at Lyrin casually.

"Yeah, I bet they are there right now." Zack said nodding. "They love to party, though they get rowdy. Last time I hear a guy got kicked around like a soccer ball." Zack said
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Lyrin jerks. He was the oldest, beside Zyn, who was 23 and working hard. He kept the roof over the heads and food on the table. Zyn was the reason Lyrin and the others had t been sent to foster care or adoption when their parents died two years ago. Zyn had proved he could take care of his six younger brothers and he worked hard

Lyrin kept everything organized, did the shopping and driving around. He and Zyn where the roots of the family, abd Lyrin would do anything to protect his brothers. Twelve years old Al loved video games and was at the arcade after school everyday.

"Leave my brothers alone!" Lyrin squirms more, his green eyes wide.
Local Time:
11:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Why would we ever let something bad happen to little Al? We're such good friends...and you were just about to open your phone and show me something right?" Billy said as he tapped the book in his palm, as he looked at him with a subtle tilt of his head. His stare was merciless, clearly more than willing to press and twist the knife as much as he needed.
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Lyrin closes his eyes, slumping back. He takes his phone with his fre hand, putting in the cod and setting it down on the table.

His green eyes glittered with rage. He knew his little brother had been threatened, however sly Billy was being.

There was nothing on his phone except for a few games, his messenger app. The only text chains he had were with his brothers other family members, a few friends and his parents, though that one hadn't been texted in the two years since his parents death. His photo album had pictures of him mostly with his brothers. Though particularly with Zyn, with his dark hair and green eyes the same as Lyrin's.

"I'll do whatever you want, just leave my stuff alone." He leans forward, his gaze desperate. "You don't got a fight with 'em. I'll do whatever it is you want."

Lyrin seemed hung, grabbed by the scruff of his neck. He would do whatever it took to protect his brothers, even if it meant cheating and lying.
Local Time:
11:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"I'm glad we are at an understanding Lyrin." Billy said as he took a few pictures and then sent off a text to his own phone. "You understand your place. You know exactly what the story is. Don't forget. Your school life is at risk for selling out to us. I'm sure yiur brothers will be heartbroken if they found out." Billy said as he set the phone down before the defeated boy. "You do what we say, and you will be just fine." Billy added as his friends let Lyrin go.

"You do whatever we say. You especially do what * I* say. And your quiet life stays quiet." Billy said patting him on the back of the neck and ruffling his hair. "If you make things hard. You are going to face the consequences."
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Lyrin watches helplessly as Billy takes the pictures and sends them. His eyes watch the screen and then go back up to Billy's face. School, his brothers, both very important to him. He looks away, his jaw tightening, If I get caught--"

He shakes his head, he couldn't get caught. The suspension, and no decent school would take on a student with a history of cheating and lying. Anger burns bright but he stays silent.

He flinches away from Billy's touch, glaring at the boy when he touched Lyrin's hair and then looks away, "Fine. Whatever."
Local Time:
11:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Don't get caught. You're a criminal now." He said as he pulled away, Billy put his journal on his lap. "You send us what we need, no excuses, no games, and be a good little boy. Maybe I can give you some benefits to make the barrel I have you over comfortable." Billy said smirking. "Now when you're done, I want copies of all your work in maths as well."

Micah stood up, the burly boys belly rumbling. "Heh. Eh,need something to eat hm?" Billy said glancing to Lyrin. "Got any money?"
Local Time:
11:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"What did I tell you to do just a moment ago? Do especially what I say?" Billy reminded as he heaved a sigh. "Micah." Billy said as he gestured to his larger friend as he swiveled instantly on Lyrin grabbing his wrists again and forcing them behind his back. "You have money but you won't share it with us? That's a poor friend Lyrin."
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Lyrin yelps, trying to pull free, "It's for dinner. To feed my brothers, I can give it to you!" Zyn would be mad, so mad. Zyn worked hard, to give them everything he could, and he wasn't going give away enough money for three meals. Lyrin knew Zyn would got to bed hungry, just like Lyrin, but what about the third? Who else would have to suffer?

"I can give money for one meal." He whispers, "That's it. I can tell my brothers I already ate, but I can give you their money."

Fuck, he sounded desperate, but his brothers. He closes his eyes, Chewing on his lip.
Local Time:
11:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Billy rubbed his chin in thought as he listened to the desperation in his voice and his begging. Lyrin could tell he was weighting...just how much he believed him. "Give me the wallet." He said to Zack, still seeming unwilling to get his hands dirty when it came to doing things. His other buddy rooted around in Lyrins pockets and drew it out to hand it over. Micah tightened his grip, as Billy counted out his cash in front of him. "I'm a nice guy. I couldn't just leave you with nothing for your brothers. " He said as he pulled out the bills, enough for two meals it seemed as he tossed the wallet on the table. "You can feed one of them. Pick your favorite." Billy said
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Lyrin strained forward, "Billy, please. Take enough for two meals." Zyn would understand, even if he couldn't explain it to him.

But all but one going hungry, Zyn would loose his shit. He wouldn't hurt Lyrin but he would yell. "Please, they're young. They need to food." The age gap between him and the next sibling was four years, putting Sky at thirteen, the Al at twelve, the twins at ten and Teddy seven.

"I can give you the money for my food more often. Please."
Local Time:
11:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Billy clicked his tongue as he spoke, rolling his eyes as he threw the money back into the boys face. "God shut up already with your stupid little sob story." He hissed as he stepped back. "I'm getting bored. Let's go guys. We can get some Takoyaki." He said over his shoulder as his friends shoved Lyrin aside and followed them. As Lyrin was hunked over, he saw that Billy had throw enough of the money for him to get two meals....on purpose or by happenstance, the possibilities were up in the air.
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