General RP The Man Kept His Socks On (Knight_of_None)

Lyrin stares at him, his green eyes curious and then he sighs, “Maybe. But you’re right, you don’t have to tell me anything.“ He mutters, swallowing and looking away and silent for a moment before standing.

”Not like I’m anything more than a fuck boy.” He rolls his eyes, trying to clear his win head and brush off the. . . Comfort? he’d felt for the smallest moment. “The bell’s going to ring soon.”

(Couples therapy- BOTH OF YOU— Shoves into room XD)
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"That's not true!" Billy said as he sat up. "'re...doing this for something...other than me." He muttered as he rubbed his head. "You're...good and shit....fucking...I- I - mean not fucking fucking-well you are- but I mean..." He huffed and touched his face. "Don't move. just...stay like this. okay?"

(XD Couples Therapy for both of them, Communication and regular Therapy for Billy)
(Lyrin needs his own therapy. He’s too-. . . Lyrin-y XDD)

Lyrin stares at him for a moment before flopping back down beside Billy and leaning back into him, “Fine.” He mumbles. He closes his eyes.

”And how is it not true? You practically blackmailed me into this. You not so subtly threatened Al that first day in the library, and then took all my money from me. What else am I supposed to do when my family has the court breathing down it’s back to be perfect? To not miss a meal? Not let the guy who terrorizes half the school fuck me for extra cash?” Lyrin shakes his head, his forehead pressing into Billy’s chest.

”And then you show you can actually be kind and considerate and make me feel stupid things. . .” He mumbles under his breath.
"Wait what was that last part? you know what forget it." He said as he felt him mumble into his chest, Billy couldn't quite hear him. "I...I got everything else...I know...I'm...the bastard that's putting you in a bad way on top of everything else. I'm the monster in this story-" He said as he caressed his head gently. "You can hate me every time i drag you in here, or force your hand...I deserve it."
Lyrin swallows and looks up at Billy, “I don’t hate you.” He murmurs, staring at the other.

”No matter how hard I try.“ He sighs, running his hand down Billy’s chest, “Because then you do things like this. And that.” He tips his head to the bottle of lube.

”And you have a wicked sense of humor.” Lyrin sighs softly, looking away. “No one deserves hate, Billy. Everyone’s going through their own shit.”

(When you’re pretty much a mom and go mom mode on the guy-)
"I do..." He whispered as he looked down to him, his voice shook slightly, but he closed his eyes. "we...just have a bit of fun, coerced, money-fueled fun." He said laying his head back. "Just because I can touch you soft, means I'm worth you giving a shit about me? I know I'm good but I didn't think I'm that good."
Lyrin smiles slightly, “You could be like any number of pricks who would fuck me raw or on spit alone. You could man handle me and bruise me into any position you wanted. But you don’t, so yes, it means you’re worth giving a shit about. Even if it’s just one and I find it hugely annoying. Because people who are that careful can’t really be monsters, now can they?” He looks back up at Billy.

Lyrin hums, “And you’re paying me. I would probably do this without the money, threats to my baby brother and all. You could easily threaten them and have me bent over your leg, but you pay me.” He adds, staring at Billy.

(God damnit, he speaks too much sense T^T)
"The money is a transaction for the homework, this is just because I want to make you bend for me...and you begged me to save your brother." He said shrugging, putting his hands behind his head, his eyes fixed on the ceiling, picking out the imperfections in the paintjob. His eyes were far away, his mind elsewhere. "I use you. I just make it as convenient for you as I can so you can take it with as much of a smile as you can..." Billy gently pushed him off him, his eyes glazed over as he sat up. "...because if you smile while you do it...I'm just a little bit good...'
(Why tf am I crying? Is it this or the book I was reading- I can’t tell.)

Lyrin flinched slightly, his open gaze shutting down. “So you do it to make yourself feel good. . .” He whispers, staring at the other and then pushing Billy’s hands away and sat up.

“I can‘t tell if it’s cause you don’t want me to be nice, if you want me to hate you, or you can’t fathom that you can actually be a good person. But you’re pushing everyone away.” Why did he feel like he wanted to cry? He’d tried to be honest, to say how he felt and he got. . . Pretty much nothing. If anything he got pushed away himself.

If Lyrin was honest, he would probably do it without the money, or without the threats. Away from other people, Billy didn’t seem so bad, he seemed like a real person. And Lyrin had found it interesting to watch Billy with Melanie, a fake doll that he could have just rubbed through the assignment and gotten a 100 and moved on with his life. But instead he was trying. Lyrin was seeing something other than a brute who shoved other kids around, and the moment he acknowledged it, he gets hut down.

”And what if I want to smile? What if it’s not what you’re doing that’s making me smile?” He asked, huffing at he sat himself in Billy’s lap before the other could do anything. He wouldn’t cry and he would finish this one way or another. “What if I mean it when I beg for more? What if I want it, not for the money or for my brothers?”

His voice is soft and his gaze once again earnest as he stares at Billy.
(XD idk, maybe because it's a rather tense, sad moment? Could also be carry over, could be both?)

Billy closed his eyes as Lyrin sat on his lap, the walls he seemed to have erected still trying to keep him at bay. Trying not to look at him. "Then your thinking with the wrong part of your body." He said as he kneaded face. "....or your being selfish."
(Probably both. . . XD)

Lyrin shakes his head, staring at Billy, “Don’t I deserve to be a little selfish? I’m always thinking about others and never myself.” He lightly runs his fingers down the other’s chest again.

“And I don’t care what part of my body I’m thinking with. I just wanna. . . be a little selfish for once.”
Billy sighed. "We're both being selfish, may as well benefit eachother while we do it." He said as Lyrin touched on him, his muscles were dense and tough, his skin still warm to the touch. He flexed slightly as he opened his eyes. "...did you have a...guy before I started doing this to you..."

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