General RP The Man Kept His Socks On (Knight_of_None)

As he pushed the final ring around him, pit squeezed underneath the head head of his cock, pressing him shut. "Uncomfortable?" Billy said as he took out a second bottle of lube, though the gel inside seemed to be pink. The cap had a symbol of a heart on it. If the first for his comfort...Billy likely had the other for sensitivity.
Billy started to pour the gel on Lyrin's shaft,, his other hand rubbing it in, , coating it over his member, and then long down to his sack with his fingers. He smirked at him. "I'll have to pop the vibrator out to coat it in this next. Can you last without it inside for a second?" He teased.
(XD Lyrins Lip: abused constantly)

Billy pulled it out tye rest of the way, he flicked it off as he started to pour the gel on it , gathering the excess on his fingers and started to rub in around his hole gentky. "I heard this stuff tingles the more it sets in." He said as he leaned back, starting to push the gift back inside of its owner.
Billy reached up, petting his head as he sunk the toy inside.of himself. "Good boy!" He praised as he tusseled his hair. The bully rose up, picking up his phone and tapping at it, the rings suddenly came to life first , the vibrations starting to stir up with the gel heightening the feeling of Lyrin's body slowly.
As his hips moved, Billy tapped something else. The vibrator inside of him kicking on next, the tool however was different now, rather than a straight now stop vibration, it was patterned now. The smug look on Billy's face told Lyrin it was likely his doing with his phone. "It has...more functions that just remote activation."
He licked his lips as he watched him, moving closer to him as he stood over him. "If you sit up, im sure I can do something else with it too..."he said as he inspected the phone, drawing his finger over it as the viberator shifted around slightly, starting to pump on its own.
"I think it likes you Lyrin!" Billy said as he watched him, his thumb drawing along his screen, the toy was getting faster, driving itself like a piston of pleasure deep down inti Lyrin's core. It spread the gell , warming it slightly as it began to activate and heighten the sensation as Billy reached down and caressed his face, cradling on him a bit.
(XD Billy: trying to flirt
Lyrin: um Acktually-)

"Hm let's see, if it goes faster, I think it proves it! Mr.toy, Do you like fucking Lyrin?" Billy said smirking as he reached around z playing with hid phone to up the tempo, the toy, pulsing inside of him and buzzing higher. He grinned. "See Lyrin! You're a treat for him!"
(XD blind Lyrin makes me laugh.)

"Think you'll survive it?" He said as he stroked in his cock his other hand making the rings pattern change as well. Bi)y let Lyrin lay against him, keeping his arm around him , pressing his ps to the fresh markings he left behind on him. "If I trapped you in here, and let these just go wild-"
Billy smirked. "Do you think you'll go crazy , because you can't pop a nut?" He whispered as he stroked him faster. Lyrin felt Billy hardening...hopefully from proximity and not the idea of trapping his little fuck boy/victim in a locked room with nothing to do but get edged for the rest of the school day.

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