General RP The Man Kept His Socks On (Knight_of_None)

"What? Scared ill tie yiu up in the basement or something?" He said smirking as he took Lyrin inti the property. The mansions grounds were healthy and manicured, so well kept that the bushes were clipped into perfect spheres. The front of the home was brown brick, and gray flagstone at the corners, a cobblestone path trialed around the corner, towards the back of the house. The small flower gardens under the windows bobbed on the breeze. As they hit the front steos,steps,Billy reached ti his pocket, to unlock the door.
"Oh so rope isn't a problem?" He said as he pushed the door open and stepped in, sliding to the side as he slid his shoes off. "Shoes go by the door." He said as Lyrin got a good look into Billy's home, it was naturally spacious, in the foyer, burnished wood floors that were covered by soft rugs, the walls were a gentle cream color that popped, decorative works, from probably abstract arts were hung up, a mirror that was large and silver edged was by the door, perhaps for last looks. A set of doors were on each side of the hall, with a stair way upwards for the next floor up. Some thing rattled about faintly , jingling like a faint bell.

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