General RP The Man Kept His Socks On (Knight_of_None)

(...I unironically nearly forgot Billy's name. I have no clue how.)

Billy drew himself up as he curled the belt, turning Lyrin so he was on his side, able to keep his eys on Billy while his hand drew back and cracked the belt like a whip, starting to lash on his favored victim's ass cheeks.
(XD why?)

Billy curled his fingers, gripping his hair as he leaned his lips by his ear. "Can you take it-" he whispered as he flicked the vent again, his devilish bully was hard as a rock, rubbing himself against his captives thighs now. He wanted to use and abuse him, but to have him be silent and safe, it only made him even more excited than when he ordered him about in school. He licked his lips, drawing his tingue against his ear . "Maybe if you ask nicely I'll put you to use again-"
(Um- I think cause I took Roa and revamped him into Lyrin?)
(I swear I thought I posted my reply. . .)

Lyrin shudders again, looking at Billy. He pushes himself up on his elbows slightly, panting. “I can take it-“ He mumbles, his hips shifting and grinding slightly against Billy’s lap.

He tips his head back, pressing into the other’s hand, shivering at the feel of Billy’s tongue on his ear, “Mmhum~ Please. . .” He mumbles, closing his eyes for a moment.

“Please, I want—“ He looks back at Billy, “I want you to.”
Billy hummed softly, grabbing a pillow ahead if Lyrin, dragging it underneath his chin. "Push your mouth inti the pillow if you're going to make a noise." He whispered as He nipped on the edge of his ear gentky before leaning back. Lyrin heard his bag unzipping. The flick of the lube cap and the chill of it as Billy started to lube him up again.
As the chill set in, Billy slapped him in the ass one last time, cementing to Lyrin that he certainly had a particular pleasure in the act. Billy leaned up, angling himself over him, wrapping one arm around hid waist as his tip started to push. He was spreading again, pushing to fill him with another thrust, starting to move his hips roughly.

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