General RP The Man Kept His Socks On (Knight_of_None)

Cyrin bites his lip, staring at the counter and then walks toward the door after Billy grabs the bag, “My parents, they died in an accident. I was at a basketball game getting ready with my team. We were going to win regionals and have a party that night. . . I got the phone call just before I went on the court. Sometimes I wish I hadn’t answered my phone. They were only a half mile from the arena and some idiot decided to pop a Uh in the middle of the intersection. My parents disn’t swerv intim and had a head on coalition with them. Five car pileup later and they were dead.

”Safe to say, we lost the game, I was so out of it. I shouldn’t have even played, but my replacement had sprained his ankle a few days before and the coach didn’t trust anyone else. So I went is, and missed every shot, fumbled every pass. I was kicked from the team two more losing games later, then the court came in. It took me forever to be able to drive again. I was paranoid that I would face the same fate as my parents and my brother’s would lose someone else once again.

“I can‘t even really hold a ball anymore without thinking about that evening.” He sighs, looking at Billy, “So I get it. And I understand, but then likely hood of it happening aga8in is small. Just be careful, and take your time.“ He smiles slightly before iopening the car door and climbing in.
He was silent while Lyrin spoke on his story, , allowing him to tell his peice . He didn't know what to was a tough little tale, and he knew it carried some weight upon his shoulders. Billy walked around to the driver's seat, opening the door and sitting down. "Yeah it'll never happen again..." he said as he put the bag in the back seat. He turned back to the road, laying his hand on the wheel, checking the mirrors as he turned the keys. Billy steadied himself as he looked, starting to slide out of the parking space.
"I'm sure that you won't.. that would be kinda crazy if you did." He said glancing away from him as he slipped into traffic. Billy was as careful as he had to be, Lyrin could tell his attention perhaps was reaching its peak, scanning over anything he could look to that would be a problem. "I'm not afraid of being judged over this...I just I woke up."
(XD Lyrin: To prevent your trauma you want some seeds?)

"...yeah." Billy slowed up as he looked at Lyrin, and gave a half nod, reaching into the bag to scoop a few up and started to drop them in his mouth. "Thanks." He said shortly as he quietly chewed starting cross over into his side of town.

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