Game RP The Perfect Partner (RedCoat)

"....I really need Monflix." Flux muttered as they laid on their bed, but rather than turning off the TV, they flipped through the channels. Something fun...they stopped on Pikamania, a porn about a family of Pikachus in a particularly taboo relationship of full inbreeding while their trainer was away.
"Yeah yeah use me like a peice of breeding stock" heevmumbled to himself, stroking faster abd faster. The red pouches on his cheeks sparking slightly as he jacked himself off. Flux didn't want to ever fully admit it to thenself, but being a Ditto...cased them a bit of a identity problem. Taking forms and faces, that wasn't the biggest issue, it was the feelings that came with them, being perfectly in tune with the fantasy of the customer. They could live over twenty lives out in a day, but with very little of a real life of their own. Auntie Amy didn't often let Flux have a day off, the price of popularity, and with such little time off, Flux honestly couldn't help but descend into his crafted identities.
Sadly for Flux though, the enjoyment they were getting from imagining themselves as the male Chu would soon be cut short as a knock came from the door, signalling the entry of a new customer. And this one was a male trainer, holding an image of a heavily sexualised anthro Umbreon, Her breasts larger than her own head. The man also had a bundle of ropes in his hands, and clearly was planning on subjecting the Ditto to some form of bondage.
Flux jumped as the door was knocked on, rapidly shifting forms from Chu to purple slime. They heaved a sigh, knowing unfortunately that by shifting...they were now much more horny than when they woke up. As the trainer entered, the mon wobbled briefly, picking up the remote to turn off the TV as the chu busted his load on each of the Sisters. 'Another time' they though as they glanced over and finally noticed the ropes. Oh. Great. Flux looked at the photo next. "Arceus, she must have a bunch of eggs" they muttered to themselves, as they started to focus and change. Purple goo folding and pulling, shaping together, making a tight hourglass figure, the hips widening and the body taking up a softer currier form than the Androgynous shape it once was. As they darkened and became pitch black, long tipped ears shapping out of their head, abd eyes blood red focused on the Trainer, the golden rings accented on her body, breasts growing and growing, gaining mass.
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Almost before Flux was done changing, she'd find herself being pulled to the bed, the Trainer tying her legs to the bed so she was spread wide for him, before he began to wrap her breasts in rope too, tying them not quite tight enough to hurt, but enough to show he'd had some experience with this before "Mmm... You look just like her... God I hope your as good as they say, I wanna feel her again..." He spoke softly as he leant down over Flux, exposing his stiff length before shoving it into her slit, one hand gripping a breast tightly for balance "Oh God you feel... so perfect, it's like fucking a perfect clone!" He moaned loudly, as the pieces would fall into place. Clearly the Umbreon was some kind of romantic partner to this trainer, one he currently couldn't have access to...
Flux winced as she was restrained, and moaned out as the Trainer thrusted inside of her. But as he whispered and spoke, his emotions coming to light, Flux knew this was something special for him. Perhaps a Trainer that lost their partner, or a chance that long passed. Flux raised her head as he held her breast. She brought her forehead against him, nuzzling against him and moaning into his ear. "It's okay-I'll take care of you-" She whispered, pleasure shocked through her reformed system.
The Trainer paused for a moment "You... even sound like her..." before placing a kiss onto Flux's lips and picking up his speed, ramming her slit with greater and greater intensity as the ropes kept her securely in place against his thrusts, both his hands now squeezing her breasts tightly for balance. This was exactly what Flux had needed after watching that raunchy documentary, a good fucking to get off too.
Flux moaned as she was kissed in by the human, her voice muffled easily, no matter how her voice rose up in volume with his increasing speed. Ofcourse watching only porn all day helped keep Flux active, but it also made it better for the customer. The umbreons soft, cushy body bounced and jiggled against his hips. Flux drew her lips back. "Fuck-Fuck me! Fuck me more-" she moaned out. "I love it -"
His muffling kisses got more and more intensive as he continued to fuck her soft pillowy form, his tongue pushing past her lips and tying itself around hers as he finally reached his base within her, his own moans into her mouth making the pair hotter and hotter as they shared their lust, his hands shifting from her breasts to her shoulders, holding her down flat against the bed so he could enjoy her more and more, pressing down hard.
Flux whimpered, her legs flexing, wanting to wrap them around him as he pressed down on her body, baring down like he was trying to mate with her. Flux's senses were going crazy, her sex slick and wet, gushing already with lust. Pleasure was making her head swim, and his intensity more so. Her tongue rubbed against his , her back arching slightly until he pressed her body back into the bedding. She didn't know his name, or she would have moaned it, bedded him all the harder with it. Did he love her? Was that why he was so full of passion for her, even in such a place.
Every passing moment brought another deep and heavy thrust, even as he broke the kiss to gasp for air "Olivia... I can't wait till you get home... and I can do this with the real you!" He moaned in delight, even as Flux would feel his length beginning to swell up inside of her slit, ready to disgorge his 'passion' within her.
Flux brought her arms around his back, cupping his head and brought his head into her breasts. Her slit pulsed and squeezed around the Trainer, trying to urge him along. "Cum inside of me, give it all to me-" She moaned and pasted, the desire to cum eith him rising higher and higher like a ruthless wave.
The trainers grip on her breasts didn’t let up as he recovered his breath, looking down and biting his lip “Wo…w… you even look like how she does afterwards too… I… I know there isn’t time for another round… but can you lactate? It’s… something she does for me, when she can… and… call me your good little boy, too…”
Flux closed her eyes, her lips pouting softly, focusing as much as she could for this human. The Umbreons nipples, already stiff and standing on it, puffed slightly, whimpering as they toyed woth their body's balance. She gasps lowly as she began to lactate slowly. "Mm-its okay- you can take some...its all for you, my good little boy." She whispered to the trainer.
Flux sighed as the boy left, returning to their purple form, amorphous and slack. Cum leaked out as they flexed out the human seed. They never knew if that would work...but they also pushed out enough Eggs to not want to take the chance with a human. Flux reached for the remote...but heaved a sigh as they pulled their hand back. What was the purpose of watching? It would only reinforce the truth. They had no purpose than fucking, and being used. Flux had countless children no doubt, but e en that felt wasn't like they would see them.

The empty feeling, the lost blank sensation inside them grew wider and wider as they stared at the ceiling.
The more they thought, the more they'd realise just how much the last trainer had awakened in them, with his final request. Sure, they were a parent, but... now they'd want to know their children, want to become a permanent part of their lives... Perhaps it was time to try and slip away, find one form to live in and in that, create a life for themselves.
Flux rose up, the empty feeling making his hollowness only feel wider. It threatened to consume them. They shook at the feeling, getting up and going for the door. Time off. They just needed a break, and to get away for a while. Flux opened their door, but felt a little pang at the idea, afterall, people depended on them to help themselves fulfill their deepest desires. Even if it was to just get a depraved nut...Flux shuddered. No. They weren't just an object, or a doll, they were a Mon like any other. They had to reach for their own desires too.

Flux steeled their jelly nerves, solidifying a bit more as they walked down the hallway.

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