Flux closed the door slowly. "Oh. Well uh, I guess I'll just go out....and try to forage for food." They said rubbing their chin in thought. But would they even be able to hack it out on the streets alone?
She blinked and immediately shook her head “What?! Not a chance! I’ll order something in, much safer.” And soon she had them sat back on the couch, watching TV of his choice.
"You get Pokéhub on this?" They asked as they started flipping through channels. Honestly Flux had little opportunity to even consider how much normal TV they had available, too used to the one they had in the brothel. Then again. It was also better than watching nothing at all.
She flushed even more red, looking away and refusing to answer at first, before squeaking a soft “I use… it to research… genitalia.” Still looking away, she fumbled for the remote, but all she did was put her hand right where Flux would’ve had genitals, when they chose to as a ditto.
Flux chuckled as she fumbled for the remote, but then blinked as she rested her hand upon a semi-solid section in the jelly-like Mon, with a fist sized node attached. "Oh, well then at the moment you must be researching mine." They said almost casually. Flux wasn't inherently even packing such tools, but aside from the core of s Ditto, the only other constant area of a Ditto was a secondary core that was used for the sensory nerves. If handled physically....well, most Dittos would probably be able to consider it being given a sex act.
She choked as he spoke, immediately pulling her hand away as her face burned red “You… WHAT?!” She nearly squealed, staring at him even as the TV began to show a trainer, pinned Poochyena style under a wild Houndoom with a thick cock rubbing against her ass.
"Well did you believe we had no ability to feel things until we changed?" Flux said as they looked at the screen casually. "Its kinda liiiiike" he paused the screen as the Mon thrusted forward, the trainers face twisting slowly into euphoric pleasure. "That. It's a sensory node that is very goof at doing that!" Flux said nodding sagely as they unpaused the video
She blinked as they spoke, biting her lip before turning to the TV and going bright red as she watched the trainer getting pounded “S-So… it deals with pleasure?” She mumbled, no longer focused on them, arousal starting to wet her slit as Flux would feel it in the air. Hoo boy, she was into sub play…
"Well it's almost like the human g-spot at the node level, but it's technically supposed to be used for mimicking all kinds of touch sense." Fkux said as she was watching the Trainer. "So. How's your research normally done?" They asked, sensing the change in the air and the warmth coming from her body. Flux casually put an arm around her shoulder. "It must be hard with all the cuts, would you prefer a different way of examining it?"
“Oh uh… we, we uh… go out into the field and fu-Find! Find our research targets and observe them in their habitats…” She replied, her eyes still on the TV as Flux spoke again “Wait, other methods? Well… it is hard, with the cuts… what’s the method?”
"Well, would it not be better to experience the Mon up close?" Flux said as her shift in arousal rubbed off in him. His hand snuck slowly, cupping her breast firmly. "You get to see and experience first hand the methods used"
She was about to respond when she felt the hand on her breast and her mind blanked “I-Uh… may-maybe? Bu… wild Mon are… savage…” she murmured, still focused on the trainer getting railed, even as she realised it was actually a ‘researcher’ like herself.
"Oh are we? I don't have a trainer, am I so savage?" Flux said as their hand kneaded at her breast slowly. "Hm...actually...I think that you would prefer that" they added as they pulled at her shirt, Tearing it slowly.
“I-I-I!” She squeaked as her shirt ripped, her breasts revealed in a very plain bra, even as they’d feel her arousal getting hotter and hotter with every action, her pants starting to show a wet patch.
"Allow me to show you the savage nature of Mon" Flux said as they shifted forms before her eyes, shoving her on her back as they got bigger and bulkier, a muscled mon with thick tan fur, horns forming as they become a Tauros. The Researcher felt something hard and hot, fatter than her arm slap against her belly.
She couldn’t have stopped him even if she’d tried, feeling her shirt torn away fully and the thick, heavy slap onto her belly that made her shiver in a mixture of arousal and fear “Th… that’s… too big…” she mumbled “You’ll… never fit inside me!” And if he listened, he’d realise that was word for word what the girl had said to the houndoom on the TV
"Nonsense! I've seen smaller girls take bigger!" Flux said with smirk as he snatched her pants off with one hand and parted her legs. He pumped his his, his cock rubbing up her torso and pushing between her breasts, he grinned hungrily as he moved back to start teasing her with his tip.
At this point the poor girl couldn’t form words, her entire mind focused on what his thick length was about to do to her insides, with a little part wondering if all researchers fucked wild Mon…
And as he felt her spreading, he’d hear her moaning and realise she was a virgin. Or at least, she was five seconds before his monster bovine length parted her wetness so easily.
Flux let the thought pass....for a moment, taking their large hands and pinning her arms over her head as he pumped again, pushing himself deeper and deeper.
All he’d be able to hear was her moaning as he increased the pace he fucked her at, his length only just managing to fit inside her hole. Actually, now he thought on it, the smaller girls did tend to be gelatinous Mon like Grimers and Gulpin…
Flux's even thrust shook the sofa, his bovine sized length a battering ram inside the researcher, crashing against her furthest reaches. His mouth bit on her breasts and she moaned and moaned. Her fragile form only getting treated to ruthless carnal rutting. His impacts kept her wedged between his power body and the soft cushions. If she could even try to think two words, Flux had to be using Bulldoze right now...in a more unintended way.
His powerful thrusts were still keeping her from thinking, her every breath a gasp of nearly useless air as his immense, bovine cock rammed it straight back out again, bulldozing her into a nearly comatose state, her body tightening from instinct as she could do nothing but moan in pleasure.
Flux shifted his large hands out, grabbing her head and she managed to notice hid massive tongue racing lustfuy into her mouth, thrusting into her all the more. As her body clenched, squeezing around her new dominator, she felt something pulse inside, like a heart beat, something surged in her as the Mon's seed spilled inside her. It was his pre, but it was like someone shot raw inside her.
Her eyes rolled back as he pressed his tongue into her mouth, muffling her moans of pleasure as he continued to pound until she squirted around him, her wetness coating his legs as her body, so filled by just his pre, assumed he himself had came, greeting that fact with her orgasm.
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