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The vampires human (FaeWhisperer)

Local Time:
2:04 PM
Apr 10, 2024
Vampires seemed to be sensual creatures, the older they were the more sensual they seemed to be. The more knowledge they brought to any encounter they created or were in. That was why Lilly loved vampires. She was considered a vampire junkie, a human who spent so much time around vampires that she was a willing source of food. She thrived and got pleasure out of being bitten and used like that. There was something so deliciously thrilling about the idea that at any moment they could kill her or turn her that thrilled Lilly. Of course being a vampire junkie sometimes also landed her in a vampires bed but she didn't mind. It was exciting. In her normal day to day life Lilly worked as a personal assistant to a vampire who she had never met and as far as she knew he had never met her. But that didn't bother her, as long as he didn't learn about her proclivity of being a vampire snack Lilly didn't see the problem. It was a typical work day and Lilly was dressed in a pencil black skirt that hit her mid thigh, a white lace camisole top with a black cardigan over the top and black high heels. Her hair was pulled up into a ponytail showing off her skin but she had made sure to put makeup on her neck to hideaway the old and new scars showing she was a vampire junkie.

Getting a message that the reports that had been brought to her desk were needed in her bosses office she raised a brow a little, pushing her glasses up to rest on her head Lilly frowned a little before she gathered up the papers. She had been working for this mystery man for two years and she had not met him or seen him before. Shaking her head a little she walked over to his office, knocking on the door a little before she opened the door Lilly walked inside.

Seeing the large chair behind the desk had the back facing her Lilly walked up to the desk and placed the papers down, "Here are the reports you wanted" she said softly. She was naturally a soft spoken woman who never raised her voice to anyone. Clasping her hands in front of herself she stayed quiet for a moment before she cleared her throat a little, "Was there anything else you needed of me sir?" Lilly asked gently. As she stood there quietly she waited for him to say something but when he didn't she went to turn away but stopped when the chair moved and her boss faced her. Lilly couldn't stop the gasp from leaving her, she knew him. He was one of the few vampires who she regularly let feed from her, lately he had been the only one feeding on her. Lilly didn't complain but she had a feeling he had told the others not to feed on her anymore. "You're my boss?" Lilly asked in shock, he had never said anything about knowing her or even the fact that he was her boss. Did he not know or did he just not want to make her feel awkward for being a vampire junkie who actually held down a full time job?
Local Time:
9:04 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Damian was one of the few older vampires on the council that supported the 'vampire activists' seeing them as an opportunity to integrate vampire / human relationships further, and obviously in time, establish more of presence within society than they already had. Others on the council were wary, worried the activists had an ulterior motive, saying that humans were tricky creatures- and reminding those who were in favor of having such a large group of them around that the last time this happened, the vampires were almost wiped out as a species.

But, pushing his better judgement aside, Damian had begun to participate in these groups too. So much so he became a known regular at pretty much all of their night clubs, blood bank bars- anything that the activists funded, he was there.

And let's not forget those feeding parties.. A man of his status shouldn't have, but- he didn't have any other pleasures he partook in and this..

That's how he met Lily.

At first she seemed like any other human to him- for him to use and source his pleasure, but the first time he had tasted her blood...it wasn't like anything else he had ever tasted. For her blood gave him that warm, strong sensation in the back of his throat and tasted like the finest of wines money could ever buy. And he noticed after drinking hers specifically, his bloodlust high would last a lot longer than it normally should have. Because of this, he quickly reminded others like him there that Lily would be his personal treat from now on. The hosts knew this too, and not too long ago, Damian and Lily were given their own private room for them to use during the feeding sessions.

It was there during one feeding session when Damian decided he didn't want any other vampire to snag her at all, especially during the day when she worked. Because like him, there were other older vampires who were daywalkers- and he feared that she would come across ones who were not as 'gentle' as he was, misuse her for worse reasons than just..

So, by pulling some strings, he was able to have her at one of his main companies- and during that time they still were meeting regularly in the evenings, he just.. figured he would keep the secret of being her new boss as he didn't want to..complicate things. He wanted to see how she would perform at her duties first before knowing who he truly was. And she definitely was excelling at her position, but maybe that stemmed from her being a 'vampire jun- activist'.

Either way, he had just revealed himself to her, and in the dim lighting of the office he could still see where she had applied makeup to her neck to hide his previous bites from a few nights before.

At her shocked voice, he gave a sort of sheepish smirk and his eyes softened especially for her. "You work at a company, run by a vampire that works with vampire/human relations and...you're surprised that I'm your boss?" he teased slightly, wondering what she was thinking.
Last edited:
Local Time:
2:04 PM
Apr 10, 2024
Lily's lips parted and she moved her mouth a little before only a soft sigh escaped her, "I never in a million would I have thought you would be my boss" she said almost breathlessly. Her mind was running a million miles a minuet, this man had seen her at her most vulnerable. He had made her moan and shiver against him, and his bites lingered dangerously close to sexual pleasure for her.

As the thought that he had heard her moan before came into her mind Lily couldn't stop the blush that burned her cheeks sending her skin aflame.

This man, he had seen her laying on the bed of the room they had been given, panting and writhing like he had just fucked her senseless. Lily wanted to apologise for those times. Rising her hands she covered her face for a moment, taking a few deep breaths before she lowered her hands back down.

"Surely this is a conflict of interest...me working for you" Lily rattled off with a shake of her head, surely, surely there was no way that she could work for Damian and keep her mind off of him just feeding on her. Staying quiet for a moment or two Lily's lips parted in shock as she thought back to how other vampires no longer fed from her. How they seemed to avoid even accidentally touching her at the feeding parties to the point that she wondered for a bit if there was something she had done to warrant such actions from them.

"Did you...did you tell others not to feed from me because I work for you?" she questioned, she wanted to know why he wanted to keep her to himself. Was he doing so because she was his employee? Or did he just take pleasure in only feeding from one human only?

There was so many things running through her mind, one of thoughts that lingered longer than it should have was that of her straddling Damian's lap right then and there in his office and letting him feed off of her until she couldn't think straight.

Lily just hoped that he could not see her thoughts, if he could, she knew she would die of embarrassment.
Local Time:
9:04 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Damian watched her expression change, and he admitted silently that the flush of embarrassment on her cheeks actually made her cuter in his opinion… but those thoughts went away the moment his ears could pick up the sound of her blood rushing beneath her beautiful skin. Damian couldn’t help but inhale slightly, feeling like he could practically taste her blood already.

His eyes remained on her form as she spoke, and he knew it was a conflict of interest. That’s why he avoided her for two whole years here at the company, but he also knew he couldn’t go any longer— the idea that she was just down the hall, mere moments away from him— it tortured Damian.. that he couldn’t just, feed on her like he did during the nights that they did share with one another.

“I’m sure it could be a conflict of interest,” he spoke in a low tone, those familiar purple eyes watching her every movement again, “But two years at this, never revealing myself to you, wouldn’t you think it hasn’t been a conflict of interest?”

“As for the others..I didn’t want them to hurt you,” he leaned back in his office chair. Adjusting the neck of his tie, loosening it a little. “I couldn’t promise your safety throughout the day—so I needed you here, to make sure you’d be alive by the next time we’d meet,” he explained himself further.

Thankfully for her, he couldn’t read her thoughts, but judging by the flush on her cheeks, he didn’t have to- for he knew exactly what she was thinking about. He couldn’t wait until she couldn’t help herself anymore.. he could wait..

Local Time:
2:04 PM
Apr 10, 2024
Lily had to fighting herself to stop herself from squirming under his intense gaze, those damned eyes that often found her in her dreams made her want to just melt. And his gentle tone of voice, she wanted to bottle it and keep it with her. Her heart begin to race hearing the low tone of his voice, 'Oh hells bells, this man is going to be the death of me' Lily thought to herself. "I uh" she started, all words had left her for an argument of how her working for him was very much a conflict of interest. Hell, logic had left her. This man could rob her of her breath with just one damned look and Lily knew that Damian knew it. Now that she knew it was him she was working under Lily had a feeling it was going to be very hard for her to actually focus on her job knowing he was right behind the doors she had been close too for two bloody years.

As he explained that he didn't want the other to hurt her and that he wanted her alive by the next time they met Lily couldn't stop the shiver that ran down her body at those words, none of the other vampires she had been around before Damian waltzed his way into her life had seemed to care about her in that way.

Hells not even her ex-boyfriend, who had been a vampire, had cared about her as deeply as the man in front of her seemed to.

Watching as he leaned back in the office chair and loosened the neck of his tie she bit her bottom lip a little. He was scrumptious and Lily doubted he didn't know that as she had seen the other human women at the feeding parties basically try and throw themselves at him.

Clearing her throat a little after being quiet for a bit Lily shuffled her feet a little fighting the urge that roared through her to go over to him. The way he was leaning back in his chair seemed almost like an invitation for her to climb into his lap. But she was going to fight that urge as long as she could. She was at work after all, "Um...was there anything else you needed of me before I head back to work....sir?" she questioned with a small smirk forming on her lips as she called him sir.

She had never called him that before but now she knew he was her boss, Lily wanted to playfully call him sir. She wanted to test the waters, to see how much teasing she could get away with when it came to him.

"Or, did you only want to reports I brought to you?" Lily asked softly.

She wondered if he fed on her there and then if he would still turn up to the feeding party that was planned for that night or if he would miss it all together because Lily knew she wouldn't. She wouldn't miss such a fun event for anything, even if Damian wasn't there, she already had a dress planned out and she wasn't going to let a good dress go to waste.
Local Time:
9:04 PM
Nov 10, 2022
His eyes continued to watch her, carefully examining her every move, hearing the way her heart was beating.. she was nervous, even if she did try to compose herself. Not nervous in an uncomfortable way but.. the way that he was just sitting here, and he knew he was driving her mad.

It actually made him a bit happy to know, because he had seen her reactions from when the others took turns feeding from Lily. Damian could tell she was pleasured, and that she definitely was getting her own high off of it, but something about her moans, her reactions to him.. he knew they were different.

But what they were different for..he couldn’t exactly figure out himself. For he never truly had a solid relationship with a human. He was a councilman after all, high statuses and images he had to uphold. But then again, him attending those feeding parties.. could spell trouble down the line.

Yet..he knew he was practically untouchable considering the exact position he carried, but he wasn’t going to share that with her just yet. One surprise at a time.

At her teasing he gave a soft laugh, “Hm, I’ll have to get used to that,”he shook his head slightly. Did..he have a very faint blush on his cheeks? Surely, as she knew, vampires hearts did beat ever so slightly, due to the blood they always drank..

But before she could focus on that, he leaned forward and answered her other question.

“I called you in here because I wanted to make sure you were doing alright from a few days ago,” he admitted, his eyes falling on her neck. “I see that you covered them..” he spoke on the makeup she was wearing. If he did feed from her, he knew the makeup there would leave a strange taste in his mouth.
Local Time:
2:04 PM
Apr 10, 2024
Hearing his soft laugh she smiled softly, she could never grow tired of hearing that laugh. "I'll be sure to keep calling your sir until you're used to it" she joked, taking note of the faint blush brought to his cheeks she licked her lips a little. She had never seen him blush before and she liked that her words did that to him.

Watching as he leaned forward her right hand instinctively reached up to the right side of her neck to touch where the newest marks from Damian were. Her cheeks seemed to get darker as she blushed harder. Just him moving forward in the chair was graceful.

"I don't normally wear my hair up at work and I didn't think it was very...professional to show them off" Lily said softly almost sounding apologetic for covering up the marks he had left on her. When she wasn't at work she was not at all shy about people being able to see them if her black hair moved away from her neck enough to show them off, but she didn't think it was a good look for work even if she did work for a company that worked closely to vampires.

When he explained that he had called her in there to make sure that she doing alright from a few days ago Lily smiled a little, her stomach clenched lightly. His words while not at all sensual or suggestive still made her feel weak at the knees. "I'm fine" she said honestly trying to not let her mind wander back to when he had last fed on her, it had taken everything inside of her not to just beg him to pin her down to the bed and have his way with her once he had finished feeding on her.

Biting her bottom lip a little Lily couldn't stop the smirk that danced over her lips as her blue eyes sparkled a little, "If you like, I can go wash the makeup off" Lily started making a slight move to go to the doors that were at her back, "Or, if you are going to the feeding party tonight you can see your handy work then" she teased.

"But if you can't wait for tonight for a feed, you can...feed from anywhere else on my body you wish to" Lily said with a small shrug of her shoulders. She had never let anyone feed from anywhere else on her besides her neck before but it felt right, almost cheeky, to offer Damian any part of her body he wanted.
Local Time:
9:04 PM
Nov 10, 2022
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(fyi: if your image is too big, you can resize it! Just click / tap the photo and look for a + sign. Click / tap on that and input 250 x auto. That’s what I do for mine-!)

And his blush only deepened further at the joke she made. Fuck- what was she doing to him? Usually he could keep his composure with her. Usually. But this- this was a different setting, a place where things that they did at the feeding parties, shouldn’t take place here.

Even so, with that in mind, he listened to her apologetic response for the makeup, and his eyes narrowed a bit. “I understand the professionalism, and I would like for you to keep it up but-“ he gave a sigh, almost sounding annoyed. But not for the reason she would think. “I…want you to show them off. It’ll tell those here that I’ve clearly marked you, and.. to not touch you.” He said, knowing that most of— if not all- the bite marks on her neck, especially for the past year- were his. If he had seen another’s there scarred over, he usually would bite over it, marking his own to hide it.

He could see that she was doing alright, but he knew that he did go a bit overboard last time.. leaving her practically breathless and unable to move. Admittedly though, sometimes..he just couldn’t restrain himself around her. He desperately tried but something about how she looks at him just..

At the smirk, his eyes fell to her lips while she talked about washing the makeup off, mentioning the party and he casually threw in- “Love- you know I can’t have you attend without me.. so of course I’ll be there tonight,” but he stopped the moment she offered him the chance to bite other than her neck.

He paused, shifting the chair back slightly. She..that was her one rule, and of course he followed it. Even though he got close to her shoulder one time. He always tried to respect her wishes and..

“Anywhere?” He asked, wanting confirmation first.


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Local Time:
2:04 PM
Apr 10, 2024
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Listening to him explain that he understood that she was trying to professional by covering his marks she couldn't help but take a small shaky breath when he said the he wanted her to show them off. Show that she was marked by him. "Okay. I promise not to cover them next time" she said softly with a small nod of her head. Crossing her arms lightly over her stomach she smiled softly to herself. Normally Lily loved it when he contained himself when feeding on her but when his control seemed to slip the last time it had been more...exciting for her knowing that her life was in his hands and that she was his plaything.

Hearing him call her love she clenched her toes a little, oh how she adored hearing that word leave him, aimed at her. She was putty in this mans hands and Lily knew if he told her right then and there to straddled his lap she would have without a second thought. "Well, I am sure you'll like the dress I have picked out for tonight then" she teased, the dress in question would leave little to the imagination and she was eager to see what Damian would think of it.

Raising a brow slightly when he shifted back in his chair seemingly taken aback by her words, she licked her top lip a little when he asked conformation of what she had said. "Anywhere" She said with a small nod of her head.

Walking over to his desk she pulled off her cardigan as she walked, placing it down neatly on the edge Lily moved around to his side. It looked for a moment that she was going to straddle his lap but instead she perched herself on the edge of his desk making sure first that she would not sit on anything important.

"Might as well let you choose where you want to feed from since you are the only one feeding from me" Lilly said casually with a delicate shrug of her right shoulder, she had not even let her ex feed anywhere else but her neck and she had been with him for three years before she had broken up with him just before she met Damian. Yes, having a vampire feed from her neck was intimate and exciting for her, but Lily wanted to feel him feed on her anywhere he desired.

Afterall, in the world of vampires she was basically already owned by him.
Local Time:
9:04 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(I love how she looks!)

At her promise, Damian felt like a weight had been lifted off of his chest. He couldn’t quite pin down the emotion he felt, but to know that his bite marks would be able to be clearly seen by everyone else..gave him such a rush of pleasure. That’s the way he wanted things. And well, anyone dumb enough to pursue what was his.. would be dealt with accordingly.

Even so, the mention of her dress for that night did keep his interest, and she could tell he was thinking about it, even if he hadn’t replied back to her words right away- how she knew? His eyes deepened in color, a slight red hue to them. Which to her, would be a sign that he was desiring her more and more by the minute.

But, as always, he was waiting for that confirmation on if he could bite- her permission…and this time, to bite anywhere.

Once she gave him the okay, he had to take in a small breath once she walked forward and started to remove her sweater. When she hung it up, and climbed upon his desk- he could’ve sworn he felt his heart skip a beat.

He looked at the white camisole top, then at her face. “You know.. I’ve always made sure you were of sound mind before I would..feed,” Damian spoke softly as he reached out with his hand, which was much larger than her own- his fingers touching on the strap of the top of her right shoulder, pulling it down slightly. “And as much as I make sure no one else has you..I hope you understand-“ he looked up into her eyes. “That you’re free to do whatever you please..” He continued, “I’m marking you..so no one harms you. If they harm you I-“ he took in a breath, and let out a shaky sigh.

This was new, but perhaps..he was letting down more of his guard than usual now.

No..he wasn’t just marking her to make sure no one harmed her. But..he knew it was important for her to still be of sound mind. No compulsion.

“I’ll never compel you for anything. It has to be your decision to let me do whatever you want me to do,” he said finally. And yet- that’s mostly why he had been reserved around her, careful- he didn’t want to hurt her, even though he knew she received pleasure from that.
Local Time:
2:04 PM
Apr 10, 2024
(It is one of my favorite character images to use!)

She couldn't stop the sweet soft smile that came to her lips when she took note of his eyes deepened in colour, she knew that look and that change of his eyes well. She had seen it so often in other vampires, but when it happened to Damian, she wanted to melt. To get onto her knees and beg him to do anything to her.

Looking at his hand when he started to pull down the right strap her breathing picked up a little. Turning her eyes back to his face she nodded her head trying to form words or even a coherent thought when he was so close to her was always hard. She had had other vampires use compulsion on her before and while she didn't mind it, she appreciated that Damian had never done that to her. She loved that he let her make her own choices when it came to what happened between the two of them.

"I know" she said softly her eyes darting down to his lips quickly before she looked back at his eyes, swallowing a little harder then normal she closed her eyes for a moment before she opened them again. Moving off of the desk slowly she made sure she didn't move away from his hand as she straddled his lap, placing her hands lightly on his shoulders she smiled softly at him. "I trust you Damian...that is why, you are the only one I have ever said can feed from anywhere on my body that you want" Lily said almost breathlessly.

When it came to the vampire in front of her, Lily would have let him utterly destroy her if he wanted too. She knew other feeders weren't so willing of such things from the vampires they took care of but hell, Lily loved; no, needed, the pleasure that came from the pain associated with the feeling of sharp fangs biting into her skin.

Her heart was racing against her chest in anticipation, normally her craving for him to bite her wasn't this overwhelming, but it had been a couple of days and she wanted that pleasure he gave her when he fed. She wanted to dig her fingers into his shoulders in bliss as she normally did. Yes they hadn't had sex but every time he fed from her, Lily found herself getting closer and closer to begging him for that carnal release.
Local Time:
9:04 PM
Nov 10, 2022
This proximity between them, the scent of her skin- the sound of her blood rushing beneath was driving him crazy once more, and he had to take every ounce of his being to not just…pounce on her. Damian knew that. He wanted to watch her, to see what she would do. What Lily would say.

Seeing her close her eyes and hearing her swallow, he could tell she was about to move, and when she did, and came over to straddle his lap, his hands found their way to her waist, his fingers gripping on the edge of her camisole top, eager to get it off of her, but yet he waited.

She…trusted him?

And with that word, she could see his face soften further, his eyes only deepening in their ruby red. And of course his purple eyes were unique for a vampire, no other had eyes like Damian. And his red was unique as well, for what reasons, Lily wouldn’t have that answer yet.

“Then maybe I should.. start letting you know more about myself then,” he murmured out, slowly pulling the edge of her top up, and then pausing. “Shouldn’t get your blood on this..” he tells her, waiting for her to let him remove it, or for herself to remove it. Usually at the feeding parties he just goes in at her neck, and never worried about undressing her. But now that he got to choose where…

Needless to say, he was nervous. But for what reason.. ? Perhaps.. it was because they never had shared anything more than their feeding sessions, but it wasn’t like he was naive in the other aspects.

As far as other vampires go, he certainly was more refined in a lot of ways, and more considerate than others. Perhaps there was something else that caused it, but Lily probably wouldn’t know unless he willingly let her in on that part of himself. Was he worried she would not want him to continue feeding on her if she knew who he truly was?
Local Time:
2:04 PM
Apr 10, 2024
Lily's chest rose and fell quickly, his hands on her waist were comfortable. She wanted to feel his hands roaming over her skin, she wanted him to touch every inch of her. Hell, she wanted to trace her fingers over his skin. She wanted to learn every curve of his muscles.

Looking down at his hands when he started to lift up the edge of her top she gave a soft laugh and nodded her head in agreement about not getting blood on it. Blood was a bitch to get out of white and was one of the reasons that Lily favored wearing blacks or reds when it came to the feeding parties. Taking her hands from his shoulders she raised both of her arms for him to remove the clothing from her.

Once she was freed from the fabric Lily moved her hands back to his shoulders, she didn't care about him seeing the sheer white lace bra she was wearing, she didn't care about anything but wanting to feel more of him against her skin. "I wouldn't mind learning more about you, Mr. Mysterious" Lily basically purred with a grin using the nickname she had given to him the very first night they had ever met and he had fed from her. Everything about him then intrigued her and he screamed mysterious.

He still intrigued her, he was still a man of mystery that she wanted to unravel. But he was also the man she wanted to lose herself to completely.

"But, if you want to wait to take me on an actual date to tell me more about yourself, I don't mind waiting" Lily said with a soft smile, she wasn't going to push him to tell him everything about himself here and now. She wanted to learn about him slowly, right now, it was about giving him what he needed and wanted.

Hell, she could wait to get her own pleasure, as a feeder it was more fun making sure her vampire was well taken care of right now.
Local Time:
9:04 PM
Nov 10, 2022
As she raised her arms up, he pulled her top off effortlessly and tossed it over on his desk, before turning back to look at her now exposed chest. Damian noticed the bra she wore was also white, and also very sheer. The temperature in this room was chilled, which was fine for him- as he didn't really care about temperatures because his body always adjusted accordingly. But for Lily, he could tell by the way they were poking against the fabric that her body was reacting to the cold air of the room. He knew he couldn't provide much warmth, but warmth had never been an issue as Lily's body always heated up the moment he began to feed from her. Damian knew the rush of adrenaline and pleasure always made sure her body was hot enough by the time his hands were touching any exposed skin during the nights of the feeding parties.

His hands returned to her sides, caressing her gently, and trailing his hands up against her curves slowly. And if she was paying attention to his face, the moment she called him Mr. Mysterious again- and even mentioned about taking him taking her on a date... he couldn't help but blush further than he already had been- which was a very very light pink. And again, Damian could have sworn his heart skipped a beat. He looked to her eyes, his a full ruby red now, almost glowing in the dim light of the office. He then asked-

"Are you a mind reader now? How did you know I wanted to take you out on a date?" He asked, but it sounded a little more like teasing her gently.. and she would see a small smirk forming on his lips as she then felt his hands trail further up to the back of her bra, touching on the clasp there. He wanted to see her blush again, knowing how shy she was making him- he wished to see it more on her. It did make her cuter- no- more beautiful than she already was. That deep red blush on her pale, perfect skin..

What was happening to him? Of course he's been plenty intimate over the years, so why was one human making him feel this way?

But before she could respond to his question, he tugged on the clasp of her bra with his hand, undoing one hook for now, leaving two left. His next words though, told her exactly where he wanted to feed from. "Your bra is in the way of where I want to feed, so.. may I remove it?" he asked. Again, always asking. But, he didn't want her to be uncomfortable in any way. Yet if she asked him to go in with reckless abandon, he would.
Local Time:
2:04 PM
Apr 10, 2024
Lily shivered a little at the feeling of Damian's hands finding their way back onto her sides, seeing the blush on his skin seem to deepen she couldn't help but give her own smirk. For a moment she was distracted from his hands slowly trailing up her curves. When he asked if she was a mind reader now she couldn't help the soft laugh that left her lips, but any semblance of thought left her as soon as she felt his hands trailing up her back, the movement sending shivers through her body. When he reached the clasp of her bra Lily bit her bottom lip lightly as she locked her eyes on his. She was not a shy woman, but he could make her feel so shy. As if he could see inside of her and knew every single done of her darkest desires.

If he wanted her to completely forget how to speak or even form a single thought, he was going about it the right way and Lily wasn't mad about it.

When he asked if he could remove her bra Lily gave a small nod of her head, she didn't know if her heart could beat faster than it already was but it felt like it was. He was setting her skin on fire with his looks and touches, "Anything else you want to take off of me...feel free" she said breathlessly her skin seemed to glow as she blushed showing him with actions were doing what he wanted. Lily wanted the man she was straddling to ravage her, she wanted him to be rough with her and leave her unable to walk. But she knew now wasn't the time or the place to beg him of such things. Right now she was just focused on how his hands felt against her skin and the look in his eyes.

She had always loved the feeling of his hands roaming her exposed skin when he fed on her, yes he was such a gentleman that he never got close to touching her between her thighs but she could not help but think of how much he could torture her if he did. Yes she had gotten close a couple of times when it came to moving on the bed just right to getting his hand to move where she wanted it to go but it always seemed like Damian knew what she wanted and refused to give it to her since she wasn't openly asking him for it. Lily had no doubt that Damian had plenty of experience with women, but she wanted to know, to feel that experience.
Local Time:
9:04 PM
Nov 10, 2022
At her words, his hand twitched ever so slightly, as if his brain had to connect her words to his actions. Then suddenly- he unclasped the rest of her bra, moving the straps off of her shoulders and exposing her chest fully for the first time. The bra dropped off, and this time he didn’t move it to his desk, he just let it fall as his attentions were fully on Lily. Damian could hear how rapidly her heartbeat was, and where he wanted to bite.. was right over her heart.

Listening to her breathlessly give him permission to undress her freely, set his own body on fire- and the burning sensation he felt where his groin was couldn’t be helped either. Because of the way Lily was straddling him, surely she would feel a considerably large bulge in between her legs.

If he wasn’t careful..he would end up- no. He.. couldn’t do that to her yet. But there was something deep inside of him on instinct almost that wanted to take Lily right here and now, fully claiming her as his. Well.. in vampire terms, that was.

Vampires could fuck anyone they pleased, as they usually never had to worry about unplanned pregnancies and children to take care of down the line. But there were times where they would have to worry- and that was during a blood moon.

A blood moon enhances everything supernatural- be it witch, werewolf, vampire.. it was the only time that vampires would be truly able to procreate and further their own bloodline other than just biting and turning humans like them. And a vampire could mate with anyone, it didn’t just have to be two vampires. There were a lot of half vampire children out there- and Lily, like any other vampire enthusiast out there knew this fact well.

Thankfully, the next blood moon wouldn’t be until the next year (it happens every 4 years), so Damian definitely wasn’t influenced or swayed by those effects, as Lily knew when a vampire was.

Damian then leaned Lily in close towards him, where her breast was practically almost pushed against his face, and his hands and arms held her to him in a grip that was strong yet not uncomfortable to her, almost as if he didn’t want her to move off of him just yet.

She could feel his breath there on the top of her left, soft unblemished breast and he told her this- “I..might lose control… so, if I go too far and you want me to stop… please, tell me.”

And with that, he kissed her skin, right over where her heart lay under, and soon bit down. Lily would feel Damian’s bite there for the first time, and the way his fangs pierced her skin, it gave her that familiar pain and pleasure she was desperately wanting. Yet something about Damian’s bite, Lily would be able to tell that this..in this moment that it felt different, as if his bite was more sensual than usual, as if he was aiming to bring her more of that sensation he knew she loved.

She then would be able to hear Damian moan as the rush of her blood filled his mouth and he drank almost ravishingly, one arm moving to her free breast, his hand soon squeezing it slightly almost as if he was seeing if she would enjoy such a thing.
Local Time:
2:04 PM
Apr 10, 2024
Lily couldn't stop the soft gasp that left her when he finally removed her bra, exposing her breasts completely, she also took note of the bulge that had grown in his pants and she had to fight herself to keep still so she didn't grind against him. Letting him move her to where he wanted her she sighed softly the feeling of his strong grip holding her so closely to him sent a shiver over her skin, "I will...I promise" she said breathlessly. He knew how to steal her breath without even trying.

When he placed that soft kiss against her skin she sighed softly, but it was the feeling of his fangs sinking into her skin that made her eyes flutter closed. A soft, eager moan leaving her as her lips parted and her head leaned back a little. The moan that left him when her blood filled his mouth instantly made her more wet then she already was.

At the feeling of his hand squeezing her free breast she dug her nails lightly into his shoulders, silently telling him she enjoyed as it made her arch her back slightly, her body was acting on pure instinct and Lily could not stop herself as she rolled her hips a little grinding herself against him. She didn't care that if someone was to come into Damian's office for any reason right then and there they would get quite the view of her moaning in pleasure while being on top of her boss as he fed from her, in that moment her mind was on nothing more then the pleasure that was flowing through her.

"Fuck" Lily gasped softly, this felt so different from every other feeding session but it only made her more excited. More...horny for Damian. She didn't need alcohol or actual drugs to get high, his bite was her favorite drug.

As he continued to feed soft small mewls of pleasure left her lips as her breathing picked up again, he could get her so close to climaxing from just his bite, but being so close to him like she was right then was spurring her eagerness on more for actual release. She did not care at all if she did actually cum while straddling him, there was no logical thought flowing through her, Lily did not want him to stop. The longer he fed the more her body reacted to him and she started to roll her hips against his bulge in a steady slow rhythm.

She did not care if her actions in that moment seemed desperate, whoreish, she wanted to feel him feeding off of her while she came.
Local Time:
9:04 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Damian only deepened his bite while he heard Lily moan- that oh so familiar sound he was anticipating.. hearing Lily’s voice moaning, was just as sweet as her blood tasted. And tasting her blood straight from the source was ten times better than it usually was for him. Feeding from somewhere different other than her neck gave him that particular high Lily was experiencing, just in a different way.

He was thankful she had promised to stop him, but the way things were going.. he didn’t know if she’d be able to stop his growing desire as he could sense she only wanted more of what he was doing, and he had confirmation from that when he felt her fingernails dig into his shoulders. He kept in mind he was still fully clothed, but he didn’t care, as he could easily get undressed if he followed his desires.

For now, he kept his restraint only a little while, which honestly didn’t last long while Lily began to give those soft mewls of pleasure, and instinctively began to grind against the bulge that had begun to make its presence known, and he paused in his feeding just a moment- taking a soft gasp of pleasure, and a low groan followed. “Lily..” he murmured out her name, his eyes holding that desperate hunger for her…and only her would ever see that expression on his face. He searched her pleasured expression, and looked down at the fresh bite mark right over her heart, seeing blood trickle down. He instantly leaned forward and licked it up from her, all the while his other hand was teasing at her nipple for the first time. Pinching and rolling it in between his fingers, tugging every now and then.

After licking over the bite mark, his saliva would stop the bleeding, but leave the wound open and fresh- stinging and throbbing with his venom lingering, just the way she enjoyed it. He leaned back in the office chair, his hand still on her breast, slowing its teasing of her nipple as he thought of what to do.

Glancing over to his desk, he quickly scanned to see if anything of importance was on there and when he concluded it was clear, he took his hands and lifted Lily off of him, standing and setting her down suddenly on the edge of his desk.

He then reached out and unzipped her pencil skirt, pulling it off of her easily, exposing the underwear she had on. Damian didn’t take long after removing her skirt when he then approached Lily, pushing her down suddenly against the desk behind her. Lily would then see Damian move his head down to her chest once more- and his fangs went to pierce her other breast. And while he focused there, feeding more from her- she would be able to feel one of his hands touching in between her thighs, caressing her there - dragging his fingers lightly, teasing its way between her legs.

Clearly he wanted to touch her there..but..should he? Would that be going too far?
Local Time:
2:04 PM
Apr 10, 2024
Hearing him murmur her name Lily could only give a small moan that was a mix of pleasure and acknowledgement of him speaking, looking at him and seeing that all too familiar hunger there she couldn't help but smirk a little but it faltered from her lips as soon as he licked the blood from her breast. His teasing fingers on her other breast made her back arch again as she tried to press more of her breast into his hand, she did not want him to stop touching or teasing her. Watching him as he leaned back in the chair her lips were parted as she panted softly, her eyes scanned over his face wondering what he was thinking. Damian was always so hard for her to read but she loved the challenge of trying to figure out what was going on in his mind.

As his teasing of her nipple slowed Lily stopped grinding against him wondering if he was going to tell her to stop, make her get off of him. But as soon as he lifted her off of him she gave a small surprised noise. She had not been expecting that, when she was placed on his desk Lily braced her hands on either side of herself for a moment before she gave a soft sultry smile when he unzipped her skirt. Raising her hips a little so he could easily remove it from her exposing the matching white lace panties that went with the bra, as soon as he pushed her down suddenly against the desk she gasped lightly.

It was not a noise of displeasure but one of surprise. Looking up at him eagerly curious as to what he was going to do to her. Moving her head a little to watch him her eyes closed as soon as she felt him sink his fangs back into her skin, but this time on her other breast. The sensation made her back arch slightly off of the desk under her, a moan escaping her. The feeling of one of his hands touching between her thighs made Lily move her legs a little more apart so he had all of the access he wanted.

When his fingers just danced along the skin of her inner thigh Lily made a small annoyed noise in the back of her throat, "Please Damian" she moaned her nails were lightly digging into the wood under her, not enough to leave marks but enough that if he were to look at her hands he would know that she was getting desperate.

She wanted him to grant her release, hells, in that moment she wanted him to fuck her completely roughly and unapologetically. She wanted to feel completely out of control of everything, as far as she cared in that moment Damian could have tied her hands up and she wouldn't have cared in the slightest as long as he let her cum.

"Don't tease me" Lily whimpered with a small frown, "Touch me or fuck me, I don't care which, but please don't tease me" Lily moaned.
Local Time:
9:04 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Damian felt Lily arch her back from his bite, and as she did so, her breast was pushed up more into his mouth, but he didn’t mind. It only meant him deepening the bite and increasing his venom flow into her blood stream. And not to mention the way her legs just spread apart for him, eagerly awaiting for him to do anything he wanted..


He was finally letting that last thread of restraint unravel the moment he heard her beg for him. To either touch her or fuck her.. and to not just tease her- damn it. He honestly wanted to, and everything was pulling him in further and further, he didn’t want to stop until she was a breathless, sticky and bloody mess laying there sprawled out on his desk.

He pulled back, licking his blood stained lips, and he allowed the blood from his second bite mark to flow down her pale skin for just a moment. Licking that, and then continued to drag/lick all the way up to her neck, he bit down there, regardless of the makeup she wore- he didn’t care if there was a slightly weird taste at first, he just wanted her.

And the moans he was giving weren’t soft either- they were his deep, hot and low moans. Yet these moans too held a different tone than they usually did, probably because of how much more turned on he was, knowing that after this.. their relationship would forever be changed.

He pulled back off of her neck, leaning to her ear next, and she would feel his breath tickling against her ear while he spoke- “I’m going to touch you first love, to make sure you are going to fit me..”

To… fit him?

And before she could even think further on that, the teasing fingers from his hand finally laid on her aroused sex, prodding the slick entrance through the fabric of her underwear quite easily. To which he gave a soft smirk, not surprised at how wet she was, but happy that he could turn her on this much from just feeding from her breast alone.

His fingers danced around the entrance a little, before he finally pushed her soiled panties to the side of her pussy, and he pulled back from her ear to take a good look at it for the first time. All the while his thumb has begun to tease her clit, while two fingers pushed into her entrance, curling slightly once inside of her as he began to move them around, the curling would help his finger tips to brush against where her g spot was.

Being the tall man that he was, there wasn’t much trouble when he leaned back over her beautiful form, his hand making itself known inside of her while he trailed kisses up her stomach and back to her lovely chest. His mouth opened and took in one of her nipples, biting it ever so slightly with his fangs, tugging on it and rolling his tongue against it. She would feel him start to suckle, and then— the stinging and burning sensation of pleasure and pain would follow, as he had bit right on her nipple, using that and the sucking motion of his lips to drink from her breast this time.
Local Time:
2:04 PM
Apr 10, 2024
When his fangs left her skin for the second time she made a small, almost pleading noise, she wanted his fangs back in her skin. But as soon as his tongue dragged over her skin she shivered. Before she could open her mouth to beg Damian more she gave an eager gasp when he bit into her neck, his deep moans sent shivers through her body sending goosebumps rising over her skin. She would never get over hearing those sweet sounds from him. When he said that he was going to touch her first to make sure she was going to fit him, Lily's eyes fluttered open but before she could even string together a single coherent thought her breath was robbed from her with an eager moan when she felt him finally touch her.

Her breathing picked up in anticipation, she could not wait to feel his fingers finally touch her pussy and as soon as he pushed the fabric aside and his fingers found their way inside of her Lily swore softly to herself. She couldn't help but to try and roll her hips a little wanting to feel his fingers deeper.

Each time his finger tips brushed against her g spot a small jolt ran through her body, she had never experienced anything like this before not even from her ex boyfriend. But then again, he hadn't been the most exciting in the bedroom.

Moving her right hand onto his left shoulder when he trailed kisses up her stomach Lily gave a soft sweet sigh of pleasure, his kisses against her skin were like torture but the most amazing kind. Biting her bottom lip a little when he took her nipple into his mouth she gave a small hiss of surprise when she felt his fangs slightly biting it. Before she could wrap her head around what he was doing she was caught off guard by the pleasure and pain that rolled through her when he actually bit her nipple, the sensation bringing a very eager moan from her lips.

She had to fight herself to stop from arching her back, but this man, he was bringing her so much pleasure and so she rolled her hips a little instead.

The nails of her hand that sat on his shoulder dug into him a little as she raised her left hand to grip the edge of the desk above her head, "Oh my god" Lily panted. His continued actions were sending her closer and closer to the edge and it wasn't long before she bit down a little harder on her bottom lip with an eager groan as she came on his fingers.

As she laid there on the desk under him at his complete mercy she panted softly, small, delicate moans still escaped her. She had never had an orgasam where it felt like little aftershocks were rolling through her with each breath she took but hell, here she was experiencing it. And Lily loved that it had been Damian that had caused it.
Local Time:
9:04 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Rolling his tongue around her nipple, licking up the blood he had suckled from her- he pulled back his lips from her puffy bud. Everything that he had done so far- to how she reacted to it was driving his cock to throb further and further, wanting nothing more than to claim Lily’s warm depths.

He had slowed his fingers moving in and out of her once he had felt her cum on them, the small, yet hot rush of the milky liquid had flowed past his fingers, dripping onto his desk below.

He pulled his fingers out of her, moving them to his mouth and sucking on them, moaning out at the taste. Mixed in with her blood that still lingered in his mouth.. fuck. He couldn’t wait any longer.

And so Damian stood, undoing his buckle to his belt, unzipping his pants and letting them drop to the floor along with his boxers that he wore. With his shirt and tie quickly following, there Damian stood, naked for the first time in front of her. Sure- there were times he had his shirt off while he was feeding on her before, but this was different.. because— well, he was standing there revealing an impressive sized cock for her to lay eyes on- eight inches long and thick all around, his tip had already started to leak precum.

Before she could get a proper look, Lily would soon feel his hands on her hips, pulling her closer to the edge of the desk and had himself pressed in between her, rubbing the tip of his length against her entrance.

Mere moments later he wasted no more time as he slipped inside of her for the first time, slowly pushing his way and filling her up entirely- and then some. He pushed past the main part of her depths, reaching the very entrance of her womb, his tip practically prodding at it already.

As he pushed inside of her and nearly reached his base, Damian couldn’t help but let out a shaky moan. Lily’s pussy was so soft, warm and inviting- he could feel her insides adjusting to his size, thankfully she was lubricated enough for him to even be inside of her at this point.

He then looked down upon her, seeing the four bite marks he had left so far, his eyes searching where he should feed from next.

And upon choosing, he moved to make sure Lily’s legs would be wrapped around his waist properly, one hand caressing her thigh, his other arm and hand wrapping around her waist and pulling her up slightly against him as he went to bite on her shoulder, soon beginning to fuck her. His hips pulled back and he pushed forward, getting into a steady pace, wanting to keep hearing her moan for him.

He was moaning with each thrust he made, his fangs dug deeper into the flesh onto her shoulder, the feeling- the combination of this pleasure she was giving him, he had to remind himself not to hurt her too much.

But he knew she’d enjoy that anyways if he did.
Local Time:
2:04 PM
Apr 10, 2024
Lily gave a small unhappy noise when Damian pulled his fingers out of her slowly, opening her eyes she looked up at him, watching as he put his fingers into his mouth the moan that left him made her clench her toes. Moving on the desk a little she watched as he stripped off his clothes, taking a shaking breath she tried to move her head enough to see how big his cock was but before she could she gave a small laugh when he grabbed her hips and pulled her closer to him.

The feeling of him pressing and rubbing his tip against her entrance brought an appreciative noise from her, but as soon as he pushed inside of her her back arched off of the desk and her eyes closed. He was filling her up and it felt so amazingly right. She had never felt so full before and she had no doubt she was going to be so addicted to the feeling, his length seemed to reach so far inside of her that she loved it. Opening her eyes back up slowly she looked up at him as she licked her bottom lip slightly, just knowing he was looking at his artwork on her body pleased her.

Smiling softly as he caressed her thigh with one hand she let him pull her up slightly against him. His fangs sinking into her shoulder made her move her right hand to his shoulder and her left hand gripped his bicep, he wasn't hurting her in the slightest. She wanted to feel as much pleasure and pain as he could give her.

Damian's steady thrusts into her continued to bring those soft sweet moans from her, his own moaning thrilled her, she loved hearing him moan. As he bit deeper into her shoulder Lily dug her nails into his skin, not enough to hurt him but enough to leave behind half moon indents as she arched her back pressing her breasts against his chest.

"Oh fuck, Damian" Lily moaned softly, she knew that if for whatever reason they stopped seeing each other Lily would not allow another vampire to do to her what Damian was doing. As far as she cared he would be the only one who would ever see her like this.

A hot breathless horny mess.

Letting her head roll backwards a little Lily's mind could think of nothing but him as she moaned with each of this thrusts into her, because she had already orgasamed once Lily knew it would not be long before he pushed her over the edge again but she was going to hang on as long as she could before she did. She wanted to hear him moan as he came in her.
Local Time:
9:04 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Damian couldn’t help it- he was addicted to Lily. Everything about her. Especially in this moment. Just the way her voice sounded when she moaned- her glistening glowing skin, the taste of her hot and sweet blood.. the feeling of her warm, inviting pussy-

He had to give her that kind of mark.. it would be foolish of him not to. But yet- he would have to wait, for he didn’t know where their relationship would go after this. Sure, having a willing human be your personal blood bag was nice but this- he didn’t see her as such, for he saw her as so much more. And he wanted to know her more personally, past all of this too.

But for now, he was losing himself with the pleasure she was giving him. The blood that was rushing down his throat as he drank, and the feeling of how she would squeeze around his length. And he kept thrusting within her, using a slight bit of his vampire strength to fully rock her against the desk, or..the desk was sliding with them? Either way, his hands continued to grip on her thighs, one eventually moving back up to squeeze one of her breasts- soon feeling her blood dripping past his fingers.

While he was doing this, he was definitely enjoying the feeling of her fingernails digging into his skin- as it was making him hornier than he already was- and for that he couldn’t understand fully, but he knew he loved it. And he also knew.. he didn’t want anyone else to see her like this, but himself. But would she be okay with that?

Moaning out at the sound of his name rolling off of her lips, he knew there. So he pulled from her shoulder, as he began to fuck her harder. “I don’t want any other vampire near you.. I want you all to myself..” he managed to get out in between his moaning, the expression on his face and the way his speech was currently— showed how much he was enjoying himself. And as he continued to thrust, he knew it wasn’t much longer before he was finished, and Lily would be able to feel his length swelling in size as he neared his climax.

But, he wanted her to experience orgasm after orgasm too, and he also knew after one climax for him, didn’t mean he would be done with her. Yet he would be mindful of her limit as well.

He pressed himself closer to her, biting on the other side of her neck now, closing his eyes and losing himself into her soft body, moaning hotly against her neck. “You’re mine,” he murmured out softly into her ear as he pulled back to lick up some trailing blood. Then he bit back into her neck, feeling himself thrust a few more times, his hips slapping against hers and the lewd noises reaching his ears.. hearing her pant and moan out for him-

Sent him over the edge.

Damian moaned out- no, cried out in ecstasy against her skin as he began to cum, pushing his hips forward a bit longer before pressing up deep into her, filling her up to the max.
Local Time:
2:04 PM
Apr 10, 2024
Lily held onto Damian like her life depended on it, his hands were sending tingles all over her skin and the feeling of his squeezing one of her breasts made her moan happily.

When he began to fuck her harder Lily's lips parted, no sound left her but short pants at the feeling of him not holding back so much now. Moving her hand from his shoulder she placed it against the back of his neck as he said that he didn't want another vampire near her and that he wanted her all to himself, processing his words she nodded her head eagerly. "Only you can....touch me" Lily managed to pant out. She knew there would never be anyone who could live up to Damian or give her the same pleasure as he did.

He seemed to be able to play her like a damned fiddle and she was here for it.

Hearing him say that she was only hips she moaned, "Mmm only yours" she moaned in agreement when he murmured to her that she was his. She wasn't going to argue with him on it, hell she loved hearing him say she was only his. When he bit back into her neck Lily couldn't stop the small squeal of pleasure that left her as he brought her to her second orgasm just seconds before he finished inside of her filling her up. The feeling of him filling her to brim brought a soft breathy moan from her. She let her body relax a little as she continued to hold onto him.

This had been the best sex she had had in a long time, the fact that he had let himself fuck her hard made her feel happy. Taking a few shaky breaths Lily couldn't help but smile softly as she panted, never in a million years did she think she would ever end up having sex in her bosses office.

"Okay...you are amazing" Lily panted with a soft laugh, she knew she probably looked a sight. Bloodied and well used but Lily didn't care how she looked, she had finally gotten that beautiful release she had never thought she would get from Damian and it had been mind blowing. She was sure that he could be so much rougher with her than he had been but Lily wasn't complain that he had been somewhat gentle with her.

As long as she was able to walk out of his office with trembling legs she would still be happy.

Giving a soft moan as she moved her head Lily placed her head on his shoulder a lightly, "I...I think you are going to be the death of me...sir" said got out as she worked on getting her breathing back under control. She could not resist throwing that little 'sir' at him at the end of her words.
Last edited:
Local Time:
9:04 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Damian held onto Lily, his arms wrapped around her delicate frame- pressing her close to himself. He too was panting now, although for him it was much easier to recover.. all he had to do was-

He gently licked over her neck wounds, slightly biting into one, and drinking just a small amount. He couldn’t help but moan more at the deeper taste he picked up on, perhaps it was because her body was buzzing with the dopamine she received from their first time with one another. Or maybe her blood became that much better after she had cum, which made him want to do a little experiment down the line..

But those thoughts were put aside the moment he heard her say that he was amazing and he pulled away from her neck to look at her, and on his face— there was a soft grin in reply, “Mm..no darling, I believe it is you who are the amazing one..” he returned, leaning back slightly.

He knew holding out for her was the right idea. Up until he had first attended one of the feeding parties, he had liked to get around, and still used what freedom he had left while he could. And so he was spending nights with those who only filled what he thought was worth fulfilling. As someone of high importance such as he- he knew having many to choose from may have been a good thing, considering he needed to find a willing partner for the blood moon ceremony coming up within the year…
But something set apart Lily from everyone else he has ever met— he knew that Lily made him want to do things differently- to actually get to know her more, and from there he could ask..

When Damian heard her next words, he could feel his softened length slightly throb at the idea- that he would be the death of her. Oh to turn her.. he would probably do that at the blood moon ceremony- to solidify their bond further..

And especially since the blood moon ceremony was a large event for the royals to have them continue on the royal bloodline.. by choosing a suitable partner to have by your side as the decades came and went— but for him taking Lily as his..

He would have to see how their relationship played out then.

Damian would then lean forward and kiss her gently, knowing she would take a bit to recover from this.. would she even be able to attend the feeding party tonight? As he pulled away and looked into her eyes he said,

“I’m going to walk you home tonight, after you’re done with the rest of your work..” he paused, and then gave a soft smirk, “Or, as your boss..I could allow you to go home early,” he wondered what she would think of that, and, if he went with her, he could make sure that she was safe- it would put him at ease to know.
Local Time:
2:04 PM
Apr 10, 2024
Lily let Damian hold her close to him, but the feeling of him licking and lightly biting into one of the of her neck wounds made her eyes flutter closed and she sighed softly at the sensation. She knew he wasn't trying to excite her again as his actions were so gentle, but that moan that left him sent a shiver through her body.

When he said that she had been the amazing one Lily couldn't help but blush, moving her hands to rest on his shoulders as he leaned back slightly she raised a brow slightly at him. "What are you thinking about?" Lily questioned tilting her head to the right slightly. The pain of him feeding from her hadn't set in yet, her body was deliciously numb but Lily was looking forward to seeing how much she would ache, for her it was a happy reminder of the pleasure she had gotten.

Studying his face as he leaned forwards and kissed her gently Lily gave a small appreciative moan as she returned his kiss, letting him pull back from the kiss she raised a brow as he looked at her.

Listening to him as he said that he was going to walk her home after she finished her work she opened her mouth to respond but stopped when she saw the smirk, when Damian finished saying as her boss he could let her go home early she couldn't help but give a soft laugh. "I think...I'll take the going home early option" Lily laughed with a small smirk of her own, "I don't think I would be able to keep my mind on my work" she added before she placed her lips against his giving him a gentle kiss this time.

Lily let the kiss linger for a moment before she took her lips from his and leaned back a little, "Of course, I might need a little help getting off of the desk and...standing" she said with a soft laugh. Hell her whole body was starting to buzz softly every part of her finally catching up to everything that had happened that she knew if she tried to stand by herself she would probably end up on the floor on her hands and knees in front of him, "Know any strong vampires who could help me with that?" Lily teased with a playful smirk.
Local Time:
9:04 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Damian gave a soft glance to her as she questioned what he was thinking about and he truly did not know how to answer that. Perhaps he would in time, but for now, with his mind on the blood moon approaching— the need for him to secure a suitable partner was weighing more on his chest than he originally believed.

So what if he ascen— the thr— without a q—

His thoughts were disrupted as she leaned in for another kiss, and he was brought back to the present moment with Lily there, still sprawled out on his desk. He could vaguely tell that she would take the going home early option, but the fact that she was requesting his help told him he went too far this time.. yet, the way Lily had reacted to everything.. was she truly a- what were they called? Masochist?

Guess it would make sense given the fact that she was a feeder. Most, if not all of them got their pleasure high by being bitten by vampires. He knew that she was only downright addicted to him because of the type of vampire he was. Yet she didn’t know that..

But still, pushing what kind of vampire he was aside, he gave a soft laugh at her playful smirk and teasing words. “Mm..I wouldn’t think there would be any of them around..” he teased in return, pulling off of her finally and standing, his eyes lingering on her body for a few more moments- he wouldn’t know when the next time he’ll be able to see her like this again. He left five new bite marks on her body- one he had stopped the bleeding on, the others, were still oozing her beautiful blood. Albeit slowly, as her body was already working to heal them.

“But since I’m here.. I’ll make sure you’re cleaned up and put back together before I take you home,” he promised, moving to redress himself first, which wouldn’t take long. He looked as if he hadn’t even done anything to her- save for the slightly messy hair he had.

He first walked over to a file cabinet drawer that apparently had a false bottom to it, as he pulled out a first aid kit, wet wipes and.. emergency underwear? It was in a little pink unopened package, with those words written on it.

“Honestly.. never thought these would come in handy,” he admitted sheepishly as he placed it down next to her, but she could tell by the looks of things, these items he brought out to clean her up- looked like they were brand new- as they hadn’t even been open. Just how long was he waiting for something like this to happen between them?!

He gently attended her bite marks, bandaging and dressing each one appropriately, knowing that he didn’t want to risk any of this to get infected. It was a good thing he wasn’t a lower life vampire.. as Lily definitely would have had a terrible reaction to his bites and venom.

And he was gentle enough to clean in between her legs with the wet wipes, disposing of everything in his waste bin next to his desk.

With that, he helped her up slowly, and carefully, Lily would feel his gentle hands carefully re-situating her clothes and allowing her to put on the emergency underwear in place of her soiled ones, which were carefully put back into the packaging of the emergency ones. “Sorry about that,” he said, slightly embarrassed he had let himself get to that point, to ruin possible expensive underwear. He knew women’s clothing prices were outrageous to say the least, but he wouldn’t mind replacing them for her, or..even buying her a whole knew set of lingerie for just their feeding sessions..

“Oh, also, before I forget,” he reached back into the file cabinet drawer and brought out a small black box. It almost appeared like a jewelry box, but when he opened it, it revealed some type of mysterious, dark blue liquid in a glass vial. “If you feel worse than usual, please drink this to restore your strength before the feeding party, I want to make sure you can fully enjoy yourself tonight if you so wish,” he handed her the vial, wondering if she would take it. He knew how she enjoyed to feel after a session with him, but something like this he had done to her might be a little much..
Local Time:
2:04 PM
Apr 10, 2024
Lily watched all of his movements carefully, when he teased that there might not be any strong vampires around to help her she couldn’t stop the soft laugh that left her. “I’ll guess you’ll do then” she teased with a playful smirk. Watching as he went over to the cabinet once he pulled out of her and dressed himself, tilting her head to the side a little she raised a brow seeing the first aid kit and the clean pair of panties as well. “Out of curiosity, just how long have you been waiting for this to happen?” She asked cheekily.

She didn’t mind if he had planned it for a while, the fact that he even had anything to clean her up and new panties for her made her smile. Any other vampire wouldn’t have been so gentle and caring as Damian was.

Letting him pamper her with taking care of her she smiled softly once she was back on her feet and dressed, when he apologised for ruining her underwater she couldn’t help the soft laugh that left her. “I don’t mind…though if you really do feel bad for it, you can buy me some new underwear” Lily joked before she looked at the vile and gently took it from him. “I will” she promised softly with a small nod of her head.

Once everything was said and done and she was home and Damian had left she rolled the vile in her hands for a moment before she shrugged and drank it. She had a feeling she was going to need as much strength as possible once Damian saw the dress she would be wearing.

Having a sleep for the rest of the day Lily woke up at six pm and set about getting herself ready, after her shower she looked at herself in the mirror once she had taken all of the bandages off. She couldn’t help but smile softly seeing Damian’s handiwork on her skin. Remembering how he said he wanted her to show off his marks she tied her hair up into a high ponytail, the only makeup she bothered with was some mascara and some eyeliner.

Going into her room she grabbed the short black satin dress she planned to wear and slipped it on. It stopped above mid thigh and Lily knew if she bent over she would give everyone a sight as she had decided not to wear underwear or a bra. The front of the dress was so low cut that it stopped just before her belly button and the back just after the small of her back. There was no way she could wear a bra with it.

Pulling on a knee length coat over the top and simple black heels she left her house, she was happy she lived only a block from where the feeding parties were normally held.

Once she reached the party Lily got in with no problems and gave her coat to the cloak person. She knew she looked a sight, Damian’s fresh marks and the dangerously short dress saw to that. Looking around, her eyes scanning everyone until they fell on Damian and she couldn’t stop the teasing smirk that came over her lips as she started to walk towards him.

As far as Lily was concerned, he was the only one in the room with her in that moment.
Local Time:
9:04 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Damian made sure that she had been dropped off properly, and lingered ever so slightly afterwards to ensure Lily was safe. As he watched the lights turn on in her home, he gave a soft sigh of relief, but then found himself blushing slightly.

Perhaps it was how her blood tasted, but perhaps it was also how she was making him feel- and not just sexually. Damian truly didn’t know yet, and was willing to find out. He wanted to get to know Lily more, even outside of their feeding sessions and work.

Perhaps he would finally ask her out after tonight.

As he walked back to where his home was, he reached the door and opened it. Once inside he soon retired himself to his bedroom and plopped down on the bed. Laying there, he began to be lost in thought.

He knew he would have to return to his true home was eventually once the blood moon ceremony approached, and he also knew that the council- or elders, some vampires would call them- would urge him to go back, reminding him again the need to carry on his royal bloodline.

Ugh. What were they, his parents?

He knew how important everything was.

Damian, was one of three vampire brothers- and being the eldest of the three, meant he would be ascending the throne during the next blood moon ceremony, as his parents wanted. Originally they had planned an arranged marriage for him, but he had refused, asking them to give him some time to find a suitable partner on his own, as he didn’t want to marry only for politics. And at first, his parents were reluctant, knowing that in their world today, the Royal Vampires had appearances to keep to the public eye. There was speculation about it in the world news also, that the members of the Royal family were in discourse because they were unsure if the eldest prince even wanted to rule, and that his ‘trip’ to another country was just his way of delaying things.

He wasn’t delaying things, he just.. wanted to make sure everything was right. If he was making the right decision by even being here. Being reminded by the elders about the vampire activists and that they were a dangerous group, and that he shouldn’t mingle with the likes of them- but Damian had to argue that these humans actively wanted relationships with vampires- that they actively accepted more and more vampire integration into society. And perhaps, he would find someone there who would go with him back home.

But now that he found Lily, things were different. Something about Lily told Damian everything would be alright. She wouldn’t be worried or scared about who he really was. But would she… go back with him? And the fact that he actually wanted to get to know her more..

And the moment that he saw her walk into the party with the outfit she had on, Damian completely forgot about himself, and why he had originally been here- just like that first night they had met.

Truly, she could make him forget about everything, all he cared for in this moment was her pleasure, making sure he was going to hear her moaning once again-

He stood and approached her, reaching out to take her hand, to kiss the top of it. “You look absolutely stunning in that dress love,” he murmured out, his brilliant purple eyes already showing a red hue to them.
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