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General RP Tightening family bonds (knight)

Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 16, 2022
Leon was a single father who had kids when he was young and they did not last long before divorcing and now here he was in his 30s raising two kids that were almost adults not. He loved his kids a lot and tried his best to take care of them.

It was a weekend so he had no work and was currently busy making breakfast for his son and daughter.
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Claudia and Rian conspired in their shared room, whispering to each other over their plot. Claudia pushed the camera into her brother's hands, the twins smiling at each other. They had long been close, born seconds apart and inseparable like their mother probably overthought so, but such worries were taken away once their parents divorced, leaving them only with their beloved father. However, Claudia knew and felt how their father looked at her...and upon some accidents, Rian knew as well. Once their father had begun creeping into their room, visiting his children, they had switched beds. Rian learned that his father wasn't that picky. But they began filming it secretly, for evidence at first...but Claudia had an even better idea in mind for the footage.

As Leon set the table, the twins dressed, coming downstairs in their pajamas, Claudia in a flannel set, with long pants and a button top, Rian in a pair of bike shorts and a tank top. The sister was the more silent of the two, preferring to keep to herself and her family, but she was also the more thoughtful one, plotting and scheming. Rian however enjoyed attention and being on the attack, though in the face of his father, he tended to be more docile.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 16, 2022
Leon had not been with anyone much since the divorce when the kids were young which means he went a long time in his life without having sex and it weighed in him. So of course he started noticing Claudia as she grew up and matured. One time doing laundry he found a pair of her panties and blew a load with them, since he has been sneaking in and peeking at her at various times.

When the twins walked in he would smile at them "morning kids. Making pancakes" he said before looking at them trying to figure out which was which before they spoke
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Rian moved around to the table, he leaned over the chair, stretching, arching his back as he shook off his morning daze while his sister sat down, yawning, her pajamas making her shape all the harder to make out. Rian set his camera on the table gently as he sat down. "Ooooh Pancakes?" Rian hummed out, practically purring out like a kitten. "What else do you have for us?" He asked greedily as he looked up to his father.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 16, 2022
Leon would glance at Rian's ass as he sat down. Damn his kids had thick juicy asses that it made it hard to tell who was who. Then rian spoke and he made sure to look away. He still could not tell them apart. "well there is some syrup and orange juice on the table as well. Need anything else kids? We have the whole weekend to ourselves, we can do anything you want"
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Rian smirked to himself. "I think we have something you can do." Rian said, nodding as Claudia picked up the juice and began to pour it. "We want to show you a little movie Daddy." Rian said as he picked up the syrup, playing with it. "Maybe after breakfast...if you aren't doing laundry?" Claudia said smirking slightly into her drink.
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Sooo....I lost something a while ago...buuuut i don't know where it could be." He said casually, only partially lying as he kept things vague, Claudia's vanishing underwear only could go two places after all, and if Rian wasn't seeing them on her...or on occasion modeling himself in them for her glee...they would have to be going to the only set of hands that had nothing but time.
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Rian blushed. "Uhhh..we-ELL!" Rian jumped slightly in his seat, as if he fumbled his fork while he felt his sisters foot rest on his lap, rubbing on his groin slowly with her foot. "It's private, but uh...some underwear...it may be just lost in the wash." He mumbled as he started to eat faster to hide his face a bit.
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Yep! just fine!" He muffled. "Rian don't talk with your mouthful!... I know what they look like i think. They are black, I think the ones with a purple band. "Claudia said shaking her head as she described the panties their father found...leaving out the lacy parts.

"MM-" Rian swallowed. "Not-those-those aren't-" He stammered briefly.

"Shush. I'm sure you mentioned those last night." his sister countered,.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 16, 2022
Leon looked a bit confused between the twins and then looked down as they mentioned the color. That sounded a lot like Claudia's that he took. Did his son use panties? Did he just cum in his son's panties?

"Oh well I think they may have ended up in my clothes on accident. I'll find them and return them when I do"
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Rian fought a laugh, and Claudia stood up. "Well, I'm sure you two will have to be more careful...never know when mistakes happen," Claudia said as she walked into the living room, looking over her shoulder at her father and flashing a knowing smile at him, shaking her hips to sway them more as she slipped into the living room as Rian finished his pancakes up. "Mm...Daddy, it's okay...if you can't find them." Rian said as they were left alone.
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Rian smirked. "Hopefully they come back...clean."He said standing up as he grabbed the camera. "But you tend to pay attention to that right Daddy?" He added with a whisper leaning over and putting a hand on his lap a moment, before standing up and stretching, his son's body was lithe and thin, soft-skinned and pink, though he had a bit more muscle tone than his sister. "I've lost about 3 pairs...." He added smirking as he walked away.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 16, 2022
He jumped a bit at the hand on his lap. WHat had gotten into his children today? He would pause once more at the mention of pairs. He had taken three pairs of panties from Claudia that were currently in a drawer crusted in his cum. He would finish his food before going to join his kids, admiring them a bit beofre sitting in his chair
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Rian was bent over, on all fours at the TV, humming as he was hooking the camera up to the ports, his shorts conforming to the shape of the boy's voluptuous backside fiddling with chords slowly as usual. Claudia drummed her fingers quietly on the couch she was waiting on. "Stop wasting time, you know how to plug in a cable don't you?" she teased as she folded her arms.
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"But teasing Rian is my favorite hobby, Daddy!" She pouted as she looked over at him. "If i can't tease Rian, who else will i tease?" She said as he sat back. "Maybe it will be you Daddy?" She said ponderously. "After all, You are fun sometimes...like when we catch you looking at us." She added while Rian picked up the remote. "Or are you just trying to look at me? I know Rian makes things so confusing for other guys."
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 16, 2022
He would look away as his daughter called him out like that, embarrassed he had been caught "I don't know what you are talking about sweetie. I don't look at you in any way than as a father. I mean I love you guys and that is it. I don't like what you are insinuating Claudia" he said getting defensive now.
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Oh Daddy...don't you worry. I made sure to document it." Claudia said with a smile that was almost wolfish turning to Rian as he turned on the TV. It was the laundry room it seemed, a video of Leon as he picked through the hampers, right when ha pair of panties it seemed, stuffing them in his pocket.n"That's recent Daddy, you're a pantie thief..." Rian said pointing a finger at their father. "Oh, but it gets worse!" Claudia added as she pointed to the screen as the scene played out, a video of him started up, Leon was using them, trying to get off on them, the scent and sticky wetness inside them, the perfume, and scent of sex on them.
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Sit down Daddy." Claudua said waving her hand gently. "There's more as you know." She said as looked up, him, that smile never leaving her face. "You haven't even gonltten to the climax for our movie. And if you don't want me to send the copies to Mom. Or the police. You'll probably want to listen!"
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