Fantasy RP Tusks and Chains (Lord Sesshomaru)

once the changes were made, the contract signed, and sealed. the shaman would hop up as he moved to take it from luud, however his little claw moved to press against her one shoulder. his palm glowed, as a small tribal mark would be felt searing into her skin, forming like a tattoo. once this mark was made, the little shaman smiled.

"with that mark, now Voli, and Layla are your personal property, well yours, and your mothers of course. Give that old harlot greetings from the green spear. "
saying this last part, as it would paint an almost unwanted image of a muscular shaman goblin riding her mother when the queen was in her prime. however this image as unwanted as might be, was still an odd one to imagine. yet she could now think of the future as much like her mother, she to had her own personal future goblin plaything which had the potential to become a force to be respected. yet now she had the two maidens to add to her collection, and even could take the time to look out at the other goblins, and slaves being bartered for, and traded outside by her war sisters.
As she began to exit the den of the shaman, Luud would spot how two of her largest sisters were trying to barter with some of the goblin traders. wanting the busty little hybrid, ideally the dwarf goblin, and the kobold imp goblin mutt. yet the traders wanted the seductive looking male Elves which were the the carriage drivers, thus not for sale, more then that, the traders would offer these girls for one of the orc sisters, which were not slaves to be traded. nor were they members of the volunteered girls for trading with goblins breeding business, as the offer to have one of the sisters breed with the goblins would get them some ideal girls, yet the pride of these lesser warrior orcs prevented such a deal, unlike Luud who had gotten herself quiet the deal already, despite how her pet had put her into an unplanned deal.
"Is there a problem here." She said as she walked over to the bartering warriors, her presence alone sucking up some of the arguments fire as they were all now in the presence of royalty, and neither side would want to make a scene and embarrass their own side. Luud glanced at her warriors then to the slaves.
The impressive goblin trader looked to Luud, as he would begin to speak up.
"your sisters hear wish for some of our finest hybrids, however we request one of those pretty boys to breed with our girls, for a chance at some new hybrids. yet they refuse, and demand the girls. sense you are here now, perhaps we can discuss a proper deal hmm? " asking this, the little trader had all business, and was straight forward, as he spoke in a calm and impressively straight forward tone to Luud. showing how this little one was more intelligent then most goblins, albeit no where near the level of Snik, or the other member's of the shaman's lineage, let alone the priestess's or specially trained members of this tiny beast village.
as she spoke, the professional little green stud would smile. as bowed to Luud, motioning for her to head through the small tent curtain behind him. as her sisters would be prevented from heading into the tent with their mistress. however the fact remained, one of her war sisters offered to take her new ladies back to the special carriage, to have them in the sitting area with her patient oni. not thinking of the risk this could pose, for Voli, and the priestess, due to the now jealous, and horny pet oni waiting for his mistress.

all the while goblin smirked, thinking, besides the girls these orc wanted, perhaps he could get some special deals for some of his other merchandise, be them the kobold girls, or even fairy hybrid girls.
Entering the tent, it was larger then one would expect from the outside. inside a wide variety of all kinds of goblin mutts could be seen, from half breed, to even ones which were mixed from half breed parents. the fact remained, they would fail in comparison to the looks of Voli, and the priestess, but all were very eye catching, and enticing. which would expain why her girls wanted some of them. however now it was up to Luud if any of them were worth her personal elf drivers or not. as the goblin smirked, rubbing his greedy hands together looking on in patient to see if Luud would take any of his merchandise for one or both those lovely elves he wanted from her clan.
"Hm. These are no where near as eye catching as these two. " She grunted as she inspected the halfbreeds. She put the other two small Goblins on her shoulders, letting them hang off her as she got closer to examine the wares. From half kobold to the Dwarven breeds,she was thorough. "One elf honestly is worth more a single half breed. They are pure blooded, virile too, long lived, and educated.' She calculated. Also showing her reluctance, curious if the Goblins Greed would force it to try to sell her more halfbreeds at once just to have a prime subject to make more. Elven half breeds would like be some of the more beautiful ones, and if the stock was so fine.. he would have a very good business stud if it was a male. Equally if it was a female...well, it would be slower, but it may import more elf traits.

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