Fantasy RP Tusks and Chains (Lord Sesshomaru)

now in this odd position, the little goblin had never experience, however squirming to break free under her. his thrashing, and action would show the fighting spirit in her little goblin, however once
Luud lowered herself upon Snik. his actions would cause her so much more pleasure then expected. the tiny stud could move, thrash, and wiggle like no other, this feeling as if his cock was attacking the orc's
inner lewd walls. however this would also reveal to Luud, that despite his actions the tiny titan was enjoying this sensation, as his body could not lie with how it reacted to her riding him in such a dominating position.
Luud growled out lustfully as she felt her old friend squirm, Snik felt the Orc Princess, the untamed woman that he desire, tightening on him the more he squirmed, both with her hands and her womanhood. She was firm in her efforts to keep him in her control, her hips bouncing against him, pounding him against the dirt. "Mm-ha- keep squirming little Snik! I love it when they squirm!" She teased hungrily as she got rougher and rougher on top of him, her eyes flashing with her savage lust.
now enjoying herself even more. the words she spoke, caused the tiny titan to thrash, and struggle even more. to Luud's surprise. or perhaps laps
of her own strength. Snik would manage to kick free, thus causing Luud to land on her butt. before he recovered and pounced upon her. his own member diving back into her depths.
as he pressed her back to the ground. trying so hard to pin and trap the powerful orc. however she would be able to easily break free, and recapture her playmate at any time. as this seemed
to ether be a moment of adrenaline empowered strength, or a moment of her own pleasure allowing her body to loosen it's pin on him, most likely a mix of both. however it would be quiet the adorable
sight for a orc like her. to find such a foe, so dominating, and trying so hard to fuck her into a pleasured state of submission with out actually needing any form of submission. the goblins were known to have the best
endurance, and stamina of all races even against orcs, but they lacked the strength thus the issue with their numbers, and how they often used slaves, or weaker races for breeding.
Luud watched Snik come rushing in. Her legs wrapping around the Goblins waist easily, locking him in and trapping him in his frenzy. She grabbed his head, easily rolling around to retake the pin position. She slammed herself against him, tucking the Goblins face inti her breast playfully. "Mm-Come on Snik, you know you want to surrender!" She teased hungrily.
teasing the tiny titan under her, one could say Luud was giving into the pleasure in her own way. as Snik would cause a unique yet pleasuring sensation with in the orc maiden.
one no other partner had ever given her, not even her own mother. unknown to the orc maiden, it was a mixture of excitement, and anticipation, as this was but an appetizer for what
the future would bring her with how impressive Snik had become. however his fiery and dominating spirit was nothing to scoff at. as he moved under the orc maiden. thrusting into her
with each bounce of her own. his tiny arms moving to grasp her, as he would try to free them both to grasp, and play with her more muscular breast. however as this was going on, it would be
a first time for Luud to climax before her partner, which only showed how much training her little treato of a warrior under her had prepared himself. yet impressive as it was, one time would not
be enough for a warrior like Luud normally, or so one would believe.
Luud felt the pleasure surge in her body, the strikes of their fiery duel having her excitement peaked. Though she hadn't intended to ease up on him, she let Snik lay a single hand on her breast as they battered eachother. Briefly he got to believe she had weakened before she only came down harder against him, grasping his other arm tighter as she went into a sex crazed Rage to .
Now falling into a real drive of lustful delight and hunger. Snik if nothing else was a tiny stud which could get Luud worked up, as it seemed he knew how to struggle, squirm
and fight back just right. as to not truly fend her off, but get his desired playmate all the more turned on. Even if he himself was not truly ready for the entire ball of seductively over
whelming flesh which was Luud. as she was now for a lack of terms, bouncing and milking the tiny stud under her. his hands moving to grasp, and struggle to play with Luud's body as much
as he could. however it could be felt, with how he was beginning to thicken, and throb with in her hungering, and tight yet welcoming depths.
"Mm-be a good boy for Mama, and shoot it inside!" She said smirking at him, feeling his cock swelling and thickening, her weufgt slamming on him harder in her frenzy. Ofcourse the chances she could get knocked up from Snik, probably were smaller due to his lower class rank, but the opportunity to get to fire everything into the future Queen he wanted, perhaps would be more than tempting.
( just replace Vox with Luud, and the rogue ( forget his name at moment ) with our Goblin )

As she enjoyed this assault, Snik would do something a bit surprising but not at all unwelcoming for Luud. as she would be in mid motion of one of her mighty bounces.
the tiny stud would time his actions just right to cause Luud to feel some odd pressure from his body moving under her. just enough to cause the two to end up on their sides.
at which point the tiny titan moved to snap his wicked little maw upon one of her breast, as he moved himself wild a wild beast rutting for both the first, and last time of it's life.
as this also creature a great deal of friction upon her massive meaty spear between them. to the point, that if she climaxed Luud's own seed would get on both her face, and Snik's.
but this assault was an all out attempt to make her climax with him, with all he had to offer her for now. even though it would most likely just cause his hot thick baby batter to fill her depths,
and tire the tiny stud out making him an pleasant fuck toy until Luud was sated, if he failed, or even if he succeeded. as this was an impressive first time which was a dream come true for her
once runt playmate.
(XD thats Percy as the little dude but I thats hilarious)

As Snik went wild suddenly, she snarled out as she felt her cock twitch, she didn't find a complete climax with her male parts, though the partial wad sthst blasted from her cock splattered against her cheek. Her pussy constricted around him, flexing and milking the tiny stud roughly with every thrust he made as he gave his last ditch assualt on her to make the pair climax together. She gave a faint moan as sge felt her other side cum, gushing her juices on him, her nectar spraying along his small frame.
with the success in Snik's plan, he felt how his queen of dominance had begun to release, and gush all over his wicked little rod. more then that, she would feel how his hot
this goblin chowder shot deep into her. filling the orc to an impressive degree. Luud would find her little playmate still rock hard with in her, despite how he no longer
had any stamina or strength to continue his struggle to be the dominating one with her. Yet this little stud would have put up enough fight, and pleasure to leave the power house
orc panting in pleasure, and unfortunately having successfully forced her to release once, would this sensation be enough or would Snik now get a full round of being Luud's personal little
toy. a hell of a pleasuring put for the tiny titan.
Luud looked down at Snik, knowing even eith his Goblinoid Stamina he seemed to be pushed quite hard by her aggressive affections. She smirked as she sat on his, her slit still holding tight on his member as she took the top spot again. Hee dirt under them was muddy from his release. "Heh. Did I break you in Snik?" She teased as the Goblin Champion felt his Orc Princess flexing on his member, milking him with every pull of her sex. She licked her lips, looking around for Voni. "Oi! Little blue-where'd you sneak off too-" she growled hungrily still.
As she spoke up, Snik would struggle to take hold of Luud once more. as he tried to continue, the will, determination and thirst for Luud was still fully intact.
as this showed his body was exhausted, but willing. however as she could feel him under her trying to do as much as he could, despite the lack of proper strength or
stamina for such actions. All the more as she growled, hungrily, the little hybrid would be near by, as her timid voice could be heard, having watched, but not wanted to reveal
herself. Voni had been watching, and ducked out of view the instant Luud looked in her direction.
"Mm-Snik- don't strain yourself" sge teased as he started to struggle, making the Orc shift her hips, drawing back and slamming on him a few times, bouncing on him. "Mm-your going to use yourself all up on one fuck?" She teased as she spotted the Hybrid and the Princess whistled. "Come here! I see you there, don't make me walk over there-" sge said teasingly
as she spoke up, the almost cute squeak of a voice could be heard, as Voli suddenly said no one was here. not even thinking about it, as her mind was all flustered and panicked.
however as this was going on, a few more bounces from Luud caused a few more smaller squirts of hot seed into her depths. as Snik spoke up.

"Not broken yet, still need more, Will need much more then one time. "
saying this, sounding like a good proper, and horny goblin of a higher class then he was. his spirit was very strong, however nether Snik or Luud knew, that this new experience which
he finally enjoyed had given a burst of needed experience tours a unique and new evolutoin for the goblin champion. One which if Luud could pull Voli into, and thus giving a unique show
and experience by fucking the siblings at the same time could push Snik's magical growth even more. unlike Luud who was alright of the highest class her species could be, thanks to being born the same
class as her own mother. Snik was still growing, and quiet impressively. However he would smirk, as he moved a bit more under her bouncing frame.
She chuckled abd moaned a bit as he thrusted up into her still as he shoot his load into her. "Mm~you're gonna~" She moaned as she put a hand on his chest and then braced her feet to the earth. Sge stood up suddenly, snatching herself off of him. "Stay." She said pointing at him, though the Goblin knew the object of his desire wasn't going far. Sge walked over to the flustered Voli, the small Goblin hybrid instantly feeling a giant Orc hand grab around ther small frame and picked her. "You know, I like blue tint Goblins. I want to just nibble them like berries!" She said as she walked back to Snik. Luud pushed her fingers between Volis legs, rubbing on her slit, probing her a bit to test her.
Now walking back tours Snik who was laying their panting, and recovering some stamina rather quickly for what he was. as this gave Luud the time to enjoy the squirming and struggling
of Voli in her hand. as she fingered the tiny imp like goblin hybrid. feeling how tight she felt, at the same time how durable her tender flesh was. All the more causing the little Voli to struggle
and eventually bite Luud. despite her attempts to break free, and struggle. even her bite could do little more then feel like a playful nibble to the experience, and tough orc maiden.
Luud giggled as she fekt her biting on her arm. "Mm! A little frisky thing hm?" She said as she flipped the imp hybrid upside down, dangling her over as she sat down back on Snik casually, her womanhood sucking the Goblin back in as Voli was now staring down the length of Luud's monster member. She fekt the otcs hot breath between her legs, her tongue flicking out and starting to lick the hybrids clit.
squirming, struggling and whimpering all the more, as Luud enjoyed her new playmate, while taking her unique seat upon Snik.
Beginning to enjoy her meaty chair, while at the same time enjoying the innocent yet squirming and thrashing little Voli, the orc would find this tiny half breed's
body would live up to the shaman's words. even her maw could stretch, and adjust to any size, filling like a balloon which would never pop, albeit painful at first.
however this would be revealed once the orc maiden began to push more into the act of using Voli, as she enjoyed the assault upon her second playmate while enjoying her first one
at the same time.
Luud pushed and worked her tongue, sliding it inside the imp girl aa she leaned down with, starting to push the girls mouth to her cock tip, starting to force her way beyond her lips despite her squirming and fighting. The Orc would be sated one way or another, Snik knew that about her well, his imp sisters consent didn't particularly matter.
Now sitting upon her titan study, and riding snik, while at the same time. Luud could feel the tiny vixen Voli squirming and kicking against her.
as the orc licked along the tender slit, and invaded the tiny vixen's slit with her tongue. all the while she would slowly feel the amazing tightness, and how
elastic the maw and throat of voli was. due to the lustful demonic traits the little hybrid had. making her a more then ideal fuck buddy for even the mightiest of giant
cocks. as her struggling, gagging, and fighting against the invading cock with her tongue, trying to force it out of her maw with no avail. all this would only add, to the pleasure
once snik began to push his half sister's head upon the cock all the more. stating how it will feel so much better once she gets use to it.
"Mm-Are you going to sacrifice your sister to my needs Snik~" Luud teased as she watched him force the imp girls mouth further, her throat being stretched and forced open as Luud pulled her tongue away. She started to move her hips. Thrusting upwards , rocking herself upwards into her trapped toy and slamming herself back onto Snik with the brunt of her weight again, content to give the Goblin more of the forceful Snu Snu he craved.
as she said this, the wicked little snik would cackle, as he spoke up causing the tiny voli to muffle a scream while being used like this.
"Oh no, papa already decided for her to be sold to who ever could handle her. I'm just helping lil sis to get use to her new mistress. "
panting as he said this after laughing, as it would reveal he already planned to help break voli so Luud would become her mistress, or more so Luud's
family. which would then reveal his master plan, as he planned to make Luud his family as such, this would mean his cute little hybrid sister would still
be in his family. however she would be unable to keep her uniquely sweet, and thick fluids from tempting Luud's orcish tongue.
Luud cackled as she noticed Snik's plot. "Oh Snik, you will give me your family peice by peoce just to join with mine?" She said smirking at him as Voli felt the Orc's tongue push by into her, the large muscle slurping on her juices and spilling the orc's drool all over her. Luud growled again, bouncing and thrusting faster, giving The inexperienced Goblin girl no mercy for her skill levels.
now with her tongue deep in the tiny body, Luud would feel the thrashing, and squirming, as the tiny half breed even made small fists. pounding them against luud.
her eyes watery, and even her face becoming more and more of a mess by the second. all the while the orb would begin to feel something strange as well. with in her tight coils
of womanly flesh. it would feel as if Snik's size, and girth began to increase with in her. it would be an odd but not unpleasant experience for the battle crazed orc beauty.
all the while she would be able to tell by the taste, and squirming of Voli, that this impish half breed was soon prepared for her new role as an orc cock sleeve.
Luud dragged her tongue a few more times against the pint sized sacrifice to her libido, feeling the shifting size inside of her, Snik growing inside her slit. She rolled her tingue back,Voli feeling herself getting dragged off her new mistresses hard spear. Only to be moved, handled around as her wet slit felt the members tip push on her, starting to force its way into her tight frame slowly, savoring every second of it.
As his little threesome continued to get more and more intense. the tiny Hybrid began to press her fangs down against the girthy orc cock more and more.
the pressure was harmless to Luud but would add more pleasure to her assault, even though it was meant to break free. all the more Luud would feel how little Snik with in her began
to swell, his cock shape changing with in her, thickening. as segments of it's shaft began to harden as if covered with edged Plated scales, creating ridged segments to scrape her inner flesh amazingly.
all the more the edge of the bulbous tip seemed to grow smaller wiggling feeler like barbs. as the wicked little goblin began to evolve with in the act. his eyes looked at this half sister. as this wicked little stud was
abusing both the orc he wanted and the sister he had. however what add to the sensation was the sudden growth of a second cock, which would begin to push into the occupied hole for Luud. if she stopped to look down at
her tiny titant. the runt she knew so well was evolving right under her. his body going from champion to a Lust breaker like evolution. which which her mother would know about, but she would only have heard stories about.

much like how strong holy warriors had a corrupted form of Oath breaker from paladin. the goblin paladin evolution had a corrupted, and darker path of corruptor and lustful glutton. it would seem that her little snik was becoming
the gluttonous lustful paladin like form, but it was only the first phase of this evolution but it would be an unexpected one to say the least.
Luud grunted out as she felt the changes inside her, Snik forcing his second cock inside of her slit, making her bare out her teeth and tusks as she looked down as he found his next class evolution before her eyes. She grinned at herself, knowing she would find a worthy sight in her grasp soon enough.
The wicked goblin now changing under her, began to give Luud a sensation which could be said to be both unique, and mind blowing for the orc warrior. having not one but two fat albeit short cocks in one hole.
as snik was going to town under his mistress. making her own body feel a new kind of pleasure from his assault while evolving with in , and under her. As this happened, Voli would manage to squeak herself free from the cock down her
throat, due to the sudden loosening of Luud's grasp. thanks to the sudden burst of new sensation. however this also meant Luud would need to grab the little hybrid all over again, before she tried to escape the grasp of her soon to be
mistress. however if Luud wanted to be really twisted, she could get snik and herself to spitroast the goblin's sister, or she could enjoy the little hybrid girl while riding this evolving stud for herself. if nothing else, Voli could escape and watch
as her big brother was ravaged, or ravaging this orc which had eaten her out.
As Luud felt Voli starting to move, pulling free of her, the Orc found her focus on the hybrid Goblin. She grabbed her around the waist. "Ha-wherevare you running off too, cumbucket!" Luud panted out as Snik moved underneath her, every thrust if his stout cocks making her push back down on him with ever growing intensity as the lustful Barbarian felt herself slipping into a sex frenzy. She looked at Snik. "Heh- how about we put this little meal to the test for me too hm?" She said as she dangled his sister over him.

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