Introductions Welcome New Users!

Hello friends! I am a 28 year old growing author working on my first book! I’ve been roleplaying since I was 12 and I just love making stories with other people! I have 3 beautiful weenie dogs and a gorgeous blue and gold macaw!
Hello! Your own book 👀 Honestly I'm intrigued haha -- anyways, welcome aboard and I hope you enjoy your stay!
Hello all!
I've found this site by looking for a mature roleplaying forum, so here I am.

I have several years of experience in roleplaying but no means I am some sort of master at this.

I like doing modern slice of life and fantasy roleplays. I write in third person.

I hope to find here some good roleplaying partners and have some fun.
Hello everyone! I'm happy to join this community and write some stories together! I've been roleplaying for about a decade now, and enjoy all manner of settings and themes. I am practiced in third person roleplay, and it's my preferred post perspective.

The one thing I'd recommend to new roleplayers is to focus on the quality of their writing rather than the quantity. In the past, I have found roleplays to be marred by walls of text that trade quality writing for an attempt to meet some imaginary character quota. Roleplay should be fun and relaxing- not something to be considered a chore!
The main message said to post about yourself, so I hope replying works fine. 😅
Anyways, 1. I don't want to reveal my name, but call me Switchy! I've been roleplaying on and off for three years.
2. Favorite genres are romance and... I mean, come on, look at the username.
3. My preferred POV is third person (since I have a couple different characters)
4. I wouldn't call myself a veteran, so I don't really have much advice to give, but I think some fine advice is to let yourself be wordy!
5. SKIP!
Hello! You may call me Nephti. I've been roleplaying for over a decade at this point.

I enjoy many different genres! Fantasy and scifi can always be fun, and there are plenty of different universes I don't mind using, although I don't enjoy using characters from said universes.

I roleplay in third person exclusively.

A tip I have for roleplaying is that you shouldn't ever be afraid to ask questions out of character. Lots of questions! If you're ever curious, ever have an idea, or just don't know something, ask!

Feel free to PM me!
Hiyaaaaaa I'm new to the site/RPing in general. I love challenging myself with new roles and genres. I can write up to 9 paragraphs but usually do 4-6. I'm a shy somewhat nice/sweet introvert Long-term partners preferred Drop me a line

Ideas rolling around my brain
Halloween costume party
Superhero or super villain
Tormenting evil witch that haunts me
Yandere romance
Pool girl or pizza girl and customer
Queen and prisoner of war
Cop and criminal
Crowded train or bus
Stripper and customer
Rivals/enemies to lovers
Bully and nerd
Vacation or cruise
Probably best if I just get down to basics....I'm Tina (yeah, like Tina Louise from that Gilligan's island TV show); Bisexual girl in her mid 20's in an open marriage; we have an adorable Corgi named Princess; cars are fine but I have a Vesta motor scooter I love zooming around on.
I discovered the kink world in my teens so if I do start writing here, don't be suprised if BDSM elements show up
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  1. Hey there! I’m Thisgirlisgone but you can also call me Belle! I’ve been rping for about 5 years now I’m not like crazy good at it still but I love to write.
  2. I love fantasy rps I actually did like 3 year long RP for fantasy and would love to do it again since my heart broke how we ended the rp.
  3. I don’t really have a preferred pov it’s whatever my partner wants to do and I’ll adjust for them!
  4. Im not a veteran role player but I’d give advice to new role players to enjoy the writing process and respect your partners boundaries.
  5. Tumblr
  1. Hey there! I’m Thisgirlisgone but you can also call me Belle! I’ve been rping for about 5 years now I’m not like crazy good at it still but I love to write.
  2. I love fantasy rps I actually did like 3 year long RP for fantasy and would love to do it again since my heart broke how we ended the rp.
  3. I don’t really have a preferred pov it’s whatever my partner wants to do and I’ll adjust for them!
  4. Im not a veteran role player but I’d give advice to new role players to enjoy the writing process and respect your partners boundaries.
  5. Tumblr
Nice to meet you! We recently started advertising on Tubmlr so I hope many more are able to hop over here :3
Hello there, i go by a myriad of names, but you can call me red. Ive been roleplaying text based for around 10, 11ish years now, and after most of my old places to rp have fallen into their particular... deficits, ive been seeking out particular forums that i thought i might like! Im a particular fan of fantasy adventure stories, ESPECIALLY those made of custom worlds (in fact i have one here i hope ill get to use here later on)
  1. Hey there! I’m Thisgirlisgone but you can also call me Belle! I’ve been rping for about 5 years now I’m not like crazy good at it still but I love to write.
  2. I love fantasy rps I actually did like 3 year long RP for fantasy and would love to do it again since my heart broke how we ended the rp.
  3. I don’t really have a preferred pov it’s whatever my partner wants to do and I’ll adjust for them!
  4. Im not a veteran role player but I’d give advice to new role players to enjoy the writing process and respect your partners boundaries.
  5. Tumblr
Hello there, i go by a myriad of names, but you can call me red. Ive been roleplaying text based for around 10, 11ish years now, and after most of my old places to rp have fallen into their particular... deficits, ive been seeking out particular forums that i thought i might like! Im a particular fan of fantasy adventure stories, ESPECIALLY those made of custom worlds (in fact i have one here i hope ill get to use here later on)
  1. Hey everyone I am Darko. I have been writing for close to two decades now.
  2. I am a sucker for romance, but mostly dark romance.
  3. I prefer to write in 3rd person.
  4. One tip I would give someone is to make sure that you are having fun because when writing feels like a chore then it is time for a break.

Late reply. However, welcome to the forum. I hope to see you around sometime.
Hello everyone, I'm DottyDarla. I'm a 20-year-old gal who just found this site through Tumblr and I'm happy I did

I have been into storytelling for about six years (with breaks), all going back to COVID. I had to do something with my extra time, right? A hobby that stuck with me years later.

I'm the type of person who constantly switches between original plots and something living inside a fandom, whether it’s OCxOC or OCxCC. Currently im really into Attack on Titan. Romance is always there together with a decent amount of action and plot. I write in third-person and am a literate writer; I think you can compare it to 1-3 Discord messages without Nitro to give you the idea. Just give me the feels of a character hihi. I'm not really a veteran roleplayer, but my tip is to always be kind and have contact OOC to talk about the story to avoid the feeling of "I don't like where it's going, I don't know what to say, I will just leave." because communication is key!

Happy to be here ^^
Hello everyone, I'm DottyDarla. I'm a 20-year-old gal who just found this site through Tumblr and I'm happy I did

I have been into storytelling for about six years (with breaks), all going back to COVID. I had to do something with my extra time, right? A hobby that stuck with me years later.

I'm the type of person who constantly switches between original plots and something living inside a fandom, whether it’s OCxOC or OCxCC. Currently im really into Attack on Titan. Romance is always there together with a decent amount of action and plot. I write in third-person and am a literate writer; I think you can compare it to 1-3 Discord messages without Nitro to give you the idea. Just give me the feels of a character hihi. I'm not really a veteran roleplayer, but my tip is to always be kind and have contact OOC to talk about the story to avoid the feeling of "I don't like where it's going, I don't know what to say, I will just leave." because communication is key!

Happy to be here ^^
Lovely to meet a new face here! I hope you enjoy your stay and time here at RP Mansion :3
Hello everyone, I'm DottyDarla. I'm a 20-year-old gal who just found this site through Tumblr and I'm happy I did

I have been into storytelling for about six years (with breaks), all going back to COVID. I had to do something with my extra time, right? A hobby that stuck with me years later.

I'm the type of person who constantly switches between original plots and something living inside a fandom, whether it’s OCxOC or OCxCC. Currently im really into Attack on Titan. Romance is always there together with a decent amount of action and plot. I write in third-person and am a literate writer; I think you can compare it to 1-3 Discord messages without Nitro to give you the idea. Just give me the feels of a character hihi. I'm not really a veteran roleplayer, but my tip is to always be kind and have contact OOC to talk about the story to avoid the feeling of "I don't like where it's going, I don't know what to say, I will just leave." because communication is key!

Happy to be here ^^

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