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Your Blood...It's Intoxicating (Brit)

Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(Thought I’d bring back an old thread name of ours :3 and in this thread I’m assuming we can explore background and then veer off the plot line a bit? I’d still like to keep the brothers, Lilia, Carmen and Akari if that’s cool with you but perhaps Carrack and his pack are mostly to the other thread?)

Naomi hummed as she tenderly picked flowers from the lush fields. It was a bright sunny day, and her yellow hair shown like gold when the sun rays hit it. She was a young werewolf, only shy of her 20th birthday, and her brother was the alpha of their pack. He would be welcoming two pups into the world soon and Naomi was excited to greet them. Little did she know that she wouldn’t get that chance for a long while.

She was unaware of two silver eyes landing on her figure, not noticing how they basically were seeing her as a new slave for their king.

But Naomi did know that young female werewolves were captured often by Vampires, taken to their covens and treated like servants, pets- and if they were lucky to win affection, sometimes concubines too. But at this point in time it has never been heard of a vampire king taking a female werewolf for his queen. But then again anything was possible.

Naomi was so young in her werewolf years that she had yet to sprout ears and a tail, let alone get that ‘werewolf’ scent to her yet, so to the vampire who was watching her, just assumed she was a normal human girl. Naomi also knew that no vampires could come out into the sunlight, but wasn’t aware that the vampires could send their slaves to do their bidding. And that’s what this man was sent out to do, find new slaves, bring them back to the coven, repeat. Now..how to subdue her..


Back at the coven, a vampire king sat upon a throne, with his harem around him, his many pets. But he seemed disinterested in them every new moon that past. Kazimir was longing for something more…perhaps someone he could talk to and actually get to know versus just…this. Did his cold dead heart pine for an actual love? No…it couldn’t be, vampires didn’t love. Yet something was at the back of his mind, even with the so called arrangement he and the other coven had, to wed their princess on the night of the blood moon..and she was very attractive yet, annoying.

Sighing, he could only wait. But he had no clue that the new batch of servants his pets were fetching for him would lead him to feel this so called love.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 14, 2022
Before Naomi could react, a net had landed over her head, it's thread lined with Silver to stop her biting her way free. Clearly the man had been looking for a werewolf, but a pretty human would do his master fine anyway. Soon, she was lying before Kazimir's throne, shivering on the cold marble, knowing what was about to happen, but still hoping it wasn't.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Naomi kneeled there, her eyes wide as she got a view of the vampire before her for the first time. She had heard of vampires, but had never seen one before. She could see the look of disdain on his face as he realized she wasn’t a werewolf, but she…was? She then remembered she hadn’t come into that part of her womanhood yet, and she bit her lip nervously as she was being scrutinized, drawing a bit of blood. Although Kazimir had tasted countless human, vampire and werewolf blood, something about her blood scent was…sweeter, almost like a sweet wine he was smelling with just a hint of sultrier tones.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 14, 2022
Kazimir looked down at the girl, tilting his head "Mmm... A fine catch." He spoke to the servant who had dragged her there, before stepping down and raising her head up as high as he could, noting she was still significantly shorter than him, even as he could scent her blood "Hmm. I'm not sure I've ever scented anyone quite like you..." He murmured, leaning down and sniffing her lip, before biting into her neck gently.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Naomi went to speak but was suddenly subdued by his bite. Her lips formed an open position as she moaned sweetly, the bite didn’t hurt at all- and it would surprise Kazimir as well, for his bite always hurt, no matter who he bit, even the vampires in his harem had mentioned to their king…but she was the first to moan from it.

Her blood surely was sweet, the warm taste like none other. She rested there against him as he continued to drink from her, unaware that she would be collared like the rest, and be made to serve him.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Naomi drew back, blood trickling down her neck as she was collared and she subconsciously moved towards the throne, sitting by Kazimir like all the others. She looked around, a bit of confusion on her face. She saw the others look to her, a small gleam of jealousy in their eyes, but she did not understand why. She was a human after all to them, her beauty would soon fade.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
And soon she was in a new outfit, and as every new woman- she would have to be indoctrinated properly- in front of others during their occasional orgy party.

She was confused as others gathered, and her eyes widened as the other women began to fawn and fondle the king who sat in his throne, moaning his name and begging to be his next queen. She swallowed nervously, noting his eyes on her frame.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
The mirror was spelled to show himself as well, seeming as he didn’t have a reflection. As he bit her, she moaned sweetly and her blood trickled down her to her breasts. Her purity blood was dripping down onto the throne, and it had been awhile since he had a virgin. And it would be much longer until she climaxed, her sweet moans filling the air.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 14, 2022
Kazimir grinned, looking at her expression as she came, feeling her slit go so tight around him as he moaned into her ear. He could feel himself swelling up, but he didn't want to end the fun just yet. He pulled his length from her body, and moved her so her head was by it, his tip poking her lips "It's rude not to let your partner finish... Why don't you fix that issue?"
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She made a noise, pulling away and swallowing what she could. She pulled back and wiped her mouth, her blush still very prominent on her cheeks. Naomi’s golden hair fell down and covered her perky chest, her eyes glancing around the room, not aware that it was very rare to hear Kazimir cry out like that in pleasure.

The other women glanced to her briefly, “Mm..Kazimir-“ one wined, wanting to be the center of his attention next.
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