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Your Blood...It's Intoxicating (Brit)

Local Time:
12:18 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Naomi came again, and her legs shook, about to give out but remained up so he could continue to fuck her there. This pleasure though felt…oddly familiar.

Naomi closed her eyes seeing flashes of memories pour over her mind. She was 18 again, and the sight of a younger Kazimir. He was the son of a vampire king, soon about to take the throne. But he had found Naomi one day picking flowers in a field. Although she appeared human, he could scent faint traces of werewolf on her.

Naomi couldn’t help but slowly fall in love with the vampire prince, but politely refused to go back to his palace, saying that his father would probably kill her just because of what she was. Kazimir didn’t care though, for he too was falling for her- he had even refused a harem just to have her by his side only. He invited her to the masquerade ball and Naomi had agreed..

That night he had danced with her, and soon she had ended up in his chambers, moaning out as he drank from her and took her virginity. It was only then after their night of pleasure that they were founded out by his father- she remembered pain after that, and a blur of memories being concealed, a voice yelling to heal her and send the mutt back to her pack- for no werewolf would be with his son.


Naomi gasped as she opened her eyes, but Kazimir would just assume it was her pleasured voice from what he was doing to her in this moment.
Local Time:
12:18 PM
Nov 10, 2022
“Amazing as always, my King-“ she spoke with a flushed face, glad to rest amongst the sheets and pillows, her ass slowly leaking his cum. She focused on the memories more, she wondered then if Kazimir would remember as well, but she figured it was unlikely, even as the sounds from his other women began to call for him.
Local Time:
12:18 PM
Nov 10, 2022
When he was busy with some of the others, Naomi eventually got up and went to grab herself some new clothes to go wash up- heading towards where his harem usually went to- not the normal servant’s area. Upon entering, some of them were there and they looked over at her, and one woman blocked her from going further.

“I’m sorry, but we don’t want wet mutt scent stinking up our bath,” she spoke and Naomi looked over and gave a confused face, “But-“ she began and another one sneered at her, “You may have his attention now, but he’ll get bored of you,” the other woman said and they shooed her away, laughing while they did so.

Naomi’s face saddened and her ears and tail drooped. She went to the servant’s quarters and chose to bathe herself there, shivering in the near cold water.

She finished and wrapped herself in a towel, going back to her chambers.
Local Time:
12:18 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Naomi took the collar and crumpled the note up, fighting back tears in her eyes. She didn’t ask to be Kazimir’s favorite!

But then those memories of them together, were they even real, or was she making things up? She touched the collar on her neck, her fingers tracing the diamond gently. Upon opening the door, she would be hit with more memories and she remembered how the other vampires had looked at her with jealousy as she had grabbed Kazimir’s entire attention, to the point of not having a harem.. surely those vampires weren’t the women she had just seen, right?

Shaking her head to clear her mind, she stepped in her room and shut the door behind her. She still felt that chill from the bath, shivering lightly as she tried to warm herself up. She dropped the towel and moved underneath the covers, closing her eyes and dreaming of her life in the pack.
Local Time:
12:18 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Naomi dreamed of…certain things Kazimir would do to her, giving her a mate mark and everything- being extremely protective of her. She couldn’t help but wake from her dream with a flush on her cheeks.

But, as she sat up in her bed, she shivered once more. She looked around the darkened room and gave a soft sigh. That’s right, she wasn’t back home, but in this room, with much softer bedding.
Local Time:
12:18 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Naomi hitched her breath as the door opened, she had laid back down in her bed and had her eyes closed. Steadying her breathing, she heard the door close and the woman neared closer. Naomi felt the woman’s hands on her collar, taking a dagger and cutting it free. Naomi flicked her ears as she felt the cool blade touch her neck. Then a red smile was made, and Naomi’s eyes opened suddenly as she began to choke.

That Harem girl stood back slowly, looking to Naomi..”I-I’m sorry,” she apologized, dropping the dagger and fleeing the room before anyone saw or knew what she did.

Naomi clutched her throat, trying to make it to stop bleeding and she tried calling for Kazimir. She stood from her bed and stumbled to the door, dripping a trail along the way.

Able to open the door, she stumbled down the hallway, trying desperately to reach where Kazimir was..before her vision blurred and she collapsed to the floor, a few mere feet away from Kazimir’s chambers were.
Local Time:
8:18 PM
Nov 14, 2022
Kazimir groaned weakly as he stepped out of his room, rubbing his eyes "Naomi... What?" He mumbled, having heard her call faintly. It took him a few seconds to process what he saw, and when he realised, he grabbed her and ran to the infirmary as fast as possible. The Doctors stabilised her, using Blood and tools, but she was weak.
Local Time:
12:18 PM
Nov 10, 2022
A nurse pulled Kazimir aside and told him the outcome. “My Lord…we are unsure if she will make it through the night..” the wound had been surprisingly deep, and they weren’t sure if she would pull through this.

Naomi’s breath was shaky as she laid there. She was lost in her memories, remembering how this pain felt before…she half expected to hear a man shouting to get her out of his coven.
Local Time:
12:18 PM
Nov 10, 2022
The nurse jumped lightly, but complied to her King’s wishes. She went back to tend to the young werewolf. Upon inspecting her neck further, the woman found a very faded mate mark, one that was at least 2 years old or more and scarred over, and it hadn’t been tended to to keep prominent to let others know she was someone’s mate. Did Kazimir know about this mark?

Meanwhile a man came to report to Kazimir, whispering in his ear that he had found one of his harem girls with blood over her hands- and then he presented the note and rough collar he had found too.
Local Time:
8:18 PM
Nov 14, 2022
Kazimir growled, leaning in and whispering "Oh did they? And you were just the poor little pawn, hmm?" He then moved to the otherside of her head "I have a question for you though... Do you know that if fed blood correctly, Werewolves can... how do I put this... expand, in just the right places?" He waited for a second "Do you want to know how?"
Local Time:
12:18 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She swallowed slowly at her words and looked to him. “I’m afraid if I refuse, you will show me anyways..” she murmured worriedly, biting her lip and glancing over at Naomi who still laid in the bed, her golden sun kissed skin was paler than usual. The woman than jumped suddenly when the doors opened and Kazimir’s father was there. He had returned from a long trip and his eyes were filled with fury.

“Kazimir (insert fancy last name here), what the fuck are you doing with a werewolf in your harem! Have I taught you nothing?!” So…he was implying that Kazimir did in fact remember Naomi or at least, that he had a werewolf fling in his earlier years, even if he didn’t remember exactly who it had been.
Local Time:
12:18 PM
Nov 10, 2022
“I may have,” his father looked to him with sharp, cold eyes. “Werewolves are meant to be nothing more than slaves, some are our daylight protectors. Humans are merely no more than livestock-“ he sneered and looked over at Naomi, his blood, ran cold (well, colder than it already was) as he recognized the wolf girl from over two years ago.

He drew his blade, pointing it at his son, “We are meant to keep our bloodline pure, as it has been for over half a millennia..” he paused and moved closer to Naomi, “If we water it down, it will only become weaker!” He hissed
Local Time:
8:18 PM
Nov 14, 2022
"Ah yes, incest and degradation, or 'watering down' the bloodlines." Kazimir muttered, before stepping between his father and Naomi "And it is very bold of you to assume I would breed her." He was lying through his teeth at this stage "She is little more than a pleasure bitch, a favoured one, but nothing more." He was glad Naomi was unconscious at this stage, before he turned to the Vampire girl who had attempted murder "However... This one has damaged my property. And I wish to punish her."
Local Time:
8:18 PM
Nov 14, 2022
Kazimir nodded, before dragging the girl over to Naomi "Now... As I said, it must be done in a special way..." He bit down on the Vampires breast, filling his mouth with her blood and then kissing Naomi. As she took in the blood, her body began to change, muscles building as she became slightly taller. The more blood, the more dramatic the change, but she'd always be shorter than Kazimir, the expansion focusing on her breasts and ass. Soon the Vampire was drained entirely, and Kaz waited for Naomi to awaken.
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